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Will You Get a State Pension?

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Comments Will You Get a State Pension?

I have linked the full report in the description if you want a read and here is the link to check out Manual and get 55 off your first order using my code DTM55 bitly/4a13ZVi
Comment from : @DamienTalksMoney

We'll just have to work until we drop dead I guess
Comment from : @dmythica

I wrote to Frank Field with the same Idea years ago, put £20k into a fund upon birth (even print the money), that money can grow and either go towards uni fees or pension
Comment from : @peterwilcox9389

Clickbait thumbnail, BOO
Comment from : @MoreChannelNoise

As a business model the structure of the state pension is a joke Hoping to have enough people able to pay the last generation is a pathetic
Comment from : @icekitty400

So what’s the Other at 1:36 ? I’m just over 69 and on the State Pension, got the new full SP, what’s all this who-har about the triple lock ? What’s the point if comparing our SP to other countries, as we are not other countries, WE GET WHAT WE ARE GIVEN in the UK, based upon NI credits
Comment from : @jacksugden8190

Theres always a way around tax 🙄 play the system or the sytem will play you
Comment from : @Random-ln5mt

I would gift my savings before retirement to my 2 girls and get on the "means" tested state pension
Comment from : @Random-ln5mt

Scrap income tax and private pension tax for uk residents and scrap the state pension
Comment from : @Random-ln5mt

If pension ever gets mean tested, people will hide their savings in cash or other forms and just claim pension anyway
Comment from : @FODOR00

It's extremely irresponsible of any government to even mention getting rid of state pension utter stupidity it could severely affect how people save etc
Comment from : @stevewalsh-balshaw1727

It would be a disgrace of any government to take away the state pension don't let them do it it's not a benefit it's a right having paid and worked all your life
Comment from : @stevewalsh-balshaw1727

well dont pay into it
Comment from : @johnwilliam1945

Gimme a break The UK old age pension is crap The Triple lock is slowly fixing it Perhaps, when the OAP is decent, the triple lock can be abandoned
Comment from : @SimonWallwork

My guy, wait until you here about the addition economic cost climate collapse will cause by the time we reach pension age
Comment from : @realbirder

Means testing is coming along with property taxes
Comment from : @Miichael-b1j

Workhouses will be a boom business before long The workhouses were still going in the UK after WW2!
Comment from : @Sigurd-r5

ofcourse it will be gone, the generation whos reaped the rewards of NI paying state pensions and doubled with raising house prices will have outgrown the system or be deep enough it wont touch them 28 and paid it since i was 19, fully not expecting a penny The most worrying thing about it is they are NOT pushing personal pensions enough
Comment from : @ethandj123456789

So In 2050 Racheal from accounts will be bleating 🐑 on about an extra 32 billion pounds black hole 🕳️ spent on state pensions , paid tho the very people who have contributed to the state pension over the last 50 yearsbrI for one would give up the state pension if they didn’t tax my private pension A bit like Starmers pension
Comment from : @MrTpain1945

Theiving b@st@rsa, it's disgusting I've paid 30 years
Comment from : @jimspencer3072

Lol not happening Pensioners have sucked it all up and made it unaffordable for the UK
Comment from : @polarisnorth4875

Typical Labour picking on the hard working vulnerable older people , there must be a legal challenge to this potential Robbery
Comment from : @davidcollins1323

One of the lowest pensions in Europe , the lack of people working and not contributing to National insurance as well as people bleeding the benefits system dry who don’t need it , the main problem has never been the grafters who have paid into the system in previous years but Bad management from consecutive Governments
Comment from : @davidcollins1323

To be fair if you don't have to pay rent and council tax wasn't daylight robbery you could live off a pension (Yes I know what council tax pays for)
Comment from : @chester6343

What a load of rubbish it’s time to look at how we run society there are 166 billionaires in UK and to put my common sense assessment into perspective recently Government were talking about putting 1 billion into social housing and homelessness and the combined wealth of those 166 super rich people is over 900 billion This is madness and I rest my case the solution in part is obvious
Comment from : @jimleishman8599

Comment from : @Steven-c9j

Make you fear for the future so we all accpeted the ending of the triple-lock This 5 years will be so long
Comment from : @chips1889

Surely you don't want to retire aged nearly 70 anyway ?
Comment from : @andrewbrazier9664

Margaret Thatcher told us to ensure we save for a pension People are misguided to rely on a state pension
Comment from : @Sara987-x2x

Is there a way to opt out? Do I need a personal pension? Or should I just save money for my old age in a bank account? I’ve been trying to get more serious about my old age I’m 34 But the more I look into pensions, the more confused I’m getting
Comment from : @thejournalnook

