Title | : | 8 Ways To SAVE When You Live Alone-Saving Money with Frugal Living |
Lasting | : | 15.54 |
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Wait so your friend didn't pay her power bill, and was surprised when power got shut off? What did she think was gonna happen? Comment from : @damian8278 |
Thank you for this I am really going to need your advice now that I’m going to be single Comment from : @HomewithCheryl |
Thank you very much for some of the advice I’m doing a lot of it All I have left to pay off is my mortgage and I’m working on it thank you God is helping me too🙏🙏🙏 Comment from : @gracecole4096 |
If possible, use public transport and get rid of your car Comment from : @PatriciaQuevy |
I only spend $70 a month on eating out This saves a lot of money Comment from : @KLC777 |
Hi Kate, second time reviewing this for the inspiration Am doing better than last Spring & Summer 🎉😊🎉 Comment from : @JudithMcPheron-pb9lv |
Terrific 😮 Comment from : @shelbygreen8888 |
Yeah if im in my workplace I'm clocked in, doing my job Even 15 minutes Comment from : @kents2866 |
Would you please do a video with realistic ideas for kids/grandkids birthdays and holidays? I find these to be budget busters! Comment from : @HeLives1967 |
Great list! My husband and I do these types of things even as people who don't live alone Comment from : @renehoffman4343 |
I know you did not mean anything negative, but when you mentioned "clock in and clock out," we need to be careful to project a positive attitude, be a team player, offer an alternative, etc Young people starting in the workplace don't necessarily understand this and think only their needs/wants are important The continued life of the enterprise may require that employees take occasional turns at flexibility Certainly, ask about being paid and/or time off, and keep a good attitude, especially if you need to find a new job I very much respect my employees' time, and do not even want them to work unpaid time, but sometimes I need some flexibility from them--which I try to ask in advance, if possible Thanks for your excellent video! Comment from : @susananders3834 |
An older woman told me years ago to always earn my wage but never give your emplyer fully what you are capable of because they will always want more Now many years retired I always lived by her advice Comment from : @veronicwbrennan4002 |
It’s easier to save money as a single person You don’t have anyone draining your money from you People think you have money so you should give or spend it on them Comment from : @johnurban7333 |
I would of loved you to be my daughter dance teacher She loved to dance After she Senior in highschool she told me she wanted a different dance teacher Comment from : @tamihill4229 |
I talk myself out of things allllll the timelike I need to justify to myself why I want McDonald's for breakfast works for me Comment from : @lorimarable128 |
I am on a way to better finance Made 3 standing orders on a paycheck day: 1 Rent and utilities 2 Taxes and 3 Savings and it helps Comment from : @Erintii |
When you live alone, you are in control of everything There’s no excuse not to save When family visit, especially the grandchildren, lights are on in every room just because, water running full force just to brush their teeth, TVs on with no one watching, washer and dryer with a partial load When I live alone, I save, save, save and keep the expenses low Comment from : @ADR7707 |
Thank you!! I'm single, older, and live in Hawaii It's very expensive too! Comment from : @hapahaole9819 |
Love your ideas! So glad I found your channel! Love your personality too❤ Comment from : @reconstructingleslie4597 |
PUBLIX has BOGOs all the time You can look at their weekly flyer online or pick one up the week prior to the sale For instance, they usually have Arnold or Pepperidge Farm bread BOGO Someone's bacon Some type of frozen dessert mostly popsicles or ice cream I go there just for the BOGOs! Comment from : @KendrasBrain |
Saving something, really anything, will start to transform your life Comment from : @rkw2917 |
My car is now paid for It’s nice to save that $, but it’s so exhilarating to know I now have a buffer I’m retired and am all smiles Comment from : @pamelacallaway3922 |
You are so smart on that "work what you're paid for" I went overboard on all my jobs and guess what, never got any extra Worked my whole life and not much to show for it If you are willing to do 2 people's jobs, your boss is smart enough to not pay you extra Take that to heart Comment from : @karenharvey7197 |
I never saved money in my life until I got older Big mistake I love to sell stuff on the side hustle, so I started saving everything I made from these side hustles Sometimes it might have been 1200 and sometimes 20000 It was fun seeing how much I could save It's a great hobby Comment from : @karenharvey7197 |
