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The Failure of the ‘Liberal Agenda’: Why We Never Learn From History

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Title :  The Failure of the ‘Liberal Agenda’: Why We Never Learn From History
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Comments The Failure of the ‘Liberal Agenda’: Why We Never Learn From History

Awful video
Comment from : @mykitteniskillingmebaby

19:28 thats a great point I think of the quote by Martin Neimoller "they came for" its such a chilling and effective idea but ultimately it relies on the "that this could" happen to you too" logic I guess the question becomes how do we get people to use their empathy muscles more?
Comment from : @iateyursandwiches

Well thought out video Thank you 🙏
Comment from : @cassandrar5127

As always lovely video❤
Comment from : @juliachiazokanwanya6922

Banning guns isn't a progressive idea it's an authoritarian and regressive idea Historically rich people try to stop poor people from being able to defend themselves Democrats want the same thing Republicans want That is poor people killing each other for crumbs, thus even without guns, violence in violent (poor) neighborhoods wont cease to exist If banning guns was possible school children in america would still be at risk, its not a gun problem its a economic problem
Comment from : @benfouts6929

Really well crafted essay You are so smart ❤
Comment from : @katherinedelacruz9876

i think the education needs to change away from “we won the war”, teaching superiority and nationalism is the exact opposite that should be taken away from this it is those same vices that created the issues and prejudice in germany
Comment from : @rainebows

The holocaust is NOT the most important genocide of humans
Comment from : @jguerrero322

Lol police will always exist
Comment from : @jguerrero322

I should be predisposed to liking this video (I'm a Swede who thinks the US should definitely benefit from more left-wing policies) but sadly there are too many things I simply disagree with You are coming from a good place but IMO you draw the wrong conclusions Like you talk about how the way history is taught in schools in America seem designed to promote American patriotism and exceptionalism, but you somehow pin that on liberalism instead of America's general insistance to make everything about them And isn't the constant flag-waving more associated with conservatives? brbrYou also misunderstand the purpose of civil debate Of course facts and statistics won't change the mind of someone who has already devoted themselves to a really stupid idea, but providing counter points helps put said idea into a context that makes it easier to criticize and easier for onlookers to pick up on the flaws that aren't immidiately present And for all the talk of "performative politics", I think people underestimate how much it means for mariginalized groups to actually have people express their allyship in public brbrThe reason censorship is frowned upon in "liberal" circles has a lot to do with wanting to be inclusive, however there is a less noble, albeit more practical reason that isn't brought up as much: When you do something it sets a precedent for that thing to be used on you in future That is why no one talks about "political correctness" anymore, because what that actually means is opinions that are acceptible by the powers that be If you put structures in place to limit what voices are being heard, that can backfire on your group and similar things have happened in history brbrI also find your overall message really confusing because your criticism is mostly that of media and education, yet you don't provide any alternatives to how those things should be handled, instead pointing to changes to the political systems and and a tough stance on misconduct (which are not mutually exclusive to your issues with media and education) I find your video to be at its most interesting when talking about the lens through which the atrocities of history is viewed by Americans, but everything around it is a bit lacking in my opinionbrbrAlso I for the life of me do not understand why you dislike Patton Oswalt so much lol Is it really that wrong to poke fun at people's odd reasons to enable Trump's victory?brbrEDIT: And the point about how the bullied kid is villified in media, you can't really use one movie as proof that that is some kind of trope EDIT 2: Though since we are on the subject, do you know how many sch00l sh00ters and racists who are self-described as incels and victims of bullying?brbrEDIT 3: The issue with most videos like that is that it tries to fight intolerance with intolerance and I genuinely do not think that works in the real world
Comment from : @yggdrasil2

Commenting for the big god algo bc more people need to see this!
Comment from : @noamaddie1211

Democrats are not left or even liberal at this point They are at best center, but most are conservatives We’re rapidly shifting so far right that anything not falling in line with fascist beliefs is seen as left when in reality it isn’t
Comment from : @Enemysgate

"Du må ikke tåle så inderlig velbrden urett som ikke rammer deg selv"br-Arnulf Øverland
Comment from : @celestial_shed

When ur whole ideology is based on voting for the lesser of two evilsThat will lead to the end of the American empire
Comment from : @ahanaf1123

didnt know that wanting to protect your nation from illegal invasion is "fascist"
Comment from : @didiyo4366

