Title | : | Social Security Disability Benefit Approval For Mental Health - 5 Things You Need To Know |
Lasting | : | 17.02 |
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Views | : | 85 rb |
Join us for live events on this channel every Wednesday at 3:15 pm EST to help you get approved faster For more information, visit: bitly/34wviJY Comment from : @TheDisabilityDigest |
Am I eligible for disability benefits if i'm batshit crazy, mentally unstable, a total psycho, have PTSD, BPD, depression, autism and schizophrenia? Comment from : @bob84290 |
My younger sister used to get disability when she was littled but she decided to nit keep up with her appointments after mom passed away & now her mental health has declined Would they treat her as a new case now or take into consideration the fact that she was disabled before ? Comment from : @biancaquijano1360 |
Whats the chances of someone with autism, severe depressive disorder, generalized anxiety and (adhd since childhood diagnosis) getting ssid? I cant drive and i was a highschool dropout Im 25 and stsrted working almost 3 years ago (most of that part time) over a year ago i tried working full time for 3-4 months i believe but the last year ive been working part time I dont mske enough and haven't so i qualify for that part working is just getting harder snd harder for me to 😅 and im just wondering whst my chances would be? Comment from : @evedaslayr |
Hey Brian I wanted to ask you I had applied with mental health I have been diagnosed and treated for 15-20 years still in treatment got denied every time and I had covid was put on a ventilator almost died and I got it but I was forced you up my back pay which was significant so I have supplemental security and I get $940 some right now can you tell me if there's any way I can do anything about that thank you autumn Comment from : @AutumnTrimbath-c |
I'm new I'm actually curious as to how I can contact you without YouTube I guess is what I'm trying to do I was getting disability for over 20 years since 2004 during covid they shut it off with no notice to me I ended up evicted after 7 years of being at the same address I ended up homeless with a child and a cat staying in a motel tell my son survivor benefits and my disability checks were spent 188600 between his survivor benefits and my disability, almost 500 a week certainly doesn't last Long story shorter I'm still homeless and I have reapplied more than 2 years ago and they denied me I got an attorney that was worthless my last check was check was March 3rd 2021 Kind of hard to get housing with no income Comment from : @HarmonyHanrahan |
So I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar for about 5 years, and medicated for it for just as long… I’ve been hospitalized for it, I see a therapist, I do everything I should… but I still cannot function normally, and keeping a job is out of the question… I’m only 19 and I dropped out because of my disorders-brbrI think I’d get approved since I barely have any work experience and the fact that I had to drop out and be hospitalized… and I’ve been receiving treatment for 5 years at least…brbrI’m just nervous about the exam part… is that part required? Couldn’t they just look at my history? Comment from : @Goldenfoxy12341 |
Hey thanks for helping these individuals Attorney! Comment from : @REightch |
If I am already on SSI and have SSI disability but not SSDI I am legally blind I have mental health challenges can I be put on SSDI along with my SSI for the mental health Comment from : @0hrench0hru |
In the disability is brought to the surface by social security they create their own disability you know as far as being mental or you got to be mental to deal with social security because they don't do a goddamn thing and be about how bad their job is and how much they have to do and but they don't do anything they create your own goddamn problem they stress out the person trying to get disability they f*b***/b they create it and that's all why you're living in the goddamn Street for 7 years eating out of trash cans because of the goddamn sorry ass social security Comment from : @JeffScott-l3x |
I want to go back to work but afraid they might cut my check if i do I easily got approved for mines 3 years ago and i have a problem keeping a job I can work 6 months and suddenly get fired for something simple I want to go back to work but dont know what to do Comment from : @KatrinaWilliams-t7i |