Automate savings/investing as much as possible The less you have to manually do to make savings happen the more likely it is progress will be on a steady basis My checks direct deposit into my savings account and I have monthly scheduled transfers covering my normal monthly expenses, Roth IRA contribution, and brokerage account investments to the appropriate accounts I'm getting maximum interest and dollar cost averaging without having to do anything extra each month I only have to think about changes when contribution limits increase, I want to change the amount I am investing, or I have a large expense that needs an additional transfer to cover Comment from : @biblioholic7139 |
I would hope no one is working extra and not getting paid That is not right Comment from : @lateshachurney5965 |
This is a very good and helpful video I do a lot of these things but learned something new I only wish I followed a lot of them sooner😊 Comment from : @tracystokes6299 |
You are wonderful dear Katehelping all of us I just love to learn more at this late stage of my lifebecome a widow 3yrs back and was feeling lost but managed to get on the road againthanks to the most wonderful husband I had I have enough to live nit as before but still can do a very comfortable lifeand you my dear is what I neededenjoying all your videosbless you and your lovely boyat 68 it is a real experience to start living all alone but now I am managing wellI am Ramona on my late husband'sthanks once again for taking the time to help us all❤ I am from Srilankathis is not the 1st I wrote to you Comment from : @sheridankuruppu4670 |
One thing I would have loved to be reminded at the time was that I could put 10 extra a month on my mortgage and a certain amount every year Some times I had extra money (little but enough to make a difference at the end) The last year of my mortgage I did just that and realized I had wasted money no doing this before I would have loved to have a circle of friends to talk about that Now when I meet a younger woman I say NO coffee, no restaurant, keep your money and make it grow Comment from : @sylvievicenza179 |
Amazing video and I came to know that managing money is also a strategy and got it why poor remains poorbrHowever are you looking for video editor?brmoiz Comment from : @Drownizcom |
Great advice to only work at what you are paid for I have had my fingers burned by this And you are no better thought of by your managers, bosses, co workers, clientele, etc, etc, etc Basically human nature in general is to take, take, take and not think about you and how it impacts you and your health and well being And once you have depleted all your energy and have nothing valuable to give you are discarded like a piece of rubbish Know you worth, know your value and make sure you are not taken advantage of Comment from : @Briardie |
I have separate finances from my wife so other than the combined expenses, we each have our own money I do pay a little extra on the house so that we have 0 interest rate Comment from : @FIRE_DrNinjaTurtle |
I always thought I was horrible with money Turns out, the ex husband I sent back to his mom was the problem! Since we split up (25 yrs ago) I have more money as a single person than I ever did as part of a couple Who knew? (Not recommending divorce as a money fix but it turned out to be a bonus effect, LOL) Comment from : @sherrylewis9327 |
I use automatic savings the day afther payday, whats not avaleble can not be spend😉 Comment from : @pigletsbank437 |
You are so inspiring Thank you for making these videos 💕✨ Comment from : @vanessavaldez4366 |
I’m happy to know I’m already doing a lot of the things you mentioned! I have set amounts for savings each month but over the past few years I have gotten small pay raises at my job, so I still budget the same “minimum” paycheck amount I used to live off of, and save any extra That usually results in around $220-$230 a month that I automatically save in addition to my other savings just because I budget off of a lower paycheck amount Comment from : @mirandah123 |
I’m happy to know I’m already doing a lot of the things you mentioned! I have set amounts for savings each month but over the past few years I have gotten small pay raises at my job, so I still budget the same “minimum” paycheck amount I used to live off of, and save any extra That usually results in around $220-$230 a month that I automatically save in addition to my other savings just because I budget off of a lower paycheck amount Comment from : @mirandah123 |
You’re awesome This is the seious mindset I’m looking for! Let’s go!! Comment from : @TN-xi8rb |
