Title | : | Why Putin Can NEVER Use a Nuclear Weapon |
Lasting | : | 23.12 |
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Views | : | 1,2 jt |
What did you think of the slower narration style in this one? Be sure to check out my new second channel for additional daily videos! wwwyoutubecom/@PaulJWarburg Comment from : @icarusproject |
The question is what can they do with what they have 10, 100 or 1000? Comment from : @danielakerlof4862 |
These American propaganda channels are so desperate to prove that America is still in charge when America doesn't even stand a chance It's better for these noob cheap propaganda sh*theads to understand that Russia is far more superior militarily than America can ever be and it is quite evident after the crushing defeat of NATO and America cozying upto Putin to lick his *ss Comment from : @AirdropKing01 |
The problem with American Noobs is that they don't understand that Tsar bomba is not something that can be mounted on a missile and Russia has already achieved such feats with it's SATAN 2 icbm but who cares to argue with fools specially ignorant Ameticans, ROFL Comment from : @AirdropKing01 |
Tucker Carlson knew all that about grocery prices and wages, he was just counting on his audience to not figure it out Comment from : @ntdscherer |
Nuke expiration date 😅 Comment from : @rewingustadi4844 |
This is misinformation I see a couple of these on YouTube they maintain their nuclear Arsenal, and they do their checks just like the United States does so stop it Comment from : @davesackenheim2937 |
Russia is in Ukraine to keep Ukraine for developing their fossil fuel deposits and to prevent them from competing with Russia for European demand for oil and gas Comment from : @Badkharma21 |
I’m pretty sure Putin could still use em cuz he’s crazy enough Comment from : @PatrickRamsey-z3f |
Excellent point Comment from : @data901 |
What if only 10 of them still work Comment from : @MarlinWilliams-ts5ul |
This is a really Dumb and dangerous video based purely on assumptions All these accusations can also be made for the united states I wouldnt suggest poking Russia on this assumption Comment from : @deepstateadversary8291 |
Ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, hats off to the Ruskies for making everyone think that nukes are real It's all about fear and control Comment from : @fanbutton |
Bullshit, if USA are so stupid to continue to put military bases on the borders of Russia, sooner or later it will interpret what it sees on radars as a first strike to Russia, and having left only a few minutes to decide (given the american stupidity mentioned before) it will retaliate Comment from : @CMario73 |
This argument is entirely based on conjecture with no evidence at all “One could imagine” as he says seems to be the thesis Comment from : @robversion1973 |
The half life of tritium is 123 years Comment from : @SonnyBubba |
Russian military budget is so small all west sends weapons to ukraine and ecomic sanction to russia but still russia wins😂😂 now usa flopped now they want to get their 300 billion back😂😂 Comment from : @michaelagbayani4961 |
Russia now has more javelin anti tanks than the royal army nlaws or javelins Comment from : @michaelagbayani4961 |
Russia now has more javelin anti tanks than the royal army nlaws or javelins Comment from : @michaelagbayani4961 |
Russian jets are fake russian helicopter are fake russian drones are fake russian victory is fake russian economy is destroyed😂😂😂 even their hyoer sonics are fake they take washing machine parts 😂😂😂 to make weapons Comment from : @michaelagbayani4961 |
This channel thinks russian nukes are fake if that is the case why is thaat the us to nato did not beat russia in ukraine even if it Will cross russian red line what a joke content😂😂 Comment from : @michaelagbayani4961 |
Yes russia is using nukes to scare usa and it works russia win the war nato amd the us just lost the war Comment from : @michaelagbayani4961 |
Wanna bet? With your life? Comment from : @dougbright8120 |
Very good video Comment from : @imacdonald99 |
Quote at 6:15 has aged like fine wine considering Trump has painted Ukraine as the problem Comment from : @Minecraftlol22 |
Waiting for a video called "Why putin will never invade Ukraine" Comment from : @ВалераРоманюк-м7п |
Security "assurances" Comment from : @justinwood8452 |
big time vlad the villian, richest person incredible man of all means Comment from : @guadalupecovarrubias6114 |
To suggest that you’re smarter than Russian nuclear engineers is hilarious You think they don’t know exactly how often they need to maintain their weapons? The entire world is still in a Mutually assured destruction phase That’s why no one uses nuclear weapons Any country with nuclear capability keeps their missiles up to date To suggest that Russia is too dumb is absolutely ridiculous If they’re able to build weapons in the first place I’m sure they know to maintain them and make sure they’re able to enact mutually assured destruction This video is ridiculous It’s literally the only thing keeping people from nuking each other Comment from : @Steaksauce69 |
Russia can and will use a nuclear weapon in the event of being overrun in the face of overwhelming conventional forces or as a retaliatory strike for another nations 1st use option You better go back and read their use of non conventional weapons doctrine Don't think for 1 second Putin can't or won't use a nuclear weapon Comment from : @RussellColeman-p2w |
