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Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion

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Information Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion

Title :  Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion
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Frames Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion

Description Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion

Comments Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality. Here’s How. | NYT Opinion

Hi, I'm Johnny Harris, one of the producers for this Opinion Video I've always wondered why famously liberal states like California and Washington struggled to advance progressive policies, so I teamed up with NYT Editorial Board member Binya Appelbaum to get some answers I'd love to know what most surprised you most in this video, or answer any questions you may have about how we made it — leave your comments below
Comment from : @johnnyharris

Another reason why Democrats keep losing We have a Republican party that is openly fascist and a Democratic party that is ineffective and hypocritical
Comment from : @bugzilla2001

Housing: The baby boomers than own those houses and the soon X-geners, want to use their houses and an ATM and not just a roof over the head It's greed
Comment from : @creativedogmaz2608

Everyone needs to see this video! Liberal hypocrites!
Comment from : @KingB1tchStreetRat

A little bit late but I feel like people are missing the point that there shouldn’t be an argument between democrats and conservatives but a fight between the ultra rich and the rest of us
Comment from : @-SantiagoTalks

I feel like the libs immed turn off this video when they hear anything negative about themselves Ima send this to my wife's friends, they are all utterly stupid
Comment from : @PettyMonkey

This video aged well! When you don’t practice what you preach people stop listening…
Comment from : @simonscholz8995

This aged very well for you, pragmatic @johnnyharris Great initiative and info, but it is a little bit stretched, and you know it, like most of your videos… ;) and I’m mostly anti-republican (party) and truly anti-Trump, but very much pro-“republican” in its true meaning, as in “protect the minorities”
Comment from : @lazytraderr

Well, we’re talking about yearly “Income”, not savings through the years, not the the same thing, so let’s do the math right, even though I agree with the progressive taxation system
Comment from : @lazytraderr

The video was mostly great, but he acted almost embarrassed about showing zoning maps and the other “boring” stuff It felt a little patronizing, you should assume your audience will be interested in something if you can show how it’s important Apologizing for it does nothing
Comment from : @PanaceaPondwater

Genau so! Weg mit den Mexikanern
Comment from : @Gladdi999

Actual political journalism that isn’t one sided from the NYT? it’s a miracle!! Keep it up
Comment from : @Caucasian_enthusiast

This is a good video However, I still don't trust you to not be biased
Comment from : @ColossusDR

NYT has finally come to senses, OPENLY!!! Good for you and everyone!!!
Comment from : @susang2718

DEMS give it to USAID ???
Comment from : @CARADESIREE

If they “fix” their issues, they won’t have anything to run on As a republican teacher in WA, 39 years old, I have become jaded and disgusted with the DNC Ruined the state
Comment from : @bradyvanhoof51

Let's deflect focus on token DEI (we support black and brown lives but do not want homeless shelters and support services in our neighborhoods, or to pay more to provide scholarships in our private schools), woke causes (I am all for trans people until they compete with my daughter), illegal immigrants (let's spend other peoples money to provide them support, but we don't want to volunteer to assimilate, pay fair wages to our nannies, gardeners) This is why we deserve Trump At least the republicans are honest in their harsh values, while Democrats are hypocrites CA, NY, IL are all broke and despite super majorities prove that democrats cannot govern or want change!
Comment from : @SantaMonicaNomad

the far left and far right are the problems in America How you think its one side is beyond me
Comment from : @My2CentsYall

Sounds like the main problem, the common thread in all this, is rich people push their agenda no matter red or blue
Comment from : @vanillamoonwave

Liberalism is just luxuary beliefs
Comment from : @auriel8300

So you’re saying, democrats ARE the problem! 😂😂😂
Comment from : @ericAblair1903

Rich are always going to exploit the loopholes to reduce their tax burden, expecting this to be solved by any party is wishful thinking Why would one poke the bear? They are not gonna risk the business moving away and disrupting the local economy brbrNIMBYism is unfortunately again a non-partisan issue It's the core to being a human We are all caught up in our lil rat races so no collective spirit
Comment from : @aGoldenDreamer

I don’t understand why he chose Palo Alto, which is probably the one and most well-known place that does that aside from that city I can’t think of many other places that do it But in general, any place with really wealthy, individuals are gonna do that, it’s common sense You’re not going into the Hamptons to build condos
Comment from : @christopherromero631

Hypocrisy That's the state of mind for liberals every day They say one thing and do another They don't care about people but do care about becoming wealthy and power
Comment from : @claytonrealist8868

Comment from : @user-iw6im

Thank you!
Comment from : @nickdaviskni7358

Whats funny is we see how USAID funded Trumps first impeachment, imagine that Plus USAID Funds news sources to control narritive , making false bias news and propaganda- MNSBA , CNN etc all very undemocratic and all done by Democrats Untop of using USAID to fund a culture war and try to make it seem homogenous very devious and done by democrats USAID funds to push for sec transitions to minors USAID funds to push race division with workshops about not being white demoralizing whole generation of white kids Democrats are evil plus Democrats work with Soro's who has bunch of only democrat judges and state lawyers pushing his Marxists ideas and dstroying all democratic cities with super soft on crime which makes honest citizens suffer this is only democrat issue defund police supplied by USAID DESTROYING cities all democrats brDEMOCRAT PARTY HAS BEEN A CANCER IN AMERICA brbrWeaponizing justic system only by democrats brbrOpen boarders , democrats brbrProtect non citizens criminals over its own citizens , Democrats brbrEverything they accuse trump of , its them doing it
Comment from : @joeyfresh1976