People who pay nothing in , should get nothing out , including ileagal boat arrivals
Comment from : @knowbs2122

Why do aussies get full pension ,after doing 2yrs work in the UK
Comment from : @knowbs2122

I get the point about theres 25 more people get to retirement age but doesn't that just mean theres been at least 25 more people paying tax and NI to cover their costs? Not counting those that paid in and didnt make it to retirement age?
Comment from : @MoneyPitMotors1856

23 for the richest fifth is worrying, for the most richest, after retirement that's 3200, which sounds like a lot but remember people get taxed above the limit so it would be 2500 per pensioner? I'm not saying it's not a decent amount but that number is not as high as I would expect for someone considered 'wealthy'
Comment from : @assleepyassayu4619

Firstly stop the triple lock - it is making things worse brSecondly stop my pension - refund all my contributions and I will live off this I have paid so much over the years I doubt I will get it back
Comment from : @aficio698

I almost 70 and i have paid into the state pension all my life, its the money i paid in,the government think its a benefit The government would have preferred that i die before i claim any money back, our country is buggered
Comment from : @johnrobboe9103

Oh I've just been paying NI my whole life just like the benefits system, those who add to the pot don't get to benefit from it at all
Comment from : @HereForTheMusic-h5o

Spend £6B a year, to save £125B a yearbrbr£10k per child born into a global investment fund that's just left to compound could entirely replace the state pension It would cost about £B a year, or 06 of the national budget, but once that generation reaches retirement age and the fund starts being drawn down, we would see it save £7B in the first year, £14B in the second, and so on until the state pension is entirely funded by it, saving £125B a yearbrbrThe IFS might be smart, but your idea is better
Comment from : @JPEight

Yes we will say goodbye to labour government we will stop every penny out of country pay for no one that's not inputted to ukno dual citizen will get 100 but 50 only
Comment from : @joprocter4573

When state pensions were introduced the average life expectancy for a man was 58 so most people didnt get a pension Now the average life expectancy for a man is 79 so most people do get one We are living longer partly due to the NHS which they didnt have when state pensions were introduced We cant have everything and not expect to pay for it The state pension age should go up to 70, before that people should have paid into their own pensions State pensions should now only go up according to inflation and bin the triple lock Oh, by the way, I am in my late 50s and so it will impact me quite soon
Comment from : @erichalfbee503

Socialism is the worst thing to happen to humanity
Comment from : @fine9375

I agree with your assessment and the IFS recommendations Triple lock is not sustainable
Comment from : @FreshMountain_Snow

It's a benefit not like an insurance policy I am amazed at how many people do not join a scheme when working Margaret Thatcher told people to make provisions for their own old age
Comment from : @Sara987-x2x

sanctified theft is all it is
Comment from : @chriswolfe3988

Comment from : @freedom4639

Funny will be benefits bums and slags getting pension on their universal credits in the futurebrMan, without a financially responsible family and a house waiting for me in Portugal I don't know how I would handle this shit that lays aheadbrStill want to keep making a living in UK, buy a house and get full pension before packing, renting said house and leaving to my home country
Comment from : @carlos89784

Means testing makes sense but the first people to not receive it should be those that never contributed Its the working class that need it
Comment from : @jaspernewton1900

This was the best video you've ever donebrI've seen a few and don't think I've ever commented before I too am born late 80's, I too fear the state pension won't be there for me when I reach retirement, and I too would be really cheesed-off if me, saving, puts me above a threshold for future state pension means-testingbrThis video gave me optimism I would've never read that IFS report so thank you for digesting that and presenting it to me in such a clear and balanced way
Comment from : @nigelchristian5044

State pension Something the Boomer generation enjoys, every subsequent generation pays for but will never experience
Comment from : @trashman1358

If you know you’re going to not get state pension, don’t pay into it
Comment from : @rhiconic

Now that im fast approaching the big 40 It's astonishing the amount of young people who dont pay into a workplace pension brThis will be th lost generations that have no choice to work till they dropbrWPP didn't become a compulsory in and voluntary opt out scheme til i was in my mid 30s So essentially i lost out on a good 10 years brbrI keep telling them its the time you need not "ill pay more in later in life" attitudebrbrAt current levels my annual state and workplace pension would be about £14k Im currently struggling to make ends meet and i earn more than double that amount
Comment from : @86samsky

