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Social Security Disability Claims Based on Adult ADD or ADHD

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Title :  Social Security Disability Claims Based on Adult ADD or ADHD
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Description Social Security Disability Claims Based on Adult ADD or ADHD

Comments Social Security Disability Claims Based on Adult ADD or ADHD

I have adult ADHD, depression, and epilepsy I have gone through many jobs but can no longer work full time I have current medical records and those dating back over a decade can you help me?
Comment from : @notkerrystolcenberg

It’s actually surprising to me that judges believe this when there is no scientific evidence proving that ADHD goes away with agebrbrIt’s actually quite the opposite There are way more studies out there saying that ADHD does not disappear with age and can get significantly worse if untreated as a child brbrSo I understand what you’re saying about the anxiety and depression because most likely someone who is not treated as a child is going to to develop these disorders brbrI’m speaking from experience I have SSDI and it’s not actually because of ADHD It’s for other health issues even related, but some of the issues that I’m actually receiving are directly caused by untreated ADHD and for me autism, I didn’t know about that until like a year ago either
Comment from : @breannapiscitelli3941

Who does 1 or 2 things at their job?
Comment from : @ambervictoria11

since when is a judge / lawyer a medical doctor???? YOU PEOPLE ARE DUMB AND SICK FOR THAT IS BULL CRAP YOU ALL KNOW IT !!FTL
Comment from : @cjjorge6636

So, basically judges feel they can ignore this category (passed into LAW), because they think ADD & ADHD are never disabling conditions 👌👍 Great It never occurs to them they are not neurologists?brbr[ok, rant over]
Comment from : @sfstucco

Hey I have adhd and I want to leave ssi how can i
Comment from : @Thirdeye188

ADHD doesn't just go away when you're an adult
Comment from : @urmomdotcom4039

In Canada ADHD is recognized as the disability that it is and benefits are given Americans are just assholes and that's all there is to it
Comment from : @swampsprite9

How typical! This country is full of corrupt so-called judges who have no right to make decisions over other people's lives!
Comment from : @leanderflathers5352

Depression/anxiety is often co-occurring as a result of untreated ADhDbrIt's a lot like having EVERY mental illness at once, and it's harder than many other mental "illnesses"brbrAre judges even educated or qualified on these conditions to rule fairly? I say NObrWOW, all hope for me just died
Comment from : @pariahmouse7794

What about if you have ADHD and speech delay
Comment from : @anaramon8033

That's ridiculous my whole life's been in struggle
Comment from : @8656737s

i just turned 50 and i figured im just beholden to suffer and struggle and thats that who the heck would believe me, i mean i can walk, talk, read and write squirrel
Comment from : @koaasst

Loss of executive function is a major disability and that is one of many parts of adhd… it doesn’t make sense that the frontal lobe of your brain losing executive function would go away for adults Why would that change? I am just learning what adhd is this week and I was so wrong in assuming it was a non issue I never took the time to understand what is was, until I realized I had it… It is very real and proven scientifically, not sure why it would be a disability if you are taking the right meds to help stop the dopamine leak We should raise awareness for adhd in adult women… I am sad my life could have been different if it was properly medicated…
Comment from : @hippiegypsygirl

You should re-edit your video A lot has happened in 9 years as far as adult adhd as a disability Or take it down It's not helpful and takes away from your credibility br Just my opinion as an adult with adhd and unable to work
Comment from : @latinzane

Thank you for this video I appreciate your angle And thank you for explaining that Debilitate me Although in my opinion you couldn't be further from the truth I hold hardly believe that adult ADD NAD HD Can interfere in somebody's life and work personal relationships, the law I'd like to change your thinking give me thirty minutes Just one phone call I'm gonna change your mind, and i'm gonna make you a powerful weapon All I ask is for thirty minutes and I challenge you just listen and engage for thirty minutes and open your mind I will convince you that you're able to advocate for others and fight for them After I break it down to you I'd like to never I can contact you sir Sincerely shantele calvert
Comment from : @shantelcalvert6788

Does this still apply in 2023???
Comment from : @Priva_C

ADHD is considerably worse in adulthood It's not something maturity can help control This video and judges are terribly abelist
Comment from : @Discordia5

I got distracted by your desktop Fun fact, if you google 4k Dual Monitor Desktop Backgrounds you get some really visually appealing options that span both screens It's much nicer than a repeated image I sure am glad I can pause videos Now back to what you were saying
Comment from : @SavageBear_YT