Democrats make laws And eventually, everything is illegal Ask Elon
Comment from : @pml22

Comment from : @Blackgroundrecord311

If I owned a house and lived there I wouldn't want to have a bunch of a condos or apt
Comment from : @jobobbob7061

What's the common denominator? Old rich white people who aren't actually democrats, they just want the public to view them as that
Comment from : @jasonproctor9896

This guy findley produced an unbiased video Congratulations!
Comment from : @canyouhandlethetruth9158

This opinion coming from the NYT of all papers is rich in and of itself, given its history with assisting the imperialist status quo
Comment from : @spregged7231

Comment from : @axebattler6604

This is fantastic! We must hold politicians accountable I would also love to see a video that calls out the Republicans for their nonsense The more informed we are, the better we can spread the word and keep both sides accountable Is there a video like that on this channel?
Comment from : @nstv23

Yea well 8 of the bottom 10 states for quality of life in America are solid red conservative republican If republicans got their way every state would be like Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and alike
Comment from : @thomasandrews7727

It always felt wrong when my parents would complain that homeless people are a stain on the neighborhood Like it's not their fault, don't get mad at them for trying to survive
Comment from : @Gamepro5

Yes I’ve often said that the typical liberal will step over a homeless person on the street and say, “This country is terrible Look at how it treats the poor Someone should do something about this But not me” And walk away feeling self righteous
Comment from : @jacobr8063

Nobody can ever explain why we need a huge and growing populationbrbr350 million is too many anyway, we are full, so one way to help the housing market is to stop importing people, especially those who will come here and mooch off the system, working low wage jobs and procreating with reckless abandon No thanks
Comment from : @kodacres7820

What do Dems do when they have all the power? Ummmm… As a government worker for the past 25 years look no further than USAID, they become multimillionaires after one term in office
Comment from : @garye6317

Issue is the housing market doesn’t allow for progressive policies Not unless you want your home value to tank, which in many cases is people’s only way to retire
Comment from : @adaddm6549

If you create a problem, you can get rich off the solution
Comment from : @TJSpike

Taking the Bill Gates example in WA This seems to argue that people like him should be paying more, his “fair share” But that just looks at his income tax rate to the state But how many jobs and projects and careers has he created in WA, each one also tax-paying and contributing He put them on the map technologically, attracting thousands of taxpayers Plus philanthropy Having the richest man in the world as a taxpayer since the ‘80s is no small feat, so that now, in his older age, he lives off his assets instead of income, which is taxed differently
Comment from : @ovrezy

I'm :40 seconds in and I can spoil and summarize DEMocracy is a Ponzi scheme and a psyop Livestock are treated better in many parts of the world
Comment from : @Deedeedee214

What about the hypocrisy of the GOP? It's not just one-sided When Democrats do have some kind of control it doesn't last long So Your point is
Comment from : @u2nice3079

Had me until 4:50; some folks don’t want to live in dense neighborhoods But there must be ways to still have affordable housing no?
Comment from : @danivanon

Maybe it’s time to admit that wanting the best and safest neighborhoods, schools, and housing for your children isn’t just a conservative value, it’s a human value
Comment from : @paprikaphd

One issue i see seldom mentioned, but which used to be front and center of liberal/environmentalist concerns (when i was young-- 1970s) is human population growth (Obviously, someone's going to chime in with the alarm that population is actually decreasing dangerously well, not in California, or we wouldn't have this problem!) There is no way to look at a burgeoning of numbers of desperate would-be workers and consumers other than as a boon, or maybe a necessity, for the rich to keep getting richer: higher population depresses wages and increases consumer prices Supply and demandbrTherefore, while considering myself liberal, i was always in favor of encouraging smaller populations Keep the moneyed interests competing for our labor and our market attention! brAs a Californian who is very happy living in an area with about 6 people per square mile, i want to chime in for less dense housing How many charming and pleasurable towns of beautiful old homes have been ruined when those homes and gardens are replaced by dense "affordable" housing? Portland, Oregon, is being destroyed by this reckless disregard for quality of life in favor of quantity of residentsbrI have no idea if border control is the answer, or people really need to cut down on their reproduction Or maybe other states need to develop some economy to draw people away from California or maybe even-- heresy for a liberal, i'm sure-- California should stop attracting people by making it so easy to be poor here All i know is that any vision of a prosperous and healthy world has to begin with civilized, aesthetically pleasing, healthily fed, clean-air breathing, less traffic-choked, etc, lives-- for as many as possible Unless you want to start expanding to Mars-- have at it, but i'll have none of it, and i feel bad for the next generations that such deadening prospects are even entertained-- the only way to achieve this is to stabilize or reduce (through incentives for childlessness) the human population Why should only the privileged get to enjoy the American Dream of a little space, leisure, grace, and beauty? Let everyone at it by having fewer of us, and the Earth will thank us, too
Comment from : @lauracooskey9481