You forgot to mention, that extraterrestrials disabled some of Russia’s nukes during the Cold War, just as they did with the Americans - this should reduce the actual number of nukes further If you don’t believe me, take a day or two to research the topic I’d argue that if the world faced an imminent nuclear threat, they would intervene again Comment from : @vad1mTrades |
I am from the uk and if there is any nukes i no will work its the russians ,ours the uk no chance ,our last three trident tests failed ,americas minute man icbms maybe they will work but they have also failed test flights and are very old ,the russian and Chinese are new and tested ,the russian sarmat has passed its 3 last test flights and is the biggest icbm known and has multiple mrvs at least 16 ,just one sarmat 2 is enough to take out the whole texas ,sodont listen to bullshit like this channel ,do youre research and you will see the truth ,dont underestimate russia and china because that will be the western forces and countries downfall 😮😢 Comment from : @leemaharg3788 |
Now, apply this to China Their corruption is on levels magnitudes higher than RussiabrOn top of that, an invasion of Taiwan would be significantly more difficult than Russia's invasion of UkrainebrbrIf they actually attempted this, youd better believe China would go from being a major world power to not even worth considering as any real threatbrbrRussia went from being seen as on par with China, the second or thrid most powerful military force, to now being a pathetic excuse of a military powerbrbrChina's demise would be so much greater The only question is how much of that understanding actually gets to President XibrAs with Putin, he's surrounded by yes men and they may not even know the full extent of corruption and actual Chinese milktary capabilitiesbrbrOh, and let's not forget that Russia at least had some military experience Chinese forces have zero real world combat experience, with their last conflict being a border skirmish they lost to Vietnam in 1979 Comment from : @johnc1014 |
They have the nukes to destroy the planet multiples time dont doubt about it Comment from : @bobcyr1815 |
Idiotic and unresponsible idea — autotrening "they can't nuke us!" "А что, блдь, если нет?" Comment from : @avgavrilov |
Wow, didn’t know that it’s possible to squeeze so much bs in a 23 min video Congrats for this achievement! Comment from : @sungazer454 |
It is worth recalling Russia has lost EIGHT nuclear submarines to date, and that's without going to a war footing Comment from : @bombheadgames9565 |
It totally looks far more like a whole other appendage than that of a thumb hanging from the continent Comment from : @jam1087 |
I'm guessing of the "7000" warheads they "have", there are probably about 200 that are functional Meanwhile, the good folks of Sandia have been keeping every one of ours hot to trot Comment from : @seanbaskett5506 |
The underdog commercial guy needs to be banned from YouTube ads Comment from : @ChrisMcKinney-i1o |
9/23/1992: The US conducted its last nuclear test, code named Divider, at an underground facility in Nevada Comment from : @kritsdja |
News flash, a monkey can make a nuclear bomb It’s the fuel for the bomb that’s difficult They have plenty of fuel so the premise of thi is rediculous Comment from : @martyanderson3390 |
None of them ever worked They're all fake Comment from : @Zan_Jayna |
novaya zemlya must mean 'new land' Comment from : @thewaryears |
Never say never Comment from : @bakimc4722 |
Imagine, Putin behind his desk, just having gave the order he looks out his window and sees a mushroom cloud like a mile away 🤣 Comment from : @ianholmes7630 |
The biggest thing about the nuclear threats to keep in mind is that they're utterly unhinged and not based in any sensible escalation pattern He threatens nukes on europe over the US simply giving equipment to Ukraine In a war he started In a war that russia cant actually "lose" in the sense of Moscow being captured brbrNobody who actually has working nukes and intended to use them would threaten to nuke you over something as nonsensical as that If he did nuke, we'd nuke him And he knows that Yet people either fall for it, or russians pretending to be westerners on twitter and reddit pretend to fall for it Its so dumb and pathetic Comment from : @Byssbod |
Nope never paid attention to that particular part of a map of the Earth Comment from : @jojogaming1013 |
I think you mean why the Americans can never use nuclear weapon The Russia of today is sharp as a tak With the most up to date Army in the world America however Isn't Comment from : @peterfretwell4070 |
deep state channel Comment from : @skyguy12345 |
so who recently besides north Korea has tested a nuke?? Comment from : @skyguy12345 |
What a stupid assumption Comment from : @comatose3788 |
This a bullshit website from the same people as infographics and the military channel Comment from : @robertfoster7807 |
More bullshit from this website you can bet that Russian missles work The usa is only country that thinks you can win a nuclear war Comment from : @robertfoster7807 |
The yellow flashing old reel film effect you apply to all the old video clips is beyond annoying and makes it unwatchable! It’ll give some poor photosensitive epileptic a goddamn seizure too! Comment from : @pblacklock |
When it comes to thermonuclear weapons, sometimes good enough, is good enough Comment from : @Andrew-Locksley691 |
