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Teaching in the US vs. the rest of the world

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Title :  Teaching in the US vs. the rest of the world
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Description Teaching in the US vs. the rest of the world

Comments Teaching in the US vs. the rest of the world

The main thing i learnt from school is that i dont want to be a teacher
Comment from : @Starexian

Polls show that well-educated, capable professionals avoid teaching because of 1) Too much classroom time spent on non-educational stuff, aka lack of control, 2) Bogus school of education credential courses, 3) Low pay, and 4) Low respect for teachers Be wary of any analysis focusing only on #3 and 4 but not #1 and 2
Comment from : @ibnrushd1141

The underlying problem is government control Get government out of the education business and allow the creativity and efficiency of the market to develop approaches that work much better for teachers, students and parents/customers
Comment from : @WildBill99x

Maybe make sure that they are safe to not be shot by one of their students?
Comment from : @mochichi666

9 1/2 hours a day!!! Who are you kidding? 9 to 2:30, and mote vac days, holidays than you would believe Shortage??? Try get tong a ood if you don't have a "hook" in the school system And if the told you how early they can retire and what that $$$ is, you would gag
Comment from : @williammarriott6131

Israel doesnt exist only palestine study harder teacher
Comment from : @MohamedCherifOtsmane

Yeah but Finland isn’t the whole of the world
Comment from : @Albaraa

What I hear most from teachers: Bad kids And this video didn't mention that at all
Comment from : @kirkdarling4120

The idea that American teachers are over worked is simply ridiculous If the average American teacher actually does work 9 hours a day, it’s only for 176 days per year Argue pay all you want, but the truth is the large amount of time off is one of the perks for most teachers Don’t make stuff up Now I have to assume you’re lying about everything
Comment from : @aaronwernz5788

00:43brPremature thoughtbrbrWe do not want teachers that would expect to 'get rich' off of caring about 'our worlds' emerging minds'brbrI would rather that teachers get just about the best and most secure 'retirement' that may bebrbr[With the most stringent and properly expected standards of ethical behavior applied]
Comment from : @ATVatcher

Comment from : @HakendaNatan

America has teachers !? I thought kids learnt everything from Tik Tok
Comment from : @Chafflives

Comment from : @TrayceDeLeon

There’s teaching in the USA?
Comment from : @HiruS22

‘Greatest country on earth’…America broken
Comment from : @jujitsujew23

Long working hours does not mean higher productivity but leads to burn out Most countries don’t want well educated masses, just enough so the can be easily told what to do
Comment from : @VLC8792

Testing is racist Standards are racist
Comment from : @Giuseppe_1994

A lot of qualified US teachers are teaching in private schools abroad Better money and conditions
Comment from : @christophercooper6731

Well the only advice people have is “don’t like the pay? get a different job” so … deal with shortages or teach your own kid
Comment from : @eochtroph9156

1 They need a stable living salary br2need respect from both students and teachers br3 Needs to be actually enjoyable
Comment from : @elephantwellyphant6866

Y’all have bad students and ciriculum
Comment from : @GageGeary

As always shortage means undervalued and not laziness, but people so hardly admit it nowadays
Comment from : @hectsblood6200

Once the trump gang takes over none of this is going to matter
Comment from : @Cryptonymicus

America has an amazing education system The country's scores on international tests are amazing- if you control by race
Comment from : @Eldorado-n9e

They just voted in Trump That says it all😊
Comment from : @Will-ux1dg

What about Indian education
Comment from : @denahom

Shooting range
Comment from : @Abnormalgamer9

The lack of prep time is the worst
Comment from : @ebert8756

the rest of ocde members don't have shootings :)
Comment from : @deaddoomed2380

I am an American and left my country to teach physics in China I did not go for better working conditions, but rather, as a white man, I am not employable at all in American schools That said, the working conditions in the Middle Kingdom are better than in my country I have more time to plan and grade than in an American school
Comment from : @andrewstallard6927

Out of everything this is a perfect moment to start a real non-profit that pays teachers what they are worth and also make learning online to avoid all the unnecessary costs instead of actual education
Comment from : @GoroWren

In other words, teaching wrong vs teaching right
Comment from : @EQU1US

Teachers in the Philippines be like:
Comment from : @syncn

Education must be one of the prior things to invest I mean it's literally what your country will have as a society after 10-15 years Educating is the future
Comment from : @ibgsm

