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Kellogg/Trump plan to double down on Putin (Vlad is not impressed)

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Title :  Kellogg/Trump plan to double down on Putin (Vlad is not impressed)
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Frames Kellogg/Trump plan to double down on Putin (Vlad is not impressed)

Description Kellogg/Trump plan to double down on Putin (Vlad is not impressed)

Comments Kellogg/Trump plan to double down on Putin (Vlad is not impressed)

Comment from : @T003-d1l

Also worth remembering that Putin is still fighting under the masquerade of removing "Nazi" from Ukraine, so any negotiation to end the war you can guarantee it will includ the removal of Zelenskyy to make this all appear as a victory for Russia
Comment from : @Iansanonce-lp4nx

In the Cold War, the Soviets actually won, flooding the West with agents an order of magnitude more than before 1990 over the last 35 years
Comment from : @АйбеливАйкенфлаев-о6ф

Listening to quotations from Kellogg for that long was truly painful
Comment from : @Emlizardo

Tremendously cuddly in the countryside 😂🤗
Comment from : @jsanks2024

Wasn't Trump supposed to have ended the war already? 🤔
Comment from : @Frithonor

Thanks, Jumper Guy for a very good imitation of True Vlad
Comment from : @manitobaman5588

Trump is Putin's lapdog He must have some pretty interesting Kompromat on Donny
Comment from : @ericw3517

Kellog didnt think this through
Comment from : @ed2595

Thank you, Vlad, and all the best to you back in London Lots of love to you and to the Very Beautiful Community 🌻
Comment from : @DarkestAlice

You mean the con man is proposing more pure bullshit and expecting it to fly because he's so confident in it? And it's not working? G, whoever could have thought that about Trump, 78 years young and it's not like he's been a fraud and con man his whole life or anything 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Comment from : @krakhedd

I dont get his shtick, is it self-irony or is he 100 serious with the faux horn-rimmed glasses and affected speech?
Comment from : @anonymousonlineuser6543

Vlad,being aware of how Trump thinks, and looking at what Ukraine is doing right now,he is giving Ukraine the time to destroy as much as possible military infrastructure ,ammunition, and people and possibly a bridge to put Ukraine is the strongest position possible before a face to face with putinhe also is not going to announce to the world what military supplies are going to Ukraine,unlike Biden
Comment from : @jonstates6053

Trump is a senile idiot who doesn't care about Ukraine one iota Putin plays him like a pump organ by flattering him Putin owns him
Comment from : @FOMOSapiens76

So, the best thing that trump can do is to do what Biden has been doing, but weaker, and also while screeching that he is strong and powerful and that it was all Biden's fault, and that Mexicans are eating dogs and cats, and that eggs will not go up in price and blablabla I guess that is what Herris would have done (without the bs game of fingerpointing), so, same as usual for Ukraine at least
Comment from : @TheGamer2001

Ukraine has Rare Minerals not Rare Earth, and most are occupied Donetsk
Comment from : @G0ldfingers

like this comment if u are jealous of vlads jumper game
Comment from : @faizanrana2998

Let’s change the war in Ukraine from a Special Military Operation to a new season of The Apprentice
Comment from : @MarcosElMalo2

Vlad, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on Trump's idea of asking MBS to lower the price of oil as a way of damaging the Russian economy
Comment from : @horrisnorris6478

The US knows more No shortage of brilliant minds in the think tanks and intelligence services And trump doesn't like to lose Just wait Dont speculate Wait
Comment from : @itsallminor6133

Hello Vlad, hope you are doing well On a completely different note, wondering if you are following Alexandra Dovgan's development and what you think of it The Bach partita she recently posted has never been played better I saw her live two weeks ago, and witnessing her immense concentration and control over the line live left an enormous impression Curious about your thoughts!
Comment from : @florisende8015

DJ Vance sounds like a chill dude
Comment from : @brandonstanley9125

Dear Vlad I think we are witnessing a coup in the United States Please comment
Comment from : @thesilkpainter