I dont see it going away Not unless the government got rid of benefits altogether, as population ages it becomes even more important and a vote winnerbrHowever, I think we need to start addressing people who just take from the system but have the capacity to either work or tighten up belts morebrWe are in a messed up system were workers get taxed and get less than people on benefits That should never be the case (Raising wages would be an easier shout)
Comment from : @kyrusinek

I'm oddly relieved that my recent prognosis of 7-12 years life expectancy makes this moot as i'll not live to see pension age anyway
Comment from : @GronkGames

Labour has never been the party for the working class
Comment from : @mickeyminime7556

Each pensioner requires 22 workers, going from 4m to 12m pensioners since the mid 90s, but only increasing the workers by 10m, means we need more workers, thats why reducing immigration will destroy the state pension
Comment from : @danneale1282

This is how political issues should be discussed and explained
Comment from : @benheffernan8500

I'll be dead before I get to use the damn thing
Comment from : @Scorecatron

You are completely failing to see that the cost of goods and services have massively out paced average income You even said yourself inflation is still higher than pension increase So your solution is to stop pension's increasing with still below inflation instead of increasing average salary Oh and we already have a form of means testing I've had 2 relatives had to sell their only home to pay for care as the system dictated 2 average people who have nothing left to leave there daughter when they pass because what they saved for all their life is gone I think you're ill informed or delusional on the problems pensioners face Bty we now live in a time when life expectancy is now in a decline maybe that will solve your problem instead of preventing wealth from flowing to the wealthy few
Comment from : @tushoo4938

GET A SIPP, one thing I realised years ago is state pension is worthless & they are legitimately stealing money out your pocket
Comment from : @lofilummy8062

If the government take this away, they need to pay the money out that we have funded via national insurance which you can check on government gatewaybrbrThey can’t just steal your money or there will be outrage
Comment from : @Jack13882

As long as the boat people and the royal family get their fair share, I’m not bothered about my pension
Comment from : @jasongroves6455

You will keep going, you will die at work in the future while you sit at a desk, holding a broom or while serving a customer, or while driving a bus That's the system currently being put in place by the greedy rich employers and the greedy rich politicians who claim for everything and are making sure they will get a pension themselves
Comment from : @led0073

As long as I get mine next year🤭
Comment from : @robertnorman4306

Means tested is fine, and youre gettign stuff back as soon as you pay in its not just once you retire
Comment from : @oneeyedwonderer6781

The Triple Lock is just playing catch-up for all the years the Pension was not increased, or increase was under inflation! The fact that the UK pension is 1/2 the French state pension, and a 1/4 of a Swiss state pension is nothing to be proud of!brbrMaybe if the Gov't paid our NI contributions into a Sovereign Pension Fund instead of spending the income and putting the payment of pensions burden on future tax payers, we wouldn't be in this situation!!!
Comment from : @CharlieHowardUK

The government created this problem by using contributions as current cashflow than saving it for when individuals retire
Comment from : @hairzilla

Rob from the poor,to fund war!
Comment from : @MrSkid1970

i won't get my state pension until i dieall i qualify for is benefitsi won't get state pension until it's too latei just get benefits insteadi did just as they said in the american films,go out and get what you're worth! being on four pence an hour,the going rate for morons ,is soul destroying and demoralisingi think that state benefits and pension should be raised to four and a half grand a weekit's about time that people like us came off the breadlinei've been on it since harold wilson used to smoke a pipe and shoot the breeze !
Comment from : @motormouthalmighty

So they up ni contribution to give us none of our money back on retirement, that renders ni just theft
Comment from : @odoggow8157

Don’t worry about it You don’t have to work in the UK you can claim Social Security and Universal Credit, even if you have not worked a day in your life Only mugs like most of the pensioners worked, paid all their dues and those stupid enough to save any money they could for their old age are spending all their savings on standing charges
Comment from : @elizabethmcandrew4985

Thanks, very useful and very reassuring
Comment from : @antenant9294

Fair enough but why nobody explain why?brGreed, greed, greedbrBillioners taking all the piebrThey need money for flying to the moon or having 50 cars or villa on every continentbrWhy wester media basing so much communism despite NHS is right from the communist playbook Why do they applying double standards?brBecause in communism you can only own one property Greed was bashed by communismbrAlso Old billioners (royals people who claims were chosen by god) are afraid of losing their power so they pay every penny to media regularly to destroy any political idea that would bring fairness
Comment from : @ConstructiveMinds100

Probably not, after years of Tory theft of National funds and massively over-inflated pay rises for the already super rich
Comment from : @TheRealRedAce

Sooner or later they will charge you for the waste thst comes out your bottom, and don't be suprised if they charge you for the air you breathe
Comment from : @mikelowrey7454

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