Title | : | Did I Find The BEST BUDGET Table Saw with the MOST Features? |
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A couple of days ago, I was talking about the fence on my table saw, and came back and said it was a SkilSaw Now seeing this today, it's very similar to that one I can't depend on it to be square from the operator end to the cut wood end And there is no good way to measure the distance, that I've figured out I saved a few videos about making your own fence, but haven't watched those yet I wish I could afford a higher end saw When I bought my equipment, I bought good stuff, but nothing great Probably the most expensive piece of equipment I got was a Jet bandsaw, but even it's nothing special I think it's about a 10" or something and seemingly very underpowered Comment from : @turn-n-burn1421 |
I know I'm a little late to the game, but found your video when my table saw died Thank you very much for taking the time to show us this Loved your review and really loved the price, so I bought it Best table saw I've ever owned! Comment from : @Gilikemail |
I'm hoping I don't have to have multiple hose sizes in my DIY shop area Can a 1-1/4" hose handle the dust from this saw? I know my shop vac hose fits but it is so cumbersome and the other tools I have can take a small hose Comment from : @PaulAshley |
That's a nice bit of kit I live in the UK and have bought one very similar called an Evolution you should have a look IMHO it is every bit as good It does however not have a 10 inch capacity only 8, this lack of capacity is more than compensated by it's extra features for instance the sliding fence feature enabling the mitre fence to be locked onto the table and still slide as in a very expensive panel saw I don't know if this is available over the pond but it is a really good product for much the same price as the Skil Well worth a look atbrRegards Mick Comment from : @michaellobley9485 |
Absolutely love it Built my work bench and all my storage shelves with it Comment from : @LynnJynh9315 |
3:50 the rack isn't even on the pinion That can't be good Comment from : @kcmoto6507 |
Today on Amazon it is $260 Comment from : @frankl5675 |
Does anyone know if you can remove the integrated stand so that it could be mounted to a homemade rolling cart/bench? Comment from : @metallictimber |
Hi sorry I know this video is 2 years old but was just wondering what tools you were using to push the board through the saw Do you have a vid discussing each one and how/when to use them? I want to start a woodworking hobby so i'm very new to all of this Thank you Comment from : @rmartinm6210 |
any chanch of a review of the hercules table saw??????? Comment from : @jeremysmith2188 |
They don't sell this in UK or Germany 😢 Comment from : @TheCrabbers |
I've owned this saw for a year It hasn't held up The motor is failing and the bolts on the tilt/lift and toolless blade adjustment unthread during use causing the blade to go out of alignment while in operationbrbrThis is all covered under warranty but the first place Skil had me bring the saw had it for 2 weeks before informing me that they recently stopped working with Skil and to puck up my saw The second place skil sent me said the electrical issues alone would necessitate a full replacementbrbrSkil is willing to replace it but by the time they do ill have been without my table saw for well over a month I asked if there was an upgrade path to buy into the 10" worm drive in hopes it's more robust but no such luckbrbrIt's a shame, but it looks like the saw just isn't built to last and the warranty has been a real pain to execute Good luck to others but I want other buyers to be wary that this might not be the best saw for them long term Comment from : @Crayonomicon |
Love you videos man Just picked up this saw, and I think I’m gonna love it! Comment from : @j0hnny-Awes0m3 |
I bought the Skil TB6307-00 today and was surprised that it came with a plastic throat plate In another video, you said the newer models come with a metal throat plate I'll be calling Skil tomorrow (today's Sunday) to see if I can get a metal one Comment from : @kevinbradley57 |
my 17 y/o hitachi finally died while on a job, I did a quick search and bought this very saw at lowes Beyond impressed and satisfied excellent value Comment from : @jimmyfavereau |
Excelent value table saw packed with features I was able to snatch one from Menards for $269 Thanks for the great review Comment from : @jolebole-yt |
Just bought one at Menards for $269 minus 11 rebate So about $239 plus tax Comment from : @subaraptor |
Its even cheaper now I might get one especially after this review Comment from : @alltaira5922 |
How does it compare to Hitachi / Metabo Hpt c10rj? Comment from : @marcin4465 |
you rock a skiitish had a saw years ago got kickback and i quit lol Comment from : @Trademan_24-7 |
Looking at this and rigid contractor saw 4560 I know one is portable n one is not Not a crazy issue I got deals on both Need advice asap as you can’t find the rigid and if that’s the one I don’t want to miss out! Thanks, Bob Comment from : @bobs7975 |