Ahh Kate you are so wise! I like the single life theme Hugs to Kaden Comment from : @suebee1540 |
Just found your channel, love that we are the same age! Only thing is that I have been living with my head in the clouds, and relearning how to be an adult, ha! New subscriber Comment from : @BlackButterfly_79 |
I set aside $300 for my vacation to Vermont, and we leave to go back home tomorrow and i spent $20 under budget I put that $20 right into my savings Id say, a win is a win 😏 Comment from : @briellelynne4552 |
Awesome Comment from : @shelbygreen3404 |
Food Lion offers BOGO Comment from : @cynthiavineyard-brown482 |
Kate I love your content You are so helpful and amazing! Thank you! Comment from : @paulineaird5040 |
Good video First things first I am learning this principle now because I just moved and cannot afford everything I want right now Comment from : @fredswartley9778 |
Love living that you make less than you do!! Comment from : @jackiemcos1407 |
Great tips😊❤😊 When I use a coupon I save that amount in my HYSA I use lots of coupons or discounts so the savings grow quickly I stopped buying things just b/c of the discounts Lots of unnecessary spending Comment from : @catgodfrey6451 |
Excellent video and tips!!! Comment from : @stephanielitz5102 |
Hello thanx for sharing, this information brI just started living frugal six months ago, plus I started saving a small amount from my weekly paycheck brI find couponing helps me allot with saving Comment from : @tricci508 |
Great content Kate Thank you 🙏 I refuse to put on the heating in the summer no matter how chilly it gets When I get home from work I get into my bed with my two fur babies and my fleece blanket I also save €200 coins in a jar for small unexpected gifts I never spend more than €10 on birthdays except for my immediate family! Comment from : @clydare |
Our lovely choreographer dances with her hands! Beautiful! 💃🩰🕺💖 Comment from : @janetstraw191 |
My dad always said, "Pay yourself first" So from my first paycheck I saved 10 (or more) each pay period And, a little over a long time is a lot Dad would say, "You worked for the money, now get the money working for you" Later, I had the savings portion automatically transferred so I never had to touch it or think about it I still like to automate some habits to make them easy Later I wished I had saved 20 for retirement since not all work provides a pension It became like a game as I watched my savings grow I have some term deposits that are redeemable, so I can earn higher interest, but still have access to the funds should I happen to need them Get to know someone at your financial institution who can inform you about safe but profitable ways to help your money grow Comment from : @HoneyBee-pc3xi |
Happy frugal Friday, Kate! Love these single person videos you have been doing, because I have been single for about five or six years and they are very helpful! But, hopefully that will change and hopefully I find a Mrs Frugal cyborg! Lol! But enjoying these topics on living alone/single person videos you have been doing the last few weeks! Have an awesome frugal weekend, Kate! :-) BOOM! Comment from : @thefrugalcyborgmriii3531 |
Thanks! I'm in the home stretch of paying off last cc & car payments but I took your message about saving regularly to heart It's not going to hurt me to save $25 a week while paying off my debt and will add a cushion to my emergency fund I like the idea of saving a little until I can save more ❤ Comment from : @MsDoglover02 |
I can adamantly say that being single is actually more frugal than being married and trying to balance the wants of two people who don’t pull in the same direction Comment from : @kelleyspears1218 |
Couldn’t agree more with only working for what you are paid for I’ve put in 18 years of grueling work at a job I actually really love, but after being passed over for a promotion, I realized it’s not worth it Now the same supervisory job is open again and I’m almost certain I’m not going to apply It’s a raise, but at some point the stress just isn’t worth it And neither is the feeling of betrayal for being passed over the first time Comment from : @kelleyspears1218 |
I love your idea round up I do that when I balance my check book Now I have $200 so far for my buffer Comment from : @connielupe7984 |
💯 with everything you shared! I've learned and have implemented most everything you mentioned through the school of hard knocks and looking to Learn how to not be there again You are an awesome lady! Comment from : @truthseeker6370 |
Buy just what you need 😊 Comment from : @Angie-q9w |
Arnt we lycky were single Comment from : @KerryJames-l6z |
