Title | : | ‘Totally illegal’: Andrew Weissmann on Trump’s effort to dismantle the FBI, purge career employees |
Lasting | : | 10.48 |
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Views | : | 90 rb |
The FBI killed JFK, The FBI killed MLK and countless other, i say go get them Trump Comment from : @jacobywilliams8541 |
Wrongful termination Illegal!!!!!!! Comment from : @Nttt739 |
It's pathetic and sad to see Adams paraded around by Homan and Co like a circus attraction They dangle that 'without prejudice', and he dances when they clap The optics are stinging Comment from : @andrewmorris2820 |
Time for Trump to go Comment from : @DaveWitham-td8lj |
The FBI went after Trump's criminal activities, and Trump wouldn't go after them Trump is vengeful it's a mental disorder that Trump has, and he can't control And he doesn't realize he has this disorder he thinks it normal Trump doesn't realize these FBI were just doing their job nothing personal he needs psychotic help Comment from : @davidsnakenberg7847 |
totally illegalbut what about the justice and legal system have done to the American ppl!!!!!brOur Constitution is NOTHING like the Forefathers envisioned for us; Comment from : @KB-xk2fe |
1000 tariff on tesla Comment from : @michaeljackson3816 |
Weissmann is just another attorney who misleads and is a partisan pundit who divides MisMSNBC always confuses option with news Just pathetic Comment from : @jussanut1 |
Go on, MSNBC, keep lying unti trump finds a reason to shut you down Comment from : @aAaa-gj1lh |
Why is it illegal to stop fraud waste and abuse? Oh yeah, you are getting rich off of taxpayers Rot in jail Comment from : @davidcurtis91 |
Trump people that he put in place 🆚 the undercover klan members not much difference The cops being assaulted with no justice and perpetrator’s pardoned Now they have a taste of what it’s to be of color in America the injustice Too bad George Bush Senior is gone He could’ve sent the CIA to handle this Trump problem Comment from : @josehpaynepayne4303 |
Trump people that he put in place the undercover clan members not much difference Comment from : @josehpaynepayne4303 |
Go get them FBI, NSA, CIA You have talents, connections and abilities to outsmart anyone and America needs your help I hope your connections around the world will help as well Actions matter Read your Constitution Please stop the madness Comment from : @TamaraOHearn |
Sayeth the e’DJT😂Tiny digit, br“It’s not that, I don’t want to be a wiseguy ” brIt’s just who I am☠️‼️☠️ Comment from : @njosborne6152 |
you say dangerous for the presidentWHAT ABOUT US THE AMERICANS ????? Comment from : @hooker4749 |
The supreme court is bogus There is no way that should be able to happen in America!!!! Comment from : @Bammer9012 |
Trump needs to be impeached immediately!!! Comment from : @Bammer9012 |
This is classical would be dictator methodology, just look at history, defenestrate the political opposition, remove those in the best position to oppose you, attack and paralyse law enforcement, attempt to close down press opposition, promote a "look over there" approach to the public, install sycophants and mainly completely incompetent people into roles of authority, orchestrate attacks on one segment of society blaming them for all the countries problems, ALL of this is classical out of the Germany 1936 playbook Hitler rose to power because of the backing of powerful industrialists in Germany and the apathy of the German people, Trump is being backed by todays influencers, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg et al That did not end well for Germany and I suspect this is also not going to end well for America Comment from : @irishcarthanachta1494 |
Trump, Vance and Musk are criminals Mostly of course Trump because of J6 Comment from : @andersjeppesen4517 |
FDT Comment from : @davidrogers7145 |
Like President Nixon When you see the lies an the wrong doing of your oath to America Called The Constitution Our President has not followed The American law of our Constitution of laws an our house of Represenitives voted in totally being ignored against our country of America 🇺🇸 so Impeachment is next Comment from : @malindasneed |
Investigating J6 was a jobs program Comment from : @kdnick8584 |
Could someone, ANYONE, explain to me HOW he is allowed to get away with these things?? What is happening!? Comment from : @dcoleman4444 |
So America is being taken over by these dictating billionaires 😮 Im getting kinda worried and I'm up here🇨🇦 What the Comment from : @Lillymclilly11 |
