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What did Judas Betray?

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Title :  What did Judas Betray?
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Comments What did Judas Betray?

Eh, usually I find Bart's talks convincing, but this to me is too much speculation He does think that Judas was historical because why would you invent him? Coming from a creative field: because it 1) explains how a powerful god could be captured and b) makes for a more dramatic story That the guy is a stereotypical jew with the name and greed makes it even more susThe rest of his explanation falls flat because its bulit on the idea of an historic Judas
Comment from : @happytofu5

I was hoping Bart would mention The Gospel of Judas
Comment from : @johnwells7999

12:20 Judas died from Ebola, got it!
Comment from : @MeaningOLiff

Judas being made up is incredibly plausible, as attested by many of the Gospel writers’ negative attitudes towards the disciples to begin with (namely, the author of Mark) Anti-disciple opinions served the purpose of discrediting the 12 apostles and bolstering Paul (who didn’t personally know Jesus) and his views as more authoritative Here, Paul’s unwavering support for Jesus after his conversion at the cost of his own life is starkly contrasted against the doubtfulness, arguing and difficulty posed by the apostles in the direct company of Jesus; they have a first row seat to his message and still they get in the way of his mission!; not to mention, one of whom who would even dare betray Jesus in the fleshbrbrThe name Judas sounding like Jews (in the Greek) and the later growing polemics against Jews in the Christian writings would serve their point that even one of Jesus’ own best friends would betray him; this Jew would betray him, just as all these Jews would kill himbrbrBut Judas could be historical and everything I mentioned could still be true, of course It’s not exclusive in the slightest
Comment from : @fashionofthechrist

So, Judas was an accelerationist? That makes sense 😊
Comment from : @raydavison4288

It's a very interesting issue but I find all the babbling and giggling very enervating
Comment from : @janjordal9451

Another explanation I can think of for why Judas may have betrayed Jesus sounds more modern, but I don't think it is If Jesus was (at least privately) preaching that he would soon be the kingwell, that by necessity will involve a LOT of people dying The Romans were never just going to step aside to let him crown himself, and even a cursory glance at the Torah shows that Yahweh isn't adverse to wars and many deaths to make something like that happen (in other words, maybe Yahweh could make the whole thing happen bloodlessly, but that sure doesn't sound like Yahweh) I think it's reasonable to postulate that a Jew of that time might start thinking "You know, if this guy really gets going here, and it looks like that may happen, a LOT of people are going to die horribly Maybe me, maybe people I know and love The Romans suck, but all-out war sucks even worse Maybe I should stop this here and now"
Comment from : @briantaulbee5744

Topic starts at 5:50
Comment from : @poc9652

8:03 I am truly sorry and I apologize for this disagreeing, but Josephus, who does not mention Nazareth, nevertheless mentions the Kerioth as a Hazor
Comment from : @danielmalinen6337

Some of the people commenting would benefit from watching the video
Comment from : @deeperlife5689

That very good reason for most are told to create a a narrative
Comment from : @jamesneal1129

Maybe he was on that wall that looks down and tried to hang and just got pushed off it
Comment from : @jamesneal1129

Why isn’t it a matter of debate that Judas betrayed Jesus? Why can’t it be anti Jewish rhetoric? Why can’t it be that for example Jesus was arrested for rioting in the temple?
Comment from : @macroman52

A whole video about somebody who probably never existedbrJudas, a character from a mythical gospel storybrJust admit that we don't have a clue if he was real or not
Comment from : @The_Gypsy_Prince-y3v

I’ve never understood Christians vilifying Judas Without the betrayal, Jesus doesn’t get executed If Jesus is not executed he doesn’t rise from the dead If Jesus doesn’t rise from the dead there is no point to Christianity Now tell me again how someone who played a key role in making possible the central event in Christianity deserves a bad rap Religion really is for people who can’t think their way out of a revolving door
Comment from : @parlormusic1885

Marcion's gospel reconstruction has not just Luke but all synoptic narratives brShort and simple styles brIt's is actual original gospel before the Synoptic brEven Judas appear in there You know Marcion wanted separate new teaching of Jesus is about separation of Jewsih Mosaic law and to liberate Jews from those totalian institution of Judaism
Comment from : @dennythedavinchi3832

30 pieces of silver actually originate from pseudo-Clementine Homilis It refers to 30 days a month and they are disciples of John the Baptist Eventually becomes Simon the Magus's disciple brbrIraneus tried to relate Marcion to relate Simonian name Cerdo means 'profit' and deceived Tertullian surprisingly did not relate him to Simonian but he tossed the idea 'Cerdo' and created narratives, Marcion donated 200,000 sesterces to a church in RomebrbrSo 30 pieces of silver actually were not written in the original Matthew but later interpolated script
Comment from : @dennythedavinchi3832

