Title | : | Infographics: What is ADHD? |
Lasting | : | 2.13 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 226 rb |
I just texted him my head earlier when watching this Comment from : @rosewinkler9947 |
I was born with it yeah I was going I was born with it ADHD Comment from : @rosewinkler9947 |
👍👍 Comment from : @terryibrahim6534 |
Haha! I find it hilarious how glaringly obvious it is that an ADHD person is not designed to be stuck in an artificial environment, but it rarely gets mentioned Good points in the video though Comment from : @marilember |
Love the video, however can you change the term "normal" to "neurotypical" in the voice over Normal is a subjective construct This subjectivity means that “normal” is not a fixed or universal standard but rather a concept shaped by various influences and personal experiences Thanks Comment from : @StateofMindCounselling |
This was so comprehensive Comment from : @BraveIndustriesAgro-Consultanc |
I'd like to have a reference to the studies that showed that the more those with ADHD try to focus the less activity there is in the PFC Thanks Comment from : @mindfuleats4517 |
It’s not a disorder!!! The societal structure is for the worker bees We have a different place in the human beehive! And it kicks in when innovation and change are needed !!!br(Certainly, the big Pharma makes profits on the meds… like with anything) Comment from : @dbencic |
the fact I had to rewatch this cause I zoned out again Comment from : @Uwiskqu |
how can time not be linear if the past is the past how can it not be in the past? I am confused about that statement, it didn't explain anything why it would be possible for time not to be linear? Comment from : @tawneyf |
Lol I got distracted during this and it’s only 2 min 🎉😅 Comment from : @emmaliddle1028 |
Till recently, I thought I just have an artistic brian Fuck you psychologist 😐 Comment from : @jithinjose8065 |
Guess the Journalism Institude lives up to the name Thanks Comment from : @hanskraut2018 |
How often did you replay this video to make sure you didn't miss out anything #shoutout to all us #neurodivergents 😂 Comment from : @thomasvloog |
Most people do experience time as linear but it is an actual fact not linear at all which makes me wonder if it's just by chance that we so happen to be living in a world that is mostly populated by people who perceive time as linear and because the other is under represented they class it as a disability which it automatically becomes in that case if you are under represented Comment from : @karlrobb1654 |
manageable? really ? do you have a solution to stop when it is in hyperfocus mode? Comment from : @junglefrancais |
Is there an evolutionary advantage to different brain structures within a species? I infer this is a big reason why they exist Comment from : @Ascertivon |
I'm thankful for you saying what I can't explain Comment from : @legionoftraumas |
Man, school really fucked me up Comment from : @chetsenior7253 |
No way i have ADHD b*says me while juggling my keys around*/b Comment from : @Anabomi |
I'm sorry but that's a goddamn Camaro not a freaking Ferrari, I know it's not important and I know I really shouldn't focus on that but it's killing me Comment from : @anarchyandempires5452 |
That's clearly a Dodge Challenger not a Ferrari Comment from : @boi_just_playin |
told my friends that I have adhd always the odd one had to get "special treatments" in schools all the time, like modified courses, after school make up classes, etc almost failed hs and college is so hard man, it's rough staying focused 7h a day, and it's hard to keep friends I'm too afraid that I'll impulsely push others away I wasn't expecting some tremendous support when I told my friends but all of a sudden everyone's got adhd now 💀 "I couldn't do well in this class so I must have adhd" "I zoned out for a sec, my adhd man" bruh I ain't doubting but quit saying that and go see a psychiatrist Comment from : @TheLonelyMoon |
We perceive time differently? That part needs some expanding! Comment from : @SteveCave |
Once I get a phone plan, I'm sending this to my nerotypical mom Comment from : @captain_cassidy |
I didn't think i had it until she talked about time and dopamine Comment from : @EmoBoi_69 |
That car looks more like a Dodge Challenger than a Ferrari Comment from : @johncadogan9450 |
We have big brain but tiny brakes Comment from : @WedgyBlue |
I don't like the analogy with the car and bicycle wheels because it sugguests it is impossible for the ferrari with bicycle to catch up at all I think a speedway vs many, but twisted speedways, is a better analogy - it's possible to catch up, but it requires more effort Comment from : @nano7586 |
I was bullied , looked down upon and considered as stupid because of my ADHD, all these years I thought something is wrong in me but never knew what exactly, now I know Comment from : @ChineseApricot69 |
Just gonna confirm this for everyone, there is nothing more powerful than a focused and tuned ADHD brain Neurotypicals are left in the dustbut you have to learn to tame that beast and it takes dedication Comment from : @mhill88ify |
As someone with adhd and autism, life is so confusing Comment from : @AshrellStudios753 |
The time thing makes so much sensebrbrWhenever anyone asks me what month something will happen I just say sure since I have no idea what the order of months isbrbrAnd anytime someone asks me about my oldest memories I have no idea what my oldest memory is I barely remember elementary school Comment from : @Zyrdalf |
This is honestly a really poor 'explanation' of ADHD I mean it talks about one specific aspect but doesn't give any useful, applicable info Comment from : @glamrocksupernovaconstance3427 |
