Title | : | Complete GUIDE For Back Pain VA Disability Claims And MANY MORE Back Diagnosis |
Lasting | : | 4.24 |
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Views | : | 68 rb |
What should I do if my examiner didn't use protractor for back and knee mobility test should I wait for the exam results or call VA now and tell them Comment from : @GGOTOOM |
I appreciate the videos, but it seems The content creators I watch for disability claims assistance cater to Veterans who have already been discharged a while ago brbrHow does this affect you if you submitted a BDD claim for cervical, thoracolumbar, and sacral spine strains, didn't claim radiculopathy but it is explicitly stated multiple times in your STRs? Comment from : @Archritis |
What if I claimed thoracolumbar spine but not radiculopathy ? Will they still rate me for radiculopathy if I told them about numbness and tingling in my legs due to back pains ? (BDD Claim) Comment from : @olochris |
Have a general C&P exam this week Thanks for all of your content and advice Comment from : @BerzerkerBrotherhood-oo2kb |
so i have 10 rating for cervical strain, but after mri i have multiple bulged disks in my back do i claim radiculopathy of the lower back as a secondary to this? or lower lumbar spine? Comment from : @swaggerjacker110 |
The Crayon Hatted TheCIVIC is in full VA conquering Batman mode KAPOW! BANG! Joker: "We got a live one here!" Comment from : @alexdinero8284 |
can degenerative arthritis and lower lumbar strain receive separate ratings? Comment from : @tylerscott1288 |
Did not hear you bring up being rated considering flare ups You could be 20 percent, but during flare ups 40 percent Therefore rating should be 40 percent Comment from : @devildog_usmc9384 |
Working on this now Comment from : @SnoopDawg1963 |
Supposed to measure lol They didn't measure when I did mine and listed 75 degrees I feel stuck as to if I should call and request a new C&P or request my Dr do a DBQ and submit it with a supplemental Comment from : @ctragen5836 |
Im currently rated 40 percent for lower back I do have pain in my legs numbness cold feet tingling Its a terribly hard to move stand walking So many things i just can't do Comment from : @robertbailey116 |
How do you submit a Radiculopathy claim "upfront"? I'm already getting 20 for lumbar but a recent MRI shows bulging disk and I have all the Radiculopathy symptoms on both legs Comment from : @jayinla228 |
Cool video, if I'm appealing a current back pain percentage that doesn't have radiculopathy do I need to be diagnosed with it by a Dr? Or can I just claim it? I have a recent mri that shows bulging disk Comment from : @jayinla228 |
I had a C&P exam for my lower back this year while on active duty and my claim was denied I'm still in the appeal window and currently experiencing radiculopathy in both legs, can they add the radiculopathy during a second c&p for the appeal or do i need to file it seperately after service connection is granted for the lower back? Comment from : @edward751 |
Thanks for doing this Comment from : @protongenius701 |
I have a civilian Dr appointment next week I'll be telling him about my feet going numb and legs hurting from doing honor guard for 5 years Evidence, evidence, evidence Thank you for what you do Comment from : @alexisrivera202 |
I have submitted a claim for my lower back and waiting for my C&P exam My health records in the USAF show my service related injury However, now I have severe pain in the cervical area and x-rays showing this Should I submit the cervical issue before I get the back injury approval as service related My doctors also state Radiculopathy, should I put in for this too before I get the lower back service related? Comment from : @thomasl2193 |
"frozen in an unfavorable position" would scoliosis meet this definition and how is it claimed? Comment from : @edwardteach8028 |
My code is 5292 Does that mean I can't claim radiculopathy left and right? Comment from : @michaelbainbridge1795 |
what about if due to a service connected severe ankle injury and sprains over and over in a 30 year window from this initial ankle injury made you walk and work out of balance and this secondary posture problem cause arthritis in the entire back? Comment from : @QBDad18 |
Have you heard of claiming arthritis secondary to mental health before? Comment from : @casiebaker132 |
I had surgery for my back because I suffered severe pains which caused me not to be able to walk for a moment, thus, I ended up getting injections in my spine to help me with the pain I decided to have the surgery Now the VA only gives me a 20 rating even though I still suffer tremendous pains on my lower back and my neck I am fighting this claim because I feel I should have a higher rating Comment from : @AngeloCamacho-e6e |
I was just rated for DDD today 20, I felt that this was under what I am due and it did not move my disability up at all I was at 80 before, they gave me a 20 for DDD, and im still at 80 I filed for Radiicopathy instantly after I got the decision, and the examiner during the C&P exam even told me I needed to do this as I had it alsobrbrI wonder how likely I am to win my claim and will it move me up to 100? Comment from : @biggumstevens1784 |
VA diagnosed me with lumbar radiculopathy and therapy They have a copy of my surgeries Comment from : @redohe9508 |
Hey what do you mean by what you said with the degenerative arthritis my medical officer on my ship diagnosed me with degenerative arthritis for my lower back does that mean I can’t get rated for my back or? I’m also confused on the 1 year presumptive part thank you so much in advance I hope you can reply Comment from : @Kxngcjs |
