Title | : | Top 10 Scenes Left OUT of the Harry Potter Movies |
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Which aspect of the Wizarding World were you most disappointed didn't make it on screen? Comment from : @SuperCarlinBrothers |
I absolutely LOVED the scene of Snape hugging Lily’s dead body… It really portrayed his emotions and the raw devastation makes me bawl my eyes out every time I see it, it was such a great scene to show what she meant to him Comment from : @Katfall2012 |
I love the full story of Barty Crouch Sr in the 4th book Comment from : @sobaschnique6674 |
The biscuit scene Comment from : @AlienSnowflake |
As a big Rik Mayall fan, I had to point out that you pronounced his surname incorrectly I think it's the disconnect between the English and American accents In England, we pronounce his surname as mail, Rik Mail Comment from : @karlclark8625 |
5:51 no you are not, the gen Z version of sus is people who say things considered dirty-minded like "they're so jigglely" or something Am I 4 yrs late?Yes Do I care? No, SCB's channel is way too good Comment from : @cOdY23780 |
I have watched the books and read the movies —— no, uh, listened to the movies and - uh……GEEZ! Okay! I am a 68 year old woman who has been obsessed with Harry Potter since I discovered the first book with my sons in the late 90s I have to admit I have so much trouble differentiating what I have re-watched and re-read over the years I cannot remember what is in the books and what is in the movies I have fallen in love with you guys! I so enjoy your videos! Thank you, so much! I really enjoy your in-depth analysis and, at times, somewhat, off-beat interpretations Have a wonderful New Year! Comment from : @terrispurling4036 |
"I haven't heard you joke since-!" Comment from : @Albatross0913 |
when I saw harry break the elder wand without having first repaired his phoenix wand, I was soooo shocked! like when you throw away an important ticket only to realize later you still needed it Comment from : @Artemis_F0wl |
Half Blood Prince was actually my favorite book just because NOTHING GOOD happens! It creates a contrast to the standard "boring" theme of a conflict with a victory at or near the end Comment from : @S1rRender |
I was so excited to see lupin trying to join thr trio and Harry and him arguing, I was really sad when I found out they left it out Comment from : @taylorhockley7326 |
Consider this a hot take, but I think it was for the better that Peeves wasn't in the movies If he was, he would just be considered the Jar Jar Binks of Harry Potter Comment from : @davidgeorge1943 |
The fight between Lucious and Mr Weasley in Chamber of Secrets Comment from : @RadiantwithJoy |
That happens to me all the time! Lol Comment from : @Stevenmmanderson |
I didn’t mind many of the changes from the book due to how minor some were to the overall plot But Ginny was definitely done dirty in the movies Comment from : @abcanimal5143 |
i think there should be a hole video of this but just goblet of fire Comment from : @finnknie4496 |
You mean, your favourite Quote isn'tbr" Potty Asked Loony out, Potty lurves loony, Pottty luuuuurves loooonny" Comment from : @5d41rafiultahsinislam3 |
Although to be fair, any scene with Jessie Cave as Lavender Brown was just 👌 Comment from : @arabellamileham9978 |
harry did have a wand draco's wand Comment from : @essbee7948 |
Top 10 30 lol Comment from : @DaRomeos |
Ironically, it was Harry chewing Lupin out for leaving his family that led directly to Lupin naming Harry as his son's godfather Literally the very next time they see each other after the fight Lupin asks Harry to be little Teddy's godfather Also, Harry did have a wand Draco's wand had switched its allegiance to Harry Comment from : @futuresonex |
I feel like Ron's likability was left out Comment from : @Parizena |
The whole deathly hallows things was done poorly Do they even explicitly say that Harry’s cloak is one of the deathly hallows? Like you said, I muddle the films and books together a bit so it can be hard to remember what this missed Comment from : @danilyons2367 |
your intro is 1/6 of the video :/ Comment from : @Auresaus |
BEATING UP DRACO Comment from : @Orgeifex |
I swear the potion riddle was in movie Comment from : @BR11-bo2sm |
GinnybrSo many Ginny momentsbrWhich is all the more sad because they nail her in Chamber of SecretsbrThe way she stands up to Draco to me suggests that her awkwardness is for the most part is Riddle's influencebrBecause before the diary she clearly knows that Harry doesn't like his famebrButbrThe scene I'm missing is when she talks Harry into his senses in Order of the Phoenixbr"Lucky you"brIt sets up that she understands Harry in some deeper level than even Ron and Hermione Comment from : @d22777 |
DUDLEY IS BELTIK??? 😮😮 Comment from : @aida2138 |
