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6 Pension Secrets That Could Get You an Extra £10,000 or More | This Morning

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Information 6 Pension Secrets That Could Get You an Extra £10,000 or More | This Morning

Title :  6 Pension Secrets That Could Get You an Extra £10,000 or More | This Morning
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Frames 6 Pension Secrets That Could Get You an Extra £10,000 or More | This Morning

Description 6 Pension Secrets That Could Get You an Extra £10,000 or More | This Morning

Comments 6 Pension Secrets That Could Get You an Extra £10,000 or More | This Morning

Martin Lewis giving invaluable information and advice, as usual Thank you Also, I liked his stressed "27 thousand, million pounds" at the beginning, to bring home the sheer enormity of the sum involved, rather than the use of the more "anodyne" br"billion", so devalued in its impact
Comment from : @SpiritintheSky

This guy is the problem people don’t have any money he is telling the government to much
Comment from : @Smithstar1976

Just try and find that pension tracing page I can't and I was an IT analyst
Comment from : @chrisdaviesguitar

I’ve been hearing a lot about Roth IRA conversions lately, but I’m confused about whether it’s the right move for me I’m 47, with a decent 401(k) and a modest traditional IRA With taxes likely going up in the future, should I start converting now, or am I too late?
Comment from : @viviancarolgioao

Buy RGTI stock, thank me later 😊
Comment from : @ZapZone-ou6ih

Thanks Martin
Comment from : @Itzsheila3087

I’ve recently celebrated my 56th birthday, the reality of my delayed entry into investing has set in Despite having amassed over $200k in savings, my retirement portfolio remains underdeveloped I’m anxious about securing a comfortable post-work life What strategic decisions can I make to optimize my savings and ensure a more stable future?
Comment from : @Wade453

Most of us will be dead before we even get a pension
Comment from : @Sciatix

I would not do that if I knew what I know now
Comment from : @brianduerden7508

A shame he speaks as though he's in a race He needs to slow down
Comment from : @Omnicient

God she’s neurotic
Comment from : @pippipster6767

I think the rules have changed since this video with regards to pensions - after the new budget changes they are part of your estate and therefore are included in your Will
Comment from : @deborahlawson5109

I love the way that presenters feign a genuine interest in things like this, as they couldn't care less about real people, they'll have a massive amount of money already
Comment from : @Musingsonthelawofattraction

Retirement isn’t an end goal, but a journey best secured by careful and consistent investments
Comment from : @Vincent-j8u

Agenda 2030, your poverty is their plan
Comment from : @peteb3889

I have a GAP Ibefore 2006 but i was told i cant pay more now,
Comment from : @vasanthasrikantha6512

Well done Martin, you're helping so many people With the changes in pensions it is now everyone's own responsibility to plan their retirement It's daunting but there's plenty of information about and you will be able to decide when to retire and what quality of life you live
Comment from : @ElectronicsRobotics-pe9sp

Congratulations Martin Lewis on your video "6 Pension Secrets That Could Get You An Extra £10,000 Or More" inspirational thanks for sharing 🙌😁💃
Comment from : @MorineBarnes

Dont bother My parents saved all there lives only to have it took from them on care home fees
Comment from : @Dave-bq7hi

Please give me address to him because I want to ask him but I don’t to ask in tv
Comment from : @MrJuliajones753

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Comment from : @RiggiosMiners

Although do remember that pensions are now a part of your estate for tax purposes We're living in a communist country
Comment from : @SoloSi2024

I happened to check mine and I have quite a lot of years missing due to not working and taking breaks in between jobs I can’t afford to add to it 😅
Comment from : @thejournalnook

Deeley gub looks pretty fish like
Comment from : @dereksmallsuk

i cant afford to pay my missing years
Comment from : @AlexGarrickActress

Petition parliment uk - call a general election please sign and pass on
Comment from : @martinesswitnessaro29371

My wife and I retired, we tried to claim pension from a council we worked for and left in 1996, I worked for 6 years wife for 8, we gave our Names, DOB, NI numbers, address and everything needed after a few weeks we were told "There is No Record of you working with the council" not just myself but wife as well and we worked in different departments We did not keep old wage slips etc
Comment from : @ronnied4258

Would I be entitled to the late ex husbands pension? He took on the higher tax threshold and I also worked However, he hid his income during the divorce and didn't divulge his income fully!!
Comment from : @vikingqueen9

