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Why reading is a secret weapon for language learning

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Title :  Why reading is a secret weapon for language learning
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Comments Why reading is a secret weapon for language learning

How can reading be the key? I was having to look up word after word and it was so slow and frustrating I just gave up
Comment from : @RobertLattery

But what if you don’t understand what you are reading … brYou shall only read on your level right ??
Comment from : @Newmindseton

I strongly developed the listening part of language learning since I am passively bilingual Speaking has improved a great deal But reading has been amazing I love reading all books but I love reading middle grade books in Portuguese because I feel like I’m learning and having fun while doing so It’s like weirdly nostalgic and makes me feel like I am falling in love with reading again for the first time Except it isn’t the first time - I just get to feel similarly since it’s a whole new world to discover It should feel daunting but it’s not, it makes me happy that I have something to look forward to and discover each day
Comment from : @sarasreadingnook

I was disillusioned and disappointed after watching Olly’s interview with Pablo of Dreaming Spanish He was constantly grappling searching for Spanish words It was painful to watch
Comment from : @misscamay

The problem is good content in TL does not exist until you achieve a high level of comprehension and large vocabulary brbrI wish the YT language influencers would admit this That’s just how it is brbrYou have to put in tons of time w the language bt this point and it’s really not always fun It actually frustrating for many brbrI buy all of Ollie’s readers and recommend them I don’t buy them for the plot or the quality of writing The plots ate abysmal If you read those stories in your native language, as an adult, there is no way you could be engaged by the story
Comment from : @RM-jb2bv

currently reading a book i loved as a kid translated into italian and was totally surprised at how many interesting and useful (imo) words ive been finding its definitely a bit above my paygrade since i havent seriously studied in about a year, but since i already know the plot so well its actually been not too difficult to keep up with the plot
Comment from : @emilyr8668

I fully agree with Olly and I read his short story books for Spanish, German and French Now I am reading different stories in Persian, because unfortunately his books are not available in Persian
Comment from : @Neandertaleslanguageadventures

Wow! There is a Fluyo dolphines at the beggining! I'm still waiting <3
Comment from : @maciekosmolski

I agree, everyone says that speaking is key but I learn much more through reading You assimilate the words and structures without even realising and by the time you open your mouth to speak you are using vocab and idioms ypu didn't even knew you knew
Comment from : @luciaherrerafuente9048

Ikenna, i just wanted to thank you very much, because, it's because of you, that i am now able to speak 3 languages (English, Russian and French (native language) ), and that i am able to understand myself and other people better brbrYou changed my life for the better and i'll never forget that brbrbrThank you :)
Comment from : @samsworld1770

The issue with reading is that not all languages have available material As someone learning irish the only material I can reliably get my hands on is the Bible and that doesn't feel like it'll help much with day to day vocabulary
Comment from : @caca95cb

Yes!! Currently learning Português and I am learning best from reading ☺️
Comment from : @renaribeiro

I don't know how to read a book (in foreign language ) well without stop and translate it every time, that's not leisurely Any recommendations? ( I'm trying to pick up my English)
Comment from : @tackleblood5287

Speaking is the key for kids when they learn their native language in elementary, because they can't read yet, and for all they know, their native language is the only language in the worldbrReading however is better for adults It is the primary weapon when you're learning a language Remember folks, we dutch may be one of the best non-native English speakers, but we didn't learn that through the flip of a switch It's because we constantly see and read English that we become familiar with a few phrases
Comment from : @CapitalTeeth

When you talk in other languages do you think about it in English or the actual language?
Comment from : @ravins4786

I don't like read😅 I need to change that
Comment from : @Amelia-bv7jd

Me who hate reading:br__maybe that explain why I'm a totally disaster in english writing
Comment from : @molokai8122

It keeps unsubscribing from on here and I don't know why
Comment from : @ItsameAlex

What happened to your app your making?
Comment from : @mlucky952

These are valuable tips that everyone should know 🥰 brWe would love to partner with you so you can have one more resource to share!
Comment from : @SpanishAcademyTV

I completely agree with this I learned hundreds of vocabulary while reading the Harry Potter books I didn't stop reading to take notes, I just highlighted the sentences and made them flashcards This helped me a lot! (I'm a Brazilian)
Comment from : @wendersonbarros1900

I am from the fun first school Lol I watch hella tv - 3 to 5 hours a day, but I do read I don’t read in Korean though and that is a problem, because Korean is not really phonetic so not reading, kind of also means I cannot spell and therefore cannot write Lol
Comment from : @clairegittens3707

