Title | : | Mike Rowe on well-paying dirty jobs u0026 male decline |
Lasting | : | 1.35.14 |
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Views | : | 307 rb |
Curious as of 2025 how many people in trades have retired or decided it's not worth the wear on the body? As well as a loss of customers spending because of inflation and lower job security Comment from : @MrMcBobaloo |
@Mike have you seen the veterinary suicide rates? That is a "dirty job" youtube/no5FrzDkBoc Comment from : @prohumanityperspective |
These faux-tough guys are redacted and gay AF Comment from : @basedbuddha777 |
This interview so hypocritical These 2 men pushing you into the trades when they themselves didn't do it If it were so great why didn't they do it? Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
If you want the golden goose to lay gold eggs You got to feed the goose oats, not cheap straw Business forgot that and keep trying to defy that law of business Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
Business owners ruined the trades Idiology of pay myself as much as possable and pay my workers and little as possable is what ruined the trades Greed Greed ruined everything Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
These idiots spent an hour trying to figure this out Pay workers nothing? Get no workers Pay more money stop being greedy and problem will be solved it's that simple Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
I work ONLY as hard as I get paid Why would I show up to work excited and do a great job knowing I'll be evicted next month for working for you? Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
The people down the latter get PAID as thou they don't matter Its money is all that matters The trades pay nothing for most and thats why nobody does it $2500 an hour? No thanks Of ot doesmt pay at least 70k a year not interested in wasting my life working for nothing to make some lazy assh hole rich when it's me who should be getting it all because I did all the work Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
Pay more money Nobody wants to work for food alone No thanks Bullshit I work for toys and fun Not food and houseing Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
Trades? I'm not interested in makeing the owner rich as I get 2 of profits even thou I did all the work I made all that money but get none of it Nope Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
If you pay more money the workers will come You cant get workers because the classic reason for everything You pay very little not worth it I'm not interested in makeing by boss rich as I can't afford rent Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
Nobody is in trades because money If there were lots of money in it EVERYBODY would be doing it period Its not training its money PAY MORE MONEY AND THEY WILL COME Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
I'm not interested in the trades not because I don't love them I do But because in the trades, you only work for food No house to own No savings No retirement or Healthcare Why would I do that? Thats bullshit Comment from : @prestonhanson501 |
Another outstanding episode Thank you Comment from : @boonedockjourneyman7979 |
The pretentious uppity attitude this guy has is ridiculous Mike is solid In what he says The real problem is that all workers are being treated poorly paid poorly and there is no respect anymore The real thing is everyone is just a time clock number replaceable at any timesad days we live in Comment from : @williamdillinger9897 |
Everything Mike Rowe has said, I said way back in the 80s He and I are about the same age and went through the same things Comment from : @rickazca774 |
Be useful We are all here to help one another Find what you are good at and go after it with all you have and reward will followbrbrAlso, a valiant doesn’t have a “timing belt” sir It’s a timing chain You prob messed up a V belt 😂👍🏻 Comment from : @nordicpride9708 |
Mike Rowe has made it real for years and continues to advocate how important skilled trades are and the fact that not everyone goes to college or becomes a white coller workerbrSome high schools dont even have a shop class any moreI personally know several 20-30 yr olds that cant read a fractional tape measure without the "cheater" tapebrSad and worrisome brMen have became soft,scared to get dirty,and dumbed down by smart phones not all men but more so now than used to bebrGen X and youngest is 22 oldest is 28 Not making excuses for my kids generation but they were exposed to way more drugs than my generation was which has either killed or caused irreversible damage from addiction brIm no expert but i think that the huge amounts that have made its way to everyone's neighborhood since 90's till now have done the most damage to our country as a wholebrKeep it real Mike RowebrYou da man Comment from : @shawngraham4902 |
President Rowe 2028 Comment from : @lorenmars5244 |
Graduate HS from Galliano, La in 1974 Dead-end oil related gigs for a bit Ran into a friend who found his way to attending an Electronics Tech school in Little Rock Transistors just created (The IC still way off) That's it! I said26 months later, I started a 28yr career doing maintenance/repair of the devices that surgeons use to fix youMR is my hero, way after the fact Comment from : @10bouvier |
As for loyalty that comes from both sides of the fence it should be some thing that can not be bought but be rewareded its that simple if the means are there the work force is not the place for someone to wipe there feet that goes back to loyalty on both sides to the fence these words are for us all to make a better change Comment from : @JohnWalton-ef7xi |