This just replaced my 8" DeWalt for my jobsite saw This thing is great once you dial it in Comment from : @timmartin8128 |
I bought this table saw before I even saw this review and I love it I also bought the zero clearance plate and the dado plate and it came with a special nut to have the maximum width that the saw is supposed to do I also wished that skill would have made the fence go to 30 inches Other than that, this my saw until I can get a cabinet saw Comment from : @pedrorivera-soto7566 |
This looks like a pretty good saw However, when you reviewed the DeWalt saw, it was basically the same price at $299 Why would I choose the Skill over the DeWalt, that being the case? Comment from : @kimgilbertsen8216 |
Can you do a review on the SKIL miter saw Comment from : @jaydenmontes7458 |
I bought this saw blindly without doing any research and I was very impressed and happy with the purchase I got it for $299, which beats out the cheap saws at harbor freight Comment from : @AbrahamSanchez |
For your information, this saw is now $299 at Lowe’s and Amazon Even cheaper than the time this was posted Comment from : @GokouZWAR |
Beginner? How about just anyone needing a good saw Comment from : @kenairockband |
Fantastic review I normally dont leave comments, but i had to commend you on the thoroughness of this review Great job Comment from : @romanhwc |
how do you think this one holds up to the Hercules one from Harbor Freight? Comment from : @dsimms6 |
I found one of these on clearance for under $300 I already have an older craftsman belt drive, but I have a really small shop and thought this might be a decent replacement for it that would also give me more room Am I wrong? Comment from : @hillustration |
What do you think of a Shopsmith for small areas? Comment from : @jasoneknisley6218 |
This is good news to me I had the cheapest Menards saw for a few years and I hated the fence so much brbrA couple years ago I fenced in about half an anchor, and the design my wife wanted has a dado groove in every 2x4 to frame cattle panel A TON of dado-ing brbrI decided I needed a new table saw, and all I knew is I wanted a geared fence and this one seemed solid brbrA couple years later and I’m getting more into wood working and have been binging your channel and others It’s nice to see a tool recommended that I already have lol Comment from : @MansterBear |
the fact this thing is $270 now is a wild deal Comment from : @ScooterBean |
FYI, this saw is actually CHEAPER now than it was when you got it coming in at $300 on Amazon I also have 10 off from being an Amazon business so if you do that you save more Comment from : @GokouZWAR |
Can't get this in Australia But you can get the power saws Dumb as brI would probably buy skil power hand tools IF they're as good as this table saw brThe only brands you can buy are Dewalt, Makita Evolution is behind in its development in Australia too brIf you buy anything Australian you get crap, that expensive Comment from : @peace4peaceful |
How accurate is it? How parallel are the two edges after a cut? And how straight is it? In other words would it be ready for a glue up after the cut (also assuming you have a new blade)? Thanks! Great video! Comment from : @HangboardWorkshop |
For a beginner, which do you think would be better, the skil or Dewalt DWE7485? Comment from : @geriengel |
It's now only $300 on Amazon and I bought one because of your video Thank you I wanted to replace my ancient Craftsmen bench model because it had no protection pieces, a friction fit fence and no t-channel for the miter brbr I'm just a hobbyist so it's not worn out but the motor noise of the of the Craftsman is twice that of the Skil The rack and pinion fence, guards and other features you highlighted sold me on this Comment from : @dronepilotflyby9481 |
40000 US, LOL its not worth it Comment from : @richardscarlett7942 |
How loud are some other options that are similar? What's making it so loud? I'm always eyeballing this at the store Comment from : @PDillz |
Thank you for this video! I already had a nice table saw, but I wanted a way to make box joints and dado joints while minimizing the setup I bought this saw and the Freud Dado set For the price, for me, it was worth it to have a second dedicated table saw to keep the dado blades on This is a great setup! You also hold the distinction of being the first person that I have ever clicked affiliate links for Your videos have given me a great amount of value Cheers! Comment from : @MagTheGrate |
I shud hv purchased this from canadian tire last year when i first saw that on sale I m not able to find any in toronto area now Comment from : @freddie966woo |
Thanks to your video of the skill with the skil saw you convinced me to buy it, although I have not used it yet, I am already a beginner, I wanted to ask you if you think it is necessary to install a soft start module, I ask you since you did some exercises with this saw Comment from : @rudywilliams6238 |