Reading manhwa in Spanish changed the game for me I found myself reading for an entire hour and needed to tell myself “okay aqilah , you have to go adult now”
Comment from : @Aqilah_Safiah

I ken na I have something to tell you don't get mad plz let me tell you my daddy name me Ileana to is that ok
Comment from : @jennysinanan9897

And the vocabulary in certain manga and webtoons are no joke (at least in Korean) A lot of vocabulary only comes out in those mediums so I think it can help expand ones vocabulary library which can improve overall comprehension
Comment from : @jayslingualounge

Hi, I'm learning English You are can give me advice, how i can improve my English?
Comment from : @kazakhchad6766

I love reading and have read many of Olly's stories I've also purchased some kids books for ages 8-10 and 9-12 years old Any idea how the different DELE levels (A1, A2, B1) compare to age levels?
Comment from : @tishawhite3932

Do you speak any Nigerian languages?
Comment from : @Fleurr5678

What if I feeling that I don't have any progress
Comment from : @dias7956

I agree, reading is such a powerful method to learn a language! Not to mention, for anyone on the introvert side, that's the perfect method 😅 It was one of the key methods I used when I was learning French and Spanish and I felt I needed a major boost! It takes patience as you might not see the results straight away, but once you start reaping them, you'll be amazed at the progress you've made 💪🌟😊
Comment from : @FlyHighinItalian

It’s just all about balance If you only read or read too much and you don’t listen to your target language enough, your pronunciation won’t be good at all If you haven’t heard how the language sounds for enough hours how can you possibly imitate how the language is supposed to sound accurately
Comment from : @visualsofsora

Is Olly English?
Comment from : @SHINYFUNGAMES

How to find different language mangas/comics? Any app suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! 🙂
Comment from : @lei2164

I knew that Olly would be in the video as soon as I read the title
Comment from : @Riurelia

That's what I expect brSo frequent videos
Comment from : @harshitashrivastav376

Ikenna, now that you are good in spanish you should try portuguese and come to Brazil :D
Comment from : @tvmodesto

I am a reader The hardest part for me with reading in a new language is finding the right level - a pitifully low level when one starts out learning a new language Olly Richards and Steve Kaufman have tried to fill the gaps, but for me the gaps remain Sometimes it feels like I make more progress flipping through memrise than reading a beginner level book With that said I've it through most of Olly Richards' Strories book in Italian, and now I am working on the Little Prince in Italian - this is slow going
Comment from : @teamjipper2495

I've recently gotten into reading Hebrew I've had decent listening comprehension for a while, but I was starting to notice that I'm no longer learning enough vocabulary from listening Right now I prefer non-fiction because it's a lot easier to read and reread than fiction I'm mainly interested in Judaism, so reading non-fiction makes the most sense
Comment from : @bunnyteeth365

Reading in a foreign language is a great study tool but can be a major setback for beginners Often learners revert to their native language pronunciation when reading foreign material and it can create misconceptions when listening to real native speech I believe that although reading is an excellent way to really expand ones vocabulary, focusing on listening and pronunciation first is important if your goal is to be able to understand and be understood by native speakers
Comment from : @bradybowman4478

This was a brilliant take!! I’m sincerely looking forward to listening to the full interview Cheers, Ikenna ❤️
Comment from : @iiwokeup

I totally agree, i learned my spanish and english generally by reading and approve of it as something of the greatest use
Comment from : @welcomingnormie6475

Wow an interview with olly I just got his book for Korean and audiobook as well I’m excited to be reading more along other methods
Comment from : @norma94

Writing in target language is even greater
Comment from : @ElSemih

i'm learning English but i don't like to read a lot :/
Comment from : @Alexander-mp3re

I’m exited for this!
Comment from : @moosoe7820

Also people should realize that they should b*not*/b expect instant improvement just by reading a week or so There are researches showing that the improvement in the target language by reading takes 2-3 months or 6 weeks in some studies
Comment from : @rimenahi

I LOVE to read old Stephen King and Michael Crichton books in Spanish that I've read before in English I just need more vocabulary, and that's a fun way to get it done! I like to read some Hindi kids books too The alphabet was the hardest!
Comment from : @Bacon420

so fun wish was longer
Comment from : @akunnie4414

try esperanto
Comment from : @jackdanks8816

Comment from : @oamioxmocliox8082

Ikenna, please, I need your advice is it not late to start learn languages in 22? I'm going to start with Korean
Comment from : @lucifersatan2226

