Title | : | Introduction to the Latin Language |
Lasting | : | 5.32 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 57 rb |
Damn I did not expect this, but I did need it I was just wondering to what end I was memorising verb conjugation tables when I didn't know what an imperfect tense was, this would be a good way to get that gem of context I need Comment from : @ElusiveEel |
in vino veritas Comment from : @virusfriendly9749 |
Is Latin spoken with tongue twisted just like the romance languages? Comment from : @josefrajkumarchalapaka6060 |
Gratias magister David Comment from : @jonelbalano9745 |
This gon be the biggest flex ever Comment from : @MajorPikapika |
3:48 in spoken Classical Latin you don’t make pauses between words, you pronounce all in one Comment from : @Imertdane |
These are all good reasons to study Latin! Yay ancient Greek and Roman philosophy! Comment from : @TheTypeWriters-kq4pb |
I know this is nit picky but in the US most people don’t know that the staff of Hermes (caduceus) is not a medical symbol Comment from : @robertberatheon4213 |
I took a latin class in 10th grade, I hated it but I liked the teacher which made it much better, I'm way more into the history of languages than I am actually learning them Comment from : @Kennephone |
why was the emoji a sixer😭 Comment from : @alipobanda |
As we learned in Stargate: SG1, everything sounds better in Latin Comment from : @YDV669 |
Why are 14 videos hidden in the latin playlist? Comment from : @mrrobot619 |
Got through 4 years of Latin at grammar school and have an "O" Level in it Wasn't a fan of it at the time but have been into all things Roman Empire for many years and appreciate that it is the language of the Empire, and it has caused me to have greater interest in it Comment from : @BruceBanner-eg8vs |
He knows a lot about the science stuff professor Dave explaines hhhhhhhhhuuuuuuu Comment from : @caramell33 |
💯💁✔️👍📽️🅱️📴🔚🌻🌸⭐ Comment from : @ZaheeruddinSaikh-ty7hi |
I'm doing this for biology 🙈 Comment from : @jenm1 |
Indeed, in my renewal of Latin, this little playlist will be important Thanks, Dave!brbrEcce in renovatione latinae hae lectiones magni momenti erunt Gratias tibi, Dave Comment from : @BFDT-4 |
So english is really a combination of Latin French and German Comment from : @recommendedforyou2936 |
"So, anfter AILL THAT, if you're not interested in Latin, best of luck in your future endeavors" br🤣🤣🤣 Comment from : @whendricso |
Dave, you are the best, please, now make a series on other languages, like French or german, please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Comment from : @lksr2095 |
I wanna learn Latin! I am so excited to see that Professor Dave is teaching it 😍 Comment from : @gailsphere |
As an aficionado of the Demonic and a delver of Kabbalah This is very helpful Comment from : @dragonmaster613 |
THANK YOU for the correct pronunciation of V! ❤ Comment from : @hectorserna7950 |
Just searched about angels and demons and stuff and this popped up in recommended lol Comment from : @lowliethxd1471 |
I haven’t watched Professor Dave in a while but I just found your Latin playlist As a linguistics nerd whose favorite language is Latin, I am ecstatic Comment from : @IanLong03 |
Let's drop Math and Science from high school and learn Latin instead Comment from : @Billy_Boozer |
cool content, but learning latin is absolutely not a shortcut) Comment from : @biglexica7339 |
i like these languages, i wonder if professor Dave is planting on doing languages like English, Spanish, or other languages though im sure hes really busy with making the political sciences course or something Comment from : @JamesHarkalis |
SALVE NOMEN MIHI EST LIAMVS Comment from : @Platypus69420 |
Out of all the languages Hebrew has got to be one of the easiest to learn, easier than Latin for sure Comment from : @321ssteeeeeve |
Some of those sayings are so similar to PortuguesebrbrOthers, you must do quite a stretch in linguistsbrbrLike alea iacta restbrbrTranslated as a sorte lançada estábrbrAlea existe in words like aleatório And iacta (throw) exists as jato (jet) which until 50 years ago still had a silent c JactobrbrBut the verb jatear nowadays means to throw very fast and continuously a substance (water, air, sand)brbrbrAleatoriedade jateada está Comment from : @rogeriopenna9014 |
I don't know any Latin, but I don't think it can be 100 systematically precise like mathbrbrIf it was, that would mean If could just learn every word and every grammar rule, I would sound 100 fluent and understandable, which is definitely not the case for other languages Comment from : @AhrixNova-b8x |
I appreciate your work I am so exited for this new series I was looking for a online latin course Thanks for this content❤ Comment from : @onbireleven |
Nice I was planning to learn Latin This comes at the right time Comment from : @bpa5721 |
