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Are male and female brains different? - BBC REEL

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Title :  Are male and female brains different? - BBC REEL
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Comments Are male and female brains different? - BBC REEL

BBC pushing the Marxist equality ideology Yuri Bezmenov would like to have a word
Comment from : @alexanderslee

@1:17 5 ounces ≈ 142 grams That’s a 13 size increase, on average I would consider that a significant difference And yes, generally a larger brain results in greater intelligence in the animal kingdom Elephants are known for their memory and intelligence
Comment from : @alexanderslee

Comment from : @ru22qn

Comment from : @ru22qn

Comment from : @ru22qn

I disagree 100 brain sizes may be different across male and female but there is a clear cut difference between how male and female think and how they do things and that dose stem from the brain itself I believe it has to do with the hormones women have and it affects how they think and how they do things
Comment from : @ryans413

Comment from : @datboijdope

Science claims differences between male and female brains, but of course CANNOT point out the actual physical difference which have been determined and discovered by science Ok, so there are differences: But what are they? Seems to me as if NOBODY can definitively say
Comment from : @scotthullinger4684

Junk Science extraordinaire
Comment from : @BoffinGrusky

This video is the biggest and worst straw man argument ever
Comment from : @fuckfacer

Comment from : @erolegario

Well, that sucked
Comment from : @kevinhall4528

It’s not about the gender, it’s about the human, every human has a different brain, a VERY different
Comment from : @Braincells-cells

Debating size doesn’t matter by comparing to other species is the ultimate stupidity
Comment from : @ummyhorse7791

This comment section is amazing Glad to see so many sensible people agreeing that male and female are different Can't believe it's a debate
Comment from : @justtam321

Thinking is thinking, empathy is empathy, desire is desire and foolishness is foolishness A capable brain is a capable brain
Comment from : @LessAmused

i think recently with 20 yrs of social media the female has evolved in ways some men are oblivious to, women can discern, problem-solve, and memorize things and have the mental acuity to say no and think for herself in the past this was not possible the modern female thinks herself as capable as man these days and maybe perhaps women have evolved on par with men in 2024
Comment from : @chaddenning

4 years after, AI is able to identify Female/ Males brains with 90 accuracy It literally proves gender and different wiring
Comment from : @IronJhon788

We just need to look at the behaviour between brains to see there are differences Small physical brain differences result in massive behavioural differences In other words small physical differences are significant
Comment from : @PhsychoSomatic

this didn’t age well
Comment from : @wojciech7694

YES, Very DIFFERENT She is a lying feminist PROPAGANDIST, not a "scientist" She speaks for herself NOT the scientific community
Comment from : @JEREMY99218

“Gendered” brain😂brBBC obviously is getting paid to spread misinformation
Comment from : @GinoNL

Males much more smarter!!!!
Comment from : @hahhi

I just wanted a scientific comparison not gender fluidity nonsense
Comment from : @RudiVenterEngineering

The answer is yes Very different
Comment from : @mindverse8972

The scientist said nothing for 3 minutes We see that female brain thinks differently from male brain, that can't be explained by all factors mentioned here, so address it
Comment from : @jasony5118

This video is woke 👎🏼 There's overlap but there's also differences ON AVERAGE Tell us the facts
Comment from : @pandaonsteroids5154

Men are more advanced
Comment from : @channel_98s

"A human brain is 10 larger than a chimp brain However, it does not affect the IQ" - some chimp probably, and humans have to agree to be politically correct albeit no chimps ever can compete with humans intellectually Similarly if you look at human history, over 99 of all great inventors, philosophers, and theoretical physicists and mathematicians are men brbrSimilarly mens brains are 10 larger than womens brain on average "However, it does not affect the IQ" If any study contradicts, it is all a social construct br brIf it doesnt affect IQ, why is there separate leagues for men's and women's chess? A grandmaster in womens chess will likely lose to a serious amateur mens player
Comment from : @JayakrishnanNairOmana

There is a clear distinction tho
Comment from : @CCrux-yt

Thank you!
Comment from : @denizdursun5901

phony argument
Comment from : @procouswest20

Typical feminist propoganda with lots of false information I'll never understand why feminists want the men and the women to be the same Can't we be just different and equal?
Comment from : @altaydagistan

So pretty much br Most men and woman act the way they act all because of societal norms? There’s no biological reason why men and women act differently
Comment from : @Candyguy8283

According to Allan and Barabara Pease (why men don't listen and women can't read maps), they state that there are differences between the brains, and that they're activated differently under MRI scans They both react differently to different external stimulations and have a naturally predisposed habits going back to the, "hunter/gather," era, which affects our behiours
Comment from : @TheIrishBosnian

So amazing
Comment from : @scarletweb2106

Jesus do they pay this frakkers to confound science with gobbledygook & double speak?
Comment from : @HughEMC

Its painful to watch how we both see the world
Comment from : @tanfrederika2123

Man are better at single focused, spacial and math related tasks due to having a more dense Inferior-parietal lobe It's a biological difference, it doesn't matter how much you cry about it, it doesn't mean that women are worse than men in any way, we just are different, this could be due to a different DNA formation AKA XY and XX, and Hormones
Comment from : @reclaimer2019

For someone who study neuroscience the first example she used to refute that brain size matter is really stupid It's like comparing the first computer processor with the modern CPUs Of course the size matter, you have more resources of everything to work with, but of course there might be a downside to a bigger brain, and it's not necessarily true that someone might use the full potential of their brains It's truly problematic that this gender Ideologues are taking over a lot of scientific fields
Comment from : @_nuance

