Title | : | How Do You Handle People That Ask For Money? |
Lasting | : | 4.10 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 14 rb |
u dont helping them they want use u Comment from : @datobachilava3111 |
I don't give money anymore More than half my income is taken by taxes so the programs that are supposed to be paid for with taxes can handle it Comment from : @jbrice60 |
theres this guy i never meet in real life trying get money out of me some i never meet in real life what can i do Comment from : @Jacqueline-l8p |
I have this ex-girlfriend that was asking me for money every time I turned around I even told her that I had spent $78500 on car insurance $40000 on rent and $90294 on fixing my boat I even told her I cannot give her any money at this time That still didn't stop her asking me for money So when she asked me for money for groceries did I do the right thing not responding? Comment from : @davros123ify |
Those people that do that near places like Walmart are hired to do this Comment from : @davros123ify |
hello why my daughter keeps asking me for money please let me know kind regards I'm looking forward to your reply kind regards? Comment from : @Williamadlam1 |
Show me the bill you claim you’re behind on Comment from : @tommyparkerparker |
I'm done with lending people money! they never stop asking! so annoying As if I don't have responsibilities In my life enough is enough Comment from : @mariac6280 |
I think you should give them money whenever you can without putting yourself in the negative Comment from : @JacobLouis |
No giving money to people Comment from : @ibrahimissiakou5094 |
I tried pan handling twice, I was living in a shelter, and I spent 8 years in that shelter trust me, the government provides the basics it is up to you to get the rest I felt bad; those two times and never ask strangers again for their money, in time, I got on my feet, my own place, food, and money You have to try! Comment from : @jacquelinerobinson3853 |
Tell them to F - OFF with and mean when you say it! Comment from : @davidwirth2716 |
In my family mostly my mom's side, their brothers keep asking cash for me I just tell them that i don't work Comment from : @Wada_D |
I have to quote Rand on this one:brbrDo not hide behind such superficialities as whether you should or should not give a dime to a beggar That is not the issue The issue is whether you do or do not have the right to exist without giving him that dime The issue is whether you must keep buying your life, dime by dime, from any beggar who might choose to approach you The issue is whether the need of others is the first mortgage on your life and the moral purpose of your existence The issue is whether man is to be regarded as a sacrificial animal Any man of self-esteem will answer: “No” Altruism says: “Yes” Comment from : @MrCardinal1965 |
I get very anxious when ppl approach me asking for money Desperate people do irrational things Lotta people on drugs or need their fix I always struggle with this topic because I feel like in a sense they’re robbing you of whatever money you give them by taking advantage of your kindness The idea that ANYONE at anytime has SPARE money is crazy I have a great job and still pretty much live paycheck to paycheck what is this SPARE money people speak of? Comment from : @kylerocket4904 |
From my experience, the best way to weed out people who genuinely need help vs not is to buy the food I generally have no issues buying someone a meal (if I have the funds), and the people that ask for something to eat are the ones who are genuinely appreciative of the gesture, and I am happy to help I have also encountered the ones here and there that have responded with less than gratitude when they ask for food, I went out of my way to buy them food, and they're like, "oh" I avoid those people afterwards Comment from : @alexnightray5004 |
I have been scammed too many times in my life as a teenager that I don’t trust anyone asking me for money Comment from : @oliverhakim414 |
NEVER GIVE Comment from : @Blacksmith1959 |
I had experience like that too and I gave 20 dollars because that's my only cash on my packet and she told me that she had to pay for food Comment from : @najchoicel7mg517 |
I don't give them anything Comment from : @denisegaskin57 |
I don't give them any money at all Comment from : @denisegaskin57 |
We need to find the root of the problem By trying to fix that we helped millions One solution is 'assistance from government', and after that let no one on the street or begging At the same time trying to put them to work Comment from : @lirishahu5154 |
I just want to point out that being a christian doesnt automatically make you a good person Comment from : @dannyd1098 |
Dear mam,brMy name is haleem ur rahman khan,i am from India,basically i am from technical background,i am looking for a job from long time,but i didnot get any job,i lost my job 35 years back,i am a Mec Autocad draughtsmanbrbrDue to carona virus now situation is more bad,brbri have a family two daughters & my wife,can you help me financially,i want to start one small poultry farm,i need some capital,if you help me finacially,i can easily start my poultry farmbrbrkindly guide me how can i came out from financial crisesbrbrThanks,brHALEEM UR RAHMAN KHANbrCON NO/WHATSUP NO-00917300741555bremail- khanfuture7@gmailcom Comment from : @rahmankhan-fv3yu |
I feel exactly same as you, that's why I was looking for videos on this brI never give them money, but at the same time feeling sorry for them It's just such a huge confusion when it comes to this topic My parents used to say that the ones, who are able to work, should go to work instead of begging and to those, who are ill and use their illnesses as "show offs" (not sure how that might be called, but you get it) , our money will NOT bring the health back So basically it is a question, if we are actually helping those people by giving them money? Comment from : @mildadreyer |
Your $5 didn't do anything to improve and change that guy's life I get more elaborate panhandlers than that I get women with elaborate stories or they send their child with the long story As if I have Social Services written on my damn forehead Comment from : @RichardBlack1865 |
God bless you Comment from : @LifeJourneyaboveandbeneath |
This guy is unfortunately STUPID lol Comment from : @mrgoodliffeeqrcode |
This is a tough one for me too If someone approaches me and asks for money, I will give them money In Luke 6:30 on the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says to give to everyone who begs from you, so I take Him at His Word If they are just standing or sitting on the side of the road holding a sign, I usually don't give anything to them unless there is a nudge from the Holy Spirit to do so Comment from : @chiptunebrandon |
