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U.S. Led 2020 Nuclear Weapons Spending; Now Biden Going “Full Steam Ahead” on Trump’s Nuclear Plans

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Information U.S. Led 2020 Nuclear Weapons Spending; Now Biden Going “Full Steam Ahead” on Trump’s Nuclear Plans

Title :  U.S. Led 2020 Nuclear Weapons Spending; Now Biden Going “Full Steam Ahead” on Trump’s Nuclear Plans
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Frames U.S. Led 2020 Nuclear Weapons Spending; Now Biden Going “Full Steam Ahead” on Trump’s Nuclear Plans

Description U.S. Led 2020 Nuclear Weapons Spending; Now Biden Going “Full Steam Ahead” on Trump’s Nuclear Plans

Comments U.S. Led 2020 Nuclear Weapons Spending; Now Biden Going “Full Steam Ahead” on Trump’s Nuclear Plans

So Pakistan had a very large amount of enemiesBut Allah protected Pakistan with around 3,000 brblack fighter jetsMuhammadQasimDreams
Comment from : @IMARMY-qw9fy

I should have known Biden as a neoliberal would still be pro-war and pro-nukes
Comment from : @superstormthunder3

It's vital for the USA to spend more on nuclear weapons, we can afford 1 trillion a year to make our weapons unbeatable
Comment from : @sinistersilverado965

ok so basically, it's a group of guys sitting in a pool of oil, most with 1-10 matches, and 2 of the guys have 100 matches and they happen to hate each other
Comment from : @ZippyzzzReal

i see many people complaining about presidents but not the people who voted them in
Comment from : @ZippyzzzReal

Yesterday, Biden suggested it's possible he might order nuclear weapons deployment against us citizens
Comment from : @thisisyourcaptainspeaking2259

The US is creating disaster around the world, and silly Joe was blaming Russia Unbelievable
Comment from : @sextoncardew903

It is my firm belief that Biden doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about 90 of the time You can almost see the strings hanging off his arms
Comment from : @penelopewaters4630

10:32" as a Democracy ' NATO is not a Democracy NATO has something called " The Chain of Command "
Comment from : @Homeschoolsw6

The G7 so called the wealthiest nations Even that's not true Brazil can't buy in
Comment from : @markherron6374

Comment from : @tornadolover920

Comment from : @dragonfly1929

Comment from : @dragonfly1929

If you are spending money on nuclear weapons, you must think someone is going to use them on youbrWho is the one that leads the race?brThat is the one that has to start to give a reversal to the escalation
Comment from : @gianfrancofronzi8368

What if the US dropped all spending on nuclear weapons, dismantled all it's weapons and funded an airtight nuclear weapons defense program that rendered all nuclear weapons on the planet useless in that they would never reach their targets before being destroyed? This is my hope for the future, especially as somebody who is entering into the armed forces
Comment from : @vizerandevir6422

Drop A Nuke On The Creep Joe
Comment from : @larryellis6472

Amy's having buyers remorse!
Comment from : @carolkelly6933

Lol! What a moron
Comment from : @promisedcovenant9917

X-FilesbrHumans (love) prefer pens, paint brushes and pianosbrbrThe hostile alien vampires (greed) prefer bullets, bombs and missilesbrbrThe alien monsters are desperate to control a darkship called the Whitehouse Because working in the dark to suck the joy out of life and destroy the planet is the only way that the loveless, lifeless parasites can survive and thrivebrbrUnlike earthling poets, artists, musicians, mystics, human beings and creators of joythe clueless counting corpses can't create harmony (real intelligence) because vampires (greed) are far worse than stupid The loveless, lifeless parasites are ignorant (dead)
Comment from : @stevecoley8365

In a sane universe the US cut it's military by 78 and is still a grotesquely large military War pays pigs well
Comment from : @bigraviolees

Biden is tough on Russians A timid little useless coward on Manchin and GOP
Comment from : @bigraviolees

Shame on you America! The biggest threat to humanity is not the imaginary enemy It is global warming and climate change Actual wars and the dirty production of weapons of any kind contribute enormously to it I was so happy when the Democrats won the election But Biden is from the old generation of the last century His political agenda is dangerously outdated
Comment from : @avk9794

War , war , war Come on America , what are you trying to do start a world war We don’t even have a affordable healthcare system or a living wage
Comment from : @hangerq5735

Too bad Aaron Mate will not stop lying and triggering his "woke" followers about DN! coverage How is this segment supported by the deep state and CIA?
Comment from : @olorin1710

If the world's most powerful nations do not redirect their entire military budgets toward the mitigation of climate catastrophe, there is little hope that enough of the earth's habitat can sustain most of the present existing life forms, including ourselves, in the near term
Comment from : @earlgibbs7083

"Harmful activities " sounds ad libbed
Comment from : @mrsjupiter9310

if only america fired off its nuclear weapons, and no other country did,brit would still destroy the whole worldbrincluding america
Comment from : @joehoey6337

