Title | : | Why Did Judas Betray Jesus? | Hard Questions |
Lasting | : | 10.02 |
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I am writing this in the year 2024, I know this video is roughly about nine years ago So it seems like no one really answered the question when he came to why did Judas do what he did, the conclusion was since Jesus had to get to his ultimate destination, that’s was a part of the plan Was Judas really a bad guy? I am not so certain he was Comment from : @Yochanan_18 |
Judas Iscariot became the PHANTOM STRANGER and Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 Blessings and Hugs 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Comment from : @markherron1407 |
If Judas was playing his role, which was all scripted in advance, he should have received a medal! But that was 2 000 years ago, and has no impact today Why don't you go back a bit further, and join the Genesis freaks? Comment from : @douglaidlaw740 |
This is Judas' problem, not mine Comment from : @douglaidlaw740 |
Satan is the great deceiver, and he was successful in deceiving Judas How can you be with Yeshua/Jesus all the 3 years and betray him? Yeshua/Jesus' love must have included Jesus Eve's excuse was in Gen 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat I choose to leave the Judgement of Judas up to the Father-God!- Author of The Chronicles of Assignments: PRINCIPALITIES – An Adventure in Spiritual Warfare, a novel by RW Touchton Comment from : @robbtouchton |
We just don't know He saw all the miracleshe was empowered to do miraclesyet he betrayed the one that gave him everything What would motivate him to do what he did? Comment from : @thinktankindi1972 |
One has to know that God's grace was even for Judas as it was for Peter who denied Jesus three times Definitely Judas could have repented like Peter after the denial as grace was still offered to himbrWe talk about Judas betrayal yet what about us betraying Jesus time and again for greed, lust, fame and so on Are we not worst than Judas Comment from : @asenawood8317 |
Here's my thoughts I think God create Judas just like what God create Adam and eve and God had no choice but to let Jesus to be on the cross and let Judas betray Jesus and sadly let Satan in him just like Adam and just ends in tragedy just like Adam did with God!! Comment from : @jasonmendoza8303 |
Judas betrayed jesus because that's what lead to the prophecy being fulfilled In other words, it was God's will that Judas "betrayed" Christ Think of that what you will That's the truth Comment from : @devin3607 |
It surprises me that so far no one has apparently bothered to simply ask the most basic of questions: Why would the Sanhedrin pay Judas such a princely sum to point out someone they already KNEW well? Yes you heard me right In all THREE Synoptic Gospels, Jesus, Himself, points out to the arrest party that they had all SEEN Him teaching daily in the Temple and had been WITH HIM as He taught (?!):brbr"Jesus said to them, 'Have you come with swords and clubs to arrest me like you would an outlaw? DAY AFTER DAY I WAS WITH YOU, teaching in the temple courts, yet you did not arrest me'" br(Mark 14:48-49, Matt 26:55, Luke 22:53)brbrThus They KNEW Him, already! Jesus RECOGNIZED them all and knew THEY recognized Him So what did it matter whether Judas was there or not to "kiss" Him and point Him out? And why would they pay Judas anything to do so? The simple Truth here is this: There was no "Judas Kiss" there was no Judas "betrayal" and there probably was no Judas, period Instead the Judas story was later concocted to HIDE the truth regarding those who really DID betray Jesus by testifying against Him at His trial before the Sanhedrin to save their own skins brbrWanna take a guess who those real betrayers were? Here's a hint: Peter wasn't seated with the guards outside Jesus's trial, unable to leave as people kept recognizing him, 'cuz they were all such great buddies brbrThink about it take all the time you need ;) Comment from : @FatherVampire |
Jesus love you and me John 3 16 if you love me follow my commandment and faith to Jesu John 14 15 Revelation 14 12 1 John 2 4 5 6 I am the Lord your God Exodus 20 1 2 3 6 Matthew 5 17 Genesis 1 1 Genesis 26 5 my son Jesus follow my commandment and my Sabbath the Mark for my people Ezekiel 20 20 ,,,,, Luke 4 16 Paul keep my Sabbath Acts 17 2 Acts 18 4 if you a God people time to worship to me, Revelation 14 7 8 9 10 Revelation 20 15 Comment from : @fuafaatiga6593 |
He did it out of jealousy pure and simple Comment from : @joshuafist926 |
Judas thought Jesus needed a nudge to begin to put the hurt on the Romans He also wanted to make a little money for himself on the side Comment from : @theoccasionalvideo |
Prophecy Comment from : @devereux6083 |
You can't answer this question without looking at the prophecies concerning Judas Acts 1:16 Further the mystery of redemption wouldn't be possible without a Judas Jesus prayed for Peter and never for Judas 1Cor2:7&8 brAnyhow, thanks for your prayers Comment from : @edmundmorris1855 |