Are we only 'very beautiful' collectively, or do we also hold it together when separated into our individual selves?
Comment from : @AngloSaks666

Trump has what? 81 days left to force Putin to a deal? So far I am not convinced he could make a deal out of a wet paper bag
Comment from : @jeremygibbs7342

Lol! I love your jumpers, dear man!
Comment from : @christy4051

4:00 DJ Vance lolbr(No pressure, I understand that speaking is actually hard, this one just sounds funny)
Comment from : @vovacat1797

0:26 😂
Comment from : @FionaC1

Dream on if you believe that!😂
Comment from : @hennieahrens5251

Trump wants more profit and drilling for his oil connections , and thus wants to destroy Russian oil This will result in more oil sanctions and more drone strikes on the Russian oil industry
Comment from : @alanseymour1252

Those Trump has surrounding himself with unfortunately are not the capable intelligent reasonable well informed people Many Other Leaders Might Wish To Have Around For ADVICE And Trump Generally Doesn't Take Advice - as we heard in the USA from many professional staffers first time around when he captured the Presidency He isn't the business genius dealer some have been fooled into believing he is Now he is older - less healthy - more paranoid - and more prone to emotional instability The world is more explosive on many key fronts in complicated situations - - I have Zero Belive He Has Leverage Against ANY of the Key Power Yielding Brutes in the International Arena
Comment from : @bthe1doright462

Was DJ Vance a joke or a mis speak? Lol
Comment from : @ys32s37

The Ukrainian Bio-lab Budanov cloning lab has branched out into Vexler cloning They have finally mastered smiling!
Comment from : @bobfry5267

They have no idea what to do All they do is talk and lie, but you can't solve this using your tongue
Comment from : @kotomakosako

25 years that power fool ***!😮
Comment from : @Likadik

The tone of toughness against the Russians probably just masks the real toughness against the Ukraninians so they can be blamed in the end
Comment from : @pepelegal333

Hello dear Vlad! xx 🎉
Comment from : @franlewis8906

Comment from : @rochcarothers-ts3jx

Thanks for the analysis, insights and your explanationbrEven though the current situation is abhorent I do want to understand what is happening brYou have explained some possible solutions to improve the situation basically Putin does not care if the war continues unchanged brAlthough Ukraine's weapon capabilities are improving and obviously may develop their only other option as a long term deterrent
Comment from : @chriscardwell3495

good to see that the real vlad is back in control
Comment from : @JedCornwallJones

Comment from : @danielmadar9938

Pessimistic, but correct,brCorrect, but pessimistic brPessimistic, but correct!!brCorrect, but pessimistic!! 😂brRecommended bulgarian film: Whale (Кит)
Comment from : @dostavki

People keep calling Kellogg a serious person but in truth he does nothing but fellate Trump every chance he gets The man is not serious, he is pathetic
Comment from : @gordonprice695

It is worth playing the interview clips of of people who can speak coherently, irrespective of their position At least we can understand Kellog
Comment from : @charlesbeaudry3263

The oil sanctions were never fully enforced; witness the dog days of Biden's presidency when his tardy actions gave India and China casue to suspend future Russian oil shipments We can and must do something about Russia's shadow fleet of tankers/rust buckets Equally, we now know the degree to which the Russian economy has become a house of cards It may stagger on for a few years, all things being equal, but economic collapse could be sooner than we think A little hope in a gloomy video, but at least we do not have the JD Vance Ukraine policy in place!
Comment from : @paulmes7667

Love your pessimistic optimism ❤
Comment from : @moxie_ST

Whilst promising 'more' sactions on Russia, the US has closed down its operation (Task Force Kleptocapture) against Russian Oligarchs Is this a sign that the US is turning Putin's assistants against him? Possibly not
Comment from : @johnpowell9174

