Title | : | 39 Ways to Be *EFFORTLESSLY* Frugal | FRUGAL LIVING TIPS |
Lasting | : | 10.02 |
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Views | : | 177 rb |
My tip: Make a pantry and maintain it, don't buy new things I worked out what I liked to eat and bought enough ingredients to be able to make anything from my meal list When I shop every 1-2 weeks I only replace what I've used and don't add anything new to the mix As a bonus if something happens again on a global scale like C19, I have enough shelf stable food to last 2 months or morebrbrI also use my credit card like a debit card and never buy anything I can't afford to pay back right away, builds credit and keeps me out of debt Comment from : @Tuvix76 |
Being frugal is a necessity for me Comment from : @JohnSmith-qe6fb |
Keeping your home organized is an excellent suggestion 😀 Comment from : @TanyStella |
Storage tote bins are organized hoarding Comment from : @fredalkent |
Please keep in mind things that cannot be frugaled uponbrbr1 Your shoesbr2 Your Mattressbr3 Your annual dental reviewbr4 Your annual medical review Comment from : @xishan01 |
It’s so interesting how different moods trigger spending or eating habits! While some people spend when they’re sad, I’ve noticed I tend to splurge when I’m feeling excited or accomplished—like a little self-reward Lately, I’ve been trying to channel that energy into activities that don’t cost extra, like making a fancy homemade meal, having a dance session, or even just rewatching a favorite movie It helps me enjoy the moment without the guilt of overspending! 😊 Comment from : @FrugalLivingTip |
Helps to do curbside pickup too Comment from : @michelleshoffner7976 |
I love that you're able to give these quick tips so well without dragging on and losing our attention and interest Such a well organized video Comment from : @MatowakanSkinner |
Very good straight to the point thank you Comment from : @josephinetijahi3485 |
I've always lived close to the bone Now we're living in the marrow! Comment from : @pamelasmith514 |
This video reminded me, I need a new coffee cup 😂 Comment from : @MM-rd4wm |
These are excellent tips I also get my hair cuts from beauty schools There's an Aveda school near my house and haircuts are 19 dollars I've had the best hair cuts from the schools and their instructors monitor their work and fix any problems Comment from : @Cindy-vz7vk |
Definitely the best most REAL advice on you tube that I've seen thankyou Comment from : @karenslater3026 |
They are actually practical! Thank you I have hit subscribe button because I find your vdo useful Comment from : @nokpaengkhamlai5642 |
I actually started to sell my old crap to declutter and surprisingly, people bought my old crap Comment from : @kingston4313 |
Such wise, unique insights! ❤ Thank you so much for this beautiful video I learnt so much in such a short time! Comment from : @abil3696 |
So basically the stuff our folks did back in the day when they were ACTUALLY poor I ain't mad at it! Comment from : @Dearest_Kenyetta |
I'm definitely jumping on that frugal 🚂 Comment from : @Dearest_Kenyetta |
This is my model I buy something that is of quality so I don’t have to keep buying like house furniture for example I will buy something that will last at least 10 years maybe even more Comment from : @fatimamanneh9432 |
What did people do after the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009? Since we are headed into a deep recession, I would like to know what things people did to live off of almost nothing and got back on their feet Comment from : @SamSung-tw3vi |
Check out consignment shops in higher income areas for clothing and furniture brIf you’re small enough, shop for kids’ clothes and shoes brHave dinner at home, dessert/coffee in a restaurant, or vice versa brOther restaurant tips: brOrder plain water, but tip as though you paid for soda; brOrder a couple of appetizers in lieu of a dinner; brSave half your dinner at the start of your meal, for another meal;brIf you have a favorite dish, try recreating it at home Comment from : @HeronCoyote1234 |
Ahead of the anticipated sharp rise of prices (tariffs, anyone?), and out of necessity, I had to purchase three higher cost items However, I used a coupon for one (60 off prescription glasses, long overdue); got a $300 trade-in amount on a new iPhone, to replace my 4 yr old one; and got a $5000 rebate for my 10 yr old car (costing me too much in repairs), for a 2025 Toyota Corolla Hybrid (30mpg vs 50mpg) Comment from : @HeronCoyote1234 |
Nice, efficient and practical presentation too Comment from : @TheRmpost |
Great ideas - thanks! Comment from : @TheRmpost |
A lot of the cheap clothing items and footwear coming into our country has very unhealthy levels of toxic chemicals added in production that can make you sick Buy fewer but quality items that last! Comment from : @janetstonerook4552 |
Good idea's Comment from : @tiffanybittman7523 |
I almost always do Walmart pickup I average $40-50 a week If I go into Walmart, I spend $150😂 Comment from : @itsavideothing |
Wishing there was a minimalist website or Frugal website for dating😊 Comment from : @davidbrooks8809 |
An online Frugal group that sounds amazing what about me I'm a simple man looking for a woman something like me Comment from : @davidbrooks8809 |
Great Information thanks 😊😅 Comment from : @davidbrooks8809 |
I learned from an older lady about unplugging things when not using them, and I think it has really helped me Comment from : @candicefrost4561 |
I was raised to be frugal Recently I decided to go harder on my utility bill Better at using lights only when needed, and reduced thermostat to 60 Saved like 40 bucks Every bit counts now Comment from : @imanassole9421 |