Multiple times I've been approached by homeless people i offer them food but they reject it and only want cash If i do give them the cash i lateron feel bad because i ask myself: they say that they're hungry but wount accept it is i buy them food or straight up give them the food i brought with mebrbrAfter this has happend a couple of times i just straightup say: no, i cant help youbrbrSometimes when i do this i hear them mumble something like: fuck you or asshole When this happens i feel happy i did not help them Comment from : @doodo535 |
I will say,I DONT CARE Comment from : @christopherpaul2544 |
My problem with isn’t those people asking for money it is family always asking for money I’m thinking of moving to another state and changing my phone number Comment from : @ste1wartws |
Good deeds go a long way That's why it's called the gift of giving when you give from your heart you will be rewarded many times over Our rewards in life are in exact proportion to our contribution Comment from : @jacquelinemanzano9328 |
I’m a Christian and I believe that if you don’t work you don’t eatbr2 Thessalonians 3:10brNew International VersionbrFor even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat" Comment from : @thereisnopandemic |
I have offered food to people at fast food or even my own lunch,but never once have they ever took me up In fact they say no they want cash Comment from : @nana6-1 |
They want money ultimately, and to me it doesn't matter what they do with it it's helping someone in need If you have it help that simple!!! Comment from : @stevensanchez8230 |
Give to organizations that actually help those who are really looking for the help Comment from : @therock1232100 |
I give nothing to moochers Comment from : @markaustin1849 |
I always give I feel bad when I have to spare $ and a job! But funny thing today I needed just ten more cents to fill a water container at the store Didn’t have a loose change in my car and the machine did not take debit cards After two people did told me they did not have change I just went home It’s hard to ask for even $10 I can’t imagine what these homeless people go through Comment from : @Jonesailicia |
I would say if you don’t have it, don’t spend it or if you don’t have enough just work another jobvery simple Comment from : @tonykaewmanee5348 |
I think that there are laisy people every were but those guys specially the young and strong they have all the possibility to be doing inlegal stuff to get their money herthing people but they chose to just ask for the money I thing we sure helpin them no mether what and those who still just ask for ! Comment from : @robertoluna8386 |
Static-X HELL YEAH! Comment from : @MetalMan2k |
We r the samei grew up with nothing,so whenever i saw people asking money i feel pity for themi givebut alsoit made me thinkeven one timei saw an old man roaming around in mcdonaldslooking at people while sipping a mcdo coffee i thinkhe passed by on me and i looked at himi have fries,burger and cokethe way he looked,i dont know,i handed him my burger and he took it and sat in one tableafter i finished my fries i gave him my coke as i didnt drink iton my way homei was thinking i shud have given him casheven just a littlehayyyyif only i have moneyi want to help😔 Comment from : @lorieanosa149 |
What u will do if whole lot of people do brainwash and pass numbers like 10,20,25,30 from time to time How to do the reaction If u want to contact me and give your blessings to me plz contact me in whatsapp in this number 00918420109627 Comment from : @sandysandy967 |
I just tell them I dont carry cash with me, sorry Comment from : @CounterSurveillance25 |
Instead of money provide food directly Comment from : @nageshw113 |
9/10 someone asks you for money they do not plan on paying you back, and also 8/10 times I’ve ever been asked has been from strangers The last time I was helping a friend was my roommate in college $500 and buying his groceries later he got some niggas to rob me and him so he could get some of the cash from my TVs and laptops to buy drugs Nowadays I will gladly tell someone to fuck off if they mention money I’m not a damn bank so don’t treat me like one I’m a fuckin human just like you, only difference is I work hard for my dough Comment from : @djscuffedjays5155 |
Some use for drugs, don't have to let people take advantage of your kindness Comment from : @queenoflasvegas |
Good videoI personally prefer to give money to friends and relatives who I know and trust based off consistent positive interactions or for their birthdays/graduations When it comes to people I don't know in need of money I usually donate to a reputable charity center like for those who give to victims of recent natural disasters or to those struggling to survive in 3rd world countries Anybody who claims they need money just ain't gonna get it from me that easily, cause yeah some will spend it on alcohol, weed, cigarettes, and some other item they should have Get to know someone 1st before asking 4 financial assistance Comment from : @bracebrooks967 |
I'll buy them food but no money Comment from : @MrUfojunkiedavid |
I would give it if I could, but, like you, I normally don't carry cash Comment from : @novelist99 |
Just go to a store, buy 50 cent bag of chips, and give it to them Comment from : @Hispano_1 |
Would this guy have given you money if you had asked him?? I think not 😉 why roll down your window for a stranger?? What about your safety? Seriously dont give money to anyone Comment from : @ajayjackson7727 |
Im getting asked for money by people and im tired of its been happening to me constantly Im trying to get it to stop im so frustrated from it how do i get it stop Comment from : @lisawalter6611 |
You simple has to say this really fast exactly " I ain't got no money man I'm broke " That ends the conversation Comment from : @dynasty4851 |
i dont give or lian money Comment from : @syscoby226 |
These ppl will ask the next driver who park there Comment from : @liveyea |
I agree with you about the struggle about what to do and I also rarely carry cash However, the church that I attend has a wonderful alms department that helps as many people as financially possible each month Those people are vetted, only allowed to be given help once every 6 months (in order to help as many families as we can) and are NEVER given cash If they need gas money to get to work or the store, we follow them to the gas station to fill their tank If they need grocery money, we have people who go to the store with them and help them shop (even offering suggestions along the way to help stretch their money as far as possible) Because of that, I give my church donations directly to the alms department My church is financially stable enough that I don't tithe to the general fund, just to them That way I know I was able to help someone in some way and yet it removes the burden of deciding who really deserves the money Comment from : @stephenhill3011 |
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