I rather disagree with you on sanctions I think across the board sanctions can (and should) be tightened, third parties can (and should) be sanctioned and even if it would take a longer time for these to work, they will work and Pewtin will fear these sanctions - so they are a possible lever
Comment from : @alinaanto

By taking anctions off russia br12h later
Comment from : @adiosa1388

You're so naive 🤓🤓🤓🤓brDonald just fired all pro-Ukranian specialists in Pentagon and CIA He has closed USAID He's my hero 😎
Comment from : @Infopirates

Pressure? Is trump gonna sit on putin?
Comment from : @stevea2909

Trump will give Putin everything he wants as long as there's something in it for Trump
Comment from : @mrkeogh

Trump maga disciples in Congress shouldn't have blocked the Ukraine aid to appease their master for 6 f'ng months 😏
Comment from : @rigust12

So what is the solution Vlad? Sanctions no peace talks no military no Am I misunderstanding you?
Comment from : @Cuzthatwouldbeweird

Are there bookmakers who accept bets on when Kellog, Waltz, etc will be fired by the so called potus? I'd be suprised they last until summer That's how Trump "solved" problems during his first term, can't see why this one could be different Doubt he sincerely cares about stopping the war in Ukraine or even Europe at large
Comment from : @ksquared

Jake Broe analyzed this article better Keith Kellog has good intentions, however Putin will try to keep him away and talk 1on1 with Trump
Comment from : @georgebourlos1430

IS it "unrealistic" for Ukraine to provide themselves with nuclear weapons? I can certainly see that option being exceedingly unpopular in Washington, but in the words of the Dear Leader "whatcha gonna do about it?"
Comment from : @malcaniscsm5184

Ain't impressed either I suppose it was just to please MAGAs
Comment from : @tiapina7048

The end of the year will mark the 200th anniversary of the Decembrist revolt Any thoughts about whether it might act as a catalyst for action within Russia?
Comment from : @stevenallender4496

Daddy P does as he wants Until that changes all they are doing is playing the if it were me card Not the here is what will actually happen one The Russians are trump I mean playing him
Comment from : @mrdarbab

Somewhat cacophonous on Ukraine this us administration? Like your use of British understament, Vlad Let me translate for an international audience They are all over the placescreaming contradictions left right and centre (sorry, international audience center)
Comment from : @lexvangelder2525

Nono! Dont get to thr bottom of this; he's adorable in his cozy cottage snd jumper You have a serious rival, Vlad, because he's as cogent AND relevant AND interesting as you are
Comment from : @ingridseim1379

This general/envoy for the orange wrecking ball shows all the characteristics of a lackey waiting instructions from his boss while seriously sucking up to his boss This boss doesn't give instructions and certainly doesn't have a strategy It's all smoke and mirrors Just as his words are just luke warm air
Comment from : @lexvangelder2525

Your humour is a true delight Thanks or you insight and best of health to you!
Comment from : @pa6370

… and they will never know,brThe Ark of Creation
Comment from : @vascodesena

I guess none of us ever thought that Trump's election victory would help Ukraine win Maybe for a moment we had a hope, but it was false I can't say anything but Slava Ukraine
Comment from : @brittadueandersen2519

Let's be real - Biden could have done 1000 times more for UA
Comment from : @Cuevaroca

There is much more that can be done on the sanctions front, however it would involve going after American and European firms that are exporting dual use goods to Russian front companies in Kazakhstan, Turkey, Hong Kong etc That would mean real costs borne by non-Russian businesses, and that is politically non-viable The other approach that has only recently been attempted is going after the Russian shadow fleet, and attempting to interdict/limit the quantity of Russian oil sent to market, rather than just the price Biden admin was unwilling to do this, until the lame duck period, because it would lead to higher fuel prices, and thus real costs borne by Americans So again, not politically viable
Comment from : @zvexevz

Pressure on China and India have left Putin with "stranded assets," a silly term invented by Al Gore who almost became President With refineries being wasted almost daily, Putin is watching immediate guarantees of years of rebuilding to get back to baseline The bear who wants the Ukrainian honey is being stung again and again
Comment from : @AstroGremlinAmerican