This country has enough nuclear weapons to blow up the whole world including themselves billions wasted to drive fear in the human race The media make billion by fear mongering everyday
Comment from : @SDbogle

Total INSANITY! For what? What if we humans spent billions preparing for PEACE!?br"WAR - good god y'all what is it good for?"
Comment from : @retiredteacher6289

Imagine if all that money and effort was spent on improving lives of all around the world How much would be accomplished and for very little compared to what is being spent right now As long as sick sociopath runs the world, with so much corruptions a hand, it'll be hard to accomplish anything sensible
Comment from : @shumeister1059

Always money for bombs never money to help the working class
Comment from : @DanA-nl5uo

The US Military Industrial Complex is so corrupted
Comment from : @lewislane1143

Tell Dick Cheney to stop running the country! We know you are still there!
Comment from : @project25055

America IS THE FATTED CALF May God Bless The Rest of World using American sacrifices equaling the consumption and waste it perpetuates for a so called profit
Comment from : @thrdudeman420

You'd think she would know how to pronounce nuclear if she works on the issue as a career
Comment from : @ResistEvolve

We are so totally fucked
Comment from : @_BhagavadGita

excellent reporting We need a strong awareness of these matters!
Comment from : @jayrockBC

The more America install missle defence systems around the world,the more inclined an adversarybrWill increase their nuclear warheads
Comment from : @richardfan4122

Biden's statements pre and post election further confirmed that US is ran by the Deep State, so whether Trump or Biden or even a donkey become POTUS makes no different
Comment from : @antiimperialism2739

Nuclear bombs are capable of destroying all of humanity, however we as a people have never protested that reality which happens to be the most important of all
Comment from : @fredx2696

Ohhhhhh! I'm hurting! Push the butting!
Comment from : @pacerodi

I guess, like Doctor Strangelove, we have to stop worrying and learn to love the bomb We need a total ban now
Comment from : @BigFatHeretic

Booo United States 👎 when the world is in huge need of care their so called leaders go towards war as usual
Comment from : @dlindstrom7130

This country was built up for the wicked If the world truly know what God's choses people know thay would not follow the US straight to hell When they say in god we trust You need to ask yourself what God are they talking about? This is the Satan's play ground right now But TMH is showing himself true to his chosen people here on the earth 🌍 Give God a hand clap of praise for what he is doing on the earth 🌍👏🏻👏🏾👏🏻👏👏🏿
Comment from : @queenmommie8295

This is obscene Thank you for covering this, DN
Comment from : @DrBear-rk4qb

Is Russia the enemy or self determination of nations in the sphere of American interest
Comment from : @iainmair485

Biden loves nukes and drones like Obomba did
Comment from : @iainmair485

This garland continuing barr's horrific activities Our democracy is doomed, hope repubs love the actual oppression and loss of rights that will result Enjoy what you have while you can, this country will be going over the cliff soon Very soon
Comment from : @suzibikerbabe8073

Why is it right for these western countries to stockpile nuclear weapons, but they demand other countries not to have them, will sanctions those who do That doesn't make any sense, that's white privilege I guess no other country is allowed to protect itself from the US nuclear attacks All nuclear weapons need to be destroyed, why do US have them anyway
Comment from : @elainequeens8490

The world lives with a gun to its head while our chicken-shit leaders are ready to hide underground, what could possibly go wrong?
Comment from : @vernmoffett3077

Proof that peace has been abandoned When White America say there culture is under threat The culture of war and destruction needs to be replaced Peace, Peace, Peace can you hear socialists now?
Comment from : @stanleydorsey2884

Absolute insanity
Comment from : @KM2558-o1y

Trump's nuclear plan? For ANYTHING that Trump did with nuclear arms, it was done with money set aside by Obama! Obama set a spending plan of 1 trillion dollars over 10 years on nuclear weapons All Nuclear plans in America are Obama's nuclear plans
Comment from : @johnnyelle8052

Nuclear weapons are a stupid waste of money The weapon to make is one that vaporizes evil dictators and psycopathic leaders They are the enemy not their people, pets, and wildlife
Comment from : @danmarquez3971

I might not like our system, but I suspect we would be blasted if we unilaterally disarmed
Comment from : @factanonverba7547

This is what happens when capitalism is collapsing and billionaires want to feel safe as climate change is making the poor and working class get antsybrbrEat the rich!
Comment from : @aprilk141

Interesting time to be alive
Comment from : @martineyman1132

That closeness makes me nervous I remember how closed were Netanyaho and Blair to president Obama right before all those consecutive wars in the Middle Eàst
Comment from : @gmanon1181

once climate change hits hard, i bet nuclear weapons will fly we are on a one way track to destruction I m sorry my children and grandchildren and all the other living beings on earth
Comment from : @christopherbremer2192

what a shame but predictable given bidens support of the military, defense industry and US aggression
Comment from : @garudastan