I have a son who is 25 and is autistic and has been diagnosed as bipolar and schizophrenic with dillusional and hallucinating thought patterns we have been going thru the social security disability process for over a year and he has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital 7 times in last 2 years and every time social security process starts over he doesnt know he is crazy and believes he is god he is also paralyzed in his midsection internally he can walk but he has to straight cath and manually evacuate his bowels and walks around 24 hours a day talking to his voices in his head but how do you get someone who thinks they are fine to actually tell a social security physiatrist what his problems really are he takes vraylar and has a appointment August 5 for a psych evaluation with social security Comment from : @rickdianna4045 |
Looked all over your member website for the "RFC" you mentioned and cannot find it Do you have a direct link? Comment from : @farangfreediving |
I have major depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, and paranoid Christianity and the Bible gets me very angry so I avoid Israel in the news Televangelists, a psycho pastor and psycho prophets messed up my mind I am now a practicing Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu Comment from : @brandonmanuel2842 |
Are you guys still open and stuff like still doing this program and page ??? Comment from : @emiliodelgado7428 |
Wow reading hoor stories of the process and repeat denial you all need to ration a politician to try to change the system the system needs restriction under a grand is not worth your time if you have help in your life to service you can't buy time remember that the current rent average is almost 2grandi decline before I'm approved or denied I in control of my sure bad things happen an sometimes you need a helping hand to get through iti was on insulins injects but with diet and exercise I got myself off it from my heaviest 280pound to my lifhtest190 pounds all by my self on little help I suffered several major strokes last year and I'm still here by the grace of God and 5 rehabs later and will not waist time again One kick in the teeth is enough ssi can kick rocks I'll survive without your help I'm benn doing fine by myself those that need it please take it to aid you no cap on me no limits on my life set by anyone or organization I live how I must to survive Comment from : @TonNelson |
I could use the link for assistance Comment from : @angelasmall4866 |
It’s unfortunate under the mental health exam (which is me) he’s sniffling Comment from : @KeishaJones-fk2pz |
HellobrI was approved for disability back in 2018 Evidently it was time for a review And there was a hearing on February the 5th It was denied How does this work If we want to hire you all if we live in a different city and state? Is it best just to get someone local to go before the administrative law judge?brThank you Comment from : @lemons2lemonade884 |
I need this but I feel like I would get denied and be stuck in my current situation forever I have a job I work from home I hate it I'm alone I am 52, hate living I suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADD I can't function without medication And with medication, I still have issues I feel lost every day Comment from : @susanhildreth1531 |
What if i cant afford to go the doctor in the first place?brThat's a very large reason why i need the disability benefits, i dont know what to do anymore, but i sure can't hold down a full time job i am struggling now with part time, i have no living relatives, i am screwed Comment from : @pariahmouse7794 |
I suffer from panic, Anxiety and Agoraphobia disorder since the 1980:,It's an awful illness anitaHannaKirby from scraissc29591😊 Comment from : @AnitaKirby-mj1tb |
Your intro is too long Comment from : @sincityinfinity6255 |
I have SSI, have a brain injury from 1989 and I have anxiety depression and I have been diagnosed with clinical depression is it a Comment from : @matthewhowell1645 |
It’s sad when you don’t have no one to help you as a child Comment from : @carolynmesser1008 |
They couldn’t afford a doctor Comment from : @carolynmesser1008 |
my phone Comment from : @yoditweldemichael7306 |
Thank you so much for explaining this because I don,'t please i want your help please Comment from : @yoditweldemichael7306 |
Thank you for the clarity Comment from : @Wooddweller |
I wish i had known about this channel a few months ago, i went through this exact exam and my social security lawyer was not helpful in helping me prepare Being a vet with a 100 rating just in PTSD i assumed he thought it was going to be a cake walk smh i plan on applying again Comment from : @darrylhudson2182 |
I applied for ssdi for mental health problems & they sent me to a physical evaluation than a mental one brdo you know why Comment from : @LexiesTarot |