As a medical student i said this is wrong 😒
Comment from : @kaleanmalik7120

WHAT ABOUT brAndrogynebrBigenderbrButchbrCisgenderbrGender expansivebrGenderfluidbrGender outlawbrALL THE OTHER GENDERS!!!!!! Don't they have different brains
Comment from : @lovemusic4655

Minute 1: 13 "Have we actually found any differences between the brains of men and the brains of women? "brMinute 1: 17 "The answer is 'no' " brMinute 1: 18 "On average women's brains were 5 ounces lighter than men's"brSO THEY ARE DIFFERENT Men have bigger brains which counts as ONE difference out of the ANY differences Gina Rippon asked about ONE difference is still different
Comment from : @sonic31century1

But, the brain of one animal is not the same as the brain of another animal You can't compare it like that
Comment from : @Amidreamingnow

I can't with the background funeral music 😭
Comment from : @mauricemangum9742

Which are the myths? What made you support that they are myths?
Comment from : @meowpoosaymeow

Comment from : @raspberryberet4544

So are Women and Men equal?
Comment from : @GOODMAN_127

I'm sorry but Clair de lune was really distracting
Comment from : @christophermotte7532

Jesus Christ! What a shitload of pseudoscience! It was more of a women and gender studies lecture than real science!
Comment from : @eniemeuful

Good 😊👍
Comment from : @drsyedakiranumefarwabukhar2942

I Love This Woman Wonderful Explaination 👏
Comment from : @Nilabja13

If you are interested in the matter there are articles and papers from researchers and universities about this I don't know "XXI century", I know research say they are different: there is a great article from Standford and some paper about new deep learning approaches to this matter
Comment from : @cippo1995

Comment from : @virginiamabelabeyta1258

Cultural differences In the western world Repeat after me In the western world IN THE WESTERN WORLDbrbrMen in certain non western cultures are encouraged to show emotion, to be carers and providers and to be worldly minded Don't apply western standards to the entire world's population of men and women
Comment from : @t_albino

I know a some transgender people who changed their gender because they thought there is a difference Will they regret it in future when they come to know the differences are based on external influence?
Comment from : @music77455

Look up who invented 90 of the useful technology people use today, and you'll have your answer
Comment from : @TexTPB

Comment from : @balam5536

great info!
Comment from : @cookingwithnancyuk6528

What a pile of crap
Comment from : @mariopugl

Except one of the largest studies in the field indicates that there ARE differences and that they ARE statistically significantThis is flat out misinformation on her part
Comment from : @Razomir

Clair de lune-Debussy brNice taste music
Comment from : @HansMcc1984

short answer: YesbrLong answer: yessssssbrEqual Answer:doesnt exist
Comment from : @shalyfemusic

Henlo BBC, people don't lose their titles once they retire She's a professor, and remains that Give her the title she has acquired
Comment from : @drflorence

Obviously the similarities are more than differences The people who exaggerate the differences, want to gain personal benefits
Comment from : @farangisehsani592

As a non-gender binary transracial gender fluid lesbian feminist who identifies as a tree I find this video extremely triggering
Comment from : @samwhite4608

Yes Is the answer
Comment from : @senshai1267

never seen so much dishonesty like that in my life
Comment from : @alexioscoulissegur6733

anyone here from mrs knoop?
Comment from : @iFlexx_

She is just saying that male and female have more gender similarities than gender differences and there is tons of research that supports that I read about this research in my textbook in uni
Comment from : @Zenbeau

This is exactly what I talk about in this video:br youtube/VSPfVf_X7ww
Comment from : @azservices

She is a perfect example of how they are different
Comment from : @alialwahaibi1234

The British Judith Butler, gross
Comment from : @yankeeluver100

Wow, she's full of it
Comment from : @yankeeluver100

Okay so this scientist admitted in an interview that she uses the exception to the rules to try to prove her theories That's not science That's ideology So you can't trust anything that she says on the subject that she studies
Comment from : @dtmoore1195

Lying through her teeth
Comment from : @fuckglobalism

You couldn't answer helena cronin and simon baron cohen during your debate brGood job
Comment from : @PabloSensei

She uses the word 'We' a lot yet there are plenty of 'We' in her field that disagree with her Perhaps she needs to be a bit more specific of who 'We' is or simply use 'I'
Comment from : @NorthernWayfarer-Alice

Very true
Comment from : @nidhal1946

love this! I feel that there is so much wisdom in this post
Comment from : @dominicbarnes9424

2C$: She didn't say anything about glia/neurons content ladies have more neurons, boys more glia, butI think that the important thing to mention is that little is known about the way the brain is wired in either way female/malebr(From a big fan of the book Phamtoms in the Brain by Ramachandran (?) )
Comment from : @foreyfriend145

When you said "list", I gave up on your theory
Comment from : @echno4727

The world is beautiful by your opinion and now we are sitting here listening to a woman saying there is nothing different and wasting our time
Comment from : @TahaAaaaaaAaaaaAaaa

Such a frustrated feminist
Comment from : @seeuathebeach

THIS IS GIVING ME A NON BINARY ORGASM Thanks so much for sharing also this counterpart of the scientific knowledge to us ignorant folks
Comment from : @ybris1629

Comment from : @Skovit72

Can you explain why, in general, men and women think so vastly different?brIt seems to me that if you look at ALL men's brains compare them to ALL women's brains you'll not find any reasonable difference because some women have more "masculine" brains and vice-versa (Thus transgender) brBut if you use the AVERAGE, does a difference emerge?brAnd again with functionality, are the averages different?
Comment from : @r-platt

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