If I want to use a power tool such as an electric drill, I do not need an engineering degree that will enable me to understand in great detail how such a tool is constructed and how it worksbrbrSimilarly if I want to understand word derivations I do not need to have a full-blown understanding of Latin I suffered 3 years of Latin at school, and was still unable to form a sentence in Latin, because it is a bizarre example of pointless heavyweight bureaucratic complexity, and I have no problem in understanding why it died outbrbrIt uses a stupid linguistic practice of piling layers of complexity into word-endings, for which it provides a large number of regular schemas (conjugations, declensions, etc) plus a bunch of essential irregular onesbrbrModern languages in Europe seem to me far less prone to that, and are therefore easier to learn, because we learn them as speakers whose native languages mostly do not use this practicebrbrLatin remains in use in naming species, but that is a rather simplified matter compared to being able to hold a conversation in LatinbrbrOne has to wonder how the average Roman spoke such a heavily overburdening language, and I suspect the truth is that the formal Latin we see on Roman monuments was that of an educated clerical classbrbrRather than teaching Latin specifically, what should be taught is an overall linguistic overview therefore also taking into account the other linguistic influences that together led to the mainstream European languages of todaybrbrI was never taught ANY of that at school, I had to guess, or read about it myself, and yet it adds whole dimensions to a subject that, restricted to Latin, falls flat and empty and boring beyond belief Comment from : @dakrontu |
Thanks for that I wanted to learn latin for the heck of it, but now I want for the way how logical it sounds Also, Latin should be broughtly taught since even in case of Polish, lots of modern polish words are "polished" latin words from 17th century We all speak Latin without knowing it Comment from : @Zyragonn |
Having a good grounding in Latin plus some Ancient Greek helped hugely when learning anatomy My favourite is “substantia gelatinosa” in the spinal cord It literally means “jellyish stuff” 😄 Comment from : @BoneySkylord |
Are you starting a Latin series? Comment from : @bugsbunny852 |
Really excited to learn Latin from an Italian-American who uses the restored classical pronounciation Italians have such a fitting way of pronouncing it How in depth do you plan on going with this? As much as your series on Italian? What happened to that by the way? Comment from : @mcalkis5771 |
' Opus valde pulchrum '👍 Comment from : @sonamtbhutia4953 |
Can't wait for this Thank you for your hard work Really looking forward to the whole series! Comment from : @yashsingh6508 |
"carpe diem" is bad latin Romans instead said "memento mori" Comment from : @bruceingalls7964 |
please contiue this series sir Comment from : @foodbadgersnew |
Iyay amyay ayay igpay andyay iyay enjoyedyay isthay ideovay! Comment from : @mikotagayuna8494 |
prostagma Comment from : @LAMARCAMUSICA |
When reading ancient texts, there will always be something lost to translation/interpretation How do you know the writer meant exactly what you think they meant? Is your red the same as their red? Comment from : @gabor6259 |
You are the best ❤️❤️❤️🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Comment from : @FilmaHD |
Hi Dave, would you recommend any text material to complement your latin course? Comment from : @URUT4U |
I learned latin at school and reached the highest certification available, and I think most of the arguments given in the video are BSbrbr1) If you want to learn romance languages, learn a romance language You get all the benefits of getting easier access to other romance languages, plus you already know one of them You know, one you can actually usebrbr2) While English was influenced by latin, the influence is pretty watered down For example, Latin is a highly inflected language while English is very much not Vocabulary can be learned much easier by just learning its use in the English language (which might differ from ancient use) I'm sure there are several books and websites on the topicbrbr3) Latin has a huge influence on technical terms, esp in medicine, but these are a) just a list of words and b) very uncommon in Latin I'm pretty sure the only medical terms I ever came across were the major body parts and major organs (arm, head, heart) Become fluent in Latin and you have 99 of the work still ahead of youbrbr4) Latin allows you to read Latin books in the original, of which there are probably 50 worthwhile even for hardcore enthusiasts (Side note: iBy far/i the best ancient book I know is written in Greek: Thukydides' History of the Peloponnesian War) On the other hand, France is the second-largest exporter of movies in the world, and there are probably some tens of thousands of books first published in French annuallybrbrLearn French (the movies alone are worth it), Spanish or Portoguese, or one of the other romance languages Comment from : @korbendallas5318 |
Can you please make a video on pam reynolds case ?? If any fellow atheist knows about it please clarify Comment from : @jitbarman7109 |
Well, this was fun! Thanks Dave Comment from : @jamiegallier2106 |
Idk if a linguist helped you with this, but some of the claims here about Latin having "better organized grammar" is not scientific All languages have perfectly organized grammar, and no one language is "better" than another at anything Calling Latin "more precise" or anything like that comes across just as badly as saying that energy can be good or bad Comment from : @ami_sunshine_dog |
There are over 100k untranslated surviving books in latin from 600-1850 about all kinds of subjects including history Comment from : @VampireSquirrel |
i've always had a vivid interest in both medicine and etymology, so Latin always felt like a warm friend to me ♥ Comment from : @HardToBeAPoopGod |
