Title | : | Millennials and Gen Z Earning $20 An Hour Living Paycheck To Paycheck In MOST Cities |
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Views | : | 4,2 jt |
$500 is too high for groceries for one person I spend $200 a month Comment from : @VERO |
I remember doing a budgeting activity back in high school in California, working for $15/hour, theres only one house you can afford, a cheap, crappy, one bedroom house in a town called Lompoc for $900/month, if you ate off the dollar menu every single day for every single meal at McDonalds (back when it was still around) and ride a bike to work every day, you could afford go pay rent and bills, with just enough money to buy a chocolate bar at the end of the month Comment from : @derp24lordz |
Were not overspending everything is overpriced smh Comment from : @stevendr1912 |
bump that number up to 41 a/hr if you're in a rich city Comment from : @douglas0828 |
There seem to be a generational war between all generations as if we are against one another for just existing and trying to survive brbrIts not only Gzers, since they aren't the only one's still existing today I believe $20 p/h in perspective isn't bad rate but compared to how expensive everything is nowadays Its hard in cities like mine that are close to NYC, and NJ and the wages are great but people can only afford to buy in PA The state in which I live so that's one factor that is making it hard for natives to the city to rent or buy a home brbrMy mom would have been a boomer if she was still alive but I would hope she would have understood that times change and $10, $20, and even $100 doesn't go as far as it did when she was a child Comment from : @didralamond8145 |
If you are 18 to 24, this is perfectly fine, greedy bastards want $30 an hour to flip burgers Comment from : @baileydonohoo7139 |
Will Trump or Elon approve?? Comment from : @Emencheta-hg6zs |
Ty Comment from : @maxmay5 |
Yep, we're overspending Let's cut social security, since we won't ever benefit from it, anyway Comment from : @afmghost1759 |
How is your insurance 50 of the car payment? Is that how much insurance is in the US? Comment from : @bentheiler7728 |
I make 22, my mom makes 30, her bf makes 19, we still can't afford to buy anything despite that being our only real goal right now and even though we are in the cheapest rental house around this area and still have barely anything left over Comment from : @Zora_TheSideCharacter |
What’s sad is that it is even worse in California… Comment from : @purpletetrisdragon |
But how they gonna get their Uber Eats for every meal? 😂brBut seriously, when I was 22 I had a wife a baby on the way and an apartment I shouldn't have been approved for I was short $300 each month But that drove me to be better at making a contribution to the world and earning more now I'm doing just fine Comment from : @havinfun7360 |
40k a year the new brokie that's just sad to think about it Comment from : @Near2Future |
Lets real this upbrbrRent for a house:$1200 brFood $200 not eating outbrStudent loan $0 thats unrealistic and outdated for 40kbrCar payment $100 to put twords a new car after a few years if you drive a not luxurious but reliable $5000 car br$100 for minimum car insurancebr$150 gasbr$50 self care and haircut a shirt or a pair of pants or a doctors appointmentbrPhone $50brbrThese are real numbers and that leaves you with $1000 every month and you are in a house for yourself $20 per hour is easily attainable in my area with no expirience or college thats the standard labor rate and these are standard costs when i say labor rate i dont mean at a gas station or walmart i mean in a shop or outside for most cases Comment from : @adamsmy8121 |
You still don't have public transport in America? Paying those rents to drive a car to work? Getting those loans for minimum wage? Manage to spend 500 for food? Doesn't seem real Comment from : @Martiskainen1 |
500$ a month is 550$ per mealbrbrThat’s wild Learn to cook? Comment from : @Grim-Truthspeaker383 |
That was a dumb boomer comment Comment from : @SuperZippyzippy |
500 is the standard for groceries for a month…? i have to budget for 50 bucks for a week… Comment from : @cigarettewifey |
Exactly why I end up calling off fairly often Working myself to death is not the solution Since everything blew through the roof I'm working to pay off debt that I cannot afford to pay and never being able to do anything for myself without creating more debt It's a vicious circle Comment from : @williamclark1244 |
That is why you dont take out loans and you pay cashbr20 per hour is more than enough Comment from : @shoeplayisbad1 |
I make like $9/hr converted from sek to usd 🙃 Thankfully some of our coats are a little lower here Comment from : @ashgay8978 |
