Title | : | 70% Mental Health VA Disability Rating - What It Looks Like |
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1-stop-shop for VA Benefits: CivDivonlinecom
brMental Health C&P Exams
br youtube/mA_nDF4BzNE
br- Clay Comment from : @TheCivDiv |
Thanks for the vid adhd diagnosed I'm ripped apart and can't leave Afghanistan So adhd is the worst if your dealing with the VA We don't think like them And I miss combat all to much Comment from : @jerremyhandel2332 |
1st of all, thank you for what you do-I’ve already learned a lot from you over the last few months-brIs it good or bad-ptsd claim (30 yrs after ets) in less than 60 days, va requested a 5103(submitted), now claim is already in evidence review with no exam and statement that 5103 no longer required- long awaited denials are hard enough, but this is moving quickly and it’s even more exhausting Comment from : @renoagrue2951 |
answer me this how did i get 70 i never wanted to leave the military i thought i downplayed my symptoms this was before i retired medically answer me this also i did not like the way things were as a 70 i emailed my VA psych nurse practitioner and said im not going to her appointments anymore and im going to refuse the treatment and medicines she called the police to my house they said take the meds in front of them or get committed i thought my high 70 rating meant im stuck this way so i went to the DAV to get a new rating i went to the c&p not knowing why i have to go there after a couple months i was 100 and a different doctor Comment from : @GETBENT1331 |
Psilocybin mushrooms have certainly had a beneficial effect on my mental health They've been quite effective for me in managing my anxiety and depression Comment from : @jeffsmith2447 |
I filed for PTSD but got diagnosed with just major depression and anxious distress I'm getting no because they're saying it isn't service related How can I fix this? Comment from : @Struhck |
What is mental health If you have a ptsd rating does that count? Does depression and anxiety fit under ptsd or are they separate? Comment from : @bvrsqzr3569 |
Thank you so much 🙏🏽 And thank you to those who commented your experience You’ve helped Some of the things were like looking into my soul Comment from : @resident_alien5253 |
The only thing I don’t like about this specific topic is how it can screw you over if you wish to conceal/open carry Comment from : @frequensea9434 |
Good looking family bud👍🏾 Comment from : @uneducated_commentor |
The VA might consider my depression to be from before service and I have no in service diagnosis But after listening to your explanations of the 70 symptoms I dug out some strong circumstantial evidence from my service paperwork and more memories that will help get a current diagnosis and a nexus letter Comment from : @koblerville923 |
Just took my MH C&P exam today It was over video and the examiner was blind, so there were no appearance indicators other than my tone and words I stayed clear of indicating anything from my past before my military experience that could be associated with my MH You are right in preparing yourself to speak about the things, to a stranger, that you are most embarrassed of about how your life is impacted my MH I started to stumble and choke when talking about my relationship with my kids, but kept going and didn't shut down It's not easy to articulate these things, so I appreciate the advice to take the time to prepare to speak on those items in detail and with as much honest emotion as you can I watched your video before the exam I'll follow up once I get my rating I aligned my details as close as I could to 70 I'm only at 10 for Tinnitus and 0 for hearing loss 11B MOS Thanks for the video!⬆ Comment from : @aarnkeis |
Holy shit he wrote this watching me I'm on my way to my c&p in pajama pants and a hoodie, and I haven't done shit cause I straight up felt like hell this whole last week I had to laugh Comment from : @Tread_six |
I was just diagnosed with Agoraphobia What does that mean for Va dating? I’m new to all This Thanks Comment from : @Mankelberrie |
Even hearing him describe these symptoms are triggering i know i need help Ive just been so scared to say anything🤦🏾♂️ Comment from : @yougotmeltv8222 |
I find it Odd and Disgusting how Veteran mental health claims get a pass (Note: Even US Military Cooks claim to have PTSD) brBut If you have PTSD as a citizen you will get deniedbrIf you have Autism as a citizen you will get denied brbrBUT if you would say "People and Society only cares about your mental disability if you're a Veteran" People will talk down to you and shame you When it's VERY true Comment from : @MattMatt77 |
I just love seeing these videos pop up on my feed brLet's see I was OIF/OEF USMC (active) have shrapnel in my brain Combat vetIt's destroyed my balance I have to use a walker brI get 10brYou heard me brTen I get less than the Air Force pukes who never left the country brbrBack in the 2000s we were busy being deployed We didn't have time to document every time you got a hangnail brbrEnjoy your fat checks, you malingering wastes of flesh I'm not unique There are other damaged servicemen who were too honest for their own good and thus get nothing brbrNext time you're tipping one back just remember; you didn't earn it You are scamming a system Comment from : @helloidharbl6753 |
