Title | : | Why Male English Teachers Are Notorious in China? |
Lasting | : | 16.16 |
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Views | : | 4,9 rb |
These days there are less of those younger guys For a teaching visa you pretty much need two years of experience or a masters Or your school needs a lot of guanxi Also its harder for them to do visa runs every 3 months these days too For sure when i first came to China there was plenty of those guys Comment from : @Mrog200 |
I’m gay male and gonna teach I hope people don’t assume I’m like these irresponsible men Comment from : @TrumpIsANazi221 |
True I feel like white guys that go to China to teach English should AT LEAST learn a little bit of Chinese and have some appreciation for the culture Comment from : @soundx-q7n |
Will you marry me? Comment from : @TP-gq9xz |
I’ll be honest I’m Chinese Australian I SPELL SPEAK AND WRITE better english than a lot of natives Comment from : @wiggmanoriginal |
Just listening to the first stereotype - curious if it applies to all foreign language teachers, such as Chinese language teachers who work abroad, or other languages such as Spanish or French language teachers in China In your culture are all language teachers looked down upon? The variety of cultures around the world is so interesting; it's just such a different point of view Comment from : @madhusudan |
The first stereotype is only backed by the Chinese needing to understand the requirements for a work visa to teach in China Minimum bachelor's degree and two years experience, so almost everyone working here now could find some job back home Before 2020, when many illegal teachers were at a training centre, that stereotype would be backed up Yes, many teachers still like to drink and party, but that comes in all professions From my experience, the only people I have ever heard talking badly about English teachers are older women on social media; as you mentioned, teaching is a respectful job Nowadays, there are fewer parties and people in China to travel and more foreigners who respect the culture, have long-term relationships, get married to the Chinese and have children Comment from : @collyslifeadventureinchina |
对你说的很同感 Comment from : @stevecruz_89 |
Not offensive at all Needed discussion Comment from : @janetcox4873 |
Teaching needs skill, regardless of what subject including teaching English Comment from : @chensweeyew454 |
These were reasons why I was afraid to return to Asia and teach again Comment from : @Henry_Games360 |
After all these years of learning Mandarin, I am going to cross teaching English in China off my list now Thanks for the tip Comment from : @tazbod6723 |
Your English is really good 😊 Comment from : @DailyWordsofWisdom888 |
It seems to me that one bmostly/b judges others based on their own personal knowledge and values That said, do Chinese people broadly not understand how many foreigners move to the United States and Canada? We have plenty of people here that we can teach English There are plenty of opportunities here They're just bnot good opportunities/b Comment from : @wanderingsoul4104 |
Locals are usually jealous Same in Korea Yeah, there are some bad apples for sure, but generally the locals are jealous these guys get attention from the girls and they make decent money for doing a lot less work than a local has to do in a factory or something to get a similar salary It's just jealousy And I get it I never took too much offense Comment from : @rickm6076 |
They are just dropping creampies into tight chinese snappers that want to get railed by white gods Comment from : @oshiba8860 |
the schools should check their teachers moral standing, part of the application/interview process Comment from : @scruffypuppets |
What about Chinese professors that go to the US, can barely speak English and are teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses and dont understand how to teach Westerners I know you address the problem with the schools but this video sounds more like 'dont teach English in China because youll just be outcasted' Makes you seem resentful and angry imo Comment from : @ejacoby |
😮very interesting Increased awareness Thanks 🙏🏼 Comment from : @pescadosalado9051 |
My aunt in Jamaica is half Chinese What's wrong with the world? "Burning the flags of extremism" Only love can change the world Comment from : @conradduncan7785 |
I personally moved to a Tier 4 city in China to improve my mandarin level and be immersed in the language and culture I've heard locals say the reason I'm an english teacher is because 我在自己国家混不下去, when in actual fact, it was because my chinese teacher advised it when I graduated! Comment from : @Iisdabest889 |
Yet we Filipinos get rejected because of our brown skins Most of us are even better in teaching English and are more mindful in grammar construction It's so sad that these white people get more of the attention when some can't even teach English properly with TPRs and good timing for error-correction It's even sadder that the Philippines and China's relationship is really dwindling these days due to politically motivated decisions especially that the Philippines now rely in USAs support We, the Filipino people, just want peace and live a normal life We just want to get a job that can help us survive Favoritism and Politics Comment from : @julremnacua |