Trying to get approved In front of judge Been denied 2xs I don't know if my attorney is doing anything about this So thank you for your help Need disability pointers Comment from : @dawnsargeant3308 |
How can I get a rfc report paper for my doctor for mental health Comment from : @dawnsargeant3308 |
I have severe OCD, depression and anxiety All I have done is go to work for 26 years I am now 59 and cannot keep going I have sought treatment several times but stopped due to intolerance or fear of medication or anxiety to do things the counselor wants that contaminate As I have gotten older, it is much more difficult to get through each day and now i have suicidal thoughts to keep from being homeless or working and living forever like this I also have back pain and injury and in a job that will likely reinjure it What can i do? Comment from : @MD77SA |
I have applied for vision related aphakia and deteriorating vision in my left eye Applied also for state Medicaid and the medicaid examiner puts me under disabled per blue book Only option is surgery in right eye due to lack of puipil iris and lens from injury in 2007 Worked enough credits for SSDI and am only 46 years old Also have anxiety and depression from my deteriorating vision Being treated for both What's the likelihood of possibly being approved? Comment from : @loaded4597 |
Can you email this rfc form please?? Comment from : @Zak-v6i |
I was denied twice for PTSD,MDD,ARTHRITIS AND FOOT PROBLEMS FOR THE SHIP Comment from : @Tricebbt632 |
I have paranoia schizophrenia, Autistic, bipolar, ptsd, anxiety Why do I need to go to a ssi dr if they can just check my therapist and psychiatrist records ? I’m going through process now The disability determination lady said I can do the dr exam on video since I’m not comfortable going in person since I get triggered with new people Comment from : @rolling12694 |
How do I fill out SAS 455 for short? Just fill the check box with nocbrbrNo comment Comment from : @henryrodriguez4006 |
When does back pay start from? Date of application or a date determined by someone? Comment from : @iamLeBlu |
Does a person with a severe case of Lupus, medical records, hospitalized for flares, extreme fatigue, retention issues, neuropathy, bed ridden, weakness If said person is short of work credit for SSDI, will they get SSDI and SSI combined if over age 50 Does this help override the work credit problem due to severity of disabilities and age? Comment from : @sjackson1739 |
I have borderline personally disorder Working in a warehouse It's killing me Comment from : @echristle |
I have an appointment coming up Medically retired from the Army after 24 years of service this year due to Multiple SclerosisI have also been diagnosed with combat related PTSD (several comabt tours in Iraq and Afghanistan) The Multiple Sclerosis has also been giving me a fit as wellnot only physically but mentally as well There are several days that one minute I'll be laughing and the next cryingits been a pain in the a$$ I tried to work after I was medically retiredhad a really awesome job however, I couldn't keep up or even stay at work long enough to maintain the job Comment from : @SFCGIJOE-kl5mw |
I went to a mental health exam they stated my condition was mild and my claim was denied I have appealed hopefully I get approved this time Comment from : @LifestyleWithDanielleLessie |
I had seizes pills since 1996-97,I was on SSI I won through the court of Waukegan ill and they took it away from me in 2009 ,I tried to get it back for months and I couldn't get it back I was DENIED, every time ,I had a seizer in the bath tub because they said they didn't no I was married and they did but he could not afford my seizes pills ,my husband came to are apartment I was dead I had to get 3 shocks to my heart, I was in the hospital for almost two weeks they put me in a reduced coma they didn't no if I was going to live I lost my memory, of my dad and my mom, husband, I still have siezers, I have to live on SSA widows disability I get a little over 8 hundred dollars for a month I have bad headaches and I hurt my back fracture hip that go's to my back, ringing in the ears, I need my SSI back I need help bad, but I can't afford my rent and bills, I'm alone my husband passed away in 2015 ,I don't have any body that will help me, hud section 8, a emergency voucher, no body would help, it was always NO ,I need help with money, 😢 Comment from : @conniecorder6651 |
What about ppl born with disabilities i got approved for ssdi for it Comment from : @shellyhunt4910 |
