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Comment from : @MichaelBordenaro

I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
Comment from : @EliaszPass

EBD isn’t going to pay for grocery delivery Uber may be setting up deals with grocery partners If your a single parent having your groceries delivered it means you don’t have to rush to the store with the kids, come home to bathe them and feed them before bed and make sure they have their homework done If Uber is willing to help them out, what’s the problem?!
Comment from : @Lilo-A

You have so much energy Hard to believe you are 65!
Comment from : @justhere3794

I saved $2 million for retirement I learn it from Trump back in 1987
Comment from : @lanuiiohu

I I beg to differ with you if your house is paid for and you’re making $23,000 a year yeah it’s not great but all that person has the cover as utilities, food and supplemental health if you have it… it can be done
Comment from : @ericpalmer2754

@Michael There are single moms who benefit from delivery service If Snap won't pay for a delivery charge, the recipient benefits Plus, consider that Snap benefits are very low You won't go far if you use Uber eats often I'm conservative, but I know people using Snap, and they are not benefitting much Just enough to live on Our tax dollars are not being wasted
Comment from : @mickael4044

80 is the new 60
Comment from : @MarySonatore

Perhaps Elon can take care if that SNAP grocery delivery…
Comment from : @janaromeo6491

Amazing videos Well over 200k views You can see in the shadow that he shoots on his phone He does minimal edits to eliminate dead spots He does have his thoughts together to talk along pretty quickly
Comment from : @thewayidoit8895

Move to Thailand or the Philippines
Comment from : @alskypearson9716

You are very good at talking, which means you have Lingustic intelligence
Comment from : @mine1685

I got stage 4 cancer so now what??
Comment from : @GuyzLikeMe

I was broke at 65brStarted a savings planbrI reckon I'll be a millionaire when I'm 105brNever too late to savebr😂
Comment from : @grahamstewart615

What if a person receiving snap benefits is retired and disabled? Does that make them “lazy”?
Comment from : @andreajohn-clemons6763

I'm going to get $925 a month at 62 and live like a queen in another country I have a lot more saved, but I want to see if it's doable
Comment from : @AR-ln7ln

Move to Southeast Asia is an option You have to be ok with not seeing you friends or family Move in with relatives is another option There are government subsidies you cant apply for
Comment from : @Edward-Norton

I don't understand why people who have it made for a comfortable retirement or are already comfortably retired are watching this video and boasting about their sound decisions 😮
Comment from : @Eileen49654

How can someone making $175K a year not have any savings? And who has a $500K house if they have no savings? These videos are absurd
Comment from : @HALWG51

or retire outside the US
Comment from : @PeterDavila-mx9ni

Whoa man, ease up on the judginess: You are clearly in good, walkable health, but SNAP benefits used by homebound Seniors or people with disabled children that make it hard to go out to a crowded store, may need to have groceries delivered
Comment from : @RawMilkLover

It is not how much money you make … it’s about how much you hang on to!
Comment from : @funguy4utube

Often time downsizing seems impossible because we have so much stuff How to get rid of it all? We don’t own our stuff … our stuff owns us
Comment from : @funguy4utube

Hopefully Biden signs The SS Fairness act That is a game change dor many
Comment from : @blaq7892

they can forget about retirementthey'll have to work until they die
Comment from : @baxtermason6909

72 year old and still doing 70 hour work weeks at jimmy johns and I love the hustle Best shape of my life right now
Comment from : @maui8086

73 years old over here Best shape of my life and doing roofing for a side hustle Doing 60 - 70 hour weeks still Hard work I’ll see my kids in my 80’s when maybe I retire but having too much fun 💪
Comment from : @maui8086

I have a question for anybody out there I have two pensions Social Security rental income from my house in another state I currently owe $28,000 on my house Should I continue to pay double my payments until my house is paid for every month which I can do? Or pay it off? I have a small 401(k) that I can pull money from to pay it off if I want tobrI’m thinking of doing that when I get it down to 10000?
Comment from : @dormandavis2767

I have been retired now for five years I’m drawing two pensions Social Security and I have a small IRA To me retirement is boring I gotta have a hobby or volunteer or find a part-time job
Comment from : @dormandavis2767

Hi, Michael! I have just become a subscriber, and I LOVE your videos! - you are keeping it real! Okay, well, I'm in my 60's have do have some savings but I just don't know if it's enough I am watching my finances, but things are so expensive, these days I do not have debt - but I still worry
Comment from : @MzEula

Sell the Vette
Comment from : @angelo_giachetti

Looking into overseas living a little reluctant, but the writing is on the wall and I can live very well than here in America Sad to say
Comment from : @DraganB52

Some elderly people are in Snap It may be hard for them physically to purchase groceries and bring them home
Comment from : @tammiepulley7167

