Title | : | Best Small Table Saw? SawStop vs DeWalt Compact Table Saws |
Lasting | : | 17.07 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 277 rb |
You should have used the Dewalt 7491 it’s a 10” and with the wheeled stand it’s still cheaper than saw stop Comment from : @Greatgadgetsgear |
I just bought the Dewalt Is there a metal stand i can get for it Comment from : @antoinne1 |
$600 dollars would be the difference between me owning and table saw and not I’m clumsy so wouldn’t want to risk a non saw-stop saw if using one on the regular Comment from : @Torlboy |
Apparently, according to the US stats on Table saw accidents 9 amputations a day from table saw injuries That is alarming!! How many people are using a table saw every day? Not likely 330 million, soYikes Comment from : @Huntgolfride |
I love your video's but the comparison would feel much better if you compared with the same type of blades so that was one less variable Comparing the blades that come with them do not show actual use differences in the saw Comment from : @mlgymrat |
I will wear gloves and save $600 Comment from : @atomtopa |
Good review Now I need a DeWalt vs Milwaukee Looks like I'm doing a tournament run before I pull the trigger Comment from : @angelsoftheseventhdawn |
Do you have to use their brand blade for the sensor to work if flesh hits it ? Comment from : @Eyehearttravels |
looked like had kickback using the sawstop at 9:30 in the video Comment from : @billwhite5853 |
Thanks for the video How was your experience using those table saws on a Worx folding table? Comment from : @dryogi4055 |
Saw stop is priceless Comment from : @batcaveish |
Can we stop debating flesh sensing technology vs non It's a no brainer which is exactly why we need this technology Comment from : @whales302 |
I think this is an unfair reviews, I have neither saws by the way For a fair comparison you would need to use same size blades table saw Of course with a much smaller blade, the Dewalt is is going to feel more powerful … it goes without saying Comment from : @fabricemaurel9199 |
Time served woodworker here Well 25yrs if that counts Rather than loosing a finger I've gained lung disease For me I'd love to know more about the extraction on these machines The general consensus amoung my digitally challenged friends is that loosing a finger is a bit inconvenient, lung disease is a bit more of a bitch😂 Comment from : @mattcable6379 |
Less than $100 per finger, good deal Comment from : @bpmotion |
Here is the deal, nothings gonna stop me from losing a finger on my other tools so what's the point of the investment on one single piece of equipment? My jig saw doesn't have a blade break and my miter saw doesn't either Its like driving a car with one seat belt Its nice that you have it but wait till you get into a seat that doesn't Point is there's other things on the jobsite that could hurt you so its not worth the investment You might not lose your finger on your table saw but you can on a miter Comment from : @jensenchaddock4852 |
you should be comparing Dewalt's 10" portable saw to the 10" sawstop Comment from : @squirts1 |
How come no one reviews saws from grizzley? Comment from : @Michael-t4c |
Nice kickback at 9:30 min! Yikes Comment from : @apmiller77 |
Until sawstop tech is on other saws I couldn't live with myself buying another saw no matter how much it was If I couldn't afford it I just wouldn't own a table saw the track saw would have to do Comment from : @swayne1441 |
Would love to see your review of the dustless Sirocco table saw No dust collection needed (shop vac or big dust collection unit) Amazing if you work indoors on a job site Comment from : @charleschi843 |
Can you use the saw stop with a dewalt rolling stand? Comment from : @ChezEwing-ov6vf |
Fingers are worth more than 600 dollars…… Comment from : @Nate_dog01 |
Dewalt is better idk the model but , have both and the sawstop jobsite pro is made to break had it for 1 year and the belt has worn out quickly and the tablesaw blade is constantly binding The belt keeps rotating as the blade jams along with the arbor lock/nut that holds it in place I'm thinking I'm needing to replace the whole arbor block which is 300 for the part Dewalt has never given me a problem in the past 8 years I've had it besides swapping out the power button which was 20 on amazon Comment from : @kevin25222522 |
How much are my fingers worth, priceless Comment from : @WellsLarry |
I currently have a 1971 Sears Radial Arm saw; I am looking to replace it with a table saw What does everyone think, so much more how-2's and easier ripping Comment from : @OldManPugh |
thanks for the vid!brgreetings from Baltic States :) Comment from : @vikentijslauruts2153 |
12:35 I am just getting into woodworking as a hobby to bring In a little extra money and am limited on space and I picked up the DeWalt Flex volt job site 8 1/4 inch table saw and absolutely love it! So the haters can hate! Oh and I believe I picked it up at a super bargain price brand spanking new in box from HD for $280 Comment from : @jasonpaavola5696 |
why isn't anyone talking about the noise? Comment from : @VizDog-x7 |
why isn't anyone talking about the noise? Comment from : @VizDog-x7 |
