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Why did Judas betray Jesus? | Judas Iscariot in the Bible

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Title :  Why did Judas betray Jesus? | Judas Iscariot in the Bible
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Description Why did Judas betray Jesus? | Judas Iscariot in the Bible

Comments Why did Judas betray Jesus? | Judas Iscariot in the Bible

Pity Judas didn't give his reason to someone The gospels came from Matthew, Luke, Mark and John The fact he was trusted to be Treasurer says much about his character
Comment from : @noelmoodley2003

Christian adam lambert?
Comment from : @christianford9401

That fake smile in the intro
Comment from : @alphaomarjallow676

This is an old video however it's new to me!! Thank youbrOn the topic of God and time, I tell my young class that while we go through time like a book "one page at a time" God turns that book on its end and is at every moment at the same time This makes sense to my mind when God tells Moses to tell the isrealites that "I Am" has sent me!! Thank you again
Comment from : @timdontwannasay5889

Due to financial gains
Comment from : @amberlight5830

Judas was bought By Zerah Zerah Offered Judas Gold coins for the Capture Of Jesus who was Betrayed By Judas with a Kiss
Comment from : @charlieirvin5423

So Judas had no choice?? This is all confusing Judas regretted his decision seeming as though he didn’t want to do it in the first place and was forced to do it
Comment from : @Hachijo3GS

Judas was of course saved, he would “wish he was never born” and so given grace
Comment from : @EmmaJaneRushworth

Judas Iscariot became the PHANTOM STRANGER Blessings and Hugs 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Comment from : @markherron1407

Why let him answer it when you can go to the book of Zechariah 11:12-13 and read it for yourselfs he did it cuz it was prophesied for him to do it, and the lesson to be learned is if God says something, you can count on it, it's going to happen that's why he did it, cuz God said he would 🕊️
Comment from : @timothyasberry3470

Would christ have forgiven judas and taken him back if judas repented and not killed himself? Christ forgave the romans and Jewish authorities for killing him Christ redeemed Paul who was originally a Christian persecutors There's no reason to think christ wouldn't have redeemed judas had judas wanted Jesus died for judas too
Comment from : @nancyperryman6203

They're is a different view according to the gnostics
Comment from : @Jason-vf2mj

Both never existed! So was only a matter to make the tale a more dramatical scene😂
Comment from : @RobertoGaspar69

Because he wanted to maintain ethnic purity, believing that non jews were beneath them Jesus was inclusive
Comment from : @Cobbido

he wasn't a hero but an anti hero His thing wasn't written but he chose the bad and let it happen , while jesus didn't have to go this way of it weren't for judas Even if he was to crucified it wouldn't be by betrayal by a "friend" , judD wasn't good but evil a narc or psycho and a greedy one But pple r so stupid that they try to make him somekimda hero as they always try to do this to villains to feel sad for them or much empathy But evil and betrayal is what it is
Comment from : @nafisahoque760

Rubbish!! Wasn’t God’s plan to his only son Yeshua get killed?? So it’s not Judas fault
Comment from : @Bragko

Judas Iscariot was not saved He never believed and it got worse Judas died lost He never truly loved him Judas did not lose his salvation because it is not possible He was never saved to begin with When you become born again you are sealed by the holy spirit and cannot be lost Peter denied Jesus three times and remained saved Trust in Jesus and you will be saved
Comment from : @RichardM1366

It was his destiny It had to happen or the scriptures would not be full filled and there would be no salvation No sacrifice no salvation! Jesus did pick Judas He knew what we in the heart of Jesus It was planned by God!
Comment from : @owlnyc666

When I consider the omniscient, and omnipresent, aspects of God, that is to say, knowing all, and, being able to exist in past, present, and future simultaneously, not being constricted by time, or ignorance, God must have foreseen the falling of Lucifer before He created him I have wondered if there was some correlation between the relationships of God/ Lucifer, and Jesus/Judas? I've yet to find an answer, or even anyone posing the question Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Comment from : @TonyFarnam

So essentially Judas was only a part of Jesus's entourage for the self-interest of ambition Thinking if the Roman Royal Family was overthrown by a Jesus led Christian rebellion, he would have secured an important position of wealth and power in the new government And when he herd Jesus's plans for death, he left thinking he had just wasted his time following a wackjob Despite seeing his many miracles, he believed them to be powers granted to him by a Roman God or Demon Sad-really Not a single word Jesus said sunk into his skull until it was too late
Comment from : @imonit1177

Why was a betrayal necessary in the first place Seems unnecessary if his purpose was to die on the cross Just go willingly
Comment from : @francoisjda

Judas has no choice , in order to fulfill that resurrection Captivity for our sin , SON OF GOD , has to suffer for us😊
Comment from : @ethelrizarri2614

Predestiny He was set up to fulfill a role in history
Comment from : @ubtrippin9980