My big mistakes Getting married , ending up in divorce( not my decision) taking out money from my 401k plan to survive Buying a used luxury vehicle, Buying a new vehicle Not maxing out of retirement contributions but I did pay off my mortgage by the time I was 70 although it did mean draining 50K out of savings The new vehicle is now 21 years old , low miles , only 22k but now I have a car that finding new parts for are hard to find if not impossible Not living large Didn't live large while working , lots of PB&J , no vacations for 30 years
Comment from : @rbspider

Don’t sell the house put it up for rent it… Or Air BnB it
Comment from : @michaelvinalon3415

Move abroad you'll be fine living off of 1500 to 2000 monthly
Comment from : @DHarri9977

Come to Mexico cancun your rent 500dllrs
Comment from : @artgutierrez8553

You have to start saving in an IRA when you start working 10 from age 16 till 65 You will be fine! If Trumps president you will lose some but can join a class action lawsuit to try and get it back He's ignorant you know!
Comment from : @anigilohiigalii4606

but you've got great hair😸🌵🇯🇴
Comment from : @catgolfer1

You get sick with cancer see how fast savings go heath insurance or or not Chemo and radiation expensive and not covered by a lot of insurance trust me
Comment from : @hotwheel6663

I have my groceries delivered to me, because I have disabilities and NOT because I'm "lazy" as you wrongfully judged in your video
Comment from : @wisedame

Comment from : @SoundOfSilence-k8u

🇲🇽 MEXICO! NICARAGUA 🇳🇮! br🇪🇨 ECUADOR ! OR THAILAND 🇹🇭! brEasily live on social security!
Comment from : @mikeA2010

Retirement savings needs to start very young in fact ways to build retirement should be taught in high school as a part of finance education We made sure our kids were employed (by our farm but could be working at McDonalds) in high school and put away their wages in a Roth IRA We at least got them started
Comment from : @rlrieth

Do what i did Move to the Philippines !
Comment from : @Beyond-thesea

When discussing working after full retirement you left out that as of now after your combined income for a single filer surpasses 25000 you will be obligated for income tax on your Social Security Benefits Other than that omission ,a very honest , informative video❤
Comment from : @Redbaron_sites

Move to the Philippines
Comment from : @Scubadubado

You look good for 65
Comment from : @JamesCagney-g6z

We're paying taxes so billionaires can have a good life
Comment from : @staycurious3954

it was supposed to? huh?
Comment from : @AlbertKaufman

Pension 😂😂😂😂😂 who other than government employees get a pension anymore
Comment from : @SoCalSurfer69

You keep mentioning pension brCompanies do not do that anymore brWake up you goof
Comment from : @tngerman

My wife and I retired We sold our home There is no debt with an amazing retirement fund We are living on the cheap RV parks and a state camping pass The thing i noticed Less is more Our quality of life has improved dramatically Im not sure if i will ever buy a house again Unless it's for investment
Comment from : @unclebilly1353

Many people don't like to hear this but anyone can plan for their retirement The key is to shun American consumerism I have friends that are Vietnamese who worked as a school custodian for 20 years and have a paid for home in America and a paid for home in Vietnam They drive paid off cars and never had credit cards Our problem is that our people are taught to spend every dime they earn
Comment from : @jeffcokenour3459

You're forgetting what happens when you get sick and face monumental healthcare/hospital billseven if you have savings, or equity and the best healthcare insurance available (with the possible exception of VA health benefits) It will suck and drain your lifetime savings and equity so fast it will make your head spin backwards It will consume your income eventually you will lose your home and be forced to apply for Medicaid If the illness related costs don't get you the nursing home will You will die with nothing guaranteed The cost are so incredibly high the average person doesn't stand a chance The game is totally rigged
Comment from : @mysticseer19

I absolutely hate hearing about retirement financial advice Everyone wants to scare you, and you should be if you have made stupid decisions your whole life NOTHING is going to fix that now if your 60's Some people squander everything they spend They won't change I made a 5 year plan when I was early 50's Stuck to it Retired last year at 62 Far too many don't have the discipline I understand everyone's circumstances are different, but WAY too many just make bad choices No Financial Advisor can "save you" if you have no assets, no savings and living paycheck to paycheck if your 60 something Not to say you won't survive, but life would be way better if you planned ahead
Comment from : @davidberning1581

Thanks so much for this wealth of information, because it is so scary to retire without having it well planned out!!
Comment from : @mariabacila5227

At the ened of the day brMedical will take everything and leave you broke no matter what your olans were brAt the end if the day dont lose your butt pay for insurance that will cover you when CANCER comes it cost millions and will leave you broke broken and living in SSI with no choicebrSo at the end if the day its all a gamble if you make it with your health good luck and stay healthybrDont listen to those At The End of the day
Comment from : @ADL-ov8tb

That’s why Minnie are going to Asia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand to live cheaper… Here is what it is
Comment from : @Beethechange1