It's actually worse for adults
Comment from : @michaelportwood2450

Until we change how people see ADHD we won't be able to appropriately help those who have it ADHD is a disability The issue is that Judges need to be educated, their in actuate beliefs shouldn't be the reason a disabled person is denied benefits ADHD left untreated is what may actually cause someone to suffer from Major depressive and anxiety disorders Adhd makes you more likely to develops CPTSD Even obesity can be linked to ADHD Every aspect of your health can be negatively impacted by ADHD Forgetting appts or to follow up on referrals, to take medication ADHD makes it harder to create a consistent work out routine or redirect your actions towards future goals People with untreated ADHD are more likely to get in car accidents, become addicted to drugs, get arrested and go bankrupt But if we are more open to understanding what it really is, a neuro developmental disorder, not a behavioral issues we could easily and successful help these people learn to work around their symptoms But if we don't catch it early it creates long term persistent unproductive habits that become hard to alter over time
Comment from : @wjohnson1458

I’m 23 years old I have ADHD And epilepsy but I take medication however fortunately my seizures are frequent enough to cause severe harm I can’t seem to hold a job though Shit maybe I should become a judge😂
Comment from : @blakeflowers1197

I am 53 & have been diagnosed by specialists with ADHD, Bipolar 1 & Peripheral Neuropathy My phone court date is next month I am very nervous Any Suggestions?
Comment from : @ajiscool615

A good lawyer can easily show the scientific research and peer-reviewed papers, etc that show ADHD can be very disabling
Comment from : @markfrost2707

1 or 2 things? Smh what job is that?
Comment from : @No1SpL

Late diagnosis of adhd has completely ruined my life Developed anxiety & depression because of it It’s debilitating & I feel defeated most days I wouldn’t wish this feeling on anyone
Comment from : @SherryBerryXO

You need a better judge
Comment from : @masonmiranda4146

I have filled for disability, I have PTSD, Autism, ADHD, severe anxiety and started experiencing seizure(still working on a cause to make a diagnosis) does having multiple problems increase my chances of getting SSDI
Comment from : @rebeccarhymes4005

Hi as a medical personnel I tell my clients to always checkup on their family To know if they are okay But I didn't have enough time for mine and I didn't notice that my child had ADHD But I am greatful to Dr Iyhere on youtube for providing a lasting treatment for him I appreciate you sir
Comment from : @barbaroszeyd1903

I had a bit of both worlds my parents have been really supportive, I was diagnosed with ADHD around the age of 14 and my family took special care of me I became pampered but at school I couldn't make friends because I easily forgot their names When I turned 18 I was a loner no one wanted to talk to me anymore I became depressed But with the help of Dr Iyhere herbal mixtures on youtube I have been upgrading my social life
Comment from : @DADASHOW20

My ADHD symptoms always made me Akward in the eyes of my pairs, I have been gradually losing confidence in public, I look at mirrors and talk to myself People see me as weird But my elder bro bought me Dr Iyhere herbal medicine
Comment from : @fratkanat7812

The notion that kids have to juggle more than adults because of school subjects is wild brAdulthood is constant juggling, with all of life's various "subjects", ALL the responsibility, and all the consecuences of not being able to keep up as a kid, your parent or guardian handles a lot of the weight Sheesh
Comment from : @sorad5791

I have ADHD combined with generalized anxiety disorder with moderate hearing loss 55 in both ears with iga nephropathy stage two kidney disease with blood and protien slipping and stage two hypertension and chronic sinusitis and mild stenosis and degenerative disk disease with osephyte formation and irritable bowel syndrome Only 23 years old by the way
Comment from : @kylajohnston8429

You don’t need to be a attorney at all
Comment from : @bodyguard1646

What would you say about brPost traumatic stress disorder / ADHD / and previous problems with injuries cause by accident ?
Comment from : @christopherivester1225

Someone with autism and adhd like myself certainly is limited and discriminated against unintentionally by management working in a healthcare setting It sounds like judges are very ableist
Comment from : @GEN1CYBERTRON

No ADHD definitely stays in adults as well It can effect your decision making in adults, many adults can be very impulsive, also Adhd doesn’t go away as you get older Some have most symptoms as adult as well
Comment from : @marioCrespoColorado92

How about a IEP learning disabilities
Comment from : @cantwait5836

Thanks for your honesty at least Someday we'll all learn that disabilities that you can't see or put on a spreadsheet are real too!
Comment from : @patrickwalsh7717