Im a Reservist & stuck on 10, its like cause of that Im not being looked at seriously😢 Comment from : @Salem-TC |
I'm going from suppressing all my hurt and trauma Being exposed and open is hard to be effective in telling my feelings and how I truly feel Comment from : @MrNickd215 |
My total rating is 80 percent, 10 percent for Tinnitus, 40 percent for lower back, 70 percent for PTSD Question Should I Apply for the 70 40 rule Comment from : @robertbailey116 |
I'm 30 for hearing They denied my right knee and PTSD and depression claims because I didn't submit enough evidence I submitted a supplemental claim with evidence of the event for the ptsd I'm not going to pursue the right knee I went to a C&P exam for the PTSD and it was tough The DR called the VA crisis line while I was there It wasn't pretty brbrSo the VA went into panic mode the head of the clinic called me and said I had fell through the cracks and they were sorry They scheduled me for an appointment with a doctor about my meds because they said they must not be working I told them this was the best combination of meds I've ever been on I've been on meds since 1999 and I can't count how many I've tried So today is Labor day and I'm sitting here crying feeling like I don't want to be here I need to get back on the meds I was on I want to say don't give a damn about the benefits at this point they can shove those up their rear Comment from : @TaserTot |
What’s the C&P Exam Comment from : @Jrs_Thrifting |
is there a way i can retake the exam for the mental health ? Comment from : @hidethechicken_8023 |
I am 70 and I get compensation at 100 for other injuries I left the US to get away from stress situations and be able to survive Now the VA Medical facility in Manila refuses to provide even basic medical like physical exams, life sustaining medications or provide a doctor unless your conditions are service connected They state no Orthopedic available, and VA removed all services no budgeting This is the only VA medical center outside the US but on US Embassy property There is approximately 50,000 US Veterans here that deserve full medical Cant get answers from VA, congressmen, senators, President office all say sorry no budget I don’t have a home in US no property, and my children wont or can’t allow me to even visit or stay with I return for medical to US VA and it’s very expensive airline flights hotels etc to get even basic medicines, blood test Just wanted you and followers don’t come as VA, President etc doesn’t care Maybe some can assist us veterans here Comment from : @johnphillips6286 |
So many people are scamming the system by claiming this Its crazy Comment from : @determined919 |
What happens when a secondary condition is rated higher than the primary condition? How is it calculated? Comment from : @Sun_Wukong666 |
every single psychiatric claim of illness or disability is explained in wholly vague terms Psychiatry, mental illness, and everything in-between is pure illusion It's made up You cannot convince me otherwise Comment from : @fishintheocean-i4g |
How's that Johny Walker Black Label? 😆 Comment from : @jofferyclayborn9511 |
I just wanted to take the time to stop by and thank you for this video and advice! I did what you said and I was just bumped from a 40 for my other inservice connected disabilities to 70 with my anxiety diagnosis! Thank you so much for helping me navigate this rough terrain I truely appreciate it sir Comment from : @DragonempressCreations |
How to set up time to meet? Comment from : @ronaldwall2554 |
Clay how can I reach out to you? Comment from : @HurleyBrley |
QUESTION… I’m retiring soon and will be submitting a BDD claim Can you claim more than one pain or muscle/skeletal issue? For example can you claim bi-lateral shoulder pain, and neck pain, amd knee pain? I heard you could only submit one “pain” or muscle-skeletal issue? Thanks in advance! Comment from : @RandomBoxingGuy |
Got rated 70 today for PTSD Got a few more things awaiting a rating and ready for secondaries and a PACT ACT claim Comment from : @phantasm81 |
I got 70 ptsd The c&p ignored my hallucinations and frequent panic attacks and 4-6 migraines a month :( they dud approve tdui permanent and total disability with no further exams So i guess its not worth the danger of fighting it I wonder if the new rating for mental health will make a difference Comment from : @jdjd0711 |
I just tried the 988 for the first time and spent 30 min of them just going in a circle of asking me my name and clarifying that I actually want to kill my self Didn’t realize it was an assist suicide line Comment from : @KaneBroly |
Upgrade is impossible after 70 Might want to tell people that Comment from : @Abyssofagony |
I had my c&p exam today and the Dr was easy going I answered my questions straight forward and didn't talk too much He said he agreed with me having PTSD and he was going to put in the "remarks" that I need intensive inpatient care to help me deal with my PTSD? Has anyone ever had that at their exam? Comment from : @Sheesh121 |