i dont even leave home just go to smal town grocery store early in morrning when no one there back been that why since i was little kid due to ibs ,anxiety and mager learing disabity all my classes in school was special ed couldnt even have passed that if teachers didnt basicly give me ansers cant hardly spell or read mush cant even go any were away from home even in my own car if by my self got to have someone with me i trust never seen doctor tho due to going to them just causes me more anxiety make me worse so i cant work or get ssi i go see doctor if they needed me to but going flared my ibs up from stresse Comment from : @jonsworld5307 |
This is Anuj could you please send me the mental health forms long one and short one Thanks 🙏 Comment from : @puratebaje |
Your a life saver bro Comment from : @sinner_turned_winner |
Thanks for help Comment from : @DemiseHoward-yt7fp |
I have my hearing august 15i have had an attorney since june 2021 I have had one 20 minute phone meeting with my attorney on july 11 Thats it Tomorrow i am going to his office with a list of questions i have no idea to answer Even when i called to see if being on state food stamps would help or hurt melime what should i do The paralegal said for me to do whatever i felt best It was my decisionexcuse mecan i fire my lawyerthey have done absolutely nothing I had to gather all my medical recordsthe new ones for this hearing I feel i would have been better researching and depwnding on myselfinstead i felt that the professional knows bestif the judge asks me tuesday the 15th why i stopped foos stamps can i say because i didnt know what to do and my lawyers advice was to do what i felt rightwtf,this is reali am not kidding Comment from : @derekgiandolfi39 |
11:08 what happens when you can't get your adult child to go to there evaluation for there mental illness for the continue benefits do to paranoid around doctors can they schedule the exam by video on phone!! Comment from : @rebeccacassado8000 |
Excellent video! Thanks so much I've learned much 😊 Comment from : @nissafigueroa3394 |
Thank you for an informative video Comment from : @gwillis01 |
Are you a law firm? How can I get help being represented Id really like to apply for my bipolar & ptsd Comment from : @khadraazzam216 |
Thanks for sharing! Comment from : @shellyirby9828 |
Thank U very much I have ptsd 😔🤗🥲🥰 Comment from : @supremesharrp6910 |
I am new to this I had a very positive experience with my mental status exam for SSDI this morning I just wanted to share in case others were scared of the exam like me I did not want to have to relive traumatic experiences from my military service She did not make me do that, and was very encouraging and understanding It was actually one of the better mental health visits I have had in my life I don’t know the outcome of my claim yet however, I was just very relieved that the mental status exam in itself was not traumatic My psychologist was out of Indianapolis I am diagnosed with PTSD & Anxiety Disorder (service connected) Blessings in this process to all! 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Comment from : @WonderfulWhimsicalWorld |
Ok what about a past addiction?? I had an addiction many years ago that I’m still being treated for but I haven’t had a relapse in at least 18 years Will this affect how they judge me? Comment from : @JenAngel21 |
Not true been in and out of mental health facilities all my life and im deaf and still not eligable Comment from : @charlesyates6687 |
I am new so I found you so slowly trying to do this for my ptsd So thanks for doing this Hard to work now and my job is being taken away slowly making it to hard to get other employment Comment from : @Piperloumeditation |
The mental health interviews that I have had consist of a man, a small uncomfortable office and five minutes of him reading off a sheet of paper and making check marks This same man has worked there for years It's a company that my state uses for disability claims How can I ask for someone different this time? Comment from : @JillUdart |
I've been waiting 5 yearsI've seen the judge and she sent me to another 2 doctors said she couldn't help me if I didn't go so I went two months back and waiting for the verdict so to say ,but among a long list I have Complex PTSD,server anxiety of course depression and insomniathat's some of the worse,I hangout with no one because I trust no onebut regardless of how bad of you are they don't want to pay if there's any chance you will keep a job or able to work good luck I know it's rough even if I don't get approved I hope you guys have good luck! Comment from : @adamfunk4519 |