It was God's plan, judas played part in fulfilling bible prophecy Psalm chapter 41:9, Mine own familiar friend on whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, Hath Lifted Up His Heel Against Me Judas dipped bread at same time as Jesus into broth, Sop Jesus told judas do quickly what your going to do, last passover Bible prophecy!!! Comment from : @wildjungle1474 |
Why did Judas betray Jesus? brIt was according to god's plan Everything happens according to his plan Whether good or bad If Judas chose good way, we would say it's god's plan If he chose bad way it was also god's plan Judas was just used to fulfilled god's plan So, looking at the place of Judas Do u think it is fair for him If it were you or I myself We would be thinking it is so unfair Wouldn't you? Comment from : @wethemaramnagas9437 |
Please read the Noble Quran and learn a lot more about Jesus, judas was crucified instead of Jesus, The Messiah was taken by the angels alive to heaven, that's why he will be back to kill the Jewish false messiah, rule the world for 40 years die a natural death Comment from : @rashidabdarrahman5234 |
Best answers in the gospel of Saint Barnabas "" Comment from : @rashidabdarrahman5234 |
Please read the Noble Quran, you will understand why, how judas did it, chapter 19 Mary Comment from : @rashidabdarrahman5234 |
He said Easter weekhmmm Comment from : @jasonjamaican |
Dang the price of a slave! Comment from : @annateves8944 |
Simple money power and good old fashioned envy Comment from : @annateves8944 |
A god can not be betrayed Comment from : @ffmm2078 |
Question is Is why did the Roman's need someone tell them who Jesus was? Cause when your black you blend in around black people So must of been in Africa He was running from the whites whole time why would he be white? Judas was got payed 30 silver coins that's why Duh Bible says so Tell about facts people need to know not this bull Comment from : @ainoge9040 |
Never betray Lord Jesus! Comment from : @cyberninjarappa |
The house of JUDAH is a bunch of sellout devils that work for satan they betrayed jesus for $ and after all jesus did for them it's because the THE HOUSE OF JUDAH are hypocrites and work for satan that's why there greedy devils that got kicked out of Gods covenant for betraying GOD They have the gay shadow in them as well THE HOUSE OF JUDAH BELONGS TO SATAN Comment from : @rccaliracing9248 |
What would you say to God's script and our choices? Comment from : @eshuchimukholi2890 |
Joh 17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled brbr Clearly Judas betrayal was so the scriptures would be fulfilled Comment from : @tinsmith5633 |
And the Bible clearly say that Satan enter him Comment from : @ODDMALTV |
Jesus chose him and he went out and did work so he had to be a believe for Jesus to chose him Comment from : @ODDMALTV |
Judas's is the black panthers gangs Comment from : @checkerzzzgaminghi6523 |
Judas was from the Tribe of JUDAHthe same tribe of JESUSbut Judas was a typical Jew of his timeJudas was a Zealot, cultured in Judahism, associated with the Priestly class(sehendrin, Pharisees) which opposed Jesus teaching!!!Judas called Jesus "Rabbi"Judas character was a dishonest personhe was a theift, beggar, rebel, and had a evil hearthe might be also demonized( posses by demons)Jesus can sense it but he did not expelled his demons because Jesus know his destiny and revilryit's not our will, but "THE WILL OF GOD"Giorgio Messinapray for our Salvatori Comment from : @georgiomesina6977 |
My KJV now says that Jesus is from the tribe of JUDAS Per the Mandela Effect Now that's a "tough question" Care to answer? Thank you Comment from : @lanicross5938 |
Did Nero betray Seneca or betrayed Seneca Nerones? Maybe Jesus betrayed Judas? Comment from : @willempasterkamp862 |
I never understood what the actual betrayal was Giving a guy a kiss, who supposedly everybody knew? They all shouted for his execution the next day, but nobody around to identify him for the arrest? Strange story But of course every good fiction story needs a bad guy and nothing better than a friend betraying the main characterbrbrAstounding rubbish, according a well-known yt channel Comment from : @peteralleyman1388 |
Prophecy wouldnt come true otherwise I think Jesus and Judas planned it through Comment from : @zeeshawn15 |
BECAUSE SATAN WAS IN HIM Comment from : @crazyhorseranchaz |
judas did it for silver he wanted it Comment from : @cristinaonal4721 |
Judas possessed by Satan is smart, so it was not a miscalculation or mistake by Satan ( Ephesians Ch 3) The answer is PAUL was never mentioned in any of the prophecies Paul was part of a mysterious plan by GOD to reveal the message of Grace Imagine Christianity without PAUL's history or his epistles Comment from : @amalbarathi4070 |
Judas betrayed Jesus as a matter of convenience and when he realised it was beyond his perameters he tried to take it back👿"I've betrayed innocent blood" Comment from : @davidjames3560 |
The name Judas in Hebrew means: praise The praised onebrI don't think that can be ignored Sounds like there's a plan going on here Comment from : @peggyharris3815 |