I feel like I’m probably the smartest person in my school Probably smarter than most people on earth When I’m motivated, I learn faster than the average person If I had full control over my brain (and no depression) I could do so much My potential is wasted because I just can’t make myself do anything productive Sometimes a blessing… most of the time a curse Comment from : @lucio-ohs8828 |
Any advice instead of just saying it can be manageable??? Comment from : @turb0j3sus26 |
A smaller prefrontal cortex… ?brbrThis is confusing How can an ADHD brain be a Ferrari if it’s main evolutionary advantage is less developed than normal? Comment from : @chrisoffersen |
I'm unstoppable, I'm a porsche with no brakesbr-Sia Comment from : @abhisheks3566 |
Society calls it a problem brIt's not Comment from : @Unoriginal3 |
I can't stop my brain, but I can steer it Assuming, of course, I have the dang steering wheel! Comment from : @AtarahDerek |
Funny how i got lost in my thoughts while watching the video Comment from : @ryanpkangara8417 |
0:54 FALSE Even years later, there is NO credible evidence that "ADHD Brains" look different to "neurotypical brains" In addition to earlier dubious and harmful claims, DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING IN THIS VIDEO NOTHING TO SEE HERE MOVE ALONG HAVE A NICE DAY 🍭 Comment from : @user-fed-yum |
It's really something to watch videos try to explain types of consciousness through the extremely limited physical perspective of modern pseudoscience Uhh we see that this part of this organ is bigger and we see more of this chemical there we explained adhd, we are so smart! LIsten to what what we say because we are smart scientists! Comment from : @tetefather |
I just wish I was allowed to listen to music while taking exams in class…music helps me do all of my homework, chores, and other boring tasks’ Comment from : @abbieamavi |
many times i thought that i might have inattentive ADHD but no its just my autism messing around with me Comment from : @DarkSentinel52 |
I find hyperfocus as much of a problem as lack of focus Working on a project or studying a topic I can be unable to pull away for 8-9 hours straight, even with alarms going off from the clock and phone I don't drink water, eat, even go to the bathroom, and it's very hard on my health over time Forcing myself to go to bed on time is also an issue living alone, when in hyperfocus particularly To kick into action, the motor cortex of the left hemisphere must usually be kicked in - by fear - that's why we procrastinate; the normal area of the right hemisphere which gets people started on tasks in a timely manner just isn't working in our right hemisphere I have virtually no sense of time and keep my clocks set well ahead of time just to try to be on time for anything The lack of executive function in the forebrain is also particularly problematic, as I say things most people think but can stop themselves from saying It doesn't go over well We are also more emotional, in fact that emotionality used to be a major defining characteristic of the disorder, and I don't know why it doesn't get talked about more It's a big issue we get judged for quite often Neurotypicals assume we are choosing to interrupt rudely, being emotional when we could control it like they do We are hella more creative because we are divergent thinkers, so you want us inventing novel solutions Perhaps that's why nature is producing so many of us right now; big changes and many novel approaches are needed on earth I just wish folks could be more kind and understanding; people assume our brains are like theirs, and it's lack of character showing up It is not!! Comment from : @falconbritt5461 |
See your claim is that it's brain damage Comment from : @troubleabout5137 |
My adhd brain is normallbrAll those dullard robots are the abnormal ones I gotta do all the thinking for those maroons Comment from : @stevegordon695 |
What a complete non-info video br"Proper care and maintenance", what does that even mean Comment from : @MIGHTYcbu |
Yeah ADHD can be “managed” but that vague phrasing may lead one to believe that with enough work and effort one can overcome most of their ADHD symptoms and function like a neurotypical which is true for some people but absolutely not true for everyone with ADHD especially those who can’t be medicated effectively for whatever reason and even for those who can function like a neurotypical putting in so much more effort to do so can lead to severe burnout and increased rates of stress related health issues ADHD is not just a different neurotype in a society built for neurotypicals it’s a genuine disability for many with it and that doesn’t make any of us less than or less valuable or less deserving of a happy life Comment from : @feigning_originality |
I had to restart this video 6 or 15 times and still didn't really watch it Comment from : @babesmariba |
i have adhd but i still can foucs for atleast 30 secs Comment from : @KyrieJosephbanks |
I told my gf i m her ferrari with bicycle breaks , memorizable definition 😁 Comment from : @V_0_1_D |
a lot of adhd people in these comments that seem to have no problem focusing for enough time to leave a long paragraph about how they struggle and their entire life story ok Comment from : @nikeprojock |
That Ferrari looks suspiciously like a Chevrolet Comment from : @Adrian_Nel |
this video is distracting and confusing and not truly helpful it implies that adhb brain has more horsepower than other brains(bicycle) or it has only the BREAKS? but with adhd you won´t accelerate like a ferrari, quiet the opposite it is more like "a car", but it´s constantly in parking Comment from : @sanji1259 |
Kinda mad the car looks nothing like a Ferrari tbh Comment from : @robbheinze8795 |