Absolutely great valuable information Thank you for sharing! Comment from : @skipp8335 |
I got denied for my back pain claim even is on my military records and went to civilian orthopedics probably I’m out the service long time agovlike 10 years and I need nexus letter My back affects my hips I got surgery in my hips that never helped I can’t walk without using cane and my knee affected I went to my cp exam lije this walking using cane limping still denied my claim Probably I need to pay for nexus to help my claim You guys provide some nexus? Comment from : @rickkane8043 |
Need to get my 20s to 40s 😢 Comment from : @LuisRodriguez-tm1ld |
Dont higher a lawyer, they send you back through the machine Comment from : @Opulent_View |
How do I ask my doctor for a bed rest prescription? Comment from : @ReassuringSmile |
Can you use a chiropractor diagnosis? Comment from : @dakota-tank1 |
Is Radiculopathy Femoral Nerve and Radiculopathy Sciatic Nerve different from Radiculopathy Lower Extremities? Or are those 3 separate claims ? Comment from : @buckchaser312 |
I already have a rating for the cervical spine & rating for left & right arm radiculopathy to include c5/c6 nerve root, c7 nerve root, c8/t1 nerve roots Can my current issue cause lower back pain/ range of motion ? Comment from : @mingo7767 |
I had a c&p exam 6 months ago but still haven't gotten a decision This is a long time to wait is it something I can do to prompt a quicker response? Comment from : @bonafidesagG88 |
what if i didnt know what radiculopathy was in service and never complained ? but found out years later i had it whole time ? Comment from : @actionpackkooly4576 |
Had a 10 rating for Thoracolumbar Spine Strain since 2013 Filed for Bilateral Lumbar Radiculopathy Sciatica and the VA denied it saying the Lumbar Radiculopathy Sciatica was not related to the Thoracolumbar Spine, but instead Degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis I do have diagnosis of bulging discs, DDD and spinal stenosis, and I am not rated under IVDS At least I have never filed for that I do know my Thoracolumbar Spine was increased to 20 based on ROM for my last C&P After getting those C&P results, all the examiner stated was they (DDD, Spinal Stenosis, Radiculopathy was all service related) Any thoughts? Comment from : @royals1833 |
I was diagnosed with DDD, spondylolisthesis and herniated disk Had that rated almost 20yrs ago (2004) and had Complained about tingling in my legs and numbness They recently changed my rating to IVDS So no i won't get radiculopathy? Im so frustrated Comment from : @DrunknOdin |
Thanks, I have some of these and this helps Comment from : @jammaho4762 |
I was given a 10 rating for each Leg for mild/incomplete paralysis I never even told the C&P I had mild paralysis I told her I had moderately severe pain that shoots down both legs upon movement How can I get this appropriately rated? Comment from : @NJFireBuff |
Love your content I never see eye conditions/retina on these vids Comment from : @harryharry3193 |
Do I just lie and say my back hurts Even though my back is completely fine I just want extra money Comment from : @cuhhriss |
I have a herniated disc along with an annular tear of L5/S1 and spondylosis with radiating pain in lower legs I had 3 weeks of prescribed bed rest but that was it What would the VA rate me if the IVDS rating and ROM rating would both be 20? Comment from : @NJFireBuff |
If my forward flexion for lower back was 40 degrees but my combined range of motion was more than 120 will I get the 20 rating or 10? Comment from : @NJFireBuff |
I've had 19 spinal surgeries Full fusion It happened after I got out So would the VA give me any money? Honorable discharge Comment from : @MissilemanIII |
Currently working on getting my lower back stuff diagnosed Going to see a specialist in the future Lower back cartilage has been going away And i have pain shooting down both legs through my knees Hope i can get everything approved when i eventually take it to claims Comment from : @luistijerina1164 |
I'm rated 40 for DDS with degenerative arthritis ( lower back pain) Also, rated 20 for radiculopathy in each leg secondary to my DDS I'm waiting for a decision for my spinal stenosis Comment from : @TexasMade903 |
If you have a injury back pain ,keen pain, whatever and was never seen by a doctor while in the service How can someone claim that it's service connected I never hear anyone explain how to prove a injury pain whatever is service related if there's no record of it while serving in the militaryAlso if someone has been out of the Military over 20 years ,would the VA say why did you wait so long to file a claim Comment from : @RichardMctere |
so If I understand correctly you are talking to veterans who recently left the service Not us veterans who have been out for years Comment from : @RichardMctere |
About two years ago I went to the VA in the Bronx, NY and some doctor said to me that I have Scoliosis but it’s only mild And mild Arthritis Comment from : @Puertoricanmarriedtofilipina |
Thank you! I am preparing for my C&P exams Your content is helpful to me Comment from : @flyworldwide8961 |
Hey Clay, thanks for the info and helping your fellow veterans When will you come up with a video about the neck though? Thank you and semper fi! Comment from : @mpcb4375 |