IMO, judas didn't betray jesus Jesus knew he had to suffer for our sins for our salvation, he was still human and of course who WANTS to vo through that So at the last supper jesus asked his disciples to turn him in to the romans and judas was the only one to obey his last command since jesus didn't want to turn himself in If YOU were at the last supper would you turn jesus in to the romans knowing it had to be that way for our salvation??? Could you do it??? Guilt drove judas to suicide knowing it had to be done Comment from : @Furyataurus |
But in Mark 14:44br#44 Now his betrayer had given them an agreed sign, saying: “Whoever it is I kiss, this is he; take him into custody and lead him away safely”brbrMARK being the first gospel written and the only one to say something like thatWhoever I kisslead him away safelybrbrI can't quit figure this out? Comment from : @pearltears8039 |
What was his betrayal??? Just a kiss can't be the actual answer Comment from : @barnabasmassey2467 |
Did Job also opened up for Satan? Comment from : @O_tropos |
It is so simple He was destined to do so The Bible tells you that in John 17:12 "While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled He was chosen just as Pharaoh was raised up and chosen so God could get the glory We are all predestined to do something The question was, why did Judas betray Jesus? not who was Judas Comment from : @InspiredbyScripture-07 |
How do we know that Judas hanged himself? Presumably his body was found hanged, and the assumption was that it was suicide But there are several other possibilities: he was executed by his fellow disciples or perhaps silenced by the authorities? Comment from : @danielernest973 |
What if Judas did not betray Jesus? What would be the narrative? Comment from : @sonywalkman5 |
Calvanism and Penal Substitution is heresy Comment from : @Rabbitburnx |
Scripture states he betrayed jesus for 30 pieces of silver Greed was his God Don't over think it Comment from : @Rabbitburnx |
Proverbs 27:6 King James Version (KJV)brbr6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful Comment from : @frajim29 |
Judas’s Deadly Sin is Greedy and that’s was his down fall Just saying Comment from : @AlexanderCliftonAiken |
Why Did Judas Betray Jesus? Bitcoin Comment from : @Walter-jv5kr |
And this are the experts? Comment from : @jijoaguilar2549 |
Tune in next time Goldilocks parents arrested for negligence Comment from : @dlon4539 |
Last I heard, Lazarus is still around and has a market stall in Jerusalem Comment from : @dlon4539 |
i dont think it matters , none of that Comment from : @michaelshanereynolds3458 |
in simple word just to full fill the prophecy Comment from : @alicelimz |
How is it a hard question? The answer is simple, judas is a greedy traitor Comment from : @widodobudiman124 |
Judas was simply doing what Jesus asked He was the smartest Apostle and was chosen to be their treasurer because he was the most trusted and thrifty I think Jesus took Judas aside and discussed what needed to be done Judas did what Jesus asked but later regretted following Jesus' orders The apostles just didn't understand Jesus' mission so Judas was elected to help Jesus release his spirit from His Earthly body That's my take on it Judas loved Jesus enough to do what he asked because he understood If he was so bad, why didn't the other 11 stop him? I think they knew that Judas really loved Jesus and just didn't understand what the two of them were planning They were just dumb fishermen Comment from : @billkohler6292 |
Thirty pieces of silver was the price for which Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, according to an account in the Gospel of Matthew 26:15 in the New Testament Before the Last Supper, Judas is said to have gone to the chief priests and agreed to hand over Jesus in exchange for 30 silver coins, and to have attempted to return the money afterwards, filled with remorse (Wikipedia) Comment from : @yquelodigas1533 |
Why Jesus did not stop Judas from stealing money ? Comment from : @patrasyaqoob2070 |
I have a prayer request I suffered a massive stroke last year at the age of 39 I pray that god will renew mentally and physically I pray for total healing thank you god bless Comment from : @rsar61 |
Which is true?brJudas threw the money into the temple, went away and hanged himself (Matthew 27:5) orbrJudas bought the field with the money, fell, burst open there and his bowels gushed out (Acts 1:18) ?brThey can't both be true Comment from : @johndavies9589 |
i believe the reason Judas betrayed Jesus because He didnt truly believe that Jesus was the MessiahbrbrWhen unbelievers dont believe in our God the betray us whether they be family or friends Jesus told Nicodemus that those that live in darkness hate the light whether they accpet it or not unbelievers are against believers Comment from : @adrianking123 |
judas took up his cross and fallowed jesus into the kingdom Comment from : @HolyAwesomeSpirit |
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