3:38 our security sure isn’t working
Comment from : @xcatiecakesx

Teacher in training from Berlin, Germany here I'm almost done with my education and I can already tell from my experience at schools and the many conversations I've had: teachers in Germany work A LOT more than 7 hours and 45 minutes It depends on the category of schools, but working 50 hours per week is very commonbrThe social status of teachers is also rather low herebrbrWe're also having huge problems with teacher shortage and it will get a lot worse in the next 5-10 years due to the boomers retiringbrbrA VERY important aspect in this video is not covered and that's the teacher education In many parts of Germany (and maybe the US too?) universities do a poor job in teacher education Most teachers there have never taught children or young adults in their lives and just lack the necessary practical implications of the theory they teach
Comment from : @NeongreenbeasT

Suomi mainittu TORILLEE🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Comment from : @soffisoffeestola4943

It seems that even in developed countries like the USA, salaries are not that good for teachers 😢
Comment from : @AdrianaIngaG

i miss you Vox
Comment from : @shoompycaloompy

And America says it is the land of opportunities
Comment from : @TabletMini

A waste video by vox What's the point?
Comment from : @imentorstudio6553

I Love how the Made Sofias Hair blond
Comment from : @oilking-bo3gt

The main reason an American will leave teaching more than a Finn is because it’s way more accessible to go back to university or find another career with a bachelors in the US Meanwhile in Finland it’s competitive to get into any university program and the degrees aren’t flexible for different fieldsbrbrExtra work time for planning? Finnish teachers would love to have more prep time Keep in mind elementary Finnish teachers have to eat lunch with their students and watch the school yard during some breaksbrbrThe pay for a teacher in the US is much higher than what many Finns would see for teachers meanwhile all teachers in Finland have a masters degree brbrFinnish schools aren’t well surveillanced Many would appreciate extra support to monitor the schoolyard, doors, hallways, etc brbrFinnish teachers also have to fill out extra paperwork for students with special acomodations meanwhile in the US that is assigned to a sped teacher specifically brbrFinland has behavior problems just like any other school in the US Teachers in Finland are super underpaid compared to the US and don’t even receive full benefits or a proper salary until they are tenured which also is never speedy
Comment from : @dizzey5357

3:39 Well that’s because other countries have things called gun control laws
Comment from : @donei132

It's nice
Comment from : @ShardSculptor

Actually, if the US didn’t send billions of dollars to Israel every couple of months over the last 80 years, the US could pay teachers a livable wage
Comment from : @dan75307

You’re citing the non entity Israel as legitimate? Worthless video
Comment from : @dan75307

florist hospital dance club
Comment from : @DangerGamer-h2c

Me: I don't care, man brI am still in the process of becoming an American schoolteacher brGet my Master's degree, go overseas to Latin America, learn Spanish, come back to the USA and maybe valued as a bilingual schoolteacher
Comment from : @kiwifruitkl

Most of the problem is not about teachers but students
Comment from : @Fr4nkSanchez

And a lot of BUS SHORTAGES too, nobody wants to work
Comment from : @Fr4nkSanchez

My friend was forced to “quit” her first job Her second job, she had to leave at the semester because the principal was so toxic She loved teaching, she is desperately trying to find a job that at least works with kids, because teaching has become out of the question for now, right now She may not be the best teacher in the world but she has not been given time to grow and get into the groove of teaching because of this She has potential, this is seen in her Sunday school classes, someone just needs to give her a chance
Comment from : @baileyellison642

The problem is not with the pay, but with USA itself In the US, teachers don’t punish children enough As a student from India, I can confirm that no student in our entire school has the courage to talk back to teachers They aren’t scared of teachers We joke around, miss homework, but the teacher handles us perfectly Giving students too much open space gives them ideas of foolish rebellion and mindless sentiments Teachers need to actively discipline and nurture students If students don’t give teachers stress, they will be glad to teach them, even at $35000 brbr -From a student
Comment from : @kamrunnesa-pp1no

all thay have to do is pay more
Comment from : @sciencepod4887

No mention of the masters requirement vs us ba only
Comment from : @spiritedteam

Teachers in the US spend 80 of their time playing on their phones most times with headphones in their ears
Comment from : @thehillbillygamer2183

0:46 School Shutting
Comment from : @10h-u2e

I had to scroll past 6 right wing pices before finding this That's a problem
Comment from : @cypherreport