I have taught in the US and in China I've worked with a few of the male English teachers you're speaking of, some in their 20s and some much older These are typically men who could not make a living in their home countries due to their poor behaviors, let alone maintain an adult relationship They prey upon young women and groom them with ideas (maybe of marriage, maybe of moving with them to their home country) because the girls are young and impressionable Most schools have some sort of morality clause in their contracts I'm not sure why the schools don't enforce them Comment from : @BigBadVooDooMama |
FACTS Comment from : @sirgalalot88 |
Actually, it sounds like the hiring standards are lacking in China Clean up the administration and whom you sign up to the schools and the rest will take care of itself Comment from : @36handy |
I'm confused Teachers are well respected in China or they are looked down upon for "only" being able to teach English in China? Isn't the problem more so that China hires very low quality English teachers that merely speak English in their home countries? What about highly qualified ESL teachers who are trained? Can a Chinese person just go to America and teach Chinese well just because they can speak Chinese? You would never get a job teaching Chinese just because you can speak Chinese Comment from : @MarkMark-xz4ff |
I'm a western man and I always thought English teacher men in Asia are cringe Other than the not so subtle reason they truly go to do that, I always thought: "why are you squandering your time and youth to pursue something that doesn't make money? Is the p()ssy that good? I think it's just not worth it" Comment from : @alexvig2369 |
Meh, this is a little late, my understanding is foreign English teachers are no longer allowed in China I think it has been like that for maybe 2 years by now Or did they reverse that decision? Comment from : @ArchesBro |
Teachers should never be romantically involved with students At American universities it is grounds for a professor to be terminated Attractions happen, in which case the ethical approach would be for the student to quit the class or the instructor to resign I’m guessing there is very little regulation for English instructors in China, which leads to bad instructors and bad behavior I think some Chinese women fetishize western men, which only makes the situation worse Comment from : @ElReyElPlayboy |
From my experience, I've found that there is a very strong racial prejudice against hiring black teachers in Asian countries One private school owner said that the parents would remove their children from the school if he hired a black English teacher Actually, racial prejudice is much stronger in Asian countries than in the US Comment from : @ima4ster |
Very good ❤❤❤ Comment from : @asifbhai5906 |
i thought the ccp kicked out foreign teachers and that foreigners are no longer welcome in china what happened? Comment from : @XYZ-bi9eb |
The 4 types of foreigners Comment from : @pauldrew1130 |
I hope you didn't meet the 1 hates your country and make youtube content about it Comment from : @Kimmimaro86 |
Hallo JoJo, Good evening brI don't think every teacher is a good teacher Many only want to be teachers because of the long vacations and because of the good money For example, Germany is urgently looking for teachers for all subjects (Changers welcome)
brPersonally, I would rather teach in China than in a German school with cheeky, impudent students (I personally can't because I don't have a degree) haha
brOne should never forget that one is still a guest in a foreign country and one represents one's home country
brOf course you can go to a bar as a teacher, but you should not forget that you have a prestigious position
brAnd no, I would not let my daughter/son be taught by such a teacher
brNowadays many people work in jobs they hate because they have completely different talents and it is not seen in schools and it is not encouraged much
brMy grandmother used to say, "People used to have a lot more time for themselves and for others and also to think about themselves"
brToday everything is just fast, fastDalli DallibrSee you in the next video, take care brBest wishes from Germany Comment from : @NovarNovum |
youtube/T3EwYxftefA Comment from : @pauldrew1130 |
nothing wrong with teaching english every job should be respected Comment from : @openbob6656 |
Seeing as there is a shortage of qualified teachers all across the US you would have to wonder if they have an ulterior motive for teaching in China or any other Asian country It’s easy to see why they may be stereotyped there brGood video Jo thanks Comment from : @roypettigrew1553 |
Jo, I was a teacher and coach here I Texas, USA It is changing a little now for most of my career teachers were expected to exhibit high moral standards In some areas of the state you could be fired for drinking beer! Comment from : @carljackson2981 |
Thanks for the video and insight Jo! Great content! ❤😊 Comment from : @dancohen7683 |
The school was a regular Chinese senior high school, but the company I was working ran an American High School Program, at that high school because the students I taught were taking the SAT/ACT to attend college abroad I was able to avoid any improprieties with females, because I had a Chinese-American wife who worked hard to make sure I had no desires to look outside the home The classes I taught was American History and Culture, World History, AP World History, AP Human Geography Comment from : @CaseyinTexas |
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