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Winning "Mental Health" Social Security Disability in 2023

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Comments Winning "Mental Health" Social Security Disability in 2023

Today I received my disability application approved Thank you for providing such a valuable content I was asked all the questions you covered in your videos and was ready to answer them correctly
Comment from : @betterlife_withme

I got approved today for mental health case I have schizophrenia /depression and d/o bipolar
Comment from : @alleytovar1194

My sister had mental health for over 2 decades and finally she was just not able to work in 2010 Not having good information she did not apply fo disability until 2014 She was denied, denied, denied Eventually we had to watch her in and out of mental hospitals even for 2 month at a time Still was denied Last year she got terminal cancer and now she was denied because she had not worked 5 out of the last 10 years She passed away yesterday as I watched her take her last breath at 4:20 AM The system makes it so hard to get help the legal way but they are so easy to pay for hotels, prepaid credit cards for undocumented inmmigranta and in many cases gan members, yet my dear sister had to ask us for help to support he her self and her now left behind 13 years old son She did not want to but we had to help replace what social security disability denied and just give away to so many who do not deserve it
Comment from : @juandediosenlatierra

In a nj federal lawsuit for ssdi at the opening brief part and open a new ssi whem doing my federal lawsuit
Comment from : @frankdavis1139

How do I contact you?
Comment from : @wrightkunkle1962

I don’t want to sit here and and discuss the same mental health issues This is the one that has me just scared to go outside This OCD you guys Lord It’s pretty bad I was hoping to see a video on OCD
Comment from : @Bran-bran-32531

Maaaan I already subjected myself to 10 years of being at the whim of a psychiatrist Well over 30 different medications and they didn't help, in many cases it made things more difficult So basically I have to subject myself to going through that again if I want 1000 bucks a month, if that, after years of waiting? Fuck this
Comment from : @adams1625

Thank you for yo videos🙏🙏🙏🙏Jonathan god bless you💋💋💋👌
Comment from : @DorisNewell

I’m bipolar, I’ve been hospitalized twice in from 2020 and 2021 I think Is that helpful being it was a few years ago?
Comment from : @TheArielledene

Abnormal Sensitive Mental Behaviors
Comment from : @kennybegeske8824

Or Retiring From Day Services
Comment from : @kennybegeske8824

My Father Is A Mental Case And Sensitive Abnormal Mental He's Needs Help From The State Has No Options He's This Close Having Mental Health Issues
Comment from : @kennybegeske8824

I'm Praying for approval 🙏🏽
Comment from : @CarlettaHolder-om3zx

Actually a home dealerships worth of cars
Comment from : @AllenJohnson-b4t

Sometimes I used to feel like a jump in their car off my baye
Comment from : @AllenJohnson-b4t

Purple idis in the hood used to make and used to feel like home people
Comment from : @AllenJohnson-b4t

Eye drops help my symptoms and my foot soaker help my symptoms
Comment from : @AllenJohnson-b4t

Everything y'all are describing is what I have I was diagnosed with bipolar in 2014 was treated even before that for it
Comment from : @AllenJohnson-b4t

I have borderline personality disorder, major depression disorder, ptsd, ocd, my stress levels cause me physical pain I went to an in patient in 2022 It was 0 help
Comment from : @DollFairyCrafter

I am TDIU through the VA Why is TDIU not automatically awarded SSDI?
Comment from : @azimuthbusinesscenter

In SC my son is schizophrenic Mental health Dr says he can't work He went into the prison system in his early teens So work credit not possible PTSD, Schizophrenic, depression tried repeatedly applying for assistance SSA says there federal and son doesn't qualify Try state aid Is this true?
Comment from : @nolongerChesneehigh

What if my shrink told me I needed a friend to tell my troubles too
Comment from : @darrellsomers5427

All those things are great, but in my case, when you have mental illness, you don’t have the ability to maintain all those things that you say are needed
Comment from : @Comingsoon20246

I am schizoaffective been on my meds for years now my anxiety is so high when dealing with this I feel like the lawyer just took my case hoping they get some money and dont really do anything for me Obviously I know I can be paranoid so I am just looking for people in these situations and had a positive outcome
Comment from : @kyleNoxiousEQbarto

Will it be absolutely necessary to have an inpatient psych stay IM 51 Registered Nurse worked 26 yrs Terminated poor performanceWill the grid not apply because of my degree? Loss spouse of 30 to Covid healing from car accident fractured C5, knee and broken displaced 1st metatarsal
Comment from : @TeeOdubb