Yates really shoved all the emotional growth of everyone not named Harry and Dumbledore under the bus But to be fair As much as I love PoA That book really focused on Quidditch introducing Cho, as the talented seeker in a match they have to win so My main man Wood tells him to bury those feelings 😂brTaught my man Harry the snitch comes before the b No but the Firebolt being so important Is truly brutal as the movies did nothing with him being a gifted flyer The wronsky feint on the dragon in Book 4 The Patronus first use Mid dive cause he doesn't even question it on a broom The Gryffindor-Slytherin final for the ages Winning the cupbrEverything Quidditch was so importantbrbrBook 5, did even better as Ginny is the replacement seeker to Gred and Forge's surprise But somehow not Harry's Cause he's already mesmerized by her and doesn't even know it The books turned her into the Chad the movies try to just shove in But she keeps them close enough busting A Krum like her brothers famously BET ON, losing But setting up WEASLEY IS OUR KING Harry becoming Captain only to miss the final, and Ginny once again leading them to victory 3 time champion Katie Bell also should have had more spotlight but quidditch as a whole lacked Oliver Wood loves Harry so much he pulls up with all the gats ready to die for the man he was willing to sacrifice so long as they won his last Quidditch Cup All of them dobrbrGRYFFINDOR QUIDDITCH 9-4 gangsters son! - Alicia Spinnet & Angelina Johnson probably Comment from : @SSJRadioBluth |
I always pronounced Hermione like Herm-ony until the movies lol Comment from : @KingOfWinter |
REGULUS BLACK Comment from : @patricksolomita9600 |
I actually completely disagree bout Snape, I like him way way more in the movies than in the books and I think he’s a far more compelling character Comment from : @evanstensland611 |
A Very Good Video 👌🏻👍🏻 Comment from : @Harry-Hartmann |
10 more things you wouldn't know by just watching the movies: br10) Sirius wasn't driven mad by the Dementors because they couldn't take the knowledge that he was innocent from him and kept him sanebr9) Ginny killing all of the roosters at Hogwarts while under Tom Riddle's influence because the sound of their crow can kill the Basiliskbr8) Umbridge attacking Hedwig to steal Harry's mail br7) The Sorting Hat's song at the beginning of the yearbr6) Harry's interview for the Quibbler about Voldemort being backbr5) The vast majority of Fred and George's joke products which includes but is not limited to: Canary Creams, Headless Hats, the Portable Swamp, Instant Darkness Powder, and Trick Wandsbr4) Harry, Fred, and George being banned from playing Quidditch and having their brooms confiscatedbr3) Crookshanks is half cat half Kneazlebr2) Tonks being just as deeply impacted by Sirius dying as Harry, if not more so since her Patronus changed shapebr1) An actual explanation of what the Fidelius Charm is Comment from : @Guntherson220 |
Another thing that the movies missed that would've made the movies even better is Ginny and her character development Comment from : @A_Nony_Mousse |
"Have a biscuit potter"br"May I offer you a cough drop, Dolores Comment from : @Bxnana_Bear |
whaaat only thing ill say is i love snape holding lily alan is heartbreaking the only time we see him in real emotion Comment from : @emq6892 |
All of these better be in the tv show or we riot Comment from : @jerrytaylor4456 |
There’s no need to call me sir professor By far my favorite moment Comment from : @arianasharma4024 |
What you left out on the GOF segment is HARRY LEARNING ACCIO Comment from : @XenyxYT |
The Molly Weasley boggart scene 100 should of been included Comment from : @YellowBroski |
they mention the diadem in the room of requirement BEFORE HP and the Deathly Hallows not by name but it is mentioned in the books but never seen in the movies Comment from : @dragonivy4779 |
12:05brI'm sorry but this scene is way better than snape finding and reading Lilys letter and hearing about her death from dumbledoor, snape actually being there to see her dead body is way more emotional Comment from : @GlitchPitbunny |
I know he isn’t one, but this video REALLY makes Ben feel like a Book Purist…and I don’t like Book Purists, or Source Material Purists brbrbrAdmittedly I’ve been a Source Material Purist, but it’s only TWICE, bmaybe/b three times, but the first time was before the movie was even out, and I actually didn’t mind the adaptation, the other two times were when a movie clashed with a previously established status quo, or when it ACTIVELY RETCONNED things it DIDN’T NEED TOO I cannot recall a single time that I hated an adaptation JUST because it left out scene number 23 Comment from : @WorldWeave |
Nah, even in the books he was just evil to be evil You get his history but he was an asshole from the beginning Comment from : @barrymckockinner9292 |
