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Why the Dutch Economy is Outperforming the Rest of Europe

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Title :  Why the Dutch Economy is Outperforming the Rest of Europe
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Comments Why the Dutch Economy is Outperforming the Rest of Europe

It's so quit that the Dutch ppl are still poor and food and energy is unafordable But i guess the stock market is up? Hooray for that i guess
Comment from : @jackofblades8112

one reason is they do not pay their fare share in Nato & they are very Frugal
Comment from : @withabrokenwing

"naught point five percent" god damn could u be any more posh 😭brgr from the netherlands
Comment from : @raziel88

National growth does not mean a individual prosperitybrbrThere's a difference, and in Holland we notice this
Comment from : @thijshagenbeek6554

our econemy grows so fast because the government is robbing us blind
Comment from : @peterpeter7581

Not all is positive
Comment from : @henkvandervossen6616

I am from the NetherlandsI am in dutch but I have to say we pay a lot of text off incomes and gasoline and groceries are expensive more thinks like swimming pools dinner's add a restaurant, museum, al upbrPs i am sorry for bad Engels
Comment from : @zwollewood

It's not for most Dutch people Houses are more expensive than ever, and wealth inequality is growing But because we elected populist parties filled with the incompetent, this is what we get
Comment from : @SRFriso94

Comment from : @IRDOPEFISH

Median salary is 3200 a month (2600 after tax) and average rent for a normal, small sized house is 1600-1700 a month It’s a joke here and this video is misleading Most Dutch young people are forced to stay at home or move in with a boatload of friends just to make ends meet
Comment from : @dvdylan

Wen will speak-impaired stop comment?
Comment from : @predragraos-k5r

Is it? Lmao It's goddamn expensive An avarage home costs about 500000 Euro
Comment from : @TheSuperhoden

Dutch commenters are mostly university kids trying to buy houses in the Randstad and not understanding why they cant find good jobs with useless degrees You can easily buy houses and get comfortable jobs in the villages Work as a welder/plumber/mechanic and you'll notice fine business
Comment from : @daanmollema6366

As a Dutch person I can say “Statistics are like bikinis What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital”
Comment from : @kozepz

no, we are the poorest country, we also pay more for food and drinks than the rest of Europe, we still have a 10-year shield open and we have 0 income from abroad, although we spend money, I hear every day that we have a money crisis brThis year there is a buzz again, so Europe is wrong again as always brGermany is the richest brcheap house costs, low food and drink costs in Belgium, everything is also cheaper than the Netherlands do some better research next time
Comment from : @qpta2253

This video is laughable horse sht
Comment from : @koentjuh782

politics is key, we avoid left governments
Comment from : @alessandroalessandro6771

And the people here have it worse every coming year lmao
Comment from : @SB_15-33

And since the pandemic things began to become more expensive My favorite candy was first 250 euros now its 3 euros
Comment from : @LeviHopman12

Clearly looking at GDP alone is by far not a good way to measure the economy, read the other comments, the Netherlands has multiple crisis going on with housing and cost of living affecting the most people GDP is only a good measure if you are part of the richest class
Comment from : @piterwilson

Clearly looking at GDP alone is by far not a good way to measure the economy, read the other comments, the Netherlands has multiple crisis going on with housing and cost of living affecting the most people GDP is only a good measure if you are part of the richest class
Comment from : @piterwilson

No nation should have debts, i live in the Netherlands but my hope is for a structural system that does not allow spending over 99 of income to begin with Only for war or perhaps a pandemic Main focus should be zero debts Even our Dutch government with low debts and low interest on debts still pays about 8 billion on interest Which is the same as launching a James Webb space telescope almost every year While it toot NASA and ESA over 15 years to create James Webb, Basically the tiny Dutch nation on its own with low debts could literally be the world leader in Astronomy and so, so many other things with smarter finance control Most nations could do insane things The US now pays 14 interest debt compared to 18 of income for its army Meaning ever bigger interest payments Stop debts Each time there is an economic downturn interest on debts grow and you are the playbal of the markets It also sets a bad example for citizens and companies
Comment from : @Futurewise-Humanity