Three months ago I had a horrific accident on my table saw I’ve been a professional carpenter for 16 years and it took one second to destroy my hand Three months off of work, multiple surgeries and months (possibly years) of physio, as well as a hand that will never function the same, Saw Stop is now the only table saw I will use I just picked mine up last week when I went back to work again brbrYou DO NOT want to go through what I’ve gone through I’m not only a carpenter, but a father and a musician This one second mistake will affect every aspect of my life for the rest of my life Spend the extra money Get a Saw Stop Comment from : @Steve-x2g |
What model is the dewalt Comment from : @scottmullings4505 |
How high is the Sawstop’s surface to the ground? Comment from : @danielsavage2401 |
Yes it’s worth the $600 dollars more Because if you lose a finger or a part of a hand that would be horrible I just placed an order for the compact sawstop and selling my Dewalt, for the safety In a millisecond your life gets altered and you can never go back Comment from : @nore8141 |
No offense dude, but this is an incredibly dumb comparison brbrWhy don’t you make a video comparing a bicycle to a Roll Royce while you’re at it brbrThe DeWalt is just a f-ing table saw that’ll cut anything The SawStop has technology that’ll prevent life-altering injuries brbrIs your well-being is “worth $600”? Comment from : @mas3ymd |
So the question becomes is the SawStop worth $251 more than the Dewalt 7491RS that has a 10" blade, 32-12" rip capacity, full dado stack and rolling stand, all for $649? Comment from : @DrillersPlace |
As an airline pilot that likes to dabble in woodworking, the extra money is worthy its weight in gold $600 vs a career earnings loss isnt even a second thought I like your insurance comparison and I think everyone who can reasonably afford this safety feature should get it Even better, we need to mandate saws come with some version of this going forward Comment from : @azpilotd4351 |
I’d buy a ss if they were not designed to suck you dry!brWTF? Every time the saw gets tripped, the end user need to drop over $100 Just to get it running again That’s total BS!brbrAlso, I see all of you folks talking about how safe the SS stop is, and all of you have your fingers!brSo how bad can the so called unsafe saws be? Comment from : @bennyr2499 |
Yes Comment from : @Rishain |
The hardest question It's like car insurance or lottery tickets :) You never know Comment from : @jamesreed1969 |
On the Sawstop CTS I have one One thing to note: if you get an out of box failure, Dewalt will do an exchange Sawstop will NOT I experienced the difference While I like the saw, the nearly 2 weeks of downtime while holidays, weekends, shipping and my time to install the repair parts was frustrating (blade couldn't lift) Honestly, I don't know that I would do it again, simply do to the lost opportunity from buying it, due to losing a 3 day weekend set aside for projects and the hours sent in doing the repair Comment from : @inkandbarrel |
Same blade would help a lot Comment from : @howardcrow |
I'm in the market for a small table saw and these are the two I'm looking at The way I'm thinking about it and why I'm leaning towards the SawStop is "If I lost a finger today I'd absolutely pay $600 to get it back" But damn, for $300 that Dewalt seems like a fantastic saw! My janky Ryobi miter saw cost that much! Comment from : @uhN0id |
Why not compare with the 10"dewalt saw? Don't tell me you couldn't get one Waste of your time and mine Comment from : @Peter-976 |
How much is the replacement cost of the modul;e?? Comment from : @squarelevelplumb |
I have a Milwaukee battery operated table saw with an 8 1/4 blade and have had no issues whatsoever ever The blade stops in under a second when turned off, it will also hold a Dado set, and has all of the features of the Dewalt saw and it's price is in between the two price points show here Comment from : @squarelevelplumb |
Guess 600 bucks for for finger insurance is worth every penny Comment from : @tommytexter4054 |
RPM not RPMS southerners Comment from : @CybekCusal |
Neither one of these have flat surfaces, so Neither are any good Comment from : @carterscustomrods |
Why do you use there saws without the safety guard ??? I'm curious and not yet owning a table saw would like to know why thanks Comment from : @spiritburners |
But are your fingers worth an extra $600 yes or no? Comment from : @zwels |
FYI You should bring up the fact that a 10” blade and 8” blade spinning at the same rpm will have totally different “rim speeds” 10” blade will have higher speed at the rim and more teeth passing thru the cut point than a smaller diameter blade So it’s not just rpm you should consider brGood solid review thanks Comment from : @dt76sf |
Does this channel ever do woodworking or is it just a tool review channel? Comment from : @terencemerritt |
Let me boil this down for everyone Would you sell a finger/thumb for $600? If you said yes Stop lying Comment from : @RazorStrap |
I'll take fingers over $600 every time There is no way I would buy any table saw that doesn't have Sawstop or comparable system #1 requirement Doesn't have it Won't even look at them Comment from : @RazorStrap |
What are your thoughts on the Dewalt Extreme blades that come with the Dewalt DWE7485? I'm looking for a higher teeth blade and wonder if you would recommend the Dewalt Extreme 40T or if you have another brand to recommend? Comment from : @mondudu |