Happy Frugal Friday Kate ❤ I pause before making a purchase! And gentle on my self when I make a 'mistake' 💞🙏🌿🌷 Comment from : @kaitlinobrien243 |
My future me age 56 is to downsize our home live healthy peaceful happy life Comment from : @KerryJames-l6z |
I have 9 streams if income to Comment from : @KerryJames-l6z |
Dont go above and beyoynd they take advantage if your kindness Comment from : @KerryJames-l6z |
I am 55 years old single i take certain amount oyt of my pay put rest in savings wiek wirh that amount i used to be poor never again Comment from : @KerryJames-l6z |
When i receive intrest $4600 i prentend i made $900 and put money into savings and work with that money Comment from : @KerryJames-l6z |
Great and simple advice Kate Thank you 👍😊 Comment from : @Vmarigold |
I try to put 10000 weekly in savings gs Comment from : @traceydufault297 |
Great reminders, Kate! We got paid today, so I put the tips into practice right away! 😊 Comment from : @Crystal-il3jl |
Couple things I do…I have a written budget that has some fluctuations but the process is the same each month (I am paid monthly) I have direct deposit go into one account When I am paid, I automatically transfer a set amount of money into Savings I also have a separate account for my Sinking Funds so funds are transferred there every month too In the main account, all my fixed expenses come out of there Like you, I budget high Once I have the budget done and I know what my fixed expenses are, I take the remaining funds and move them to a separate account…this account is for household expenses such as food, gas and miscellaneous household expenses The expenses in the month can vary from month to month, but I always know the threshold amount and don’t go over it One other thing I do is keep a list of household staples and food staples I can easily update the lists when I run low on an item during the month so it is not forgotten by the time I get to the store Comment from : @stowie7733 |
Remainders YES Comment from : @Devie-tx8ri |
❤❤❤ Comment from : @kellykimball2099 |
Hi Kate! Thank you so much for all your wisdom and encouragement! brI’ve been on this financial journey since January of last year and I love the satisfaction I get from making these little changes consistently over time and seeing dramatic results!! Changing my habits around money is seriously awesome 🤩 I follow Dave Ramseys baby steps and I’m still paying off debt I’m so excited/anxious/CAN’T WAIT to start saving big time I’m always so tempted to take money that is above my margin and put in savings even though according to the baby steps I need to be putting every dime to debt I’m sure you can relate to that feeling! Do you have any advice or feedback for me? Thank you so so much! Rita Comment from : @ritaplatz5013 |
I like the tip with pretending you earn less money than you actually do ✌️ Comment from : @Kenya-hk2kt |
This is a great video Kate, it makes me think how can I add a revenue stream? I’ll keep thinking about it, but what I will do for sure is overestimate my bills and put the overage in to savings 😊 Comment from : @heathermoreland6015 |
Hi Kate I always pay a little extra on my bills every month, this way I’m in a credit so if one month I’m short one bill will be paid Thank you for everything you do for us Have a great weekend and say hi to Kaden ❤️ Comment from : @tonideluca8569 |
Love you Kate!!❤ Comment from : @Sasa-pm7jc |
Love the singles videos Over 50 years single and typically 50 take home to housing (high cost area) Commuting is my 2nd job Frugality and careful choices are essential, as well as having an emergency fund and planning for retirement Really enjoying moving toward simplicity and focusing on needs while working toward a life without high stress work Comment from : @Michelle-bw1xg |
I find myself increasingly motivated to save, as I am putting a portion of my paycheck directly into savings and I have a savings challenge (from the Budgeting Sisters) that I am coloring every time I have money moved I love seeing the page get fully colored and seeing my balance increase I don't know why I stopped doing this when I moved from VA to NJ, but I love getting back into the habit and flexing that muscle 🙂 Comment from : @lylagray9669 |
I absolutely pay myself first on payday Sinking funds and emergency fund get paid first I do a $5 challenge each year, saving each $5 bill I get back in my change This year I used the money from the $5 challenge as my spending money at WDW Comment from : @LorettaNance |
Do without Comment from : @raquelkutsch5600 |
Inflation is going through the roof, all prices are so high now I live in Indonesia, and I'm learning much from you Thank you so much Kate Comment from : @Ixoracraft |
💖💖💖 Comment from : @milda0820 |
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