Kellogg is naïve because no one speaks for Trump and Trump never speaks against Putin Trump has already given the Oligarchs of Russia some relief Trump WILL betray Ukraine and Taiwan He is the ultimate useful idiot Europe needs to be ready for this betrayal and not quiver
Comment from : @spectrumboss6696

The west has no cards in it's hand
Comment from : @enriquelaroche5370

Trump is iboth/i BSing iand/i delusional
Comment from : @vencik_krpo

Trump is delusional And his insistence on ending the war is a potential weakness, not a strength, because "Peace in our time!" We all know how that went Trump, with all his brilliant advisers, could get snookered by Putin I agree with your analysis Vlad
Comment from : @earthjustice01

One of the reasons the rare earth deal is being floated, I suspect, is that it gives the Trump administration cover to allow ongoing funding for Ukraine If it can be framed as a quid pro quo, a "deal" that benefits the USA, Trump can support aid to Ukraine against the extremists who claim all support of Ukraine is not only expensive and futile, but contrary to American interests in general
Comment from : @49metal

Thank you, Vlad
Comment from : @agustinussiahaan6669

IMO; trump and all of his followers are big on narcissistic talk (gas as Vlad puts it eloquently) and tiny on any practical, helpful, moral, intelligent substance This for me is maga and the billionaires (the usual suspects) 101 Big empty ignorant talk, do little, make a bigger mess, blame the past (anyone, administration to the cleaners) End result is what is helpful to them; division in society, weakening of political and military institutions - I include military because its vital for trump (the billionaires) to weaken the military now, also Put all this together with climate variation, becoming climate change and voila - demographic collapse in the next decades
Comment from : @boris325

Well, the Americans can do a lot more by the way of military assistance Jake Sullivan boasted about the number of F-16 aircraft that had gone to Ukraine - but none of them were from America And the number of Abrams tanks - but is 31 tanks really going to be a game changer?
Comment from : @dadananda

I'll believe Washington is serious about sanctions when Texas Instruments and other MIC corps will get slapped for continuing to sell missile components to the Muscovites brbrUS can't "sanction oil production" Realistically, only the UAF can do that With judicious application of drones and missiles towards refineries, terminals and pipelines The West can only do their best to make sure there's lengthy delays for them in obtaining replacement components brbrSupplying UA will continue to be a problem until the EU either invests in additional military production, or sells Ukraine the equipment that allows them to ramp up domestic production (while simultaneously saturating air defences)brbrShort of drastically boosting UA's power, the West simply lacks any leverage And it absolutely lacks any enforcement mechanism, short of guaranteeing Ukraine's sovereignty by committing your own military power and threat of direct retaliation brbrSo really, this remains just talk
Comment from : @pavlotverdokhlib7627

Pfft Yeah rightbrBig T will "double down" by announcing large tariffs on most/all of the EU (except Hungary & Belarus ofc), pulling all aid to Ukraine, and softening sanctions on Russia Expecting T to be "tough on Russia" is just wishful thinking from a past age
Comment from : @ElijsDima

You don’t understand Trump, his government, or what he wants to achieve No offense but it’s painfully obvious
Comment from : @stephenandrzejewski6765

you look better :)
Comment from : @NeistH2o

He's trying to words to no effect ne message, no intent, no meaning kind of passing gas
Comment from : @mikeklein4949

So, a lot of hot air veiled in a lack of strategy, ignorance and easy criticism of the previous administration?brAt this point you might just want to hope something happens that can't be anticipated well
Comment from : @pieterfaes6263

Ah Vlad, you crack me up with your increasingly enthusiastic "Hello, beautiful community"brbrI don't feel like I deserve it! Take care of yourself
Comment from : @shanemartin31

While I think Trump is poison the thought of him slapping Russia over not complying with his whims will never not make me happy
Comment from : @HimitsuHunter

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