Title | : | Will you get full UK state pension? |
Lasting | : | 6.14 |
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Views | : | 61 rb |
What happens if you don't be entitled to any pension 😮? Is it the person gets put on pension credit 🤔? Does ANYONE know the answers/options available, if any?brI'd very much appreciate any information 😊 Comment from : @christinekane6059 |
I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for Comment from : @danguRobert |
I have 44 qualifying years but loose £50 per week because i have an occupational pension This wasn't mentioned or discussed when the pension was changed The civil service occupational pension was always raken into account during pay negotiations so it is a double hit Comment from : @JanetWinter-h2o |
Labour will take it all off you Comment from : @hannible1002 |
The UK state pension at 66 years old worth £9,000 a year is patheticbrbrThe British government sent £20 BILLION Pounds overseas in 2023 to Ukraine and Isreal br😡😡😡 Comment from : @soyboymotivation |
I worked for the same company for 43 years in a full time bases no time off I paid tax and NI I finished work 60 years an 7 month I do not get a full pension and am told I have 4 gap years and if I want to fill these it will cost me£2,700 why do I not qualify for a full pension I would ask the guv pension but they are not talking to anyone Comment from : @christopherwheeler6240 |
No mention of being opted out, reducing your pension figure incomplete and misleading video Comment from : @stevezodiac491 |
may i knowi am in universal credit if my state pension will be affected pleaseand how much ??? Comment from : @renelecoustre3530 |
Great video to listen to, but let's tell the truth people are not living longer That is a myth that's what the government wants you to believe, and if you believe what the government tells you 1, you will always live in fear, worry, and distress the average age of deth is between 74 to 84 the reason the government are aways putting the retirement age is purely because of massive amounts of population in the uk paying for mass immigration who are coming into the uk and only taking out of the system and not paying in 65 percent of immigration and Multicultural people are claiming welfare benefits not paying a penny towards a pension so all the hard working people in the uk are paying for all the people who cant be bothered to work only but have between 2 to 4 children and live a life on state social benefits all there lives lets be truthful there not coming for the weather and there will get the same amount of state pension like a hard working person who as worked for 50 years and paid in maximum NI contribution & tax what a fair system it is Comment from : @karlsugden4161 |
Back in my daysbrCulture was just workbrPlenty of jobs plenty of housebrPix and mix like sweetbrNow am just retired 66br45 RECORDbr37 YEARS COMPANYbrSUPPOSE AM LUCKYbrLOCKED IN FOR LIFEbr❤❤❤brAND I DIDN'T EVENbrNOTICE I HAD A MASSIVE REWARDbrALL I DID WAS MANUAL WORKbrGOT MARRIEDbrHAD HOUSEbrHAD CHILDRENbrNORMAL LIFEbrYOURS 1960/70 /80brSTREET WISE TAL Comment from : @Talboy-p4e |
You won't get much if you work everyday of your life until you retirement, But if you don't work you will get less,But get more in top ups?😮 Comment from : @davidlelliott4869 |
In 35 years £168 wont be worth thing😮😢 Comment from : @victorpatrick2812 |
I have lived in Canada for twenty years but paid into national insurance for 17 years I can't get a UK government gateway app as I don't have enough uk I'd Is there a non uk government website that will calculate my projected uk pension Comment from : @VanCityGuy1 |
Building wealth from nothing involves consistent saving, disciplined spending, and strategic investments Begin by creating a budget to track expenses and identify areas for savings Prioritize paying off high-interest debt and establishing an emergency fund As you build a foundation, start investing in low-cost options like index funds, and focus on continuous learning and improving your skills for better income opportunities Comment from : @GudrunScharrer |
Advice to my Son and DaughterEnjoy your working life Spend your money and enjoy yourselves while you can because by the time the government stop increasing the retirement age you will either be in a care home with Dementia or in a hospice riddled with cancer Comment from : @roymeadows1708 |
The next budget will see your pensions take a nose dive the country is ina financial straight jacket caused by years of Tory mismanagement and deception smoke and mirrors tactics the lies fall from the lips like dripping honey misleading and deceitful are just a few of the things that come to mind when taking about the Tories and what damage their constant abuses of power have done to the UK a total mess is what the Tories have created and at huge cost to the UK Taxpayers people simply do not take enough interest in the state of their own country yet will believe the misleading statements made by the BBC the Tory media the ERG and the whole of the Tory party this trend as continued unabated for years a little soft soap from the Tories blaming Johny foreigner/ EU for all the UK problems which were and are caused mainly by the Tories damaging polices and by the EU or Putin the blame for the state of the UK lays squarely with the Tory party and the many Tory government sad to say that the tactics that tricked and fooled many in to voted for the fraud Johnson will be used again to try and ubdrmibet Labour and their leader this is what the low life Tory press /media have done time after time and sadly millions have fallen for the lies and decptions coming from theses media frauds Comment from : @DomenicNicosia-bs8qd |
brilliant Comment from : @Dg-zj6jo |
Most of us will not live until our retirement I am 41 now and worked already for 20 years I will need to work another 27 years or more to get my retirement 47 years of work to receive pitty money horror Comment from : @taurus8263 |
Thanks so much for the advice! Looking forward to watching the follow-up 😊 Comment from : @deborahshariati8345 |
Clown 😂 Comment from : @jeffrussell488 |
Not enough, and not everyone live longer Comment from : @peterwoan7159 |
Bugger all Comment from : @kanderson4417 |
The pension increase is taken up by the increase council tax - happydays! Comment from : @dereckhurrell192 |
So after you have paid 35yrs of contributions you can stop paying ni contributions is that right Comment from : @mrmeg01 |