Thank you for the good advice Comment from : @julietkeers2016 |
thanks, a couple I had not thought of 😏 Comment from : @anneard1674 |
I’m not poor but I want to travel the world Comment from : @mizubiart6230 |
Excellent tips thank you 😊 Comment from : @PigletSaysHello |
Excellent content Comment from : @user-pp3dl8id7r |
Straight to the point with no waffle, I love it Some youtubers talk to hear their own voices, so the fact that this video was just bullet point info is great Thank you Comment from : @ExLibris-Daisy-Alys |
Avoid Starbucks and other brand coffee shops Learn to make your own at home Great video! Comment from : @artistjjebsen |
Excellent ideas! Comment from : @lynnmcmain1965 |
As for fashion purchases, I’ve made a lifetime habit of purchasing high-quality goods second hand, and I built a side-hustle of re-selling those same items ( esp, handbags & vintagebr clothing) Comment from : @obietravels652 |
As for fashion purchases, I’ve made a lifetime habit of purchasing high-quality goods second hand, and I built a side-hustle of re-selling those same items ( esp, handbags & vintagebr clothing) Comment from : @obietravels652 |
That feeling of wanting to be more frugal go save money so you click on a video and realize everything they recomend you have been doing all your life😢 and still struggleing to meet bills etc everymonth Comment from : @Kim-eh2ov |
Tip #3: Shop when you're in a hurry (at approximately 0:51) To piggyback on this, because I am frequently guilty of wandering down every aisle in the supermarket and shopping when hungry, a coworker urged me to consider the curbside pickup option of grocery shopping He said it helps him save money because he can take inventory of what his family actually needs while he's in the house adding groceries to the online pick list I've tried it two or three times, and found it to be a useful way to keep the bill down Comment from : @williaml6922 |
if I had a dollar for every time she says "make an effort to", I would have at least two, which is not much, but considering the video said beffortlessly/b I'm not convincedbrbrgood points tho Comment from : @ClaraTorres-h1y |
Quiting smoking and drinking less alcohol did it for me! brShampoo is very expensive !,tooth paste and detergent!brEating out again is very expansive!brI still live with my parents I'm 28 I tried to open 2 businesses and failed miserably!brbrRight now I'm saving on everything like a mad man I had enough I will become a penny pincher if I have too Comment from : @MoiseDaniel |
a conservatorship financial laws Comment from : @AngelaVlahos |
I have had to change my buying habits due to my changing circumstances Now instead of buying expensive face creams, I use Astral, a basic cream for face and body I have had more compliments on my skin this last year than ever before Also now I have 3 cleaning products in spray bottles: one with vinegar, one with water and bleach and one with water, washing up liquid and a tab of bicarbonate soda These 3 bottles meet all my cleaning needs Comment from : @Milomuffin771 |
🤗 Comment from : @lindahebb4832 |
Just here to add: before your once-a-week visit to the grocery store, do a stock check (The first one will probably take the longest, so do it on a weekend) Write down what you have in the fridge, pantry, and any long-term food storage, so you know what foods you already have before you head to the store Comment from : @LaundryFaerie |
Hi mam, thanku about your video Whenever I go grocery shopping I make list, do approximate calculation n spend only in it I make full week menu n buy only those items which are to b cooked Online shopping I keep stuff in my cart n wait for two three days if I really need I buy otherwise I remove them from cart Comment from : @wayto3979 |
This is awesome! Thank you! Comment from : @Lis10er |
The Libby App is a fantastic option and most libraries participate Best part: when your ebook or audiobook is due, they just pull it from the app No late fees! Comment from : @slurricane_ |
Stop wearing so much makeup Most of that crap has ingredients that are slowly poisoning youbrbrBut not using paper towels? LOL! Honey, they're convenient Not using them for the rest of my life, the money I would save? Would be far less than a single month's rent The time and water cost involved in washing towels, not to mention their upfront cost or the fact they don't stay super absorbent for more than a year making you rebuy them? Won't save you anything We aren't mowing down rainforests - we utilize fast growing trees domestically, farm style, for paper And if your local community is suffering from a drought, maybe think twice about running your water unnecessarily for things a paper towel could have covered - like your cat throwing up Comment from : @_kyt_ |
Good advice Comment from : @colleen9511 |
I'm a pack rat, NOT a hoarder The difference is that a pack rat will give you what you need or want to borrow My son forgot he had to turn in a project next day It was late in evening when he remembered He said he had to make a homemade thermos I asked him what did he need? He said a large coffee can, a smaller coffee can, aluminum foil & cotton balls I had all items at home & clean cans with lids in garage He put it all together right away Turned it in the next day & got 100 on the project I reuse, recycle, give away, have garage sales, loan out (no charge), etc I'm constantly thinking of how to utilize items & not throw away You have so many useful other ideas, thank you✝️🙏🏼 Comment from : @emeraldc8796 |