Andrew Weissmann and Robert Mueller are guilty by allowing Trump to get away with unlawful activity because they could "not reach a conclusion about possible obstruction" in the Mueller Report They made the foolish assumption that congress would hold Trump accountable Comment from : @MarionJInce |
Kids these days Comment from : @1Me4Ever88 |
And you can not kick eggs on him its to expensiv ,or have Trump lower the costs First day first day first day first day What Comment from : @gotelevin712 |
Andrew Weissmann belongs in GITMO!!! Comment from : @usmcamerican8201 |
F the fake news!!! Comment from : @usmcamerican8201 |
If i do something illegal I get arrested If Trump does America listens to crickets Comment from : @ckveraa8 |
If it was illegal , they could do something, There is nothing illegal about dismissing Federal employees!!brIt doesn't matter what they did or or are doingbrThat's like saying line assemblers at an automotive can't be let go because they were doing their jobsbrThe Government departments are bleeding $$$$ and Dems claim it's illegal to get rid of employees is nutsbrThe Democrats will find out its not illegal!! Comment from : @danvetor1365 |
This is the new Republican Oligarchy They have the goal of dismantling every arm of all three branches of government that can hold those in power accountable to the law This is the elimination of the constitutionally inscribed checks and balances on power government-wide Changing the laws through Congress is time-consuming and difficult since it was constitutionally designed to be a democratic and deliberative process If enough power is garnered by any one political faction they can over time affect everything legally and constitutionally But Republicans do not have that level of power and time is so of the essence that they are effectively unable and unwilling to follow the constitutionally prescribed process to legislate Instead, they are circumventing the constitution To do so they must break the law and violate their oaths The first step in this is to decimate the law enforcement agencies that could investigate and prosecute these crimes These are the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) brbrThis is underway now and both agencies have been effectively decapitated brbrWe are witness to the transformation of the world's first and most successful democracy being destroyed and replaced by the new Republican Oligarchy There is nothing new or progressive with oligarchies- every King & his Kingdom were oligarchies It is the modern-day equivalent of the Monarchy, with divine right replaced solely by financial might If the new Republican Oligarchy is successful, America as a democracy will be terminated This is the most dangerous moment for America since the Civil war, and the struggle is once again between what are fundamentally the same two factions in both the Civil war and today's battle: those who believe in the Democrat ideal that All Men are Created Equal, and those who do not Comment from : @Grayson-om5hk |
Bring on the 14th amendment Comment from : @vincent-xu7re |
Trump's tumer is getting so big the hair in his wig is leaving Comment from : @vincent-xu7re |
the FBI and all other letter agences need to be dismantled and reassembled "drain the swamp" has needed happen for a long time Comment from : @mikesalyer4628 |
It is really simple the Republican politicians have to put loyalty to the Constitution over loyalty to their party Comment from : @robertlook1 |
The removal of the IGs was illegal and unconstitutional as well Comment from : @robertlook1 |
Murkowski is a CATHOLIC TRAITOR just like Biden, Newsom, Pelosi, McConnell Comment from : @alfinnell |
Why is this continuing? Please for all those in power stop them all I did not vote for trump because of this and my love of knowledge and facts I feel hopeless and doomed What can I do to help? Comment from : @tracylay3242 |
Any opposition to Trump means they are guilty Comment from : @thetoysurgeon |
Hey Mr Weissmann how many times have you been sanctioned by a federal judge for lying and withholding exculpatory evidence ? I know it's been more tham once and you should have been put in prison Comment from : @TheValidation |
Trump's & his cohorts' actions are outrageous, illegal & unconscionable They must be stopped Comment from : @BillieClose |
More lies from Andre Weissman and the Democrat BS propaganda news network Comment from : @gordondwyer3641 |
Steps to becoming an authoritarian ruler #1 -appeal to radical elements to get elected #2 - Install judges that support your agenda #3 - Install loyalists at all power points in government #4 - Control the press We are at #3 and transitioning to #4 Comment from : @FreedomOfSpeech-u5q |