Any new Supreme Court decisions supporting ADHD as a“Disability” in adulthood? I would like to know considering the fact that this Video is from 6 years ago — I don’t have access to a Law Library, or I would check myselfbr I also live in the 10th Circuit Any help would be appreciated!
Comment from : @johnathandoerty1021

What about learning disability
Comment from : @anthonyhines656

I had a learning disability when I was in 6 grade I was hit in the head with base ball, asi got older I lied on my job aploications saying  I went to 10 grade when I did not
Comment from : @benjaminmassie2978

Its good advice for sure, adhd can be torture when its hard to hold down a job and you don't have insurance to be treated for the condition I now realize ive dealt with the nonsense my whole life and nobody really gives a shit, they just look at you like you're worthless and or lazy, don't want to work, when you do work you're constantly reprimanded because you "don't listen" or "have a bad attitude" because for some reason we can't remember 30 things a manager rattles off in speed talking to do It's a great life
Comment from : @skoal22005

I have been going religiously to therapy and psychiatry for many years I have been very vocal about my ptsd,adhd,depression/anxiety I have stayed for the most part at one network to treat these past and on going issues My question is if i have all the diagnoses on paper and the proof the meds,therapy and psychiatry with years of issues with finding,gettingand keeping a job do i have a strong case and should i start the application process for soical security disability
Comment from : @dianef8933

What about if you have adhd and autism? I need help badly
Comment from : @LaurenMca

People with ADD are pretty much fucked We're 50 less likely to be able to hold a job and on average we make 33 less than other employees do with similar job titles when taking promotions and pay raises into account On top of that we pay to take medication to try to help with our disorder, further taking away money from our financial stability You'd hope you could turn to someone like this man for help but not only will the system tell you to fuck off, but he knows that's the case so he'll tell you to fuck off before it even gets to that point And you wonder why people with ADD suffer from depression
Comment from : @drogon2988

This sucks I am felling depressed and I am 34 weeks pageant thanks for the help My mom was tyring to get us SSI when we were younger but we couldn't trying again
Comment from : @alejandrapatterson9527

Ugh so I'm fucked I was diagnosed w depression and adhd
Comment from : @lovexx5633

why is it that dope fein's with a bad back get disability and all that other crap The people that are having a hard time functioning they don't qualify?
Comment from : @janetruzzo8127

Judges that make the call need to understand the significance of ADHD and it's effects in adults
Comment from : @squidwerd1981

My hearing is tomorrow I have thorough medical records and haven't missed a single doctor/counselor visit in two years I had my psychiatrist fill out the SSI functional capacity paperwork I had psych testing done by a neuro psychologist and she did a thorough write-up I had an APRN fill out a second functional capacity document last month I have two excellent testimonials My medical records feel pretty solidbrbrI was terminated from 2 jobs in the past 2 years I lost one job after 1 week, and the other job on the 3rd day I've lost every single job I have ever held my entire life directly as a result of mental illness And I am going to lose at my hearing tomorrow because ADHD isn't real
Comment from : @CabalBoone

Well this video filled me with so much hope NotbrI can not work anymore as ADHD is chronic and degenerative with no cure, and ineffective treatment, and my social security system in my country will force me to lose my house So I guess the only way is to do something to myself, to show I am suicidal, or do something that creates a disability, whether it is staring into the sun until I am blind, or finding some kind of poison that will debilitate me Seems the only way i can live without my government taking everything i've ever owned away from me I give up
Comment from : @kushantaiidan

ADD is an outdated term It is now all ADHD, but divided into subtypes There is ADHD-I for primarily Inattentive ADHD, ADHD Combined Type, and so on Medications DO help, but they're just part of the toolkit The patient needs to work to educate himself/herself about ADHD & how they can work with it the best brbrThe videos by Dr Russell Barkley here on YouTube are exceptional, as are the ADDitude magazine Experts PodcastsbrbrAlso, there isn't an ADHD for children and one for adults It is the same condition of the frontal cortex, it just PRESENTS differentlybrbrI'm telling ya, get properly treated and educate yourself about how to work WITH ADHD, and you'll find yourself with amazing creativity and abilities you never knew you had You'll make Mr Ginsberg and the SSDI judge incredibly envious lolbrbrYour brain isn't disabled or defective, it just works differentlybrbr-Proudly ADHD
Comment from : @mysnellvilleblog

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