The great irony of this video is that you, a leftist, are making the same mistake as the liberals You gave it away when you mentioned the Plot against America For those who don't know, that book is set in an alternate reality in which the American Nazi party came to power and Jews were forced into segregation and faced racial violence Do you see the problem with this? That alternate reality was the actual reality of black people in the US All this talk of "it can't happen here" or "how do we make sure it doesn't happen here" erases the fact that it has happened here and continues to happen here for black people In fact, the Nazis were influenced by Jim Crow segregation as well as the genocide of the Native Americans But even you, a leftist, have gentrified suffering Suffering only matters when certain people experience it And it is this acceptance of the norm of an underclass whose suffering is natural and normal, that is at the heart of fascism's rise It has always been their toehold in society
Comment from : @joelhenry5489

Has anyone noticed that many Tv shows have a Nazi episode or chapter? In fantasy there's always racism and Many Vampires fought for the confederacy Multiple reoccurring themes
Comment from : @Zendzhii

This is been the absolute the worse poorly research you have ever made I tried watching leftist contents, some are ok, some are bad, this is like Joseph Goebbels level of dishonesty brbrFor someone that you done research on WW2 about nazism you absolutely done zero research on actual fascism, communism, left wing ideology, ring wing ideology, so on and so fourth Just the racial aspect that nazi ideology use that you try to correlate today's Conservative party to nazi germany I know you regurgitate on what the media told you, but if you done the bare minimum research, the "nazi" convington highschooler, was a huge lie and CNN lost a defamation lawsuit The all white magazine, absolute lie You are the absolute reason why people fed up with this and vote for the man you fear today brbrPeople are so tired of the lies, manipulation and the constant narration of the evil man Absolutely shame on you, do better research This is such lazy research that only know two things and is race and nazi
Comment from : @laytondrake289

It’s not about teaching anti racism, it’s about preventing racist people from teaching it
Comment from : @arielperez3613

I swear the far left and far right have more in common and should be put together if anyone has a different thoughts as you they immediately become the enemy the people will never agree on everything you need to compromise you all view yourselfs as perfect
Comment from : @yotg6902

Well it also doesn’t help that the Democratic Party is just useless
Comment from : @lulu_TheWitchBoy

how many times have i seen this ridiculous discourse circulate in left leaning spaces about how marginalized people are just not nice enough to their oppressors and that our 'hostility' turns people away from our movements and makes them bigotsbrthey always blame us the pressure will never be on the oppressors
Comment from : @agapi222

Not even pretending to be legitimate 😅 This is such a articulate way to cope definitely liberal gobbledygook trying to pretend it isn't biased perfect example of the privilege that the left has lecturing people about how they are morally superior
Comment from : @CactusJack60

Well said 👏 Same with bullies: you can't "teach empathy" to someone who does not care For people with antisocial or otherwise damaged/stunted empathy skills, the only recourse is to ensure that negative consequences for abusing others outweigh the potential gains This is why corporations have run wild, too: they gladly accept fines for worker's rights/privacy/etc violations because they still profit overall brbrSome people simply WILL NOT STOP EXPLOITING OTHERS unless they lose more than they gain Education alone is not enough Legislation needs to exist to ensure the penalties for harming others incurs too high of a personal cost
Comment from : @dawndreamweaver8373

Yoooo, you are legitimately insane 😳 pro lifers shouldn’t be allowed on campus??? My god you are a dangerous person
Comment from : @kevinbutterhof4733

It’s also about looking within ourselves Fascism is a collective version of someone going primal; an animal cornered and biting back
Comment from : @baylienixon6919

My Wi friend said his parents and their friends will gladly live in poverty, being utterly exploited as long as Black people have it worse How do you fight such reckless hatred? I said, knowledge, information honesty, share those things with the people who will listen whenever you can
Comment from : @gabrielmaroto18

Are you on mastodon yet
Comment from : @KorawichKavee

Excellent video! Thank you!
Comment from : @reneedennis2011

18:07 As a disabled person who’s had to explain myself over and over, it never stopped the ableism And sometimes, my trying to explain was treated as in need of punishment Nothing I did would stop them from hurting me
Comment from : @ErutaniaRose

11:48 I see the idea…but forcing kids to stand in the cold for 20 min could actively harm disabled kids Not the best way to teach it…
Comment from : @ErutaniaRose

People should remember that the Nazis were inspired by the US to create the gas chambers…
Comment from : @ErutaniaRose

3:19 True, also they ignore a lot of WWII despite teaching it every year They ignore the Romani, Queer, and Disabled who were targeted, and what lead up to it
Comment from : @ErutaniaRose

