Title | : | Get The Money Out Of Your 401k ASAP || Should you leave your money in your 401k or move it to an IRA |
Lasting | : | 13.16 |
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Views | : | 184 rb |
Can i buy a family members foreclosure with an IRA Comment from : @crena64 |
Hello, Tony here wondering the best to do with 401k I'm 52 and looking at around 45k Trying to invest in self and grow the remaining Company was sold Comment from : @anthonycooper5451 |
Borrow on your 401k and pay taxes and administration fees to borrow your own money 🙄🙄🙄Learn to invest and leave the 401k alone Comment from : @KingAngel4Life |
Hello, any knowledge in QFS, XRP? Comment from : @martmacha7367 |
You see people how hard it is to get your money when you lose your job, when you are in financial trouble, when you are having trouble paying your bills, and when you set aside money for a 401k, they take it very easily from your paycheck Now it is very difficult and complicated to get your money if you really need it Comment from : @oazlast8844 |
Love ur content!! Thanks for what u do! Question, 60 in just over a week, And you mentioned that I was eligible To roll my 18 into an IRA because I’m over 59 1/2 But here’s the caveat that nobody seems to share, what if I haven’t outstanding loan out on my 401(k) Will I still be able to roll it over minus the loan due? And once I roll it over, will I be expected to pay off the loan Amount and say 60 day period? Comment from : @thatdcdude7434 |
Around 11 minutes his misinformation is blatant Comment from : @MrGoodaches |
I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for Comment from : @IfranReinfeld |
This guy is a doom and gloom asshole like so many others Comment from : @dlzoso74 |
I'm recently retired and uncertain if my 401(k) and IRA will be enough for a stable future I've set aside $1 million to help secure my financial goals and align with my risk tolerance Should I consider investing in stocks or buying a rental property? Comment from : @NicholasBall130 |
This is the best time to move it to an IRA dividend ETF or CD/bond only if your are at retirement phase of your life perfect timing to go out with a BANG! congratulation you made it to the million dollars mark Comment from : @blacklight3330 |
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family Comment from : @SuoncyCharlotte |
does a Roth conversion makes sense I am 72 I have never touched my 401 But I am going to have to touch it when I turn 73 next year all the money in my 401 has never been taxed Comment from : @Jodyrides |
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family Comment from : @EmilyEvelyn-90 |
This didn’t age very well did it?😂 Comment from : @reddragon3518 |
I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for Comment from : @TonysBowlesas |
More and more people might face a tough time in retirement Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire Comment from : @lilliankerr-z7c |
As a contractor, I change jobs every few years After a few montrhs (dividend pay time), I roll the 401k funds into my personal Schwab account Keep those eggs in one spot so they gorw together Comment from : @bradleygraves5915 |
My 401k grew more than when Trump was in office! This last 2 years Comment from : @davekolp4552 |
Can I do roth conversions before retirement while I'm still working? Comment from : @spinnetti |
I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for Comment from : @LukeSamuel89 |
You didn’t teach me anything new Comment from : @Jodyrides |
Are IRS regulations Constitutional and approved by Congress? Comment from : @7clovers007 |
I have a 401(k) …I’ve never touched it I’m retired and I will be 73 in 2025Does a Roth make sense for me Comment from : @Jodyrides |
I watch this video periodically leading up to my target retirement date in late 2026 Great information! Comment from : @GuyGuidone |
Hello my question is , if my company merges with another and they offer me a buyout , what penalty am i going to pay for taking my 401k? Comment from : @1cugine359 |
Example: I retire at 50 with a 401K I want to take cash option for my dividends (or interest from a money market), instead of reinvesting Would I have to convert to an IRA to do this? Is this even possible or is it considered a withdrawal and subject to penalty? Would it be taxed as income or capital gains? Thanks Comment from : @StevePaige |
the father of my child found a new job, we are currently broke broke due to putting his two weeks in a month early (got the wrong start date) behind 2 months on rent we desperately need this money, but are wondering how badly we'll be screwed if we cash out? we would be losing 5k out of 15, and thats just the taxes, without the fee for early cash out should we just bite the bullet and remain broke until the money starts flowing again and play catch up, or would you if you were desperate cash it out? we need that money badly, but dont want to hurt ourselves in the long run Comment from : @icy_ey3z |
Can you run the numbers for me please Comment from : @miguelguillengonzalez9803 |
Recently retired and unsure if my 401(k) and IRA will provide a stable future i need an approach that will align with my risk tolerance and financial goals, i set aside $300k to achieve this Do you suggest i get into stocks or buy a house? Comment from : @Curbalnk |
My 401k provider is advising me to roll over into one of their mutual funds, any thoughts would be appreciated Comment from : @markme4 |
I watch several YouTube videos on how to trade in the stock market but haven't made any head start because they are either talking some gibberish or sharing their story of how they made it and I do not want to make mistakes by taking risks in my own hands Comment from : @joyizuegbulam1031 |
Hi, I have 401k from a job I had left, it’s not a lot money and I want to take it out What is the best way I should take it out? Help Comment from : @amlesetberhe8152 |
We have a 401K at Vanguard do they do Roth conversions to an IRA? Comment from : @snowbike8032 |
It's recommended to save at least 15 of your income in a 401k You can use online calculators to estimate how much you should save based on your age and income Saving at least 15 of your income in a 401(k) can help ensure that you have enough money to retire comfortably By saving this much, you can take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings over time don't think I could retire with less than $3m in income generating investments and i'm not talking 401k, maybe $2m at the very minimum I plan to work until I'm at least 45 Comment from : @OttoLane-j9z |