By tossing the stock blade on the workbench, replace it with one with more cutting teeth, preferably carbide tips, and you won’t have that splintering along the cut edges Comment from : @cwoodside907 |
Mine is arriving tomorrow from Walmart Can't wait to use it Great review Comment from : @charliebronson1274 |
What type of blade would you suggest for plywood? Comment from : @metz2313 |
I bought one to get into the hobby Comment from : @Demicron |
I have this saw in New Zealand If you look at the table bed there is a rabbet you can sit the handle of the rear collar spanner against when putting pressure on the front nut spanner No need for a arbor lock, just use the rabbets Changing blades is actually very easy when you use this feature Comment from : @Murrray_Duncan |
Thanks! Comment from : @jeffhynd4055 |
Every time I look for some info, you've got it I like your delivery and detail Well earned sub Comment from : @dougbeard7624 |
Thanks for the review! Just picked one up from Amazon for $269! Comment from : @JayCaruso |
Thanks for this video I’ve been using a craftsman portable table saw for about 15 years It was one of the first shop tools I ever bought but it’s showing its age and does not make straight cuts I’ve finally decided to get something I can rely on and just ordered from ACME Can’t wait to get it!! Comment from : @rattlhed1 |
Great video I’ve been doing some research on table saws to see what might work best for me as I want to start doing some woodworking to help with income Once I can afford it, this’ll be the one I go with! I definitely appreciate professionals like you who like to help out newer woodworkers just getting into the craft! Comment from : @richardbriggs8662 |
I’m a new subscriber and brand spanking new to woodworking I just purchased this saw bc of your in depth knowledge and review I am excited to start this new hobby Comment from : @DarksouIjah |
Recently bought this Skil table saw- new Is it normal to see sparks around the motor when turning it off? Comment from : @cathybaker7274 |
This is a tough decision Here are my 3 contenders I'm a Handyman/gen contractor My 3 saws I'm looking at because my Ridgid broke 1 Festool csc 50 2 the new Flex 8 inch, that optional plug in option seems like a game changer and 3 This skil saw, the built in legs!! We need a review on the first two mentioned Obviously I'm going for low weight And the $$ has to come into play If I went Festool that would be my first Help!! Comment from : @ChrisMcGinnis-kj3zr |
🔥🔥🔥 Comment from : @rsg833 |
I recently purchased this saw based on one of your more recent videos Just a tip to other viewers who own guis saw There is a special throat plate made specifically for use with a dado stack This plate included a special arbor nut that claimrs to make the use of a dado stack on this saw safer See your owners manual for the item number I found mine in acme tools Comment from : @joshuaquick5511 |
What is the difference between the INCRA MITERV27 Miter V27 Miter Gauge and the SWAG Off Road Incra V27 Miter Gauge The SWAG is about $10 cheaper Comment from : @ronniefields4166 |
Of the high and low position of the fence, when would you ever use the upper position? I understand the lower position being at the level of the rest of the table to support the board you’re cutting Comment from : @canonman223 |
I have an old hand me down Ryobi, no rack and pinion fence Been looking for a new one Been looking primarily at cordless units But man, built in legs, onboard storage for accessories, quality of cutting, I just might be sold on this And it's like at least $100 less than the cordless If I see this on a sale, I'm going to get it Thank you for the very detailed review, and demonstration of the use cases It was easy and thorough Really appreciate it The 255 cutting width seems great to me I think both the Milwaukee and DeWalt's are like 245 And great suggestion on the miter gauge Thanks again! God Bless! Comment from : @goggutube |
Thanks for another great video! I have a question about this saw and replacing the blade Should i go thin-kerf with this saw? and if i do, do i need to get a thin kerf riving knife? Comment from : @ericpaz2854 |
How does it do cutting sheet goods? Comment from : @adamphillips6747 |
Hoping to purchase soon Has anyone seen this saw built into a multi function workbench? lots of dewault Comment from : @billynnc1998 |
I bought this saw it is horrible! Worst table saw I ever had! Comment from : @StevenYoder-dp9jr |
Time and again I read and see ppl saying this saw is LOUD but after all, it is a table saw and they all are pretty loud machines Can you share something more specific like a Db read for reference ? Comment from : @OhadElbaz66 |
Thanks for doing all these tool tests It helps me have a little more confidence in getting my woodworking set up I’m still scared though lol Comment from : @TPoPArt |
Do the legs come off in case you want to put it in a table? Comment from : @ElCidPhysics90 |