I never shop with friends When I did twice before in my life we were looking at different items, areas and not at the same items I need time to think carefully, couldn't do it with friends laughing around me What a waste of time too and possibly money!!!! I rather cook delicious healthy food at home brbrNow I only buy from thrift stores very rarely Shoes I get new good quality ones very rarely brbr0 spend on beauty A cotton mitten and any soap keeps me glowing No money or time spend on creams that we are told we need in our western consumerism culturebrbrI never pay for extra luggage I have so many silk dresses I could fit 10s if I wanted to in a small space, but we only need few favorite items anyway Comment from : @ilektrakaratasiou3352 |
Value loaded Comment from : @Bonitalife16 |
Before going grocery shopping, decide what meals you will cook, make a list of what you don’t have Stick to the list when shopping You will not overspend and you’ll reduce food waste ❤ 🇨🇦 Comment from : @LibAlcock |
Two thoughts: library, big yes! and for those who don't know you can put a hold request on books and your library will notify you when it's available I keep an "I want to read list" (I tend to forget) and as I need another couple of books I'll put the title on holdbrbrand I wear a lot of black and for years have done a dye job on jeans and t-shirts every couple of years It's like magic! I did find that some recycled jean fabric, like from plastic bottles, fade quicker and DO NOT take and hold dye very wellbrbrand thrift stores!!! Comment from : @sarahdee374 |
Thank you for your tutorial I'm thankful for any inspiration ❤ Comment from : @MendeMaria-ej8bf |
Pick up that change on the street or at checkouts Keep a snack size ziplock to carry home to cleanThink of it as interest on a dollar you do not need to earn, declare or pay taxes on Or as a stock dividend It may be more than the bank pays Bigger change? Definitely🤑 Comment from : @ruthbowman5928 |
I started getting meal kits - I pay for what will be eaten, no waste, good quality, and no opportunity to browse around for what I don’t need Comment from : @mindinmybiscuits |
Smaller plates It was suggested as portion control, but you slowly change your mindset from being constantly hungry because the portion looks small on large plate to feeling full with smaller, because on smaller plate, the portion looks bigger, despite being the same portion and normal size portion I realized I was cooking less than before and didn't miss bigger portions and that portion control also helped to lessen grocery bills, because you waist less and stretch the food out for longer Comment from : @liisaelts7522 |
Bleaching for white clothes, although this may need a few more steps and practice because bleaching CAN ruin clothes when done incorrectly It's also a good idea to have a capsule wardrobe set up, especially for seasonal clothingbrbrOnce a week grocery shopping is also ideal for meals that have a lot of perishable foods, such as vegetables and fruits It'll force you to finish all these for the week, and still get some nutrients inbrbrOn travelling: Usually airbnbs and hotels already have toiletries available so you don't need to buy or bring them Helps with the liquid compliance in the luggage If you're going with a group and you all stay in one place, assign one to bring the common toiletries and share that with the group--such as toothpaste, shampoo, liquid soap, lotion, etc Comment from : @terribels |
There were some really good ideas here that aren’t on the usual list of frugal ways - such as having a separate email address for offers I hadn’t thought of that! I love your presenting style so I’m going to subscribe Comment from : @JehanineMelmoth |
Some really good advice here It's great that you get under the surface of how we overspend Don't throw anything away if you think you might want to buy it again is another thing Minimalism is code for waste and consume Comment from : @cathchirgwin3405 |
Very good video ✨✨ Comment from : @ayd5108 |
Thank you!🎉 Comment from : @jazzminelizabeth |
Shop alone was the best advice Comment from : @GoodVibes1997 |
Great advice! Comment from : @LR-ei5ej |
I love the tip about shopping when you are in a hurry Comment from : @jbrigman5033 |
I agree with all except one…shopping in a time crunch…I always spend more because I don’t spend the time to compare prices Comment from : @pamwalmsley1865 |
Greetings from Eire Buy cheap, buy twice A spending journal is eye opening Comment from : @MaryKane-qv5vz |
I also repurpose some of the envelopes from the mail to make grocery lists etc Comment from : @mjones1122 |
I use the grocery store flyers and a rubber spatula to clean or scrap pans before washing Simply take the scraper and run it around the pan, wipe the residue on the flyers and throw them away Saves your drains from getting clogged with food debris and grease, cuts down on water usage and repurposes the sale ads from the mail Comment from : @mjones1122 |
Cheap shoes take their toll on your body Quality shoes last longer and support your feet and entire body Comment from : @mjones1122 |
Excellent Comment from : @matildamaher111 |
That was so informative! I live in other country, but advice is great! Comment from : @katorina758 |
Really you want to save money Stop buying plastic bags Buy plastic containers To put your food in Saves alot of money Have a great day Comment from : @MarkGraham-rd5td |
One of the best videos I've watched on this subject, and I've seen many! Comment from : @yokeiseasy |
❤ Comment from : @blackfrugalchic6745 |
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