Well paying?😂😂😂 Comment from : @TheGrimFoot |
This guy is an idiot king Comment from : @Sandalphon444 |
Nobody sees the irony of a youtuber talking about "male decline"? It's like finding out that he keeps this in his "journal" 🤣 Comment from : @laskey2175 |
And yet here we are looking at our screens, watching a guy who made his money from us looking at him on our screens, saying we need to go outside and stop looking at our screens How ironic Comment from : @stevenbarnes8238 |
Ya knowbrI bitch and batch about having to work, the long hours, the heat, the cold, snow, ice blah blah blah brBut you know what I do when I have a day off?brI work on my house,brI work on my truck,brI work on my family in my marriagebrL o lbr I kind of like workingbrI don't especially like my job but I do like thatI do it well Comment from : @centerfiresuppressionllc682 |
You can not compare kevin oleary's scam companies to Tesla When 90 percent of your money comes from selling scam educational videos you don't even know what production is Comment from : @IAmInterested-cc4hr |
See you worked to pay to live while in college now students finance an extra 50k a year on top of college to pay for liing expense all because the federal government garanteed student loans We subsidized colleges to build condo complexes to rent to students all on loan money they will never makeupin earnings Comment from : @IAmInterested-cc4hr |
I wanted a skilled trade but the training wasn't in many of the schools in the 90s at least the one I attended The Boomer teachers would criticize anything that didn't require a degree My English teacher started blasting blue collar jobs and one student said to her "But your husband is a maintenance man here" you heard "OOOOOO" in the classroom She had the grin of embarrassment and said "Well, he makes good money" She put her foot in her mouth on that one Comment from : @KCCardCo |
Mike Rowe for Education Secretary!! Comment from : @jfalbo |
Thank the socialisocrats Comment from : @reenyny9502 |
just want to point out that WOMEN love work in the trades too! Comment from : @mendohoney |
Mike Rowe , liberals arts degree, makeup, stuntman, pretending to be a tradesman for 15 minutes on camera, and has never done a full day of trade work in his life Is the expert on the trades we need 😂 Comment from : @jasonkoplen2554 |
Tradesman here I do love Mike Rowe But sometimes I wish he would just talk about how hard some trades are Never mind just the physical side Weather conditions Safety issues High stress And much more There's a reason why some tradespeople love to minimize their work hours Comment from : @stanleyyelnates3416 |
Skilled Licensed blue collar work pays the best and has best benefits Comment from : @johnwehunt4305 |
Why are people so stupid?? I fear I have lost all hope for the human condition! Comment from : @LeahLeahBurch |
Went to college got in an office and couldnt stand it Got into carpentry became a contractor worst yr in last 36 was 100 thou profit Loved working hard Great life Comment from : @suzannehammon4406 |
He literally made his name on the backs of real working Americans He’s a shill Comment from : @roscoecoltrane9523 |
Great insight into the value of the lower rungs of the ladder Comment from : @edwardbowles5587 |
Retail has a legal monopoly on student labor We can’t send kids to work in most industries until they’re 18, so naturally without skills-college seems the only way to success We need to change the child labor laws Comment from : @mrsoars |
Mike is off on entry-level jobs and their wages It's not wanting all the gravy, it's wanting to not starve to death while living in the streets Trades and manufacturing used to be good careers; now you are plug and play, no benefits or security Comment from : @danvanmeter6368 |
Imagine WWIII and the need for welders, electrician, plumbers etc, and all we have is realtors, youtubers, and stocktraderswe're screwed! Comment from : @lesbarton8510 |
Americans finally got what they wanted the pipe dream of make $ from home scam ads COVID finally made it reality Comment from : @rloperfido3817 |
Aaaand there it is Selling fear to sell a product You know it's bbullshit whenn it drags on for several minutes without ever mentioning the product Comment from : @mikepieczynski8870 |
I have one in college, one not Depends on the kid and the goals But funny how all these guys who went to college go on to knock it years later, from a position of great privilege, and look to monetize everyone's mistrust True, many colleges are overpriced degree mills Just as true, college isn't just about "information", but about development Look at all the careers the GI Bill helped fund- from the trades to Phd's Comment from : @kljhadfdhafklj |
You gotta sit up and pay attention to someone who just drops the word "peripateia" Comment from : @JOHN----DOE |
Absent permaculture, even modern day farming is mining The inputs, pumped water, diesel, natgas, fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides are all mined Comment from : @marcusnichols5595 |
Because everyone in America wants to be a winner Comment from : @Ireland-bc2gx |
Why is the data for how much these jobs pay so low, but these people say they pay is so high? Comment from : @googleaccount5225 |