Can u make a video on Sola scriptura??
Comment from : @fabianeluh3870

The crazy thing that I learned about genetics is that the closest living relative to Jesus Christ are from Israel and Palestine
Comment from : @ivanpadilla1936

Opps I meant wore! #13!
Comment from : @gebrumamooshgirmay4514

I meant it was a number I whore in Pasadena GOD!
Comment from : @gebrumamooshgirmay4514

I am Gebru GOD and The Catholic Church ⛪️! I like the number 13 and I whore as a number in The Bulldogs in Pasadena! But a lot of Bad things happened with the Number 13 in The days of Jesus Christ! Easter 🐣 and Fasiga is coming up GOD! I am am #13 GOD!
Comment from : @gebrumamooshgirmay4514

I'm not a Christian, but I'd hang judas for his actions against Jesus
Comment from : @Mr-6666

That’s a very 2000s haircut
Comment from : @dante_0962

You have struck upon the key that God is outside of time…and that is how this is best understood
Comment from : @arthouston7361

Judas iscariot was jealousy of jesus he didn't confess that jesus is Messiah he pretends as if he loved jesus thou he know deep down ,he never loved him
Comment from : @nelissambulwana339

Because juda is an eve
Comment from : @jmonie02

simple enough to understand, not complicated to the poin
Comment from : @amulyasj3722

I’m a atheist and I do not believe in any gods but I find these videos very informative
Comment from : @waltz8559

My Lord My God Jesus
Comment from : @jacobandco2319

i have watched your channel for 7 years sir, and you have helped me answer many questions biblically, thank you sir and God bless
Comment from : @anofritz

Judas was probably the most devoted, he would not admit it and that is why Jesus chose him to betray him Can you imagine the pain of that ? that is why he took his own life after , to join Jesus
Comment from : @jmc6687

Comment from : @savedbygrace8337

This was a great video!
Comment from : @matthewhennighan1112

5/ Fun fact the teacher through his teachings did end up over throwing the Roman's as prophecies
Comment from : @bunny6444

4/ if you can accept the 4 Hypothesis(what ever the plural of Hypothesis is) read the whole of chapter 13
Comment from : @bunny6444

3a verse 6 is weird how does the writer know what was in Judases heartbrOptions br-Judas is the one who wrote itbr-The author was a telepath and was around that timebr-the author had a misunderstanding of what Judas was doing because he was so ahead in his decipleshipbr-Or God inspired someone random who wasn't there to write the booksand the Lord stated during the inspiration that Judas was a thief
Comment from : @bunny6444

3/ John 12:1-8 - Judas is literally being rebuked for saying the perfume the person is dedicating to who she sees and believes is the messiah should "sell the perfume for three hundred silver coins and give the money to the poor" most of us haven't even managed to get to that level but we call ourselves Christians /splinter and log/ if you've ever done anything you know that you make mistakes at somepoints
Comment from : @bunny6444

Wouldn't it be funny if the Bible didn't really have names of the disciples
Comment from : @bunny6444

Alternative Hypothesis-brHe called him teacher because he didn't see him as an unmatchable existence but as God coming down to teach us how we should conduct our selves "Christians"
Comment from : @bunny6444

Judas are my neighbours kids Much to learn they have
Comment from : @chriauc2976

Judas was just carrying out a part of God's plan which was to get His Son crucified so that who so ever believe in Jesus will have everlasting life!
Comment from : @dino14341

Jesus is one with God and he is a son of God not God And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Comment from : @direwolf525

so judas is a hero and should be celebrated
Comment from : @genghisghost

1 Corinthians 3: We proclaim the mysterious plan conceived by God in His wisdom, a plan which has hitherto been concealed, but which God established before time began in order to lead us back to glory This plan was known to none of the rulers of this world, (Satan/Lucifer) for otherwise, they would not have crucified the lord of glorybrChrist's Mission of Redemption was akin to secretly sending The Royal Shakespeare Company into the Heart of Communist North Korea Heavenly Volunteers prepared to incarnate on earth were called for all the major roles - Jesus, Mary, Elizabeth, John the Baptist, Saul who would become Paul, the sick & blind for healing demonstrations, the Disciples, and many others Everything was preplanned with nothing being left to chance When it came to the role of Judas and the knowledge that this would involve the betrayal of Jesus nobody immediately stepped forward Finally a Heavenly Spirit standing close to Christ stepped forward and said he would do it The fact that Judas later felt total anguish at what he had done was due to the the human state of incarnation blocking out all awareness of one's previous existence and spiritual standing
Comment from : @hornplayer1228

Ultimately it was to fulfill prophecy
Comment from : @Post-Trib

I never thought about this until seeing this video Thanks Pastor Glory to God
Comment from : @PeterDebby

Comment from : @thehunkygodchrist7770

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