Well, I found an old pension for my wife as a result of watching this That was quite some find It's amazing what a modest investment over 25 years ago will pay out shortly!
Comment from : @PenkethKahns

Why 35 years-ish for a full state pension? Why did he put -ish? I thought its 35 years
Comment from : @miriamkubaska4070

This is my fifth year since retirement but this isn’t really how hard I expected things to be I still have about $460,000 of debt in my IRA to invest in stocks How can I use the market turnaround?
Comment from : @MaximilianFischer497

My pensions is naughty, got in at the best time To the point my company wants to promote me, to change my contract to get meoff it!!! Lets go 85 rule 55 and imgone!!!! Hahhaha😂
Comment from : @mrbuster7255

Why is the pension not index linked if you move to Australia but other countries and people get the rises, Australia pays the difference, this is wrong
Comment from : @Norah-v6j

I'm 57 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
Comment from : @Casandra1bartlett

I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
Comment from : @johnawara9719

Most people don’t realise it, but the secret to retiring comfortably is finding a way to make returns while your money works for you My dad, as I remember, started saving for retirement quite late, but I know he was making more than 10k returns from his investment monthly and it was completely passive
Comment from : @Susanhartman

6 pension secrets that you may not know of, And the government won’t tell you, so so big deep and go onto the website that’s the governments
Comment from : @colindark

Who do we contact do we have a number
Comment from : @davidwilson657

are we filipinos will enjoy that retirement pension for the pilipinoscan we????
Comment from : @Antonio-xq7iu

Martin is amazing
Comment from : @broddablack5290

If you have already made 42 years NICs is it worth making additional contributions
Comment from : @angelowilliams6539

No amount of shouty advice to claim Pension Credit alters the fact that pensioners who worked 35 years or more and paid into the system can't get help, but those who didn't work can This affects the working class on minimum wage the most, perhaps in the gig economy with no work pension, and possibly paying rent- they are the ones who are slipping through the cracks and not getting the help they need
Comment from : @freya7pc

I was told two years ago that paying in pensions for missing years from 2006 is finished Now is until April 2025 Why it's changing all the time ? I payed few years but couldn't continue because of this
Comment from : @ja0088

Very many thanks indeed Martin, you are an absolute Godsend! Bless you 😊
Comment from : @suewright1299

And what about changes to make the state pension means tested I might buy extra credits now to be told all get zero state pension because i have too much in a private pension or savings
Comment from : @stuarthills7059

I need to look into this because in 2012 I took early retirement and was told I had my 35 years and would get my full pensionbrWhen I got my pension statement for my state pension three years ago it said I had missing years, it's this 2016 thing which they don't tell us about They don't have to pay me my full pension so it's good for them I'm around £1,000 a year down Definitely looking into thisbrWell, I just looked and they don't make it simple
Comment from : @bill-2018

All pensioners with less than c £16,000 savings in the bank should get the same help as those eligible for Pension Credit Pension Credit is paid to people who did not work enough years to qualify for the full State Pension It seems unfair to discriminate against those who did work, who don't have savings above £16,000 (the usual benchmark)
Comment from : @freya7pc

Paid over
Comment from : @John3249-i7o

Comment from : @John3249-i7o

Can you help I am 65 years old and have paid 45 years of NI contributions(mainly on the top band class 1) I took early retirement at 61 so never claimed for anything but I am due for my state pension this year but I have been informed by HMRC that I still need to pay 4 more years £3328 to qualify for full state pension a diffference of £20 considering that you need 35 years to qualify What should I do?
Comment from : @gordonhancock5524

Thanks Martin and itv
Comment from : @simplehumanalogy6131

The average UK working class worker will find it difficult to save after paying all their bills, rent or mortgage etc etc Tony cuenca
Comment from : @craphead9842

Cameron had a Manifesto pledge to give all pensioners index linked pensionsanother failed promise
Comment from : @asacarrick1440

This buying years is actually a scandal cause if you have been in work since leaving school you will have a surplus of around ten years over your full 35 yrs service and your actually contributing NI to people that have never worked and dont want to work this people is a fact so i now could actually say to the dwp no am not working anymore am retiring which you can do
Comment from : @stanleystuart2008

Love you Martin
Comment from : @mrechelon7051

But pensioners don’t work, and they pay council bills each week brbrThey’re ignoring Pensioners in Care homes, Pensioners Living by them selves
Comment from : @bigawdays5724