I just wanna add another vulnerable group they have gone after, though less in speech, has been disabled people Hate crimes towards the disabled have risen, and many have become more ableist due to economic hardship Nazis killed the disabled too, please remember this
Comment from : @ErutaniaRose

Can u question beg
Comment from : @LifeLyne2099

Comment from : @777superlightwater

I agree with you overall but wanted to bring up / vent a little about “Apparently it has to be a narrative for kids to care about the Holocaust” because,… yeah, it does, a bitbrbrLike, you try teaching a holocaust unit in a history class Teenagers do not want to understand the gravity of it They will refuse to and rebel against any attempt to make them feel the emotional impact, especially teen boys They will joke, they will act out, they will mock you and the victims and the families behind your back, they will play at being Nazis for shock value, they will try to both-sides the Holocaust These were all my personal experiences from almost 10 years ago now and far from the most extreme and offensive i heard about from other teachers You can check out stories of teen behaviors at Holocaust museums & memorials for other examples Every age demographic is susceptible but teens are the worst At worst, I have seen teens try to reinvent Holocaust denial while trying to find a justification for why they don’t have to carebrbrNarratives work a lot better because it’s just a lot easier to get everyone on the same empathetic page It really is one of the only ways to get teens to engage with these ideas Introduce it too abstractly and too early and you give them time to start building up defenses against caring about it
Comment from : @deawinter

On WWII they should teach in schools how the USA waited until all the heavy lifting was done before putting their shiny state of the art equipment on the ground This continued, from north Africa, on to Sicily, before moving to the mainland and stealing the glory at Rome instead of fighting the Italians This is the theme of America's contribution They should teach that there
Comment from : @abody499

Thank you for articulating these ideas so well I'm a teacher and I've been thinking about this topic A LOT!
Comment from : @266shango

We did all learn from the Holocaust Nazis learned that it is possible Learning and interpretation are different things
Comment from : @anonymoose3423

Why the f is Patton Oswald catching strays here? Jon Stewart, i can see-- hes hosted a political show for decades but Patton Oswald?
Comment from : @cephalopodder

1:54brSounds about right
Comment from : @eksbocks9438

But fascism is good
Comment from : @patrickvernon4766

You’re an extremely underrated video essayist
Comment from : @Doubtlessly

People obviously wanted Fascism because we got to this point somehow
Comment from : @scottdavis3571

The most basic thing would have defining facism when you start your essay, becausw it sounds flimsy the way you are using it
Comment from : @spinosaurusstriker

From a leftist perspective, the emphasis on cultural and especially identitarian issues are a distraction from class and economic solidaritybrMentioning dei without noticing its a tool of major capitalist institutions like hedge funds to exert corporate control is one example
Comment from : @BerzerkDC

Do you trust the US government to stick to a gun ban bilaterally? It's going to be used like Reagan used in it California, and right wing loonies will still get their guns from hundreds of different sources
Comment from : @Dsonsee

Bring back classical education that was done away with, in the 20s
Comment from : @mcgee227

Comment from : @CamiDL29-mh1xx

Money, not morality, is the principle of commerce and commercial nations They go counter to each other People prefer making friends with perpetrators with money than those they hurt Those that help victims do so in the name of profit No one has time for weakness, unless its someone they have invested a lot into showing itbrbrI hope action packed tyler 4 comes for me or those I hatebrbrto make human life cheap to sacrifice, make human connection from others to your sacrifices expensive if no one cares for who you hurt, no one will stop you they protect those they are attached to, and give value and consequence to taking what they value from them But if you shape who they marginalized, you get less resistance Shared blood means nothing to self intrest, its as thick as a twig
Comment from : @TrulyBS-QJ

"Hate is illogical", you saybrbrWhile you promote the long-debunked anti-white lie that Nick Sandmann was a "racist bully", when actually it was that evil lying Indian drunk who was
Comment from : @ribbrascal

While I agree with this, banning guns right now is like the worst idea ever Sucks, but that ship sailed years ago after Sandy Hook Now the marginalized need guns and more than ever
Comment from : @Jimgress

So what you've done here is basically say what we think is right and we should have oppressed our opposition until we force our way of thinking on them brbr2 things:brbrYou did do that That's why the backlash against 'woke' is hard You already did that The politicians might not have passed laws, but Hollywood, Tech, Corporations forced your ideology on us We just saw the backlash against it, and it's not over yetbrbrSecondly, you're getting your wish A political party is using political power to force obedience from it's rivals It's just not the one you wanted Be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it
Comment from : @TheBrooklynBeastLeo