I feel really embarrassed that I have to learn Spanish (being that I'm ethically Mexican) I was born in the US, so my first language is English because my parents mainly spoke to me in English I would only hear Spanish when we would visit my abuelos, which is why I can understand most phrases being said, but I struggle with how to respond or have full on conversations in Spanish
Comment from : @stressedcoquette

he has the same bottle as me
Comment from : @philiptroscher4042

I use reading to see the way how people formulate, use words in my learning language in natural way :)
Comment from : @allen_woka

If reading is too boring, you guys can play the game Stardew Valley in Spanish It’s basically the same as reading a book since you have time to analyze a text dialogue until you feel ready to click to the next one But the game also is super relaxing and fun, thus providing more motivation I’ve been doing this and writing down the words I don’t know Hope this helps you guys as much as it has helped me
Comment from : @yetijakegaming8452

I love reading which is why in Spanish I can read better than speak
Comment from : @celinadorsey1286

58th 🎀💕🌹🌹🤗💐🍺🍻🥂🍾🍷🥃🍸🍹😎
Comment from : @itzcloveynuh1207

Well Learn languages with Netflix more or less kills his argument to a large extent Since you can scroll through all the sentences, click on whatever and get a somewhat accurate translation, can save sentences and words What books do have however is a more wide variety of words, which I agree with Probably depends on how advanced you are, once you feel like movies and TV-series can't give you enough, a transfer to books is probably the next move Pointless to go to books too early though, there are sentences you can break down and read through Anki (if you get a good deck with sentences and audio)
Comment from : @英語わかりません

Comment from : @Kin-bd2vd

Plz do a video with Gabriel (from the channel Gabriel poliglota) he's a Brazilian who's teachs English for people from more than 100 contries and speak more than 8 languages, and he did a video before talking with Olly Richards
Comment from : @joaovictorlemos2143

I was literally reading before this vid and now I’m gonna continue thx for the motivation ikenna
Comment from : @Nesay369

Great interview! Just confirmed that my language routine of reading is reasonable!
Comment from : @amiothenes

Secret? I think it’s mainly that in our online language learning bubble, we’ve kinda been dismissal of reading Usually, reading is a pretty obvious way of studying languages But regardless, this is a really good interview!
Comment from : @Amaling

Thank You So Much! Seeing you talking about this language learning approach I feel I am in the right way learning my languages, I am reading manga now I am reading To your eternity in english as well as Sapiens I am reading this book with audiobook and It is been great, I feel I am learning, I want to start learning spanish with this approach since I am Brazilian and speak portuguese already, spanish is going to be so much easier for me
Comment from : @rafaelbotelho3111

I feel like reading is absolutely the best tool for comprehension, but speaking is still the best tool for speaking But both are two of the most important parts of language learning that along with srs With all that said Ikenna and Olly, you are two of my biggest inspirations and my language skills pale in comparison to yours - so please take my opinion with a grain of salt
Comment from : @melaniegrace7707

Comment from : @chinesevoicegarden

I personally don't feel very comfortable talking to people in a new language for the first year or so, so the best way for me to improve is by watching videos, reading, writing and thinking in that language (So far I've only learned English and I'm currently still working on Danish and Italian) And for me reading helps the most when it comes to learning new words and it obviously helps me to write corectly So thanks Gutenberg, for having made it easier with the whole book thing ig (I'll apologize for mistakes in advance)
Comment from : @zoe-jj6jc

Finding any book in target language is so difficult
Comment from : @Love2Banime

Reading enables one to understand a language, it one of my favorite skills in language learning merci pour partager
Comment from : @moneyinvestingwithvandi7727

Awesome vid man can't wait to see the complete pod
Comment from : @huxa7624

Also, totally agree with Olly about how much more vocabulary you get through reading
Comment from : @levipatrickdiaz

Reading is so great! For me reading was one of those “breakthrough” things that helped me to recognize that I was actually learning the language and that I was able to understand it Even though I didn’t get every word or phrase, just the fact that I understood the story was incredible for me
Comment from : @levipatrickdiaz

Would you recommend (someday) books that you used in your learning languages journal? 😏
Comment from : @sofiaelkahla3796

I wish I could learn like this but my ADHD doesn't let me read for more than a paragraph without me zoning out lol
Comment from : @thespoodster

Just bought a new novel in my TL and this came out 😱 Shipping was expensive and it took forever to get here but I’m so excited 😆
Comment from : @blankb2277

I feel so validated Everyone told me speaking is the key but reading is best for me
Comment from : @RB-dc2mp

Learned so much from reading regularly
Comment from : @minjosof

E 2
Comment from : @joellarsson1180

Comment from : @minjosof

Comment from : @zumi5778

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