Unfortunately the ruling ny SCOTUS regarding Presidential Immunity complicates matters herebrIf Trump claims he was acting as President he cannot be held accountable It's like bolting the stable door and adding extra locks AFTER THE HORSE ESCAPED! Comment from : @Steve-nu4sv |
Just imagine what he is trying to distract from, to do all this Comment from : @jimjett9996 |
Lucky, those stupid Americans who voted Trump still have real law in this country Comment from : @pinglu1510 |
Looks like you're going to have to start to educate the stupid whether they want to be educated or not and that means people like that don't have TVs and just have radios or just have TVs no radios do you know what I mean it's like there was so many dumb people out there that thinking that he was going to help the country and them but he's helping himself to the country Comment from : @lordanthony8709 |
Please elaborate the term dictator??brLabeling the actions of someone who only represents the good for there country and fellow human beings into one short word means that you only have limited knowledge of how things really work You try multitasking at his level His done more in the few months than many previous presidents of recent times couldn't accomplish in 4 years Comment from : @Nsfwads |
It truly shows that Trump will sacrifice the protections of hundreds of experienced agents all for the benefit of showing that Trumps' history of criminality is both untrue and a travesty and his image takes precedence over and above the future of this countrysuch unbelievable conceit and egomaniacal logic have never been seen before in this country Comment from : @williamearls2021 |
Next, private media will be shut down Trust me, I'm African I know the tyrant playbook through experience Comment from : @JaphetMesa |
His Doing The Same Thing Hitler Did Wake Up American Comment from : @martinvillarreal335 |
Will any resistance to Trump and Elon matter if anyone of the MAGA people even if committing criminal acts can be pardoned by Trump??? Comment from : @gothgod |
He's the President Of The United states Comment from : @CathyBourque-e8b |
tr🦧mp is working on pootin’s orders destroying everything that’s American with the help of traitors and domestic terrorists like e-lon () musk and Stephen millers 🧛🏻♂️and those Russian agents 🐍in the GOP America under tr🦧mp is like a train wreck plunging over a cliff !!!! Comment from : @chezith |
When Weissmann says that something is "illegal" you can be certain that it is clearly legal Comment from : @carrerau7138 |
Undermining agencies functionality gives oligarchs greater opportunity to break the rules Comment from : @wouterwurth5160 |
😅😊😅😮 Comment from : @karenarcher8143 |
Can't believe Chris Christie hasn't said something yet Comment from : @DonaldInman359 |
There is more to be uncovered Trump is currently hiding and that is the real reason for the FBI purge Trump is fully aware of this and he's scared shitless due to this fact 😊 Comment from : @Smokin_Phat_Dabs |
The FBI is who you want if a child is kidnapped The FBI is invaluable to the safety of the United States Comment from : @judithelaine9285 |
Lack of experience was not wisebrProof of incompetence, not wisdombrMental derangement brIs energized bybrMad selfishness forbrPersonal gainsbrDjt sr ( et al) are not considerate of others Djt sr follows others who are more knowledgeable about illegal-criminal behaviorsbrDjt sr displays more preadolescent qualities than qualities of a full adulthood man at 78/79 years of agebrHe continues to want to be disruptive The whole world is becoming more aware on a daily basis thatbrDjt sr , dj vance, mtg,jj,& more brEt al are notbrRepresentingbrThe Wellbeing ofbrUS,WE THE PEOPLEbrOF THE USA Comment from : @theresawolfson6501 |
The January 6th insurrection was the first step in Trump’s design of lawlessness for the entire planet This is why he has been threatening Greenland, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Gaza Comment from : @echobay5040 |
This is nothing less than TREASON from TRumpy - He clearly should be impeached - but probably unlikely when most Republicans still smooch his butt Comment from : @JIM4644 |
Retribution pure and simple, Trump is vindictive Yank Bondi back in for oversight and never confirm Patel Comment from : @johnt8441 |
Trump is an illegal president according to the 14th Amendment Sec 3 I heard the Dems in the house want to impeach him They should also use the 14th amendment Sec3! Comment from : @TheSoundofSilents-um5tn |
Weissmann is a member of ,'the Tribe', do not expect truth from him !! Comment from : @AnthonyTobyEllenor-pi4jq |