All of 2023 just went down the drain i have been seeing doctors and even got nexus letter The letter clearly states my time in service and the inuries recieved from an IED blast is likely the cause of my servere back and radiculopathy pain brbrI have been medically discharged for nearly a decade now and this year i have put in so much time trying to get my back service connectedbrbrI finally had my c&p exam last week Spoke to my vso rep and he had informed me that the VA messed up Instead of the va filing my claim for direct service connection, they have filed it for "toxic exposure" and the c&p examiner states tha it is "less than likely" meaning we will have to send it up for appeal and start from the bottom because this claim will be denied never once had i or in my nexus letter mention ANYTHING about toxic exposure brbrI am just complete flabbergasted brbrI am feeling so defeated brbrHas anyone experience anything like this? If so What and how did you respond? Comment from : @ipwnu11b |
I had left arm ulnar nerve surgery I feel numbness and tingling as well as burning sensation down my legs and right arm Am I eligible to submit a claim for radiculopathy Comment from : @josevilla7829 |
I’m getting my evidence together for a back increase claim with chiropractor appointments, secure messaging logs of issues with my back for a couple months and neurology appointments I have an EMG in Jan via VA Health but should I just submit claim now and not even wait for the EMG test? Idk if both legs arms are going to tested anyways for the EMG test Comment from : @TheAnomaly21 |
I was denied lower lumber strain but in the denial letter va stated I have right side radiculopathy buldgimg disk and a pinch nerve All in my lower back I was thinking I could claim radiculopathy as a secondary to my service connected knee Is that a good move Comment from : @michaelprichett0617 |
For BDD claim folks, does the VA rake you over the coals for not revealing issues on your PHA while active duty? I know most hide issues until 12 months from retirement/ETSsome see their primary care for treatment, but don't reveal during PHA so the paperwork don't add up the STRs will show visits to PCM, but PHA questionnaire might look differentthx for the time and input Comment from : @TVK830 |
Question I just received my decision back Got 60 nerve damage, 50 mental health, I already had 20 for right ankle that was my service connection disability More secondary on that In my decision letter in bold letters it says You MAY NOT request a higher level review of a higher level decision issued by VA SO is that telling me that this review went all the way to the Higher level and they made the final decision Comment from : @jimmajetic8289 |
Random question but can you get Ch31 VR&E along with 9/11 GI bill BAH? Comment from : @Millirawk |
38 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) know it/love it!!!! Comment from : @hailefire8087 |
Does anybody know what secondary action required means for claims status Comment from : @willrobinson4976 |
What does this mean??Entitlement to individual unemployability is moot because your service-connected disability of insomnia disorder with persistent depressive disorder is evaluated as 100 percent disabling and no potential entitlement to an earlier effective date for a total disability evaluation based on a grant of individual unemployability is warranted by the evidence of record Comment from : @edcol8537 |
Takes alot to get dx for radiculopathy from VA Comment from : @richardhogeland8597 |
Do I need to have my doctors fill out a DBQ for each of my conditions since I just separated from active service? Comment from : @NJFireBuff |
👍🏼 Comment from : @marksday4936 |
Great guidance! Comment from : @cmoorebeezy |
yesbrReceived 100 August 2022 brFile to increase my ptsd Nov 2022 Granted the increase from 30 to 70 September 2023 I know my 100 will not go up, but back pay wise I should be entitled to the difference, 40 for 10 months Am I correct?? Comment from : @teeybannister |
Outstanding! To the point, no fluff I LOVE the introduction, which doesn't include your life history 😂 Comment from : @TheJetbreaker |
The value of your content is without measure and greatly appreciated Comment from : @chrisyates2434 |
Bigtime video boom😊 Comment from : @bigtime911 |
Excellent as always, what happens under #3 when the SM is wheelchair/mobile scooter bound 100 of the time? No gait can be given Comment from : @obxsocom |
Always providing us with the most factual and helpful information Keep doing god’s work brother! Comment from : @kidcudi4596 |
Yes you can get three rating for musculoskeletal conditions Range of motion, nerve pain, radiculopathy and for the the musculoskeletal itself I received three different rating I'm now waiting for a decision on my musculoskeletal conditions All of tis will help me towards a higher level of SMC level Comment from : @cassiuswilliams6633 |
I’ve kind of given up I had all the evidence but got denied Buddy of mine had squat in service and civilian and got 10 Comment from : @mkultravibes7763 |
Dont forget Urinary Frequency and Incontinence Thank You Brother You are becoming a huge source for me! Much Appreciated Comment from : @jimmie2349 |
100 spot on, as always Though Clay has mentioned this numerous times, make sure your C&P examiner uses a goniometer rather than guesswork, and ensure s/he does not use their hands to increase your ROM Thanks, Clay! Comment from : @scottmollette9483 |
Thank you for always providing new informative content 💥💥💥 Comment from : @keithshep |
No sound Comment from : @Redmann525 |
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