Hi, I have a bQUESTION/b I hope you get to see it I’ve been on disability for more than 10 years, I’m 59 years old I have anxiety, panic attacks, depression, went through a period of agoraphobia, PTSD I was awarded disability in NY I’ve been in treatment since before I was awarded I’ve been in Florida, for 4 years, and my agoraphobia has started again I got a call from SSDI for a review, which I did I’m curious as to why I’d be reviewed after 11-12 years, and will be 60 next month ? Comment from : @Lynore_Marie |
Can you file a mental health condition and a physical condition at the same time? ie PTSD, BPH, GERN, ETC Comment from : @paulg6309 |
If you are told severe when approve, when is review?brDoesn't say Comment from : @Nurse876 |
I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child As a adult I've been diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, depression, anxiety and OCD I haven't been to see a doctor in years, do I have to start seeing my doctor again before I can apply for disability benefits? Or is it enough that it's all on file from the past years? Comment from : @krisyferrette5712 |
This is why social security is in trouble now Comment from : @viperviper5 |
My daughters husband's sister is bi polar She's been hospitalized 3 times On meds But they turned her down 2 times now I would think that she would be eligible Comment from : @2afreedom60 |
you know a lot about Social Security? Tell me I have a meeting soon with my friend I am I representing, him with a special review cadre”? what do they do that brbrspecial review cadre Comment from : @PaulPaul-rz2wi |
Social security said I cannot get it because I don't have work credits but I have stage 4 cancer Comment from : @marshacollins7190 |
I included my Depression dx (along w my physical impairments) on my original application, and it is well documented in my medical records from my gp And my lawyer has included it in her letters to them But yet in the 2 yrs since I applied, they never sent me to thier mental health dr unless the one they sent me to (twice now) for the physical issues is the same for mental but I don't remember him qsating anything about my depression either time I saw him I was always the one who had to bring up my depression to him Comment from : @beckyscreativespooniebeehive |
I received ssi, but, can not work no more,,,copd, iam on a oxygen tank,,will I still get ssi ? Comment from : @deloisrichardson2636 |
Is it always necessary to have attorney represent for filing for disability? I think I may be able to fill out the paperwork but didn't know if it was ALWAYS necessary? BTW, thank you for providing all the help you do Comment from : @himmo5 |
whwres the links Comment from : @snipedeedillygaf4973 |
Hello, could you please provide a link for the mental health document that in this videobrI want to provide this document to my doctor to fill out for my disability claim Comment from : @kelj4517 |
My husband has received disability since 2005 and recently had to fight to get it back after it was taken away However when it was pre-approved it was said that he no longer qualified for supplemental security income stating he was not disabled enough yet was deemed permanently disabled by a judge in 05' Can you shed some light on this Comment from : @melissaboswell516 |
I am on SSI for major depression brTook me 3 years so i had to get a lawyerbrI do try to work but its only on weekend An i am scared to be around a large group of people Comment from : @girlyjulia771 |
Very good information here! For me, the pandemic has really impacted the process of being evaluated and seeking treatment Because of my health issues that the long term Prednisone use has caused, I seem to be passed over or refused care No PCP wants to take me on as a new client because of the naglagence of my PNP When the psych evaluation was scheduled by SSA, it was a zoom meeting The zoom app failed to keep the connection so the psych Dr Said that SSA would need to reschedule They did not and used it as part of the reason for denial 🤦🏻♀️ Grrr If I could return back to the university, I would pick up my political science major and fight this lack of proper P and P It's uncomprehendable how the SSA has been allowed to continue to conduct it's "services" , or lack there of, for so long; without adaptive changes to address the lack of streamlining it's checks and balances process Absolutely Unexceptionable ‼️ Comment from : @aleaeide6826 |
Thanks- you’ve made a huge difference Brian-I want to follow your course please ! I’ll reach out again I must have missed the initial link when I originally signed up!!! Comment from : @brendacurrie358 |
Your utubes teach me so much blessings 2 you Comment from : @snoopy1965 |
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