My husband strangled me, I have severe PTSD from this as well as depression from loosing my brother my mother and my father and recently my home I have struggled with addiction and have recently dealt with police I filed for SSDI I have not worked for a year I need help and I can't find anyone who will help me without having to be poked at by a bunch of doctors I'm tired of tests
Comment from : @SarahCalvo-d3k

I been trying to get it for 9 years now and I think that I have find the answer Now This guy
Comment from : @doug42780

I was injured at work 4 years ago, ended up with a C-6 fusion Nearly a year ago complication in nerves reopened the case Been going through hell since Occupational dr, surgeons, scans, pain management, and all the troubles involved with these medical personnel I had depression and ptsd beforehand, but this spinal issue has destroyed my life, my lifelong hobbies destroyed My symptoms are off the wall Displaced reality, explosive anger, sadness, backed away from people & avoid interactions with public at all cost No way for a person to live Im still working full time but can't do 70 of my job, at work in pain both physically and mentally Its like risk management doest even care
Comment from : @diggingthewest7981

So, as a vet who is 100 p&t, say i get approved for SSDI, will that automatically change over to SSI when i turn 62 or 65?
Comment from : @nickleteeth

I am TDIU 100 P&T for depression related to constant pain due to a back injury that i received in the service which i have been awarded disability for as well I am under the care of a psychiatrist at the VA I also have numerous procedures on my back every year just so I can walk I am 60 y/o and filed for SSDI a year ago for my depression and my bad back They just scheduled me for a doctor visit for my mental disability Does anyone have any advice for that exam? They scheduled it with a family practitioner in my local area brTYIA
Comment from : @mucarew

Disability said they didn't get my Dr"s records I tried contacting my psychiatrist I have been going to since 2015 I believe I found she passed away last month How do I get my records? I don't believe she had them electronically stored They were all in paper files
Comment from : @bonnielassie2200

Its been 3 years since ive applied its been 5 months since denied after hearing just waiting on appeals counslebrI honestly dont think i can be alive much longer i cant take everything anymore and cant get help unfortantly the best way i can prove im mentaly disabled i also wont need ssdi anymore
Comment from : @sornlol1

This is a bad system we live in Unfortunately it's true: This society will push you and push you and they won't award you disability until you get to the point of suicide attempts and/or violent encounters with the authorities! I am in my 40s now and I can tell you that if they stopped my disability and sik'd their fascist pigs on me again, that it would just lead to my violent death!
Comment from : @superaiupscale

I'm 51 years old I've been in the Medical field for 25 years Can I get disability for depression and anxiety?
Comment from : @shellyprobasco3234

Don’t you think that mental illnesses are diagnosed way to much with little evidence that medications will help ? Many time the medications lead to more severe symptoms 😢
Comment from : @RJFP67

I put off applying for SSDI despite all my friends and doctors saying to do it However the functioning problems I face keep me from applying I just called today
Comment from : @jaydub7386

What if you don't prefer brain drugs?
Comment from : @beedoubleu

How do I put you on retainer for reconsideration case
Comment from : @sidneyatkins6678

Thank you so much for sharing your information My brother has his mental health check today for disability and know I can tell him what to be sure to share with the interviewer I really appreciate that you have shared your knowledge
Comment from : @nikkipattillo2319

They're a bunch of thieves That really is disheartening After 24 years of service to this country, I've also filed an appeal I'm going on 3years and still waiting We paid into a system who stole our money and left us to struggle and suffer
Comment from : @lovephotography1966

Counselor, Im coming up on a hearing here soon I had a cervical fusion surgery, and a disctomy in my lower back L5 in july of 2023 Also i just got diagnosed with ptsd chronic, anxiety disorder, and unspecified mood affective disorder What are my chances of winning in your opinion? I hope you can respond I love your videos they are very informative Thank you sir
Comment from : @robertsoto442

Being on disability is never a win Sad
Comment from : @Truthtime3359

Hello Mr Ginsberg Thanks for the informative video
Comment from : @gwillis01

Too bad we can't all have you as our social security disability attorney Some of the people you recommend ask for your age, and if you are not of a certain age, they won't even bother to evaluate your case That's very disappointing
Comment from : @DREPDOM

How about anxiety ,and depression and also mood swing disorder and also learning disability and was in special Ed classes through vk through 11th grade of high school I'm am 51 yr old years old
Comment from : @John-qv1jm

what if you dont want to be medicated like its against your personal belief?
Comment from : @AttackoftheFoodies