Great video !brbr: ^ )
Comment from : @vheywood

Dang you had some killer lines in this video I'm always impressed with you thanks for sharing
Comment from : @Shhmallison

The problem with these movements is 'white people' are the bad guy The media will go harder on a black teenage stealing a candy bar than any of these ghouls Until white people stand up to the fascist and white supremacy its gonna be bleak
Comment from : @nmonye01

That image of the kid stand standing in front of indigenous protestors always gives me chills bc the student was from my high school’s rival school And I remember most of my classmates and fellow students either defending him or using the incident as a way to claim we were “better than them” It was so gross…
Comment from : @mallory7198

It's really good to be reminded to not treat historical events strictly as 'lessons we learn'
Comment from : @omidhossein6862

i live in canada and i didnt learn about residential schools (forced removal of native children for cultural genocide from the 60s to 90s) until an elective course i took in university :(
Comment from : @ccxcrazy

You're brainwashed
Comment from : @brooklynbri7572

I like your solution to fascism better than the liberal Democrat one! It's got more teeth!
Comment from : @darlalathan6143

The left is intellectually bankrupt, which is why you are calling for censorship and speech laws What happens when anti-hate groups like the ADL or groups that promote Holocaust education like the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance use those same speech laws to censor you?
Comment from : @biruk316

👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾
Comment from : @chanson8508

18:04 me too Now I see bigots are committed to their bigotry, and they need to be silenced, stopped and if necessary, *dealt with*
Comment from : @ItHadToBeSaid

Why do leftists support mass migration when it's supported by the capitalist class? Despite socialist ideology promoting internationalism, socialist governments often turn nationalist out of necessity to protect themselves from financial and economic pressures exerted by capitalist powers
Comment from : @biruk316

I've heard a lot of Jon Stewart, and I don't buy the claim he is soft or doesn't see what is happening
Comment from : @mike9512

The failure is both side's are of the same bird you cant have wealthy without poor like my indian business partners said you got to get somebody to do the donkey 🐴 work thats chasing the carrot 🥕 on the string stick 🏒
Comment from : @lesslycarthan956

Im not sorry for saying this but the Atlantic slave trade was way worse
Comment from : @vonikaball1987

i'm from the netherlands and i always get annoyed at the yearly ww2 memorials because i don't care about being silent for a minute and listening to the same trumpet music and some small clip of someone going "oh i found out my grandma survived the war and like, never thought much about it before" because it's nice to have memorial stuff but i feel like they much rather would like pepole to actually furfil their wish of it never happening again than empty ceremony that has to be inclusive for the right wingers when i was younger i thought it made sense that it's politically a bit neutral but now i see that it was always political
Comment from : @marisokami5259

I’m a national socialist, Trump and musk are hated by us They are Zionist were not They are capitalists we are not We have nothing in common with them
Comment from : @patrickvernon4766

Why is fascism and national socialist only taught by people who want to slander it? Why doesn’t anyone ask a fascist or a national socialist what they beleive instead of imposing a false image and false beliefs on top of it
Comment from : @patrickvernon4766

The reason why teaching about Nazism doesn't work in america is because america employs a different type of fascism Nazism is about eradicating the "inferior" while fascism of america is about "saving the inferior from being inferior" or "teaching the inferior how to be civilized" So when you try to teach Americans about Nazis, it flies over their heads because they don't see themselves on the same grounds as Nazis
Comment from : @salihalbayrak-es8ky

Being told about something and feeling it are not the same thing brThe only true way to know is to experience No experience, no knowledge We are screwed We are
Comment from : @cbbcbb6803

This girl is pretty much calling for civil war libs woman win that😂
Comment from : @WARxxECONOMY

Liberalism real war is against reality what we are seeing is a failing empire we simply can't afford liberal nonsense anymore nature will always correct itself I admit it's going to be a rough ride
Comment from : @WARxxECONOMY

Been waiting for this since the polls 🎉
Comment from : @Betttty

To stop fascism, we must become the fascist
Comment from : @paiuteblood

😮 it's simple do you think there's anyone you could vote for that isn't going to continue the bombing of Gaza😮 no they're all fascist militaristic fascist no matter what they say😮 I'm a liberal I'm a Democrat😮 I'm part of the Tea Party it doesn't matter you're all going to work for the corporate industrial military complex which will ultimately result in fascism which was planned out more than a hundred years ago😮 all of you fail to see this😮 you out on top robots what purpose is there to keep any of you alive robots can do even half of what you people could do😮 the only reason they invented capitalism is so all of you people could slave away to make robots and computers that will now replace you😮
Comment from : @gerdaleta

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