I don't like how Bart calls something "independently attested" when it's really not For a man much smarter and more well-read on the subject than I, this is a very anti-intellectual position to take Matthew and Luke had Mark as a source, and either shared another source or Luke copied Matthew So that's only one source John is absolutely not a legitimate source for anything Acts was written pretty late also, and most people think it was written by Luke, who again definitely has Mark and possibly had Matthew as a source, so that's not another source
Comment from : @plannein

Its not about what the judas or any character was "thinking" It is was the AUTHOR wanted you to think when he portrayed the characters and events
Comment from : @williamcody3415

Hey Megan those eyeglasses is both beautiful, and fits you nicely And so goes for the hair color and style!
Comment from : @soulsearch4077

Probably an Early Atheist
Comment from : @Karl-Benny

You know she votes for the party of slavery, Jim Crowe and the KKK
Comment from : @CitizenSammy

Ppl don't give you a hard time for being a famous Bible scholar and author, they get your freaking autograph
Comment from : @robotaholic

I love your show/channel So glad I subsribed
Comment from : @robotaholic

You need to stick to your Pilates and stop trying to destroy peoples faith in something son As soon as I see someone with fantasy hair color I’m skeptical no matter the education
Comment from : @curlybill3966

if Thomas was Jesus' twin, the authorities would need someone to identify him
Comment from : @dominicgo477

at this point, the audience if fully aware that the disciples are young boys As an expert, erhman, also knows this Therefore, when he goes out of his way to refer to the disciples as "men," he means to deceive us You cannot find the truth of the biblical jesus and his ministry on this podcast I recommend Dr Ammon Hillman
Comment from : @jonathanspencer4288

judas betrayed jesus by kissing him was he gay?
Comment from : @gerhardrohne2261

There is the suggestion that Judas was close to Jesus , as Jesus took him aside to tell him alone some special thingsbrJesus predicted his demisebrIn the garden he asked that it not happen brbrCould it be that Jesus set a special task for Judas, to ensure that his prediction be initiatedbrThis is the most logical thought processbrJudas may not have known what the consequences would be, and he would be well aware of the dislike by the other 11, as they would not be aware of the special taskbrThe Christian story would be tainted if it was known that Jesus organised his own CrucifixionbrAuthorities would not want to make a martyr of Jesus, if they knew it was just what Jesus wanted, in order to fulfill a self prediction
Comment from : @peterraymond1853

Love you doc😊😊
Comment from : @carlwallace448

If JC was destined to be sacrificed, aren't Judas' actions necessary?
Comment from : @bonescheffel7795

The Romans had reason to take an uprising seriously It's easy to think it'd be under control quickly, but it'd be terrible for the career of the governor, and just imagine if you were the soldier on the garrison Any 2 vs 1 is scary Imagine something like 10 vs 1
Comment from : @DrVictorVasconcelos

A unique case not to be compared with any other person
Comment from : @seekandfind5005

It's evident that Acts 1:15-20 and Matthew 27:3-8 speak for two different pieces of land Matthew 27 speaks for a field, "agros", that was bought by the priests with the thirty pieces of silver that Judas threw down It was called "agros of blood" because it was purchased with the "price of blood" ie with the thirty pieces of silver paid for the blood of Jesus Acts 1 on the other hand speaks for a property, an estate, a "chorion", that was bought by Judas with the "wages of iniquity" ie with money stolen from the money bag It was called "chorion of blood" because Judas committed suicide there!
Comment from : @otagunma86

Regardless of his thought process, I think the reason behind the betrayal was beyond his ability to reason It had to happen because it created the pathway toward events that followed; including the death and resurrection which is a foundational key to the Christian faith Without Judas starting that process none of the remainder would have happened
Comment from : @williamlewis9350

Remarkable post
Comment from : @dalemyers9439

Or he sold one of the donkeys which were communal property to the temple leaders which jammed jesus up in revenge for his complaining that the herodians used temple silver shekels Jewish Money to build a roman acqueduct See national geographic Jesus separation of church and state got him in trouble Scapegoat
Comment from : @terencewinters2154

Jesus and the twelve disciples spoke Aramaic Jerusalemite would have considered him an uncultured hick
Comment from : @susanstein6604

This made me want to listen to "Judas be my guide" by Iron Maiden
Comment from : @dnjj1845

I've heard the one about the rope breaking So far fetched and the text indicates nothing like that
Comment from : @10deximo41

The hierarchy of the Temple felt their authority threatened by the prominence of Jesus and get him out of circulation they incited the Romans by telling them that Jesus was claiming to be the King of the Judeans
Comment from : @umardikko1076

Have you read the book Zealot, by Reza Aslan ?
Comment from : @antonius_006

Maybe he was killed because he said he was King of the Jews-Rome had their own Iesus Kyrios and that would have meant that the Jews were now the new owners of the Caesar’s 😮
Comment from : @AsenathMoon

when he randomly laughs cringe
Comment from : @Ali-Alsalman

Maybe Judas wanted to PREVENT a Jewish uprising
Comment from : @AaronNellessen

Any use of the word “king” was offensive to Caesar, Nathaniel refered to Jesus as the King of Israel That was very early in scripture when Jesus fist spoke to Nathaniel That alone would be a threat to Cesar It’s like threatening the president today or a bomb threat
Comment from : @kristishaver6545