I have severe spinal stenosis through out my back and c spine as well as osteoarthritis through out I have torn meniscus in both knees both hips are torn severely both shoulders with full thickness tears degenerative disc disease through out my entire body as well as carpal tunnel in both wristsI have major depressionanxiety disorderintermittent explosive disorder and my phscicatrst has literally tried me on every thing for the past 17 years I lost my ssdi hearing a year and a half ago because I was 48 years old I have worked extremely physical labor jobs all my life and paid in a substantial amount of money br Now imgetting closer to 50 and have lost any back pay I would have and should have gotten And probably will loose my monthly payment I should have received I can honestly say that the ssdi system is designed totally to destroy people
Comment from : @Charles-gh4hu

How about eating disorders with bipolar and ocd?
Comment from : @Cat007-z2l

Comment from : @ddbb1046

I already have won but what about for learning disabilities? I am inattentive, never finished school work, didn't have a lot of friends and prefer to be alone a lot In school I was not known to stay "on task" I was not a bad student and in fact never had one detention in school, I just simply listened when the teacher asked me to stop doing something or warned me not to continue it, whatever it was I just had a really hard time with some aspects of math such as long division, I have no problems with simple addition and multiplication but once a lot of digits are involved there will be no guarantees that I get it right if I even complete it
Comment from : @charleshines2142

I have all for SSI I've been Denied twice I have bipolar disorder and panic disorder and am Completely blind in my right eye I've had the panic disorder and the bipolar disorder all my life and have not worked enough i have a hearing by phone in August?could i have my grown children and a friend, write a letter to the judge regarding my disabilitys and struggles, that they have seen and known about my life Thank you in God-bless you for answering
Comment from : @beverlyhall6329

I won my case via hearing august 2022 still haven't got back pay or anything
Comment from : @ladonyaperkins386

Im bipolar skitzo and deaf and the social security office still says im not eligable couse i need to make $75k per year before i can even apply
Comment from : @charlesyates6687

ive had sucha hard time maintaining a job for 15 years I am trying medication and its not working, trying excercise and eating well and not drinking and feel awful all the time Im going to try and get a case won
Comment from : @nickwatland4215

Can someone work and receive SSDI?
Comment from : @SilentMover808

I gave it a 5 star just now I was denied at the initial level because they didn't think my mental issues with headaches and chronic pain in the back were severe enough I am diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and trauma and and Osteoarthritis and a pinched nerve in my neck I appealed for reconsideration and my neurologist is approving for me to get an MRI and prescribed a muscle relaxer and the VA is providing a back brace in addition to my many medications and ongoing treatments and counseling I had a concussion in the military that left me with head pain and bleeding on my head and many years later, a couple crashed in behind me on the interstate and totaled my vehicle
Comment from : @mizrahimjew9351

I have been trying to get my son who has schizophrenia help for a long time now I’ve used lawyers but he’s been denied every time I don’t know what to do 😢
Comment from : @hankbunyon8654

Can people get SSDI with Autism and ADHD?
Comment from : @buddy3258

Thank you for your videos
Comment from : @alleytovar1194

I have PTSD and related symptomsbrMy doctor filled out a Mental Health RFC but the CE examiner when against what my doctor wrote up My doctor wrote another Mental RFC form in my behalf before my hearing next month I do have solid medical evidence Does my doctor opinion have more weight than the CE examiner? Will the judge approve me with my medical records with a current RFC form from my doctor?
Comment from : @kelj4517

I had a series of psychiatrists that worked part time and eventually quit They were pretty much pill refillersbrI haven't been able to find a job for over 5 years, I have applied to hundreds When finally, I did get an interview, the interviewer saw that I had high anxiety, depressive behavior, angry, moody among other symptoms that made me get rejected brWould letters from people who see that I'm not getting better help my case?
Comment from : @MJMonroe

How can I have a consultation with you please? We are currently receiving SSI payments for our son who is special needsbrBut the gauntlet of paperwork is overwhelming Is there a way to stop this? The paperwork part
Comment from : @ericmorford6701

I won on my initial Your videos helped
Comment from : @Kem-ce7sc

So if you have PTSD and can not work but have not been hospitalized or attempted suicide and you are being treated by the VA, you will not qualify?
Comment from : @paulg6309

I guess I really need to go back I'm going to get lawyer
Comment from : @cindyleidy

Oh boy I'm definitely going to be deniedi don't see the doctor no more since COVID and the counselor I was seeing she quit
Comment from : @cindyleidy