How are we supposed to live on £740 a Montoya not even near minimum wages and I have paid in all my working live I would like to see how mps would cope It seems the more you contribute the less you get back people are better off not working at all Comment from : @andywilliams5476 |
I find the whole stae pension very confusingI am due my state pension this year and although I have paid 49years NI contributions I do not quality for the full amount The reason is because 1977-78 I didn’t work as I was pregnant and had a child and no credits were paid I just don’t understand even though I’ve looked at the government site for answers Comment from : @33norrie |
perhaps the most useless prime minister ever Gordon Brown said quotebr"there are now too many people in the country for everyone to get an old age pensionbrthe cake can only be cut so many waysbr The liverpool care pathways was a method of killing off pensioners in hospitalsbrthe money had to be found to import in my foregners Comment from : @fernbracken |
Why enforced contribution if later means tested Half populations of other countries pick up UK pension little or no contributions Worse still is if you' British 'now you pick up UK pension PLUS EU PAY YOU A PENSION IF FROM EU AND IRELAND Comment from : @joprocter4573 |
( 2022) You can buy back missed years which you have missed in the last 7 years this will increase your pension and the cost you paid for this you will get back in your pension payment over 3 years ,br the government does not tell you that you can do this to increase your pension you have to ask to buy back missed years Say it cost you £300 for a missed year you will get £2 aweek extra at 3 years you break even 👌 Comment from : @ianlewis2813 |
USA social security seems to be the best, I shoulda moved there 30 years ago I figure Comment from : @ricke6854 |
In Australia the state pension is means tested I fear the way it is going, the same will happen in the UK Comment from : @MrGman2804 |
Are you happy with the pension arrangement in the UK? Comment from : @fin3c15 |
Just came across your YouTube clip but you may not be aware that there is a shortfall in state pension amounts for people who work for governments in this like the Civil Service NHS and Prison service there may be others but those three I am definitely aware of that they were contracted out and that there was a shortfall When I checked my state pension a few years agobrbrIt said I had 35 years when I checked by contacting them I was told I have to make up years to get tbe current state pension rate or when I do reach retiring age I would only get 90 pounds per week wowbrbrSome years you can make up others you can not or if you do it does not count Comment from : @OO-ex5iq |
People should demand not less than EU per week We joined as comparable to Germany £538pw n France£486 tbc We pay foreigners with negative input a pension We do not work 35-38hr week UK as EU does?!brEU Gets 6-10weeks holiday pabrUK mostly stopped 40yrs at 28 days pa so overall UK earned those pensions at 60 Comment from : @joprocter4573 |
When are 1950 waspi women going to be compensated never notified by dwp pensions of change why has government not increased pension to same as EU approx £538per week brWhy are same 1950 onward service women not getting contributions for military pension Know fact carer pension not enhanced by role brWhy pay pensions to migrants n ppl who came by pension little or no input Unfair on life time givers brIts the worst investment of money brBecause pension were frozen many time why is all that theft not unravelled to bring their triple lock up to true value If Canada buys Bristol Airport car park and aggressively collects parking feesfor sole purpose of Canadian pension pot what schemes has our government done to increase British pensions Comment from : @joprocter4573 |
How do you mean we should take it as it comes! we paid our taxes for this !brwhat are they done with all the taxes that we paid for our pensions br the government aren't giving us this money! we've paid into a pension scheme br, Comment from : @ritathomson9764 |
What about people born befor April 6 1970!brI was born in 1958 3 April I don't receive any moneys from anyone!brWhen will I get my pension? I have paid all stamps and worke from the age of 16brAnd paid all taxes! Comment from : @ritathomson9764 |
I worked long hours for 50yr years and paid into a works pension because I did I get less of a government pension than someone who never be bothered to get off their arse to get a job Comment from : @alexblue6991 |
Perhaps someone can explain to me why, after paying my NI and tax for nearly 45 years, I don't get any annual pension increases because I now live outside the UK I don't use the NHS or have any other benefits, I have private medical insurance which does not recharge the NHS My pension is fixed at what it was when I left the UK This is a rip-off, legalised robbery Comment from : @harrygatto |
The State Pension is less than the Living wage So, the State Pension is a dying wage! Our State Pension is the lowest of all developed nations The Government cannot afford to raise the UK State Pension immediately so they set out to raise it slowly by introducing the triple lock Only the Tories would Well they will not win the next election by employing starvation tactics, will they - Senior Citizens unite!! Comment from : @ianherd569 |
If you are a grandparent or adult and look after your grandchildren or a child under twelve, and you haven’t enough NI credits, you can apply for National Insurance Credits The form you will need is the Application for Specified Adult Childcare Credits (CA9176) Comment from : @annegriffiths1099 |
What if you haven't paid the minimum ni contributions? Can you get anything like universal Credit? Comment from : @balance3201 |
However less if done agency up and down work its up and down your nation insurance brNo one knows what health will be when 60 to 70 brHarder to get full time job when 53 and less jobs Comment from : @reducepricroryhrywtby |
Well somebodys got to pay for yhe hundred a day that arrive in a dinghy Comment from : @cathgriffiths4448 |
It's 100 percent going to be means-tested, before the pandemic minister's said it would have to change within 15 year's, that was before the cost of COVID I'm a manual worker with no formal education and I know that Comment from : @owenbowen2752 |
Not enough if your English pensioners Great video It cost the Tory party big time Thomas Liberal Democrats politically Max Fosh saved them he cared about England, English pensioners Comment from : @thomasboyd9861 |
Great to see your updated accurate info in this Vid…✅ Comment from : @brianreynolds4627 |
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