If this is true about the brains appearing different why in the tar did a recent article i came across last year ie in 2022 say the medicine couldnt find any difference between a ''neurotypical'' and an ''ADHD'' brain It was purportedly current science An ''ASD'' brain, yes showed distinguished from the typical, though I could find that article More of this source, now Does anybody relate to my comment? Thanks Comment from : @thelonemaiden |
"For normal brains" seems to stigmatize those with ADHD You could have edited this to neurodivergent brains instead Comment from : @triciamcintosh6964 |
ADHD doesn't existbrYou're just lazy Comment from : @LCTesla |
Possible to manage? Can you also mention the cost of managing it? It's not just yay we fixed it Comment from : @tinydesu |
What if adhd is a result of all the chemical tampering within our bodies from modern medicine, food and water? Comment from : @Raven_shifter |
I'm almost 51 This video was so easy and honest, it made me cry a littleit just makes sense Thank you to those who can understand and help us The way we were born is all we know, yet we are forced to grow up and live according to certain standards It's awful It's like trying to force your son, born with no arms, to clap, or shake your hand It's very real We get it Comment from : @anchorage72 |
❤❤❤ Comment from : @bethnormal |
Get Club Early Bird powder to get shit done Comment from : @GeraldLewis-gy5vk |
how ADHD gives hyperactivity when it's related to low Dopamine ? isn't Dopamine related to activity and low Dopamine gives hypoactivity and not hyperactivity ????? Comment from : @akramkarim3780 |
It kills me inside when u said, "Imagine a ferarri," but the car is based on a dodge challengersmhI'm sorry continue Comment from : @xxavierjenkins1731 |
many times people with adhd are scapegoated in families with narcissists don't give up find people you are comfortable being around you don't have to be around blood family you can create a family of friends the only people that really cared about me were my parents and one aunt cousins treated me like i wasn't there narcissists are very mundane they can't see your greatness Comment from : @2009jadeorchid |
i see movies in my head i can remember visually what happened to me in grade school and visual memories get in my way when at work while i'm talking to someone i see moving objects in my mind i took some aptitude tests and results were visual learner should be in art and engineering lucky i can take these classes online but literature makes me nervous pretty much failed the verbal in sat 791 on math side the stress from having to be around people can be overwhelming small talk is boring i think about my life and how it's been a series of not finding the correct job for me for years narcissistic uncle scapegoated me as the idiot because i didn't brag and boast to this day among cousins i'm the outcast they treated me like i didn't exist on facebook so i had to start one with just friends also in life i'm the odd one people expect sameness as though most people are average c grade people i got grades a and f schools need to stop forcing kids to take all the same classes i failed american lit twice school was horrible they never saw students unique mental gifts they want sameness and don't see individual talent as important Comment from : @2009jadeorchid |
Why didn’t you mention the “hyperfocus” part of ADHD Comment from : @melt2947 |
"ADHD-brains look and function differently from normal brains" We have normal brains Just because it`s not identical to yours doesn`t mean it`s abnormal Idiot Comment from : @MiaMagnussen |
What would be a short explanation if someone asks you what it is? Comment from : @Chuuyasmrs1175 |
I don't have the hyperactivity and most women don't have hyperactivity Comment from : @photina78 |
I wonder how Neurotypical people view the world Comment from : @l34h6 |
This film is very disappointing By stating the difference between two brains as one being normal and the other as ADHD is in itself prejudiced The word disorder and deficit are wrong to be used in this context I meet people daily whom think and work differently to me and whose brains see the world different to myself but to state that the brain has a disorder or deficit and because of this they are not normal, is very wrong We are all different some more than others may require support in schooling and in work life Comment from : @cjtclaire |
I feel bad for the once who have ADHD, Seeing myself without hiving ADHD now I'm really grateful and excited thank you ( Dr imenherbal ) his name and his YouTube channel Comment from : @sanimuhammad234 |
Time for me goes so slllloooowwww Comment from : @brianc11388 |
ADHD is fake science for selling bad therapies and dangerous drugs Stay away from charlatans Comment from : @vincentschmitt392 |
I have ADHD And I will forget things a lot 😢 it sad Comment from : @kobyko6714 |
Good? Comment from : @ncrativityhr7739 |
Okay so I ADHD and I stopped listen at 30 what happened Comment from : @calebsteele562 |
nah imagine a a corvette but with no brakes Comment from : @corvettez0677 |
I suspected that I have ADHD but wasn’t sure until got in touch with a therapist on Voicely app I am so lucky that I decided to talk to a stranger there Now I know what I am experiencing Comment from : @ana_silly_little_things |
0:53 Les personnes avec un TDAH perçoivent le temps comme des moments éparpillés; reliés entre eux de façon aléatoire, plutôt que de le percevoir comme une séquence Comment from : @juliacest4500 |
I have a big brain but I get good grades tho Comment from : @itssam6327 |
bitch plz i have aphantasia Comment from : @edjoultz9678 |
Y'all this is so old Comment from : @drkmgic |
Or vax injury Comment from : @sparklenugget |
Mine is like a Ferrari that goes 10 mph and only speeds up when the tank is 7/8 empty Lol Comment from : @_lil_lil |
“the ADHD brain is powerful, but difficult to control” well said Comment from : @LuckyL0ki |
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