Trump wants to put his militia as FBI replacements!!! 😮😮😮 Comment from : @carmenpatriciacondefierro8387 |
RICO's act conspiracy provision allows prosecutors to charge multiple people who commit separate crimes to achieve a common goal It also allows prosecutors to target people in positions of authority within criminal organizations unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures use them Not everyone has immunity Musk on down Comment from : @DarlaLeasure-k4z |
BAHH BYYYY!!! Comment from : |
DUMB DONALD Belongs in an OLD Folks home instead of the White House 😅 Comment from : @Jerome-y6o |
Trump spreads propaganda more than Hitler did lol and he rigged the election ya look it up! Comment from : @christineblack4654 |
Tired of being shadow-banned for no reason Unsubscribed Comment from : @teresacastro1263 |
Recipients of USAID Comment from : @Susan-i3p7r |
Why would half of all the FBI agents be involved in the Capital feasco Comment from : @mikepandis2593 |
Why does MSNBC keep losing and why does Mr President keep winning Comment from : @Chuck-js8dy |
This country will be hopeless against terrorism foreign and domestic Comment from : @patrickwilson2650 |
I think Trumps wants them gone, because this time around if he gets impeached he will be arrested by them He is foretelling us what will happen I speculate that Putin is running the show because I bet Trump is actually terrified of dying by nerve poisoning That is why you are seeing all this chaos Stop looking at each individual thing and why trump is saying he is doing it Look at the whole picture of what's happening, that is how you can see what is going on Trump made a deal with the devil along time ago Comment from : @GoGreen-l7e |
The US Military under Biden kept the US perfectly safe until Trump took over, and started firing the most competent people in every department, science, and disclipline to keep America safe Planes started falling out of the skies, trains wrecked, the economy and truth, law and order collapsed, and Trump trying to remove every good thing people get in a good wholesome society like truth, law, and order how does that make America great again treating everybody like a terrorist, everybody losing their jobs, science and medicine have been corrupted with insanity and criminal insanity of Trump and his brainwashed and lied to supporters, unless you believe Trump's lies, criminal insanity, and vile treasonous behavior of infamy and destruction towards law and order, truth, science, reason, love, and light you are taking America down, truth, love and light down with you Comment from : @janlev-111A |
Andrew Weissmann is incredibly sharp, he has a way of looking at the crimes that none of us see Comment from : @timmackey8133 |
Impeach Trump He is Guilty of a Insurrectionest PERIOD And he Should be in Prison The Supreme Court Fu ked Up Comment from : @boydstanley6925 |
Ahem! If I was doing something illegal, in plain sight, I'm pretty sure I would be arrested Comment from : @PaulCarrera-b3e |
There is a coup d’état going on in Washington DC If you want to know what’s going on, watch “The Great Dictator” with Charlie Champlin That will tell you everything you need to know about what Trumps doing Comment from : @robertehatten4847 |
This housecleaning is what we voted for! Comment from : @denisematt6475 |
Trump took an oath to uphold The Constitution safe and look what he has done And Musk doing a Natzi salute at the inauguration Wake up people He is going after Veteran's next We all know what he thinks of them Comment from : @deeann424 |
I'm ashamed of America Other countries are more concerned with what is happening here They call it Fascism and they are right We need to fight or lose our country Vall your representatives Comment from : @deeann424 |
Do you think we are experiencing subversion with the Trump administration? Comment from : @BarbaraEartbawey |
i am hearing that us aid was investagating starlink for something going on in Ukraine i think Elon may be supplying leaks to Russia Comment from : @winterstar4813 |
Everyone know that Trump had Musk rig the election Trump admitted to it Now they’ve taken over Several people quit watching TV after the election because of the knowledge of the situation Plus , since that time all news is devastating Comment from : @rosiemiller1877 |
The had 4 years to charge for Jan 6 Didn't don't it the attorney General Didn't do it job now it took late Comment from : @lajamed8885 |
Grand orange Poobah has made himself lord and master of the Kennedy Center Comment from : @thomastynan2900 |
Donald Trumps bite off more than he can chew Comment from : @EVSSKI |
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