My onest opinion is whe work very hard to make a living despite outrage taxes to pay on everything Its taxes over taxes 3 times until whe are left whit nothing at all Severe govermentbudget cuts on every major important things in live & over regulation rules Living is very hard for the working class people My onest opinion, it feels like a dictatorstate country to live in oppression Dutch mentallety of its inhebbitants has always been that whe dont complain and work hard The majorety of the population isnt happy at all
Comment from : @MrErik038

I left NL two years ago Too expensive, too much tax, too full, too many traffic jams, too many food Banks, too individualistic
Comment from : @ElectricPaoloIAM

That’s a weird title because it doesn’t
Comment from : @eddu4361

This video is 8 minutes too long The reason the Netherlands is outperforming the rest is because they tax the fvck out of everything As an example, petrol used to cost us 145 euro/L a couple years ago Now it's 220 euro/L
Comment from : @cjerp

The Netherlands is increasingly becoming a shithole This economic boom is not felt by the population The country seems to be broke, there’s no money for healthcare or education, cost of living are increasing and taxes are at a record high Housing is unaffordable It really sucks to be Dutch in this day and age
Comment from : @sander2723

One of the advantages of the Dutch economy in 2022 and after was the presence of a large permanent LNG import/re-export terminal in Rotterdam when the natural gas sanctions against Russia came into effect in 2022/2023 This terminal was built years ago , when it became obvious that domestic natural gas production would decline or end in future Capacity of the terminal was appr 12 bln m3 throughput per year This offered an opportunity to keep using the existing pipeline infrastructure from NL to EU countries, trading instead of producing natural gas Besides that, after the Ukraine invasion 8 bln m3 capacity was realised in the form of a floating LNG terminal in the Eemhaven port in the North, very close to the 'old' gas fields, offering a short and quick connection to the gas pipeline networks
Comment from : @rinusbeckers119

as a dutch person, i cant afford to go to the doctor, i cant afford to eat 3 meals a day, i cant afford to study, i can barely afford my housing and cheap food Working my ass off as a 20 y/o
Comment from : @nashwagemakers

Sshhhhh! Don't tell anyone 🤫🤫🤫🤫😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
Comment from : @CiroCicconi

I have nothing more to add to the comments written here The yearly inflationrates in the Netherlands are the highest in Europe, not just among the highest Except for Britain, that no longer is a member of the EU
Comment from : @sanderhulsman-m1k

the chip industry is carrying Netherland, singlehandedly, no one outside the chip industry is benifiting though
Comment from : @XtergoBlue

We have to work until 70 years We pay a lot of taxes and we also have to pay for 100000 new immigtants a year
Comment from : @Schurk-x3d

It’s not going so good To much green plans that are to expensive and bring less profit
Comment from : @ol7926

is this propaganda
Comment from : @tradiecshop8267

Ik merk er weinig van betaal me blauw aan de Roverheid/bv holland / die gieren
Comment from : @Tom-vk2rv

There is no economic boom, only speculative bubbles of US funds Bubbles ready to burst brExample real estate? Their value has doubled in 3 years It is obvious that this is economic doping brUS investment funds bought entire neighborhoods and the mass of purchases drove up rents and real estate prices brThis is all false! there is no boom The Dutch have become poorer !
Comment from : @keylogger430

The Netherlands is a transit country We are last to go down, but also last to get out of an economic crash When production countries start booming again
Comment from : @Michiel1972

We must stop Denmark at all costs
Comment from : @westwardquest

De rijken worden rijker, de armen worden armer 😢
Comment from : @williamvandegriendt92

The Boom is so quiet that the gasprices and groceries prices are still sky high! somebody need to inform them!
Comment from : @bunherr8974

Triple A … all the way !!br💪💪💪
Comment from : @jvanderson6239

Meanwhile as a dutch citizen the companies get more and more but the citizens get poorer and poorer
Comment from : @brawler_thesecond

This only exemplifies stats are meaningless!
Comment from : @christietang3985

Can we please do a retraction of this video? Apparently, this growth is just an artefact of the underestimation of the inflation this year Growth in NL is essentially 0
Comment from : @peterk9243