I remember being so angry when I came out from having seen Goblet of Fire Felt like 400 pages were left out and what they went with wasn't better than the book so it made no sense to me If any book needed to be split into 2 movies it was probably GOF more than Deathly Hallows Too bad the new show comes out in the current era as I expect changes to the story in order to appeal to a more modern crowd getting in the way of the story too so odds of remaining faithful to the material goes even lower Comment from : @russellsacks3854 |
speaking of the Dursleys, PETUNIA DOS'ENT KNOW WHAT A DEMENTOR IS!!!!! Comment from : @aroopchatterjee8511 |
You guys are pretty close to convincing me to read the books Comment from : @BlueCrow89 |
to me the best scene left out from the movies was the ton tongue toffee-scene: how it comically resembled Lily and James defending Harry from Voldemort, Petunia trying to defend Dudley from Mr Weasley and Vernon going on rampage throwing stuff at him 😂 Comment from : @ghoulunathics |
Harry not fixing his original wand makes me so mad every time I watch Deathly Hallows pt 2brAlso I know it's not in the books either, but at the very least please use the most powerful wand ever to start repairing the damage to Hogwarts He's just standing in the rubble while Filch the most determined and hard working person ever apparently is trying to tidy rubble with a broom and he doesn't even consider casting a single Reparo brAlthough honestly it's all just another case of unnecessary deviation from the books making the movies so much worse, Half Blood Prince in particular is so hard to watch for me because they butchered the movie adaptation so badly Comment from : @aWildMoke |
“ the one… the only… Neville’s parents” 😂😂😂 (and I agree though, it should have been in the movie) Comment from : @DawnoftheDance4477 |
As per the chapter in the book, the 'House Elf Liberation Front' >> Helf I need somebody, Helf not just anybody Heee-eee-eeelf >>brYes, that goes through my head every time thinking about it Comment from : @zephodb |
𝓢𝓾𝓼 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓽𝓸𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓽 Comment from : @Iwasanicoroleplayer |
It has always been so infuriating that they left simple lines (no build up or whatever-simple, would take up 2-3 secs—MAX?!?!) I don’t understand Especially when you think about it from a filmmaker’s $$-making-motive, how the fans are literally (en mass) delat the very least/del informing them on what we want as customers, MAKE US WANT TO KEEP WATCHING IT!! And we will show up in droves! I don’t know why that’s not been tried Like seriously (sigh), anyway, I’m done venting You guys are great!! Comment from : @jayfra2204 |
They should have that entire twenty page talk about the maurauders backstorys in poa Comment from : @lamsforever54321 |
The marauders An explanation of who created the map, who is who, that James is Prongs, and thus that Lily was a doe This later robs Snape’s (movie only) “Always” of some of its potency as movie goers have no clue why his doe is emotional instead of just a reveal about who led the trio to the sword All of the map teasing Snape, much of the remembered connection for Harry with James viewed through Snape’s memory and how his simultaneous love of his father and distaste for his bullying shaped how he grew in his later teenage years So much depth stemming from skipping the Marauders reveal in movie 3 Comment from : @elliebe |
The marauders An explanation of who created the map, who is who, that James is Prongs, and thus that Lily was a doe This later robs Snape’s (movie only) “Always” of some of its potency as movie goers have no clue why his doe is emotional instead of just a reveal about who led the trio to the sword All of the map teasing Snape, much of the remembered connection for Harry with James viewed through Snape’s memory and how his simultaneous love of his father and distaste for his bullying shaped how he grew in his later teenage years So much depth stemming from skipping the Marauders reveal in movie 3 Comment from : @elliebe |
17:08 now that I think about it, was the real present Voldemort present at all in the movie or even the book? Or was it just the flashbacks? Comment from : @sanatprasad1594 |
I was so disappointed they left out the ton tongue toffee when they left it for Dudley! And them going to Harry’s in the first place! I so wanted that to be in the movies and I am just shocked they left it out! Who doesn’t want to see Dudley get his tongue blown up to 4 foot long!!! Love your videos 💜 Comment from : @tammybarnett1290 |
The movies also forget to explain things they set up:brbr1 Dumbledore was the one who gave Harry his invisibility cloakbr2 Who the Marauders actually are They just stay calling Pettigrew "Wormtail" in goblet of fire Comment from : @mrraamsridhar |