Teaching in the US is exhausting Latin America is great! students in Colombia are very respectful and do their best despite their issues
Comment from : @carolinasuarezvargas

very persuasive
Comment from : @skynet_19994

In Finland you can't become teacher unless it is your first option for applying Also you basically go through hige storm because you would have to specialize Not to mention the teachers here get paid same amount as doctors
Comment from : @SlendisFi_Universe

my teachers is 11hours a day
Comment from : @RenatoMariano-b6b

petition to make education legal in usa

ah yes, a sub 24fps video Thank you Vox
Comment from : @MrSomethingdark

It's a crime that people who become teachers still have to pay for a masters level education That shows the system we are living in
Comment from : @pluckybellhop66

The education standards must be put higher, while the cost need to be pushed to be lower Everyone has the right to earn education, and to educate We cannot kept on educating other people to be better, when that educator degree we earned is based on debt
Comment from : @christdaniel4259

This topic needs more regular updates because the kids are not alright
Comment from : @labcoatofpaint

I'm a newly qualified teacher hoping to teach internationally I'm open to almost any country except the USA: due to three reasons (none of which are pay, albeit a rise is always nice) My reasons not to come are: 1/ the frequency of shootings, 2/ the voracity of the culture wars, 3/ America's role in war aggression internationally (not least its support of Israeli war crimes) Change those three elements, and more teachers might come to plug the gap
Comment from : @MA-ResearchEdu-e9l

Good points made and brought to light, but you just can’t compare America to Finland and say we should do more of what they do USA is so much more culturally diverse with different cultures valuing education at different rates Finland just can’t replicate that Also a much smaller country Geographically and population These are just a few things that effect outcomes a lot more that I can write up in a comment Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully on board with the fact that our education system needs a lot of work I just don’t know if recommending following Finland is really the move
Comment from : @kevinwallace3309

The future revealed: exclusive interview with Binance's CEO
Comment from : @Nancy_2a

I thought it was because scandinavian countries don’t have private schools So wealthy students learn with poor students in public schools and everybody benefits
Comment from : @hulklingloveswiccan

Regrettably, due to a system error, the transaction was erroneously sent to an invalid email address
Comment from : @Donna__01x

In a twist of fate, a system error directed the transaction to an invalid email address
Comment from : @Daniel__w9a4

Actual teaching by a great and true educator is understandably a tough way to make a living Being a minority in the profession, one must persevere while enduring the idiocy from school boards and admin, the abrasiveness of a wide range of parent types, and trying to blind oneself from the sea of do-nothings riding the profession to a retirement only, while trying to develop an excitement and love of learning in students An impossible job
Comment from : @draftplus

Most homes in the USA are broken, parents do not have healthy relationships with their kids or themselves, no amount of pay is going to help a teacher educate in that situation
Comment from : @dawnroe7482

Ha and this was before COVID kids
Comment from : @uhhh4049

Better pay,more appreciation, kids that got some parenting, parents that understood teachers and parents are on the same side: to educate the kid for a content, selfsufgicient, responsible, happy life
Comment from : @Freiya2011

Look How Video Purposely Ignores Finland and European Countries Working Hours because Sophia only Works 4 hours and Schools are Half a Day only
Comment from : @SamRichardson1990

They absolutely do not work longer hours than the teachers in South Korea, this makes me think all this s*** is just made up I was a teacher in South Korea for several years and at least a quarter of the year they were pulling nearly 12-hour days
Comment from : @JustinS236

Money Give US teachers more money😂😂 I knew it even before the video started
Comment from : @emmanuelameyaw9735

how could a science/maths teacher who possess phds are paid the same amount as the gym coacah
Comment from : @Affiq-z2h

Why comparing to europe all the time?
Comment from : @tibodeclercq2131

I love our teachers they definitely should be paid more and less spending on war
Comment from : @F4naaging

I recently heard the saddest thing said by a paraprofessional in my school They were talking about the shortage of paraprofessionals and one said Qoute, “why would someone want to be a paraprofessional just to get paid minimum wage and get a 30 minute lunch break” that really shows how broken the American school system is
Comment from : @LailaSkye17

The moment you mentioned isnoreal, the video was over for me😒
Comment from : @bbzoe2212

Why did you pick Finland if it’s not the highest or second or third highest performing countries?
Comment from : @aaronrowepalmer

The problem with this video is it’s based on the the idea children from different parts of the world have the same capacity for learning While not a popular fact, as with height and the color of hair, intelligence IS heritable Correlating hours taught and results on standardized test scores is meaningless when talking about different DNA pools and cultures
Comment from : @dknelson

Pay more for ukraine , but don't for education
Comment from : @polatshamaev5507

International teachers also have the benefit of teaching children who have a CULTURE of respecting educators The disrespect in US schools is virtually non-existent in Asia
Comment from : @blahblahblah3722

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