2000 for an apartment? Are you nuts? Mine costs me 800 warm And no, it's not in an ghetto Comment from : @velehksain7999 |
Let me list the problems in this A student loan for a degree your probably not using A car payment instead of public transportation or a bicycle Good on the roomate but there are cheaper apartments There are solutions You just might not like them Comment from : @iand654456 |
Gen Z here How bout stay living with your parents and save on rent, buy a cheap POS car so you don't have to make payments on and that's already 1500 saved Gen Z is too afraid to live humbly, that's the real problembrbrfor 60k income, why not deal with the rent of 1200 instead of increasing to 2k? the reason ppl live paycheck to paycheck on 60k is because they increase their spending obligations as their salary increases Its all relative Comment from : @Noah_Donovan |
If you have student loans, I'm assuming you got your degree, and if are only making $20/hour, you're doing something wrong Also, if that is all you make, you should buy a $1500 beater car and dump the car payment Comment from : @pintopilot |
This man assumes being average is something that should be expected when starting out! You don’t get everything if you don’t make enough Comment from : @shannonLR80 |
You don't need a car Comment from : @Jack-ty8ml |
Buy a used car and have multiple roommates Just like we did in the 90s Comment from : @williamsveen2827 |
$12 an hour in 1995 is the equivalent of 2700 an hour in 2025 Comment from : @madmachanicest9955 |
Guys, fasting Starve yourself, that's how they want us to save money Comment from : @bluefox8011 |
Damnseems like having a job with great pay and benefits is like a luxury now Comment from : @claudiorobles63 |
Get a cheaper car, cheaper apartment, only buy food that's on sale etc Comment from : @drewdurbin4968 |
This is the cost of the government printing money at will Inflation is through the roof and for a long time now Comment from : @Infinityandsome |
Dudes if your spending $100 a month to get your hair cut you are the problem in your own finances Comment from : @user-jq3ps4tc2o |
I’m gonna throw up 🤮 Comment from : @Evergreenoutsider10 |
In the richest country on earth we shouldn't have people working their ass off and barely surviving That should not be considered acceptable and I have no patience for people making lame ass excuses for it We can and should do better Comment from : @OstroGothic |
im sorry, what are you talking about? 24 year old in the states here I pay 600 a month in rent for a 1 bedroom apartment i own my car and have no student loans i make approximately the same amount as discussed in this video boy, talk about overexaggerating Comment from : @masonbennett9998 |
$20 an hour is no living wage It hasn't been in quite a while Comment from : @NYRyder1983 |
500 a month for groceries? Holy, even vegetables are fucking expensive in burger land Comment from : @yorth8154 |
W-wait what Why are the taxes like 90 XV Comment from : @XYXPURGE |
Why spend 300 a month on a car But a good used one Also, 1200 rent lol, I am sure you can do it for less if you dont feel entitled brbrWhat is the minimum? Wage in the state and if you are thrifty you can save even if you are living on minimum pay Comment from : @hp2084 |
Us millennials have been trying to argue this for well over a decade at this point The boomers refuse to listen Comment from : @KrystineChristenson |
I don't care about their perspective, they're walking dead Comment from : @Pottyde |
I live on less than 300$ a month)brBut only due to fact i live in Ukraine 😢 Comment from : @ArtVorobyov |
Why are you only making 20 dollars an hour and you have student loan? If you have a degree you should make more than that McDonald's is paying $20/hr Also why do you require a car payment? Buy and old crap car until you can save and pay cash for a better one That is also a lot for renting a room Move down in your apartment Comment from : @PEPSI-s4r |
But what would happen to my Birkin bag when I received a call from my Hermes store?! 😏🤣 Comment from : @BrokenClock2U |
it is unreal i make 30 now but was making 13 three years ago with a job and half the difference is unreal Comment from : @aaron9797 |
Found a 600 apartment a month Bro is delusional Comment from : @Johnnytheonecellboy |
Your entire channel is just complaining Even if most of what you say is correct; complaining about it does nothing Except get you views, I guess Comment from : @NathanD-yo8zg |
Stopping the flood of illegals and gov backed rent for those illegals will help drop prices To little supply (houses and apartments) to much demand (people) brbrIf you voted dem you were the cause of the problems for thw last 4 years Comment from : @LonghaulJm |