Please, moar I studied latin in high school and forgot almost all of it I want to remember it Comment from : @kiketb7747 |
Est mihi omne Graecum Comment from : @GaryGraham66 |
Latin is a dead language, brAs dead as dead can be,brIt killed the Romans, nowbrProfessor Dave is killing me Comment from : @milmex317th |
Professor Dave at this point is a modern day Da Vinci It’s inspiring how much he actually knows and teaches A true gift to the world! Comment from : @Joe-un1tl |
Hey! You said in another comment that you are responding to the "how science became unscientific" video, but haven't uploaded a response video yet Is it still being made? Comment from : @Naleksuh |
Hey! You said in another comment that you are responding to the "how science became unscientific" video, but haven't uploaded a response video yet Is it still being made? Comment from : @Naleksuh |
Vichi Veni, vidi, vii-vichi, vicentio, not vikentio English îs terrificfacile non fakilelike în changeuna hirundo non facit ver, not fakit Comment from : @ovidiulupu5575 |
Romanes eunt domus! Comment from : @tonymoto1188 |
Professor Dave is the GOAT Comment from : @sci1905 |
Latin may be structured and mathematical, but I can assure you its French derivative is not so at all LOL Comment from : @nabman_ |
I started learning Latin once But whenever I would practice, everyone around me started to freak out, acting like they saw a ghost, or like they thought I was demon-possessed or something So I stopped Comment from : @caribbeanman3379 |
Precise as it may be, is it phonetic though? Comment from : @manansampat6389 |
I am so excited! Learning Latin will make my philosophical studies much more rewarding! Comment from : @Existentialist-earthling52 |
Latín is a dead language is a circunstancial and latín born of Indoeuropean language no is the language of god lol😂 Comment from : @Benito-lr8mz |
How did Romans name Bacterium without being aware of their existence?br🤔brAdd Bacterium to translator - you'll be told it's EnglishbrRequest Latin translation - you'll get Bacterium 🙄 Comment from : @briankane6547 |
YOU call it Latn, brWE call it Latin Comment from : @briankane6547 |
I look forward to this series! Going into nursing, the ability to understand even a little Latin is a massive boost Comment from : @Jrockilla137 |
Yay🎉 I have also wanted to learn about Latin language Comment from : @betsyfriend9995 |
Hi Professor Dave happy Friday Comment from : @henryelicker2403 |
I've been trying to learn German on my own for years I wonder if this will help with that? Looking forward to more Latin lessons! 🎓 Comment from : @andrewjones6693 |
this guy literally knows everything Comment from : @zrzx999 |
Sussus Amogus 🗿 Comment from : @Massimo20-zj1qy |
wow you actually managed to persuade me to learn latin i had no intention of doing it before clicking Comment from : @adoq |
4:05 That was wonderful! Id est, hearing an american say the motto of the country properly😂😊 Comment from : @martinnyberg71 |
I’m now in my 5th year of taking Latin and Greek and I’d say I’m very experienced by now, but still, translating original Latin texts is very difficult Saying that you will be able to read philosophy and other Latin texts like a book is not realistic at all, and only people who have studied it for years can read Latin ‘fluently’ I still love Latin, but I think it is hard to properly teach it on youtube, since years are needed to build up the experience Not to say I don’t like your idea, because teaching everyone the basics of the Latin grammar is such a good initiative! Looking forward to see how these lessons will turn out! Comment from : @thois_ |
Is learning Latin as the first romance language really a good idea? For granted, if you are interested in studying ancient history or if you are interested in becoming a catholic priest But wouldn't it otherwise be better to spend the time learning one of the current romance languages instead? Learning one also gives you a head start if you wish to add another one All the examples in Latin from the video can be understood perfectly if you have Italian or Spanish What about teaching Interlingua? Anyway, I will stay tuned for the Latin course You, teaching Italian 🇮🇹 before was great and helpful for me Comment from : @ron74 |
Excited to learn Latin Comment from : @YoungJackRack |
NO WAAAAY 😱 This is a series I'll watch through the whole thing, please be exhaustive! Will you teach us grammar etc too? Comment from : @thomasbellerive7382 |
Please tell me you're working with @Polymathy on this Comment from : @greyfade |
Yes! Thank you Dave, I'm really excited for this series! I was meaning to study some Latin and improve my Italian Comment from : @ronen44444447 |
Letss goo , i was always fond of learning latin!! Comment from : @abulebissleepy |
Stoked to see a language video:brOne minor caveat: this was a missed opportunity to bring up the difference between a “dead” language (like Latin) and an “extinct” language (like Hittite) Comment from : @NcxX-c8f |
My experience in understanding grammar is similar, yet very different I took German, and it helped me understand what they were trying to teach me in English classes It also helped me understand and appreciate the aspects of Old English that remain in the language Comment from : @mjjoe76 |
This is awesome! 👏 Comment from : @Alexis-ey4kp |
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