1) Ginny and Harry's whole relationshipbr2) "no need to call me "sir" professor br3) Voldemort dying as a mortal man instead of disappearing into this air Reason as to why it's so important is to confirm his death When Voldemort's Avada Kedavra backfired and he disappeared, it was still rumored that he was still alive With him laying on the floor and dying, it's proof that it's over!br4) Any of the Lee Jordan & Luna Lovegood Quidditch commentarybr5) A more in depth explanation of the The Marauders! Comment from : @sheriemaebutor660 |
Watching this after the HP series is in development, I think these scenes will be a silver lining to the soulless corporate cash grab… Comment from : @thedudejsb |
The movies left out peeves because hewas to funny he made the children cracj up all the time Comment from : @timonobel615 |
I'm kind of glad they left out the SPEW plotline, tbh The house elf storyline wasn't handled well at all Comment from : @briarwolf0501 |
Yes Mrs Weasley sweeping the small pile of sickles and one galleon into her handbag after a sigh and hesitation Comment from : @CarVROOM_008 |
I've got one The sorting hat songs The sorting hat is what allows Hogwarts to exist the way it does In the books, it has so much personality and that is shown through the songs he sings Without the personality he has, he might as well be a lifeless artifact whose ability to speak is meaningless Comment from : @KeeperofShadows-gd9bb |
I really hated the movie didn't show what happened to Barty Crouch Jr from Goblet of Fire Comment from : @pelidonte |
Leaving out the saving of Norbert Comment from : @reedlarson302 |
I remember thinking when Neville couldn’t cast a patronus, harry should have whispered to him, “candy wrappers” Comment from : @Dmhlcmb |
Before Goblet, I had gotten so frustrated trying to figure out how to pronounce Hermione I started calling her hemroid Comment from : @Dmhlcmb |
Who would be better Peeves than Rowan Atkinson(MrBean)? Comment from : @MrTimPL |
"Evil because evil is boring"brbJack Horner laughing in the distance/b Comment from : @CiderVG |
Well he could use Voldemort's wand as it has the same core till he gets a new wand if required from a wand maker Comment from : @aayushranjan93 |
I think that Harry might've forgone repairing his wand due to its direct relationship with Voldermort's wand There's both the technical risk of any kind of former connection at least feeling like a dangerous connection to whatever shreds of Voldermort remains and just the distaste of the reminder it would always carry He can find another wand Comment from : @TheKingofkrypton |
The last point - not fixing his wand - this is the biggest disappointment of all the filmsbrAlso I would love to see the invisible Harry cast the cruciatus in defense of prof McGonnagall Comment from : @zdenekvalek1538 |
I’ve been trying to visualize the characters as described instead of the actors, but it’s hard, but I find that helps to try and keep movies and books straight Comment from : @karenorgan6203 |
It's a little jarring to see Peeves portrayed as a grown-up I always pictured him as a kid like the other characters Comment from : @Nanalagoon |
Harry defending professor McGonnagall by the Cruciatus curse, what actually happend to Arianabrbr or at least ONE line, which would explain how the heck the Weasleys aren't scared of Sirius, while before they talked about him, they believed he is a murderer Like, them just deciding to live in the Grimaulds place just doesn't make sense in the movies and always bugs me brbrThey had NO IDEA Sirius is innocent Comment from : @biggerbetty9385 |
Purple Washclothbr Comment from : @GimpEMCo-1 |
Actually I am the true master of the Elder Wand Comment from : @adambraun1990 |
The question is did avalanche use your thumbnair for the pievees in hogwarts legacy? Comment from : @Davinhomx |
They left out Peter Pettigrew being killed by his silver hand because Pettigrew was beholden to Harry for saving his life That would have so been poetic justice! And it would have been such a small inclusion of info that Dumbledore would say to Harry after iGoblet of Fire/i Comment from : @ginnyjollykidd |
I'm partial to Nearly Headless Nick's death day party from the philosopher's stone Comment from : @johnciolli7086 |
Very good video but I'm disappointed that you left this one moment outbr🙌 Ron being attacked at the order of the Phoenix by a brain while confounded🙌brYou could have asked everyone to send you a drawing of this happening 😂 Comment from : @matthewvoorhies7840 |
Movies totally missed out on the Marauders Comment from : @Lil_Western811 |
I was literally crying eyes out while reading abt Neville's parents and how he put the gum wrapper inside his pocketbrIt was just so emotional😭😭 Comment from : @ronakdave4466 |
I think SPEW is a very underrated plotline I think it’s hilarious Comment from : @cabinak5189 |
Wait, I've wanted to know this for a VERY long time: are you actually brothers, or are you just the same person, switching positions between shots? Comment from : @thegreatchaos13 |
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