Comment from : @isisocean1043

I have a question I am a diabetic and I've been suffering with diabetes for some years now and I also suffer from high blood pressure but for the past couple of months my hands been having like numb feeling and tingly feeling in it and hurting really bad my feet been having the same problem my legs and my knees but having the same problem I take 4 injection pens a day and I take 2 blood pressure pills a day in also I suffer from having low iron too I'm always weak in tired sometimes I can't even function at work or stand to long or bend sometimes my sugar drop constantly when I'm at work in I have to leave work I stay dizzy in have headaches constantly at this point I'm tired do I have a case to try to get disability?
Comment from : @joyharpe400

Hello sir brI have polio disease disability in my right foot how can i get polio disability certificate from GP? brSir kindly reply me brThank you very much
Comment from : @imdad-kh5ur

Is it normally common to having to keep going through disability exams every year, Been on it for almost 10 years now and still needing to prove im dissabled every 9 months or so even though my conditions are life long
Comment from : @thespooner3906

Very well said I think there are three levels 1 Gen Z types who are pretty much anxious and sensitive to everything and don't have the tools to deal with life in general 2 People who have depression/trauma and can't function To the point that it is a disability and interferes with their daily life and 3 People with severe mental illness who have been battling their whole life with medication, suicide attempts even, hospitalization etc brbrEven though it is a mental disability and it has affected my entire life Even though I have had medication, therapy etc for years and it is a struggle I will not qualify for benefits That's just the reality of it Society is not quite there yet That's ok, at least I am clear that going down that path of filing to claim SSD would not work out It really needs to be a years long process of gathering evidence, putting myself through medications that cause more harm than good Therapy/meds/testimony/out of job ain't severe enough in this case I understand It's just a strange no mans land people in category 2 live in
Comment from : @jondoe6926

Can you give information about trying to get ssi for autism for an adult All the videos on that I've seen are for children
Comment from : @nvdawahyaify

Thanks Johnathan really appreciate information
Comment from : @eddieburgett9678

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Like the content? Give Jonathan 5-stars by clicking this link now tinyurlcom/Review-Jonathan
Comment from : @ssdattorney

Will a social worker count as a therapist if my medical doctor provides medicine?
Comment from : @ashenone3427

Hi Thank You for your Excellent Videos We would like to know what are the Legal Citations for Federal Laws that exempt Social Security Disability Insurance income from Debt Collection Thank you Regarding there being more than twice the amount of monthly Social Security Benefits in a Bank Account, we were told that if that Bank Account is levied, we can file a Claim Of Exemption to have the Social Security Funds in the account, exempted, protected, unfrozen, and released from the Bank Levy And who is the Levying Officer, how is the Levying Officer contacted and served with the Claim of Exemption? Thank you so very much
Comment from : @BettyT-tf5tq

I check the status of my ssdi online and it says we made a disission and you will get a letter on the mail but it doesn't say denied what does that mean
Comment from : @joelvillalobos4082

Would ECT be enough? Also Spravato treatment and multiple hospitalizations
Comment from : @natalyasoboleva5447

The vocational expert said no to both questions I had very strong medical evidence What can I expect?
Comment from : @Ethereal1971

I literally have all of that at a lower than diagnosed and more All from the Military and all the Evidence except the (schizophrenia)
Comment from : @Jennylnaylor48

I’m 23 I have anxiety, Depression & affective mood disorder I also have a learning disability I applied for disability in November 2021 and I was denied, now I’m in reconsideration and I have a lawyer I have a therapist & psychiatrist, my psychiatrist can’t seem to find a good medication combination for me I’m on 2 mood stabilizers I’m also on a antipsychotic & antianxiety medication What can I do to win my disability case?
Comment from : @Menace222society

I have a question why does stocks affect social security
Comment from : @mariavilla4213

What about if you already have a lawyer and a pending case?brWould you be willing to give a look over and a 2nd opinion?brbrI'm on my second case and second lawyer and want to know if they are doing everything right?
Comment from : @kcINTIMIDATOR

Thanks for these videos Counselor, very informative brThis whole endeavor is a time consuming, stressful effort brGot my first denial letter last week, after a year of waiting on the application resultbrI am no suicide risk, seems like it will just be what it is and not worth the angst brThe problem is, no one will hire an old guy brI get it that too many folks try to game the system, but when you have the evidence, the medical history, the treatment regimen, and still can’t get the assist?!?
Comment from : @buckyes6749

Thank You 😊
Comment from : @angelacarter356

I also look for mental health related arrests - seriously mentally ill people often can't regulate their behavior Things like public nuisance, vagrancy, disorderly Not things like burglary, or fraud, which are more related to psychopathic personality and require the ability to regulate behavior
Comment from : @DisabilityExams

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