Found your videos as I'm preparing my claim After watching this one a thought occurred to me; what would chatgpt say? As usual I, was pretty impressed with its response I don't want to post the response, but I'll put the prompt here brbrYou are a military compensation & pension medical examiner What kind of questions will you ask a patient to determine a VA rating for mental health? Please create a q&a dialogue that will result in the patient receiving a 70 mental health disability ratingbrbrEach response will be different, but may be helpful for folks preparing for such exam Comment from : @clintrobison2950 |
Is there any truth to the “3 visit” rule? I’ve heard several of my fellow airman claim “to get VA percentage for any condition… you need 3 Dr visits for any particular condition” For example, if you claim severe neck pain… but you e only went to the dr once, it’s not sufficient because you don’t have 3 visits for the same condition Is there any truth to this at all??? Thanks Comment from : @RandomBoxingGuy |
The things u describe here are also lusted on the PTSD -DBQ, and the evaluator should go over them with you at ur C&P exam Comment from : @Partywitharty0811 |
I have supplemental exam this coming Tuesday for PTSD and I'm terrified Comment from : @Sheesh121 |
I had my C&P exam the end of May The end of Jun I logged onto my VA acct and saw I was awarded 70 for my mental health! Back pain and hearing loss was denied (will be appealed), knees and tinnitus is currently deferred! Comment from : @stuisaac249 |
This is great Thank you so much! But @02:54, what’s “impor’ent”? 🤔 Comment from : @drsingingeagle |
not hold anything back? You can't say things like I'm gonna kill or I'm gonna commit suicide or some shit like that Comment from : @cnn787-i9e |
I had my c&p ptsd last month, and went to primary VA doctor for general health yesteray The doctor kept telling me to see psych doctor, should I do it?brAnd his face was kind of asessing and now thinking of negative vibes about my ptsd Primary doctor have power to change my c&p and making me go to see phsych a trap? Comment from : @Coolkid23143 |
I keep getting denied for anxiety They say it came from my childhood I dont have medical proof of anxiety How do i get 70? Comment from : @Twinies94 |
Can anyone answer that if your symptoms box falls more over 70-100 but the Box 3A Occupational and Social Impairment Box is checked at 50 How would it work? Would VA weight more of the symptoms section since symptoms don’t lie but Box 3A is based on Examiners Opinion? Comment from : @Francis19203 |
Thank you brother brbrI have my C&P exam for PTSD this Friday brbrHas been almost TWENTY years since I got home from Iraq I have undoubtedly been suffering this entire time and have missed out on much in life brbrI believe I and more importantly, MY FAMILY deserve to be properly compensated for this! brbrI was USED as an “asset” - now its time for them to PAY for that asset!brbrGod Bless all of us! Comment from : @danski6694 |
Is it worth sending back treatment records with my mental health claim if I'm going to claim Mental Health secondary to service connected chronic back pain to show I have an ongoing back issue? I have a diagnosis for my back pain, mental health and nexus Comment from : @asrmpc2 |
I got 70 ptsd but i am still only at a total 90 rating Comment from : @angryheathen3463 |
It’s not just Disabled Veterans, but also people with Strokes and Born With Disabilities are like this too Comment from : @Cavs-Trade-45 |
I have all this and my anxiety only rated at 50 Comment from : @pcgamingguru9611 |
FGN Comment from : @johndsmith-gv8zh |
Is that Black Label behind you? Comment from : @itguru2037 |
Someone Like This So I Can Come Back To It Later Comment from : @yomartez |
4:39 is key "be vulnerable" I'm struggling with that Comment from : @urIncorrect |
If I’m getting 70 for ptsd, can I still get this? Comment from : @Jaycox420 |
Is this video for US or Canadian Veterans? Comment from : @JayThomas-x1o |
Clay What is your email? I have a private question Comment from : @codychavarria6088 |
I was at 70 for the longest for Anxiety, VA bumped me to 80 Nov 22 I paid a company to gelp me get to that 80 though Comment from : @RUDYRAYYYMO |
So are suicidal ideations no longer factored in under the new proposed changes? Comment from : @ericm425 |
I just had my MH C&P and the advice about preparing to be uncomfortable is spot on Prior to retiring, I never discussed my MH with anyone mainly due to the stigma associated with it The lady that was my examiner was extremely easy to talk to but she definitely did ask some questions that caused an emotional response My suggestion to anyone that is going to claim MH is DO NOT be afraid to cry and DO NOT hold it in You will be asked some tough questions and I believe you will only get whatever rating you deserve if you are completely vulnerable as Clay said Comment from : @tag_76 |
Great information in your video Clay thsnk you friend!! Comment from : @mrspatheticloser |
How hard is it to go from a 70 rating to 100 rating Comment from : @danielmchugh8231 |
psychedelics can cure ptsd look into it Comment from : @Robertsmith-un5cu |