Crimea is still Russian dummy I wouldn't risk any kind of global war over than placenukes or not Comment from : @GeneralAetius4705 |
50 is duds he would of used one already Comment from : @yeseniarodriguez2342 |
6:55 showing fake US propaganda nuke footage 😂 Comment from : @shootersshoot333 |
Pooty can use a nuke, however from what we have seen so far of the Russian military it would probably explode in his face Comment from : @admiralbenbow5083 |
Very interesting Very good Comment from : @Crispen-k1k |
I like Tucker but he is naive and guilt-ridden for supporting the Iraq war Now he is a hippy dippy peacenik You can't hug your kids with nuclear arms BS I learned to love the Bomb Living on a Trident Missile submarine We called the missile compartment, Sherwood Forest Comment from : @RoberinoSERE |
China Calling: we want western Siberia back What are you going to do about it? Comment from : @RoberinoSERE |
The big expence of maintaining Nukes are the Rocket motors, war head pit Core viability and Tritium degredation over 7 to 10 years Comment from : @RoberinoSERE |
Nukes are extremely expensive to maintain, much like a BMW Comment from : @RoberinoSERE |
Putin has no back down plan, only a double down plan and if faced with death by FSB he would try to start nuclear war unless he got something extra in his Borsht Comment from : @RoberinoSERE |
Exceptthey have? Comment from : @Octane84 |
I would never underestimate the use of anything in his arsenal Hes used hypersonics He likes life Hes the true wealthiest most powerful man in the world He has an enormous amount of property above and below ground Hes a master saber rattler but that's Sun Tzu 101 Hes also seen radioactive Chernobyl recover Color me fearfulVery well-done video Comment from : @they_are_all_gone |
if he uses it? I think we should not comment without knowing!! The USA and EU will miss their rich days and the poor and needy countries will be happy 😁😁😋😋😊😊 Comment from : @Enolizm |
Did you miss the part of Russia remodernizing its nuclear arsenal? US said the Same thing about their nukes, hence the reason they said their LGMs needed critical modernization Which the program started 5 years after Russia started modernizing theirs Comment from : @Urarosskiye_semya |
In 15 years of operation, Rosatom has built 11 new nuclear power units in the Russian Federation and 8 power units abroad
brAccording to data for 2024, Russia's share in the global enriched uranium market is 40 According to data for 2025, Russia is one of the leaders in the construction of nuclear power plants in the world Of the 52 reactors that have been under construction worldwide since 2017, 25 are being built using Chinese technology, and another 23 using Russian technology Comment from : @romannosikov |
I was offered to be a MissilebrLaunch Officer in the USAF,,brduring Summer 1967 whilebrI was in Summer Training inbr1967brI am glad I never went to thatbrRoute 😮 Comment from : @raymondmartin6737 |
Nuclear madness 😢 Comment from : @gabyschilz4484 |
We could be the only life in the universe and this is what mankind decides to do with it Comment from : @breakbad9753 |
Putin “can never use a nuke in Ukraine” because Ukraine is Russia, historically - except for the parts that had been Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria until they were jumbled together in the present configuration by Stalin at the end of World War II Ukrainian nationalism is a phenomenon of the twentieth century that grew out of the chaos of the Great War It is a racist falsification of history with a track record of atrocity, not unlike Zionism Ukrainian nationalists enthusiastically welcomed the German invasion in 1941 and murdered hundreds of thousands of Poles, Russians and Jews in a merciless campaign of ethnic cleansing Kiev was marshalling forces to finish the job in the breakaway Donbas Republics until Russia finally stepped in in 2022, after nearly a decade of Kiev’s refusal to honor the terms of the Minsk Accords in which over 14,000 ethnic Russians had been killed in those regions Comment from : @gasdaopidfvankewrq |
Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice we don't get fooled again! Comment from : @chrislong3938 |
For our and mostly US America's sake, I really hope this video is true and accurate Comment from : @rrocky6220 |
I'm not a gambler Comment from : @lilBugger35 |
Putin would convince me that he has any nuclear weapons left is when he does a test on that peninsula I am sure that he would have done that if he could Comment from : @Peter_Scheen |
Putin: "I will use nook!"brWorld: "But your nooks are shit" Comment from : @JasonSpielberg |
They work very well And lots of them too Comment from : @francesglenn2117 |
Putin is like small dogs He has to bark the loudest trying to scare his enemies before they realize he is totally defenseless Comment from : @hellfire5108 |
I don't think you said anything about the difference between strategic and tactical nukes The mutually assured destruction rationale does not apply to tactical nukes, and the main threat now seems to be on the tactical side The fear of US retaliation in that case may be low because the US won't use their nukes without being attacked - or perhaps a NATO country being attacked What's restraining Putin much more effectively than a threat of retaliation, IMHO, is Xi's serious warning to not even think about using nukes Comment from : @mmmikeyyy |
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