I'M an old guy, spent my life moving from trades to trades in the 1980's and 1990's due to lay offs, job force realignments, seeing high paying jobs disappear as technology made many 'hands on" jobs become antiquated We parents at that time did everything we could do to make our kids collage bound, thinking it was their only hope for success, and worried that they would follow us, the blue collar workers to a dead end career How the world has changed in resent years, I am retired but am blown away by how much money, and in demand people now enjoy in occupations I was in 30 years ago when I feared daily my job would vanish Comment from : @stephenwilliams9923 |
Sorry mike, after 40 years of building my business and working hard I am being told that I stole all I created and that I am the problem Just sold everything and am retiring early abroad Maybe I will see you on the beach in the near future Comment from : @ericl2152 |
The irony in people thinking schools teach students when in reality students are only viewed as dollar signs for the schools Comment from : @joshbrosseau5749 |
Mike, let me recommend Rudyard Kipling's poem "The Prodigal Son" I think you'll love it Comment from : @lesliefish4753 |
OMG I assumed he was democrat being that dirty jobs essentially celebrates "the working class" I guess he is now a celeb like Trump and also his tax bracket is much higher than ours No more Rowe for me Comment from : @misskathleen490 |
given a choice i'd rather be doing a creative career doing something I enjoy and not be working a blue-collar job in stressful back-breaking conditions Comment from : @StudioUAC |
College is for rich people always has been Comment from : @FrederickBrown-p3t |
40 yo white male Lifelong Appalachia resident Sure would love to enlighten folks on my situation Let me know Mike Comment from : @jbheinz8944 |
Educational snobbery and bigotry are still alive and kicking You’ll never get rid of it Comment from : @deborahbartels5269 |
What podcast is this?? Comment from : @josegonzalez2496 |
I work 4 days a week I make well over a 100000 Teachers with masters seem to be struggling when I don't have to worry about money Comment from : @davidmark7785 |
I've 20 years of working blue collar jobs, and I've hated every single one of them, never felt like I was earning a living wage no matter how dangerous or involved the work got If someone doesn't want to work now I don't blame them at all Comment from : @johnran6015 |
Feminism has caused all these decline These women who have PHDS or Degrees, they want a man that's equal or high status than they are So women look down on men who are blue-collar These women want white-collar men but the more these women take white-collar jobs, there are less men who are white-collarbrbrSo now, men don't want blue-collar jobs because women don't want them, they hate school, so they go on welfare or minimum wage job and play video games brbrI know I'm a welder I make very good money The women I wanted, didn't want me, the leftover women like single moms, obese women etc they want me So I'm a Passport Bros So now went to another country to a wife and that's 10 years ago Remember Jesus was a carpenter Peace Comment from : @armyguy9735 |
I worked from home for 8 years in the early 2000’s I found that many people forgot I even existed At one point I was calling and asking for projects The people you work with have to computer savvy too, and willing to change their routine while working with you, when going from in office to remote Comment from : @heatherdunham4562 |
Hate your job?brThere's a group for that, it's called "Everybody"brWe meet at the bar Comment from : @fostercathead |
It's not that men don't want to work in the dirt It's that they don't want to work in the dirt for some asshole or garbage pay Poor leadership (and no opportunity to climb that ladder) can absolutely ruin a job for a young man We should focus on how companies are structured and lead compared to how they used to be when we were willing to work in the dirt for a lot less in the past Labor jobs are a lot different than they used to be too Instead of having fabricators, welders, or cutters, employers want engineering degrees and cad programming ability to run the machinery that does such work They want the world of an employee, and give them a garbage dump in return I think employers need to better analyze and focus on their leadership structures before they just buy someone's time in life and expect them to just sit in a job and task monkey away It's not that we don't want to do the job, we just don't want to do it for you Comment from : @flobie1kenobi |
See the movie "A Day without a Mexican" Comment from : @gordonclay832 |
Their parents are coddling their kids and letting them sit home and play video games, instead of kicking them off the couch and demanding they find a job I know several right now and their parents are at fault, and give these brats new cars and gas money, so why work? Parents are 100 at fault! Comment from : @bbaaspencer1 |
Thats what i make welding! Correct!💯 💶 💯 💶 💯 Comment from : @hardcoredemise |
Employers looking for slaves 😂😂😂brDo job yourself 😂😂😂 Comment from : @daniilkeen6178 |
As I have studied history with a unique perspective in my old age, I am disenchanted Lies are offensive, our politics is dirty, our policemen are bullies, the media is corrupt, and we have no good choice for our leader It makes me sad that I am not proud of our country Comment from : @judytaquino6412 |
Both guys are gay Comment from : @jackjackson7637 |
President Trump MAGA♥️💯 Comment from : @reginaperrone6902 |
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