I have two 403b from previous employers and would like to roll them over to an IRA Roth Now, am I able to have them both into one? Comment from : @MikeTamayo-m2p |
I'm 46 Been at my job for 16 years I've had my 401k on and off over that time I pretty much stopped contributing long ago I already get enough taken out of my pay weekly, such as health insurance I don't have much in my account, just $6700 It was worth a LOT more until the economy took a dump But anyways I want to close the account and just take the money I fully understand there are taxes and fees in doing so But can you actually close out the account? I am still employed at the same job Comment from : @X-Factor-by2kz |
Great Video! Can you talk about Employee Stock Purchase, I work for Pepsi, they are offering ESP, but don’t know much about it Thanks Comment from : @artsoto5459 |
you do pay income tax from converting IRA to Roth IRA Comment from : @leepialong |
I’m 80 yrs young Should I do that? Comment from : @eileenvandernoot3867 |
I thought I had a 401k, but it seems to have disappeared 🤣 Comment from : @davidstudebaker7397 |
I am no longer work at my workplace and I want to take these money out Can you gives some steps to get the money without penality? Comment from : @Hmongchannel12345 |
I agree with your fee statement There is a Pew study showing you could lose thousands of dollars due to fee increases 401k fees are normally smaller than normal IRA fees Comment from : @onlywenilaugh6589 |
Im 60, can I move my 401k into a Roth IRA? Or am I too old Thanks for your help Also I'm retired/disabled Comment from : @atomicbeing |
Bad move The DOW and NASDAQ are going to new ATHs by the end of the year!!! Comment from : @RantzBizGroup |
Some of these comments dash all of my hope that people have common sense - omg Good point about looking at fees My 2 workplace accounts have fees that are fully paid by my employers Comment from : @youngtimer964 |
NOT EVERY EMPLOYER ALLOWS YOU TO BORROW FROM YOUR 401K Comment from : @andrewparker6213 |
I’m leaving it in Economy always bounces back Long as we have nukes anyway Comment from : @BurdenofTheMighty |
when ur money comes out of ur 401k, ur money is taxed at the current rate i don't think u skirt the withdraw tax Comment from : @christopherbennett6481 |
401k is unconditional surrender of your money to the IRS I never had one Comment from : @adamhoffman7881 |
Whoever takes out 401k 6 months ago already avoided the lost today Comment from : @quynhmailam5455 |
If you take money out of your retirement, you have to pay 40 in taxes Comment from : @Doc1855 |
But you still have to pay taxes on the money you withdraw Comment from : @loriwhinery3210 |
My 401K was stolen already Comment from : @harryhicks404 |
Our corrupt government currently does not follow the laws on the books and no one holds them accountable Do you still think they will honor current tax law? Social security payments as designed now? Crooked is as crooked does Comment from : @randycarstens1100 |
Take it out and lose 50brThat’s how it works Comment from : @twilliamsusmc |
Don’t forget about the IRS Rule of 55 for those that want to retire 55 or older Comment from : @teams3345 |
If you move to a retirement friendly state- would your 401k be taxed? Comment from : @kimblackbird8718 |
I’m planing to retire next year i brought my first vending machine an im 33 years old Comment from : @idreeselane9542 |
Phenomenal video and insights Just turning 59-1/2 and have had the strategy (frankly out of laziness) to max my 401k and never play with it As a result, know very little about my options and feel I need to catchup This conversion is intriguing What about taking the 401k conversion a step further and converting from IRA to Roth IRA? Comment from : @jimgilson4978 |
I’m going to be 64 soonseems like it’s too late to benefit from a Roth at this point Comment from : @john1999 |
How about TSP Goverment saving ?brI just became 60 planning to retired at 62 Comment from : @gisellethomas4579 |
ROTH: but it is my understanding that if you roll over your 401k to an IRA at retirement, you have to wait 5 years before you can start taking money out Can you explain? Comment from : @SCSC-qz7rr |
I would like to take my money out of my 401k when I retire at 66 and a half, to put it as a down payment on a house so I can pay it off as soon as possible Obviously I would not be working at that time (would be retired) so how would this affect my taxes if I move to a no income tax state? Comment from : @SCSC-qz7rr |
This sounds interesting except the federal government seems to be able to change the rules any time they want… Comment from : @raffly4449 |
What if you get fired from a job like amazon can they send you the full amount of the money from the 401k or they tax the 401k? Comment from : @TheReggiegirl |
Would it be wise to borrow on your 401k for investment purposes ie a house/land? Aren’t you just paying the loan back to yourself with interest? There is only a one time fee to take a loan on it What say you? Good or bad debt? Comment from : @greatdane9806 |
If one’s income is more than $187k, he/she is not qualified to put money into a Roth IRA account Is this correct? Comment from : @wren6o |
I’m 60 retiring soon and I’d like to pay off my mortgage from my 457 Granted 40 tax to pay if everything is withdrawn how should I do it with least amount of taxes to pay Also I’d like to pay it off in 2 years Thanks so much Comment from : @josebach9377 |
Hey, Joe! Those custom shirts are looking great!! 😉😁😁 Comment from : @Rickety3263 |
My wife recently quit her job (9 months ago) She has a 401k (still) at her former employer If she cashes out(401k), will it still be subject to the 10 penalty? She's 50 I understand there will have to be a tax strategy/plan brAs I commented on another of your videos, I understand that as am I, I'm just talking to a random guy on YouTube brThanks in advance Comment from : @sjlouvieify |
China needs your money 💰 Comment from : @danielgriffin8132 |
SCAMMER!!!! Comment from : @chairmankaga2821 |
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