Most jobs here pay around 28 to 30 (AUS) Working 9 to 5 for 5 days a week nets you around 1000 to 1200 After tax its like 890 to 1000 most rent is about 400 to 450 a week Groceries is about 100 to 150 a week, phones is about 25 a week, fuel per gallon is about 720 (we use litres and most people usually fill up on 50 bucks or so) utilities is probably about 30-50 a week Youd have at min wage about 230 bucks if you have car repayments and insurance youre just doomedbrLike a bag of chips is 7 bucks a carton of a dozen eggs is like 10 bucks milk is 5 to 6 bucksbrAustralia is just as f'd Comment from : @HitoriNoKouen |
We're past due for some real financial literacy and personal responsibility AND accountability Comment from : @Krikkette |
More like $2400 monthly at most after tax Comment from : @LoniLoni11 |
Simple get rid of the bouje car and buy a cheaper used car Skip college and go to that trade school that costs less and typically has a higher paying job waiting for you after you finish brit's not an income issue it's a priority issue Comment from : @joesharpe3171 |
ehm maybe its because im european, but that rent seems a bit excessive Comment from : @tomduke1297 |
If you’re making $20 an hour you should not have a student loan payment In other words, don’t go to college if you’re getting a degree that gets you a $20 an hour job Comment from : @nicobrouwer4598 |
I make 31 and still struggle a little here and there Comment from : @DarkTim1983 |
In Florida you have to have a degree to earn $20 per hour New York prices without the New York wages Comment from : @SuncoastStreetbob |
Yep and this is why I’m in my late 20s making $60k and I’m still living with my parents 😒 Comment from : @kateslate |
That's the reality when you let Central Bank cartels run your societies Comment from : @gideonros2705 |
I dont make that tho Comment from : @HeWhomYoutubes |
I feel bad for these younger folks!brI'm genX, but have a genZ son, that works a full-time skilled blue collar job and he makes 45k a year He would like to move out and be independent, but the rent in our area is just too expensive, to compare I pay less monthly on my 26yr old mortgage of my modest single family home than rent is for a crappy apartment brSomething needs to change or us older folks will never get to be empty nesters!😂 Comment from : @jasonmiller6371 |
What I’ve watched and noticed with Caleb Hammer is that most issues arise due to too much debt leading to a choking monthly payment $600/mo to cover student loans and car payments is tough Don’t get into debt if you can avoid it and buy a cheaper car with cash Comment from : @Guy-mv1kg |
And it's worse in Canada Comment from : @strikeit_22 |
Everyone is living through this economy Not all millenials have it made or figured out brUnless you are a millionaire, you are affected by the high cost of living Comment from : @msignomie3249 |
Nawww insurance for me is 430 and I have a clean record 💀 Comment from : @Celestial4071 |
So Everyone gives you less than 20$ per hour tells you at the same time - you will not survive this way and it's ok to me and If you take the job offer you are ok with it* too br*You don't work to survive anymore, you work underneath that level br(There is a saying in Eastern Europe: it's too much to die but too less to live) congratulations America it's you mastered it - your wages is not too much to die anymore Comment from : @talyvlad5605 |
You motherfuckers make 20$ an hour?😂😂😂 Comment from : @PsyXIII-l9w |
Or just buy cheap things i have six siblings i live with and parents only one person works Comment from : @DanielAmador-c5v |
You spend 500 a month on groceries? Seems a bit much for a single person Maybe stop eating out so much? Comment from : @FleagleSangria |
This is why i support DODGE Comment from : @philipearls2771 |
Bro I’m out here still making $1450/hr I’m 29😭 I’d be so happy with $20/hr😅 Comment from : @Ivymoon333 |
20$/hr ASSUMING youre working a full weekbr20$/hr doesnt mean anything if youre only working 15 hours a week Comment from : @JamwithtonyVODS |
So taxes Comment from : @americanpatriot9579 |
I'd like to see you do this for Australia too Comment from : @NathanWolf-zy6gr |
These costs are blown out of proportion for someone that can't live within their means Get cheaper things, used cars, liability insurance, less "personal care", and a cheaper cell phone Hell $1,200 per month is a mortgage payment for a normal home There are a lot of jobs that pay $20-$30 per hour that require no college degree so scratch student loans off the list You'd also save a lot if you didn't buy brand name clothes and shoes Keep in mind, I am Gen Z living comfortably Comment from : @sea_bass21 |
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