The reality is quite different People are struggling The prices keep on increasing The inflation measurement is changed and doesn’t share real inflation but instead core inflation NL has the most expensive public transport in EU, 48 income tax, 21 VAT Third highest fuel prices The groceries are even expensive than neighbouring countries like Germany and Belgium brIt is the country for only the rich It has the highest wealth inequality in the world
Comment from : @vikrambrar595

But I agree upon picking competent leaders The actual programm is about reducing spendings on items that should not be touched like education
Comment from : @Ludo-n3w

Fine Netherland is rich becouse high tax and Netherlands people have no houses en no money Nice :D
Comment from : @ANONIM404

The economy might be doing well, most people are NOTbrI'm a Dutch disabled woman living on less than minimum for years, but even I give what ever money I can manage to spare to support the food banks here to help the increasing amount of poor people that are even worse off than me!
Comment from : @Keyboardje

No one in the Netherlands is enjoying any fruits of this "boom"
Comment from : @WuCSquad

Putting out prime minister in the thumbnail like he had anything to do with it is kind of painful 👀
Comment from : @joas162

Het zou alleen wel fijn zijn als ik er ook wat van merk Het buitenzwembad is wegbezuinigd terwijl de prijzen zijn verhoogd, de bieb is verkleind, het medialandschap verschraald, de boodschappen zijn duurder enz EnzbrDan komen ze van boven nog even zeggen dat mijn cultuur niet deugtbrbrDe welvaart gaat vooral naar de rijken
Comment from : @Treinbouwer

Ah nice, so the country gets richer but the people get more poor year by year
Comment from : @quintenkonst4951

No This is an example of how macroeconomic numbers don't always reflect inhabitants well being Middle class people with regular jobs used to do very very well in NL Now you have to be rich for that The purchasing power of the majority has decreased The government is clinging more and more to the US culture which is already leading to more (US-style) inequality
Comment from : @usertutubo06

as someone from the Netherland this is nice for my boss he can buy a 3rd porsche now, if i am lucky i can steal a new cardboard box since the old one that i had under the bridge got stolen
Comment from : @Jijhebtmijnnaamnietnodig

Netherlands is best place for living if you have house
Comment from : @Dani2kAl_GEIR

Does this impact the Dutch healthcare system's relationship with paracetamol? Lol
Comment from : @farrabunny9713

Is this guy using drugsbrbriam from the netherlands give same drugs😂😂😂😂😂brbrLiving in the netherlands expensive!!!!!!
Comment from : @hy0134

Blackrock propaganda, nobody believes these lies anymore
Comment from : @fransnagel

Rich? On paper Taxes are sky highbrPoverty is normal
Comment from : @RosaVlinder1961

Because we get taxed so fing much… that’s why
Comment from : @Reasonedsplash9

As a Dutch person I know we have some key industries built here like ASML, hightech farm equipment, etc We are startup friendly and everyone has a chance at building a good life Government isn’t fully funded by the rich like in the US Country is compact making access to everything a breeze
Comment from : @Happidap

They put the wrong picture for Mark Rutte on the video
Comment from : @lukasvandenelzen836

And now we have Wilders I who's going to raise VAT on a lot of stuff and inflation in the last quarter has risen by over 3 on groceries, energy and other costs of living The economy might be doing well but it doesn't trickle down to the people Wages are behind inflation for most
Comment from : @fortheloveofmusic860

It isn't cost of living, taxes and inflation is trough the roof On paper we look wealthy, reality is we got a huge swath of working poor living below the poverty line
Comment from : @simdal3088

Im reading all these stupid comments that we don’t experience all this wealth as Dutch people But we do! Everything is there for everyone No one is poor and there is work for everyone brPeople complaining just want more, more, more and don’t see what they actually have (just read their comments)brWe just love complaining😉
Comment from : @hugss1680

wait a second I live in the netherlands, are you sure? I sure dont notice it
Comment from : @timvanderwiel5105

Comment from : @NabilBreda

I’m Dutch and I notice this Every concert, restaurant, store, vacation park, etc is packed every weekend brbrI do think the boom is mostly in the big cities
Comment from : @jappiejojo777

The economy might be doing well but at the same time inequality and poverty is increasing
Comment from : @johnkossen