If you have done your 35 yrs full pension will be paid if you buy additional years and takes you over the tax level don't buy it it's not worth it
Comment from : @stanleystuart2008

Yes some work pensions that your partner has 50 of it you could be intitled to
Comment from : @stanleystuart2008

Checked NI gaps but states they are actively dealing with this - they are not!!
Comment from : @ianpearce6179

I'm surprised Martin considers 50 to 75k pension to be large? i just turned 30 and already have that in a pension? is that not the norm?
Comment from : @MinkieWinkle

The fact that they have a pretty good idea on how much money is sitting around in pensions lost by people why is there no way for these to be made public for people to search whether their on this list?
Comment from : @robbailie5878

I am so happy that i made a productive decision about my finances that changed my life forever I am a single mother and i live in Florida USA, i bought my first house in September and i hope to retire next year at 55 if all goes well Thanks to Mrs Judith M Layton for helping me achieve this
Comment from : @caitlynpotter

Do I still have to pay National Insurance Contribution if I am in receipt of Pension and still working?
Comment from : @oliverolivagi1569

Recently, I've been pondering retirement, unsure if my 401(k) and IRA will provide a stable future I've also put $800K into the stock market, encountering fluctuations with limited gains i need an approach that will align with my risk tolerance and financial goals
Comment from : @PremSteve-yg4de

Typical retirement of 20years from 67 ????🤔
Comment from : @garyedmondson796

Does nominating a trust as beneficiary have any advantage over choosing an individual for pension accounts?
Comment from : @MrAppukuttan93

Cat pretending like she understood anything ML said 😅
Comment from : @aryalanup

Could someone tell me my wife has 41 full years of national insurance brand she's not getting full state pension she took early retirement at 59 I've been told that with her retiring early the pension is calculated from your state pension retirement so u work back from 66 35 year thus she's 7 years short is this correct
Comment from : @neilsheldon4589

Great advice 😊Thankyou 👏🇬🇧
Comment from : @Bagpuss7

You need to be careful with buying extra NI credits for your state pension as it takes you over the limit for pension credit now this is what is happening to my husband and I worked all our lives and are over the limit for pension credit now we know other people who didnt have enough NI contributions but got pension credit top up which took them over more than which my husband and I have coming in plus they receive add on benefits like cost of living payments etc so doesnt always work ouf favourably for an extra 40 pounds per week when pension credit might make it up to you anyway which is what hapoenned to us just saying do all your homework first If you get pension credit they also might pay your rent depending on circumstances, unfortunately we had to pay full rent as well
Comment from : @barbaramcminigal9966

Brilliant Martin didn't know about leaving my pensions thought it was though the will great advice
Comment from : @alanmeasures8337

Am disabled and "NEVER" worked the closest I got to it was voluntary and what would be my case
Comment from : @craigmcvay1

Most important help guide by renowned money expert relevant to WHOLE population of UK Interviewer after 5 minutes “we’re running out of time!” 🙄
Comment from : @evenskial1063


Comment from : @kat3400

I think that the EX needs clarifying please Was this a separated couple and not divorced? It was a nice list of warnings here but the after death needs more info please
Comment from : @barbaracross7426

I believe the retirement crisis will get even worse Many struggle to save due to low wages, rising prices, and exorbitant rents With homeownership becoming unattainable for middle-class Americans, they may not have a home to rely on for retirement either
Comment from : @Riggsnic_co

victoria flores was my hope during the 'bear summer' last year I did so many mistakes but also learned so much from it, and of course from victoria Flores
Comment from : @ThomasJeffersonEdison

Varifocals lenses worth investing in to stop the ‘I’m putting my glasses on, now I’m taking them off’ gestures
Comment from : @Aitch-u3i

Pension company contacted me about a company pension from the 80's, i worked for the company from 79-88 and received 25kthis was after i had moved house six times
Comment from : @PrinceFluffy

This is my fifth year after retirement I’ve been following the 4 rule thing, but this isn’t really how hard I expected things to be I still have about $460k outside funds in my IRA to invest in stocks Pls how do I take advantage of this?
Comment from : @Aurierserge50

In 15 years' time the UK will not be able to afford paying anyone a state pension
Comment from : @pnbmpnbm1155

what they say and what they do is 2 different things
Comment from : @TonyRobertson6

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