I’m just getting started on VA claim I was diagnosed with depression and Gerd while in the navy I got out in 2006 and haven’t seen any doctors for the depression while a civilian will the VA deny my claim? Comment from : @evinjohnson3529 |
I got 70 on my first C&P exam It was very intense I had to call the Veterans Crisis Line a few times Comment from : @AbeMcPompous |
Your last 2 tips are absolutely spot on I got rated 70 for MH and my C&P tore me up Like full on balling my eyes out because for the first time I was actually hearing myself describe to my examiner how I really feel and what I deal with daily I’m praying for all my brothers and sisters out there who are struggling I know we’ll get through it! Comment from : @globeubf4 |
Im 2 and 3 Comment from : @bred13ful |
Who do I get to fill out my dbq Comment from : @jalenfrommiramar |
I had my VA Health intake this morning for PTSD The doc's reccomending trauma therapy In less than an hour I have my PTSD C&P exam Curious to see how far they take it Comment from : @RealMrObvious1 |
Good advice I just went to my first primary care doctor visit Told her everything Special Operations Combat vet All that and a bag of chips Even though it's on my DD214 the combat I've been in isn't Stuff that goes 💥 Boom! Here I am now years later, after serving, with ringing ears, messed up back, anxiety, anti social behavior, migraines, my relationships are non-existent it's so bad Learning about the 'presumptive VA diagnosis As my VA doctor just typed it right into the system, though she has me coming in for X-rays next month Any advice? I'm still learning all this on my way to putting in a claim Comment from : @martin2560 |
Just lect my C&P exam and feel like being open honest and speaking of all the things in this video that also apply to MY LIFE will reflect in my new rating of 70 Thank you for your great work on these channels Comment from : @GThreats |
I put in a claim for depression and the VA has scheduled me with a C&P for PTSD Is this normal? Comment from : @bcssylf |
I was finance in the air force for 3 years Got kicked out for drugs Applied for VA and claimed PTSD because my supervisor was mean to me Got 100 P/T the first time Retirement for life at 22 y/o Insane Bought a new C7 Corvette and smoke all the weed I want now Comment from : @pizzaparty-r1c |
If im being treated my the va doctors and ive filed a claim they will get my records to prove my claim through the va doctors on thier own or do I have to do something to direct them to my records? Comment from : @ohioflips5570 |
I’m dreading that exam! I’m currently working on my submission form, I’m finding that very difficult to get it done Anxiety one moment Depression the next And it just goes on and on Comment from : @robertmashburn8330 |
Thank you for useful info and God bless you & your family Comment from : @besharatmonji1634 |
Thank you Comment from : @kimberlyfoust4992 |
Wow this is definitely me I have nothing to lie or exagerate about and i wouldnt do that anyways Comment from : @nunurbuisness5578 |
I have 30 percent for mental health How do I file for an increase? Do I need a nexus letter? Comment from : @johnnyc5587 |
Thank you for explaining this and breaking down the details of this topic Last time I was talked about it docs use a lot of big terminology during appointments and a person with a TBI and many other issues this helped a lot Thank you for the insight Comment from : @DontGetScammed20 |
when having a dbq filled out, does it matter if done online or say in pen on form Comment from : @richardhogeland8597 |
I filed for depression as a secondary condition to my back pain My examier, right off the back, said my depression steems from my back pain I made sure that I aligned my symptoms with the cfr rating schedule I wasn't going to just settle with that So he stated that I had major depression Comment from : @russell311000 |
Retire next year and my doc just gave me a diagnosis of severe panic disorder, depression, anxiety Fuckin sucks to live with Hopefully the VA doesnt fuck me Comment from : @boatsfa2015 |
Do you need to have panic attacks & depression, or one or the other? Comment from : @hughjassol2072 |
Thanks for the info Question would you ir can you take notes to your c&p exam Comment from : @bmarcus2367 |
Are buddy letters needed Do they help or not? Comment from : @buckeyepiper |
I don't even know what to do anymore My friend copied everything I told him I go through and got 80, but they only gave me 70 with MDD and said I have PTSD but didn't put it on there I have GERD I can tie to my time in service, and started having major anxiety attacks after I got out like I would wake up at 1 am having an anxiety attack I don't know who is legit and who is just trying to make money off me by helping file a claim I have had 7 jobs in 6 years and my friend that had his job for 13 years told them he can't keep a job lol because I told him that Comment from : @BonkersGameplay |
I've been out for almost 4 years now and I've been building up the courage to submit a claim for my depression how would I go about it? would I need to get seen by someone to evaluate me before I submit a claim? Or would I just go ahead and submit without any paperwork or evidence? Comment from : @Bueno226 |
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