When I was a kid I wondered why Jesus would be so hard to identify: he was the one with the halo, right? 😆
Comment from : @KarenSDR

I wonder how much Judas's silver pieces would be worth today if he had invested them in a broad market ETF
Comment from : @expeditionadventure318

You have quite a thriving YouTube channel I'm interested in getting amateur expertise in Medieval History – so I'll learn more about your Quran topics
Comment from : @tsemayekekema2918

Absolutely fascinating Good question and well explained answers Thank you to both
Comment from : @ManiM-kw6jz

Acts 7:43 verse shows that Stephen took and quoted from the Septuagint of the verse written in Amos 5:25 verse
Comment from : @David-j8v5p

Same thing with what is written on in Acts 7:43 verse
Comment from : @David-j8v5p

In Acts 1:20 verse the verse is written as, 'May ("his,") place be deserted let there be no one to dwell in it,' and that verse apostle Peter mentions is supposedly about the psalm of Psalms 69:25
Comment from : @David-j8v5p

All of Psalms 69 and Psalms 69:25 refer to more than 1 person throughout the Psalm 69 ("their," and "them," and "they,") can be seen written
Comment from : @David-j8v5p

Apostle Peter said that the scripture of Psalms 69:25 verse was written and prophesied about Judas Iscariot by king David when it (Psalms 69:25) wasn't written about only 1 person
Comment from : @David-j8v5p

Acts 1:20 verse and Acts 1:16 verse was supposedly about "judas," a scripture that king David wrote about and predicted to happen but before that Psalms 69:25 verse was written as, ('May their place be deserted let there be no one to dwell in their tent's') Read Acts 1:20 and compare that to Psalms 69:25
Comment from : @David-j8v5p

Sounds a bit like the legend of Hiram Abiff
Comment from : @Daniel-Tiger

One more armchair theory: if Jesus was so completely sure that the army of God was going to come down and "do all the dirty work," it's reasonable to think that he'd be sure that "no way will I be put to death" Under that idea, you could imagine him telling the twelve that he'd be arrested, plan with Judas in private to initiate the chain of events, etc Also under that model, man - how awful would feel to be so convinced, and so wrong I'm sure that I would feel completelyforsaken
Comment from : @Philusteen

It's weird, every time I listen to Bart I become more convinced that Jesus is completely mythological It's the one complete argument that answers all of the problems he has to hypothesise about
Comment from : @betadecay6503

I can't help comparing Judas' possible reasons for betraying Jesus to the mindset of John Lennon's murderer, Mark Chapman Chapman apparently was a disgruntled disciple of Lennon who saw Lennon as having failed to make good on his potential or as having led the legions of his admirers astray--toward a metaphorical cliff's edge Chapman saw himself as the catcher in the rye who was saving Lennon's fans from being led off the cliff A charitable interpretation of Judas' motives might explore that kind of possible logic for Judas' betrayal of Jesus
Comment from : @parsonj39

Maybe judas told them that Jesus was going to say, " Come to the capitolit will be wild!"
Comment from : @betzib8021

Judas betrayed JESUS, just like the scripture clearly says Not the LORD but a blordly intellect/b rules Bart's roost
Comment from : @SpiritLevel888

Jesus said to Judas, “what thou doest, do quickly” Betrayal if the betrayee knows? Sounds like a plan of the two and only Judas would play the betrayer! Certainly not Peter, James, or John
Comment from : @douglasodonnell6800

Dr Bart seems to be a very pleasant person and therefore the perfect messenger for debunking entrenched beliefs
Comment from : @HardHardMaster

When I see pink her I automatically see liberal femnost
Comment from : @wizzardofpaws2420

Why not include the gospel of Judas? Bart knows damn well what is going on Why is Bart going canonically correct? Codex Chocos Bart Including it opens up the path that Jesus “wanted” the betrayal “wink wink” etc… Also the Jews not understanding his words and growing angry as they did
Comment from : @priestbogomil

Judas played his necessary role, the Bible said there would be a sacrificial lamb
Comment from : @dennishughes721

Judas betrayed JESUS as the Bible says
Comment from : @SpiritLevel888

It would be great if there were some timestamps I know some people like the small talk but I'd prefer to skip it and go straight to the meat
Comment from : @zeroclout6306

How is it possible that there was not a single reference to the Gospel of Judas in this episode? When Dr Ehrman was speculating about the possible reasons why Judas did what he did there wasn't a reference to the possibility of what is told in the Gospel of Judas as the motives Very strange
Comment from : @mindfunfulness3273

Thank you I learned a lot from this As a Theravada Buddhist, I believe in the law of karma/individual responsibility The salvation doctrine makes no sense to me But it's great to be able to learn about the thinking behind other religions (especially from an exceptional teacher like Bart)
Comment from : @w1s86

Because every fictional story needs an antagonist
Comment from : @RayCharound

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