Im leaning towards this saw Does it stand aa low as it gets or is it just the camera angle I have a shop for a tabkesaw so wont be carrying one to job sites Would you still recommend this saw or would you get a bigger shop saw Were almost neighbors as im in west monroe Love your page and podcast Thanks for the review Comment from : @jdurrant421 |
I have this saw, and I share your views on it Highly recommend! Comment from : @dustinlee3529 |
If only this, or any jobsite saw, could have a flat table, it would be great br brEven the 10" Dewalt doesnt have a flat surface anymore Comment from : @carterscustomrods |
Thank you for the great video and infobrI am not a professional in this field and would like your opinion on the better 10" blade for good quality cuts of not very fancy woods, would it be the IRWIN or CMT for best all around (not using a stock blade) blade Thank you Comment from : @walterbellini |
damn i was about to buy it but your saying its loud kinda throws me off Comment from : @MatttKelly |
Is there any store so i can buy in Europe ? Comment from : @somethingsomething2692 |
Thank you for this review I got it in 2 days before knee surgery It’s been hard looking at the box without opening :) Comment from : @thomasfamilyvideos7393 |
Thank you sir! Comment from : @viperocco |
Anyone who owns this saw can tell me its dimensions when folded up? There's an online deal for this thing at a local store right now and I'm super tempted Comment from : @SanjarTheKingOfKings |
I have never understood the phrasing "for beginners" People say that in all different kinds of areas, be it photography, building gaming PCs, or as in this case power tools for woodworking All it means is "for people on a budget", and looks at products in the low price rangebrbrIf you were truly going to recommend something for a beginner, the mid range is usually the best way to start, for several reasons Firstly because more expensive gear is often easier to use, making it easier for the beginner to learn Secondly because more expensive gear tend to have better build quality (not always true though), making it the cheaper alternative in the long run So if you want people to save money, recommend something of good quality I have bought my share of "beginner tools" (read cheap) and regret it every time They have all gone to the afterlife nowbrbrBut Skil tend to be a pretty good brand in the cheaper range So in this specific case, it probably is a good saw for "the beginner" Comment from : @alexanderhugestrand |
Today i went to a tool consignment shop (sorta like an amazon liquidation store) and was looking for some clamps and my mom walked down a row and there were 2 or 3 table saws but in the midst of all of them, was a hidden gem A 10" craftsman tablesaw with a standalone stand, manual, push stick, blade guard, blade change wrenches, dust bag, fence, miter guage, and a blade, all gor 14999 The table saw is now in my shop! Comment from : @Ben-ej5bh |
I just returned a Kobalt table saw Been stuck contemplating on which one to get next This is the information I needed Thanks Comment from : @sinclairamissah7006 |
I think the worst thing about cheap, portable table saws is the lack of locking controls When they are new, they hold the blade height solid But, as they get some wear on them, the saws vibration will cause the heighth to drop in the middle of a cut If you are only cutting rip cuts or mitre cuts, that's fine But, when the heighth is crucial, these saws suck There are a few that do what a real table saw will do This isn't one of them There is a reason these saws are cheap and the fact that big box stores carry them, tells me that the profit margin is through the roof But, quality for the money?? No Comment from : @RonnieStanley-tc6vi |
Its gone 50 bucks since last year Comment from : @kcdiazWTV |
Thanks! Comment from : @timtaylor253 |
I own this saw Love it And since I am 5' 8" (on a good day), the relatively low height is fine So far i've only used thin kerf blades and the saw powers through anything I've needed to cut Like to try a full kerf (1/8") blade with FTG for dados, etc Not sure if it has the necessary power Has anyone used a full kerf blade? Any thoughts? thanks Comment from : @tomlovesdiy |
Thanks I want 28" Comment from : @flashwashington2735 |
Ordered one today, had chance to fiddle bit in local HW store prior buying, and phew, can't wait to test it! Comment from : @attepitkanen7358 |
Time for a follow up on this saw, as Skil has made some improvements Bought one this week from the local Menards and noticed that the newest ones on the floor came in a much cooler box, which was black with white lettering Inside I discovered that there was a separate smaller riving knife included so they are now removeable The throat plate is metal not plastic, and at least on mine, the fence is a nice perpendicular 90 degrees Thanks for your initial review which got me looking at this saw in the first place Comment from : @eclecticcynic9448 |
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