Great! God bless, stay healthy and enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Comment from : @BrianBadey

This is one of his better videos However, I do wonder wby he did not mention cutting costs by retiring overseas Millions of Americans have done it
Comment from : @alejandrohazera7895

Living with friends is a fast way to end that friendship
Comment from : @wilburosgoodwormsley

If you are only living on social security, you can apply for assisted living apartments for senior citizens Your rent will be based on your income Some pay as little as $300 a month They also have meals on wheels and government assisted food boxes I know a lot of senior citizens who actually give away their assets like houses and savings to their children to go live like this In America, unless you are filthy rich or filthy poor, you will not be able to live comfortably You will always face financial stress
Comment from : @SubUrbanNinja-EDC

First off let’s get real you never own your home Doesn’t matter if you pay off your mortgage they still get you for taxes and if you don’t pay them they kick you out and sell your home I haven’t had children in school for over forty years and my home has been “paid off” for years but the annual taxes we are forced to pay is out of this world They don’t provide any relief for seniors
Comment from : @glenncoon6639

Lots of countries are very cheap to live in luxury Easy living no stress
Comment from : @steveabdelkoui5663

I live in SE Asia and bring in 6K a month with 3 pensions I live on 2K a month and banking 4K
Comment from : @KennyInSubic

I trade stocks for supplemental income
Comment from : @ramhammer10-4

As a working machinist at 65, im at the top of the blue collar game Ive developed awesome skills and not ready to let it go to an ez retirement/payout Life has MEANING Not just money…
Comment from : @ronaldmitchell3665

Dont worry money is going to be worthless
Comment from : @johnrondeau9222

Well buy a cheap piece of land set up a small home and pay it off with the basic utilities, you can do it
Comment from : @martinstanley1231

For all you people thinking it is cheaper to rent because you don't have to pay for upkeep, maintenance yadayada it's not true I'm a very fair landlord and the bad news is that you pay for all that in your rent My renters pay my taxes, repairs, mortgage even though I rent my houses below market value, especially to good rentors
Comment from : @Irideonandon

Rent in the hood at those rental rates? Seriously?
Comment from : @cn4492

It cost me about $6000 a year more the last 3 years as I enjoyed all the benefits of " Bidenomics "
Comment from : @marccampbellsr1085

Thought I was going to hear some useful information
Comment from : @mikewhitnall577

Maybe you should move to Australia? 😂Right Bloke You are all over the world for Micro-Macro US stats You jump to Australia is laughable as an economist blog guy How about Mexico? How far will US retirement dollars go there? I know, very, very far Michael
Comment from : @CollegeRecruitsNW

Thank You Michael Folks have zero clue on their largest asset, their home With this said the South is in a total re evaluation time due to hurricane damage 2 times again this 2024 We had Trillions of dollar damage bro, in a heavy “below median” average value IE…nobody wants to buy in the Carolinas and Florida, let alone California w all the firesbrbrThings are changing as we type If homeowners cannot get insurance, cannot re build their homes, the businesses, etc We have a shit storm brewing, SNAP is a short term food option How folks do not shop for lower priced fresh food, veges, fruits, meats makes zero sense I also agree, I am certain EBT is an offer for many folks in dire need You are Incorrect about TV delivery You chime as a Robinhood advice guy, stick with it When you ramp GOP MAGA talking points you lose me and many more aware consumers
Comment from : @CollegeRecruitsNW

Regular working people have never had extra money to put away for retirement
Comment from : @ras9875

I’m effed
Comment from : @Tcg252

With the high cost of living, it is nearly impossible to save $ while earning the average wage in the US
Comment from : @BulletsandCrypto

I'm in that 49 (to a degree) And my parents stay physically, mentally and spiritually vibrant, and keep on thriving in a workplace that I enjoy Ok, this is very upsetting I thought there was a stipulation on how much you can "work" ( 30 hours), not on max income level I make about $50-55k @ 30 hours/week and was looking forward to an additional $1200/mo on top 😢
Comment from : @bryantcofty2709

But democrats will provide for you 😂
Comment from : @RockyNitro5470

2026 games over
Comment from : @bobravenscraft5376

SS is only thing keeping this country above water
Comment from : @bobravenscraft5376

Excellent video!! You provide a great service for people that are looking for direction/answers i, myself am 62, wife and i have a excellent bucket of cash working for us since were both still working, we're buying large ticket items and working to pay off b4 retirement (car, mortgage, roof) We dropped 50k for a new kitchen and paid it off in 18 months we both start 401k right out of college and we have lived well below our means for decades since we hate debt we never purchased a car from a dealershipbrterrible waste of $$$ All one needs to make life easier on yourself is decipline, hard work, consistency If i can do it anyone can the other thing that helps is a wonderful spouce i hit the lottery on that one!!! God Bless everyone and good heath to you as well!!!
Comment from : @joesullivan8861


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