But Joe drinks electrolytes
Comment from : @bryansmith9231

Wow, I am so shocked, better get Maco
Comment from : @bryansmith9231

Obama (and Biden), HRC and the DNC all sold out all the way to right of center to take full advantage of citizens united for their own personal greed
Comment from : @sanjuansteve

nuke power ban
Comment from : @wmlundine

Did you know genital worts causes pancreatic cancerfeel me vernon
Comment from : @elijahsexton4380

There is no problem with Russia - the problem is that Fauci has funded The Wuhan Institute of Virology to engineer the Sars Cov 2 virus - It was instigated by the U,S because of Fauci as far as we know - the US Government are saying they didn't know about it - but Fauci works for the US Government - so now it's come out - America is to blame for the Covid pandemic - China's Editor of their major newspaper there has spoken out on behalf on the Chinese Government stating they will now be buying a lot more serious weapons plus nuclear weapons in response to being implicated in engineering this Covid 19 But more than that - the world IS HEADING FOR A WAR WITH CHINA and the world governments KNOW that I t could happen any minute as China has such a volatile government - it's a MUST that all governments in the world am AT THIS POINT IS IDIOCY - AT LEAST AS A DETERRENT
Comment from : @athensr1103

Bloodklart remove him and anyone who puts the whole world at risk
Comment from : @awhite2501

That's not going green that going Nazi red 🔥👁️
Comment from : @awhite2501

Comment from : @rafikbaines824

Not happy with Biden’s agendas overall so far even though he’s not tRump he’s demonstrating tRumpish policies😒WTAF?
Comment from : @mladyriad

166 million in the labor force times 6 hours daily equals 996,000,000 million hours of surplus hours of value, it takes 6 hours daily for workers to reproduce themselves, 6 hours extra value produced enrich their employers This income taxed would easily cover the cost of arms Before tax it creates the 0001
Comment from : @MrDXRamirez

talk about how "Hooohoaoaoahoaoaoaoahhahahahaoooa" What a bogus thing to do, day after day, every day
Comment from : @AudioPervert1

This is so boring We all (aware people) knew Joe Thug Biden is a warmonger shitF**K 40 years a career of war, capitalism and american chauvinism That is why Chris Hedges summed it up, way back in February "THE EMPIRE IS BACK" - More war, More Misery, More Body Bags (Dead Rambos) and even more dead children, women and men in far away nationsbrDemocracy Now and the thousands of zombies cheering for a white capitalist a**h*le can now GET LOST !
Comment from : @AudioPervert1

All hypocritical liers
Comment from : @johnkilleavey896

The whyte mind is thing driven by fear and illusions of its importance Reality: it is an evolutionary aberration, a cancerous expression on the world that may very well destroy this planet
Comment from : @scientifico

Kiss&Tell that's go's to show you who the Devil's really isbrDevil's Devil devil 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 Death death ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️brHow can we kill more people faster? How can we destroy more animals and people who won't dobrWhat we say? Liberals, I'm againstbrThat letting people live It to manybrPeople on earth Devil's Devil 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 Devil's!
Comment from : @thomasvstewartjr9441

New President, same government
Comment from : @BoydGilbreath

Total hypocrisy from America, spending hundreds of $billions on nukes whilst threatening, sanctioning and planning to attack other countries that have no nukes but fearmongering that they may develop them When America denuclearizes the world will be a much safer place
Comment from : @dabay200

$38,000 a minute I live on $12,000 a year I hate governments so much Almost enough to root for nuclear war cus FU!
Comment from : @jasonfirewalker3595

This is so stupid! Why spend billions of bucks on international sabre rattleing? What a waste of time, money etc Why isn't this cash used for rebuilding safe schools, renewing infrastructures of all kinds, health care for all etc? Biden is so disappointing His actions have proven that he too is a corporate dem liar No real progress will be made on these issues that are so important during the 4 years of the Biden administration It's sick It's truly sad 😔🥺😪
Comment from : @andrewjameshenderson1389

S t o p this insane nuclear weapons Madness
Comment from : @margaretpocock2249

President Joe Biden is handing #45 another term in 2024 Did establishment dems not understand how exhausted the base is? Bernie was the closest hope to having a backbone that we had
Comment from : @meanscene914

Let's hope there are some adults and sane in these gatherings of g7 or nato and the likes who knows somethings beyond making money and weapons of mass destruction who do you think gave you the right to bring about the destruction of the world which you have not created Ordinary citizens of the world should rise against these insane people before it becomes too late
Comment from : @peterhaokip6264

Mrs Kamala every one with their oun color The Europeans said, KAMALA, DO NOT COME🤣🤣🤣🤣 we do not want you Do not come, DO NOT COME, you look beter in haiti
Comment from : @josevelazquez6285

Shame on the so called civilized or developed nations the only thing they seem to know is how to destroy each other and the world grow up get really civilized
Comment from : @peterhaokip6264

Why is USA making so much weapons of mass destruction ? When they accused Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction, they attacked and destroyed it
Comment from : @grandpa4316

We are allbrbrbrbrbrGoing to die
Comment from : @craffte

Well duh, did you really expect the US to come in 2nd when it comes to anything involving the military?
Comment from : @quentinle4892

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