Is the Sawstop blade brake compatible with higher quality blades? Comment from : @joshuaquick5511 |
Some of these table saws are way overpriced Comment from : @HighTone45 |
The one negative you will find with the Dewalt is the fact a 8 1/4 saw blade is harder to find Comment from : @bobh64 |
No is the short answer to the thumbnails question Comment from : @justinrogers746 |
$299 the cheapest I could find it in the UK was £418 with delivery! Comment from : @Alexxx---101 |
No dado on either, I'm out Comment from : @LarryDickman1 |
Your reviews are the best Fast pace is MUCH better than the rest Comment from : @RJ-sr5dv |
It’s kinda mess up that beginners/weekend warrior will get the one without the safety feature, and they are the ones with the least to no experience, the sensor to protect us from accidents should be a feature in all saws, and not a luxury I just got my first saw, but I could not go above 300 😢 Comment from : @MarioGonzalez-ob5qy |
Love the vid! I get that its out of the box comparison; would be great to see them using the same blade type Comment from : @danmartin5255 |
One thought, if you are going to do a 10" vs 825" saw comparison, & bring up rpm vs torque, some comment or information on the geometric effects on radial tooth speed &/or leverage arm torque would help Great video, thanks As another commentator pointed out there is also a change in area of blade contact and possibly # of teeth? Comment from : @michaelpederson8883 |
Great comparison video! brWhy did you have to buy a new brake after testing it on the sweet potato? How many times is the brake good for? Comment from : @paulc2909 |
Please use a proper push stick one that extends over the top of the page that would hold it down I saw one segment you almost had it with flip up and that would’ve been very dangerous Comment from : @DIYHGP |
can you cut pallet wood with the DeWalt one Comment from : @stephanierose7597 |
Brilliant review ✌️ Comment from : @stephenowens5375 |
Great effort comparing products; unfortunately, they aren't equivalent Comment from : @bdogrom |
Dewalt is way ahead in all aspects , Sawstop has the safety feature thats all Against the Dewalt 10 ins it would have performed worse than the small Dewalt Comment from : @oaktree5975 |
Could you do a comparison/review of the Bosch Reaxx Jobsite Table Saw vs The SawStop Jobsite? The Bosch is also flesh sensing & 10in saw Comment from : @NirvanaWoodWorksbyJanie |
Throw the sweet potato at it - to see worst case scenario Comment from : @realist5665 |
Don't compare rpm of different size saw blades its not really fair At the very least you should use tip speed which is 63 m/s for the Dewalt and 57 for the sawstop Comment from : @MatthewQuinton |
When I upgrade my table saw I'm definitely going with Harvey not sawstop Comment from : @Evolution_Woodworks |
I do like you and your content and mostly agree with you, however, not on this subject! I believe that any woodworking content creator on YouTube that recommends anything other than a sawstop should interview those who have been in contact with a table saw blade before posting a video such as this one My daughter had an accident that was similar to what a table saw would do to a finger, $20,000 later she’s doing fine thanks to a really talented surgeon, and that was one finger I my opinion, a cheap track saw would be better than that Dewalt! I still like you though!!! Comment from : @harryvanderploeg8573 |
Hi In my cuntry them buy the dewalt 700$😢 Comment from : @مهندابوحسينبادجي |
I wish the sawstop was available in the UK I can only found it for about 3000$ with stands Don't understand why, they would sell tons it looks so good Comment from : @thomasdesalle9183 |
I love my Dewalt 7480 I've had it since 2016 and have no issues It has a 10in blade It cuts everything I need it to I was thinking about getting the Sawstop, but it doesn't seem to justify the price I would probably look at the contractor saw instead While not exactly the same, for me, the saw just sits on a custom bench I made So, it's basically just a stationary saw for me anyways I was thinking while watching the video that Sawstop should have just partnered with Dewalt for their small saw Give the Dewalt a sawstop break That would be a great small saw! Comment from : @lehnertz85 |
I'd love to hear from one of the many people who are now missing digits from table saws if the extra $600 is worth it I think I know the answer Comment from : @pattymcfatty1 |
Been using a cheap Ryobi table saw Time for an upgrade! Comment from : @noelv1976 |
Thanks for a great comparison As a retired plastic surgeon who spent many years amputated mutilated digits or sewing back amputated fingers from table saw accidents, there is no doubt that the extra $600 for the Sawstop safety is eminently worthwhile! I am replacing the generic blade with a Forest Woodworker ll blade Comment from : @p7s7cdfk |
Thank you, like always great video! Thankful for all your hard work doing these vids! Comment from : @HilltownCreations |
I just amputated a part of my finger on my Dewalt I am thankful because it could have been so much worse I wish I had a sawstop :-( Much less than the 3000 dollar ER visit Comment from : @lucasjohnson5871 |
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