Gewoon werken jongens! Jullie klagen te veel, maar dat jullie überhaupt de tijd hebben om te klagen geeft het probleem al aan Arm zijn is een keuze! Er zijn genoeg banen, we hebben lage werkloosheid en te veel openstaande vacatures Combineer dat met ons hoog minimumloon en je kan niet arm zijn als je gewoon fulltime werkt met wat voor baan dan ook Maar zoals deze video laat zien, zijn wij wereldkampioen parttime werkers 40 van de werkende bevolking werkt niet fulltime! Ja dan ook niet zeuren dat je te weinig geld hebt Buiten Nederland werken veel mensen nog veel meer dan wij "fulltime" noemen 50 urige werkwerken zijn niet ongewoon in Amerika en China Harder werken jongens! 40 uur is niet veel en als je dat niet aankan verdien je het niet om rijk te zijn!
Comment from : @corne1717

The annual inflation rate in the Netherlands rose to 36 in October 2024, up from 35 in September, br2023, the inflation rate of the Netherlands decreased by 62 percentage points (-62 percent) compared to 2022brBelow is from 1971 to 2024brNetherlands Inflation RatebrIn Netherlands, the most important categories in the consumer price index are: housing, water, electricity and gas (245 percent of the total weight); transport (116 percent) and food and non-alcoholic beverages (113 percent) The index also includes: recreation and culture (103 percent); furnishing and household equipment (6 percent); clothing and footwear (49 percent); hotels and restaurants (42 percent); communication (33 percent) and alcoholic beverages and tobacco (31 percent) Health, education and other goods and services account for the remaining 208 percent of total weight
Comment from : @WelcomeToMyWorld272

I m immigrant working and Livin in Nijmegen Netherlands rent is 700 for tiny private room with 1 electric induction and shared bathroom,250 health insurance and tax ,600 for food
Comment from : @SNEHDENCARDOSO

The truth is that the intelligentsia in The Netherlands did not poison themselves with Covid-19 shots ;-)
Comment from : @remonrossi8985

fake data
Comment from : @Tortsie

This is absolute nonsense
Comment from : @SolTheImmoralFire

This video is thr reason i dont belive in media wr can barely aford the rent prices wrnt up the ceapest pack of cigarettes is at least 11 euro yes maybe the goveent does well but ordinay peopleis not that bright for us
Comment from : @NicAlexandru

whats the minimum wage in netherlands/EU?
Comment from : @ewppkl

As yet another person from the Netherlands, this economic growth is in almost no way possible Sure it's still a great country to live in, especially compared to most other countries, but basic life needs are incredibly expensive and don't seem to go down any time soon
Comment from : @Daniel-vg8fk

Dutch a re a whiney bunch, they have no idea how well off they are compared to other countries
Comment from : @ferkeap

The whole irony is I'm now getting a message for a house rent after years while watching this video
Comment from : @Supermariocrosser

It is noticeable If you look in the Dutch big cities on a Sunday, people are shopping and enjoying the hospitality industry, like never before Sure there are also people struggling, which is hard to rule out, but in general, people are doing well
Comment from : @PantalonesGrandes-px1io

12 month GDP Growth: brMalta 44 brCyprus 37 brDenmark 34 brCroatia 33 brPoland 32 brSpain 31 brGreece 23 brBulgaria 21 brSlovakia 19 brLithuania 18 brHungary 15 brPortugal 15 brBelgium 11 brFrance 10 brItaly 09 brRomania 09 brNetherlands 08 brSlovenia 07 br brUK 07 br br*Source: Trading Economics
Comment from : @Michael_from_EU_Germany

As a Dutchman, I don't recognize me in this story We must work till we die and can hardly afford anything
Comment from : @Grunn1965

I have been looking for a house to rent in the Amsterdam area for absolute years now, what are you talking about?
Comment from : @HuubKwarten

What a bullshit
Comment from : @rdkbialek

I agree with the other Dutchies in these comments And PLEASE take a way that picture of our current prime minister, that nervous wreck shouldn't get any credits for a "good" economy This muppet is just a few months prime minister and I feel ackward every time I see his face
Comment from : @Nieleman

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