The Blue Tarp States
Comment from : @lauracooskey9481

Well you talking about hypocrisy is rich 😂
Comment from : @itikutok6568

Everyone is happy to turn up to a pride parade or something easy like that which isn’t going to cost you a cent
Comment from : @plc2866

God this is a devastatingly dumb framing of these issues More turds from the Times
Comment from : @SparkyJ2010

Wow what a surprise
Comment from : @JohnMcFarlin-ny3eg

This guy asserts California is not building housing That is simply false I live in Hollywood There is a housing boom in my neighborhood This is the case today It was the case three years ago when this video was posted Because of this obvious lie I stopped watching
Comment from : @donjindra

This is exactly the same in Portugal Only here they don’t steal the “liberal” moniker and values Here we call them “caviar leftists”
Comment from : @guilhermesempiterno

For 20 years a democrats job was to blame republicans
Comment from : @Rac1065

Comment from : @susielamb1115

Its boomers that are voting against it primarily They want less housing so that their property value will rise
Comment from : @popeyeschicknbiscuit

I did not know these facts about Democrats So , they can work the numbers and be “efficient” and effectively supervise and manage -their own interests
Comment from : @lauraveale5470

6:10 The truth: they are in fact living their values
Comment from : @rolinthor

I live in WA state It is NOT liberal, it is a flat tax, red state hellscape with an atomically thin "purple" veneer
Comment from : @end-oligarchy

Finally something from NYT’s I agree with
Comment from : @bigdaddycros

Remember, they want us to think it’s us against each other
Comment from : @eddie1romanian

I just found out santa isnt real, now this???!!
Comment from : @MinecraftBuddyMan

3 years later we get the USAID scandal
Comment from : @discod992

There is a big difference between blue and red states that blue states are wealthy but expensive states
Comment from : @w-cchen2925

You should be ashamed of this
Comment from : @aaronking5076

Whenever I see "Opinion" stamped on a news publication I know it's gonna be some BS
Comment from : @c2454

This really annoys me stop legitimising the lefts claim of being liberals they are not ! A literal 5 second google will tell you what a liberal is and that the left abandoned liberal principles a long time ago 🙋 proud lifelong liberal here who still knows what the word means and therefore votes right
Comment from : @JosephEllis-ep7sg

Today it is Feb, 2025, and everything you are talking about is getting worse But we have a new president and things are looking better But blue state are just sinking deeper
Comment from : @texomajohn2916

Bring back apartment complex !!!
Comment from : @CYBERCATXO

Liberals are the enemies of humanity
Comment from : @Doug-rv3nr

It's because the Democratic Party is a peculiar unity of materialistic rich people who want to feel good about themselves without sacrificing and poor people who want what the rich people havebrbrMeanwhile, Republicans want everyone to get what they get (or don't) on their own merit
Comment from : @adamreiland4630

Well done
Comment from : @lpadron13

so dems are essentially virtue signaling
Comment from : @danransf

I’m very surprised this was allowed to be made and able to stay on YouTube for so long As someone who unfortunately lives in one of these blue states, even three years later, it’s still true Were taxed to death here, can’t get ahead, and don’t qualify for any social programs
Comment from : @rebeccabryan3440

I takes some guts to do such report unfortunately, 3 years later, nothing changed Worse: the Orange Man has been elected and now is leveraging on these facts that Dems say a lot but do very little, to build is own version of the USA good job Democrats
Comment from : @48grainsoffreedom

We need to be preserving our farmland! Help protect the farmland! It’s disappearing at a rapid rate!
Comment from : @ABEInk

Comment from : @maggieblack3106

California NIMBYism is (in)famous!
Comment from : @XxxThePsyCheMisTxxX

This is a load of sh!t
Comment from : @AdamAnt8357

Democrats want to become part of the elite and wealthy too! Ask Nancy Pelosin and her "insider trading" husband They are not looking to help communities They are looking to fatten their bank accounts
Comment from : @pimpzworld1039

Comment from : @LaxmiDevi-st5eg

Love the savior complex
Comment from : @gbouton2011

Love how the left eats their own
Comment from : @gbouton2011

Liberals and Conservatives hate poor people
Comment from : @forgetaboutit5516

Looking from the outside, all of these problems are not tied to a specific party The are tied to the rich accumulating and solidifying wealth and power
Comment from : @apocryphal_man

Comment from : @rabzog

Can we get an update on this? Has there been any progress or movement to build higher density housing or limit single family housing zoning?
Comment from : @mastermindemotionsnailhurt

Red states are doing worse
Comment from : @Alexfreddiek260411

No party can change the flow of supply and demand, sorry, but you’re wrong
Comment from : @Alexfreddiek260411

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