Title | : | 80% of Injury Claims are WORTHLESS Because of This |
Lasting | : | 6.37 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 79 rb |
How do you claim the million dollar settle in a death situation Comment from : @olegagimbo |
A friend asked me, to ask: brWhy are you in a business, that 80 is loosing?… Comment from : @Tedd335 |
Curious as to how you would handle a neighbor w/videos of a claimant who has filed PI case in Florida claiming permanent bodily injury, but videos show otherwise? Comment from : @ADreamAway-tt3bf |
I live in florida Me and my son(4) were merged into by a semi truck driver i sustained neck and back injuries I went to the doctor 1 and 1/2 days later 7 bulging disc with and facet degeneration the truck driver was cited by FHP, i was not i am in pain management now and hurting everyday I had active insurance, the insurance company accepted full liability, my vehicle was totaled I have MEDICAID now, and have not yet received my injections to determine medical bill payouts what do you think my case is worth? Comment from : @JaireMcmichael |
If someone got $100,000 how much would the law firm take? Comment from : @JohnnysCafe_ |
What if no one is injured at the scene? But they decide later they want $$? Comment from : @gamerscubeixxi2152 |
A school bus hit me Comment from : @mahdibaby769 |
My payout was 24,500 but they only payed me 3800 so confused and it took almost 4 yrs, I was freaking pissed when they game me the check I said this is a regular paycheck anyways I walked out Comment from : @Sldumas1983 |
Litigation vs mitigationbr proceed Comment from : @Helenium1001 |
hi, a car hit me 3 months ago, thank god everything was alright after doctor examine but the thing is the insurance company of the car who hit me only pays 3,500 out of 20,000 what can i do to them? i am really depressed and mentally sick because of this, i am new to this country and i am just 19 i have no one to share my problems, i am on my own sometimes i cry when i am cooking food because i missed my family so much but hadn’t tell anything to them because they ll be worried can you give me guidance sir Comment from : @Sushant1es |
I was in uber and we got hit from the back I went to the ER at Broward hospital with neck and back pain The driver who hit us had a $20,000 geico policy and they settled immediately The lawyer I hired has held my check for 90 days now I have about $14,000 in ER bills and my health insurance company is Cigna through my employer Since my case settled in two weeks why is the lawyer still holding my check? Comment from : @Stillaways2go |
3 years after my injury I'm finally going to trial possibly end of December gym equipment broke on me, and knocked me out for like 40 mins don't remember what happened fast forward it's been 3 years and in my 40s I have degenerative disc disease, and more I assume DDD was already there, but the injury made it insanely worse I've sued 4 people in my life The experience that day was unforgettable forget a finder bender When I was hurt that day in the gym I blackout, and my watch even dial 911 for me, because I wasn't responsive Comment from : @thinline8504 |
Thanks for this video! I was first offered 5k but over 1 year later, it went up 15k brbrI wanted more but I think it's fair now The guys insurance was $25k and it was less than 2k worth of damage with no major iinjuries Comment from : @felicia1ofakind |
Me and my wife were rear ended by a semi and have back pain I have neck pain and head pains the chiropractor said I might have a concussion or I do so how much could I get in your profession opinion I’m in cali??? Comment from : @remedy334 |
They only got 25,000 each, so what did they get because you took your 33 So each around 17,000 Comment from : @cherylbrantley4736 |
I had a motorcycle accident two years ago and was not at fault I got a $25,000 settlement and had a Morgan & Morgan lawyer work out the hospital bills for me My life flight bill was $63,000 The lawyer claimed he had it negotiated down to only $5,000 and it was paid in full Just the other day I received a collections notice saying they needed the remaining $58,000 to be paid Why would this happen after the lawyer claimed it was settled? Can a hospital sell this debt to a third party after accepting money from my lawyer? Comment from : @bribri1657 |
My friend had 2 accidents about a month apart She has a lawyer but i suggested she may need another lawyer for the second The other drivers were found at fault for both Any suggestions? Or should she not file a claim for the 2nd? She's up against state farm for the 1st i heard they were tough Comment from : @aprild6049 |
On the first one what if I got hit while crossing the street on green What will that look like Comment from : @ogtaper6386 |
What about mild traumatic brain injury with long term concussion effects? I don’t see this mentioned in any videos that I recall Comment from : @gordoodrog4683 |
people like you - corrupt and dishonest along with corrupt and dishonest doctors helping people to fake their body injury such a huge problem in the US Comment from : @goldfish8196 |
25k?brbrYou do not need to hire a lawyer! Comment from : @sidewaysrain7609 |
I recently just got rear ended at a stand still traffic jam by a commercial truck Fortune 500 company vehicle It destroyed my car & left me with some minor back & neck pain I was wondering if i will get a big payout or not for it in my case in florida ? Comment from : @peace_of_mind_00 |
How horrible is Liberty Mutual? I have a torn ACL, MCL, other muscles in right knee verifies by MRI back pain likely due to disc herination (not verified yet) and this is due to an Uber driver hitting the gas as I was getting in I will definitely need surgery for my knee want to go after them for 350k is that unlikely? Lol Comment from : @truly2special |
But why do Doctors and Lawyers get more money than the 1 that got the accident ! The Victim 🤔 Comment from : @makakoregio |
Car went through red light on pedestrian crossing in to me on red ! going through this now ! Police and ambulance on spot Driver guilty ! Out of state number plate charged ! Fractured ribs hematoma on hip head injury concussion headache ! Mental distress Scared to get in car in pain GOT LAW FIRM 1ST DAY ! Comment from : @olegpetelevitch4443 |
Justin, I think YT hide my comments brMy friend told me there was a guy hit someone on the rear end, and that someone charged the insurance company over 70,000US Dollars Is it ridiculous? It is in LA, CA! Comment from : @tuantran7494 |
Are you in LA, CA?brThere are many lawyers in LA are running fraud businesses My friends told me they have been trying many way to run fraud businesses on the auto insurance companies This is the main reason the auto insurance is so sky high there! Comment from : @tuantran7494 |
What about an accident with a 7 month old and every one was injured Comment from : @PhongNguyen-nz9kz |
6/6 Thank you for mentioning UM/UIM, that's massive and so few people carry it Comment from : @AG-iu9lv |
What about a herniated disk T789? Comment from : @MARIAELENA6500 |
My lawyer keeps telling me if I go to trial I am not allowed to mention anything about her or her office I had to stop going to therapy because the place they recommended me to was not professional She’s telling me if we go to trial I can’t tell anything about her or her firm, but if that’s the case I would be lying to the judge which can’t do Is it true your lawyer or their firm can’t be mentioned if questioned by judge or other sides lawyer during the trial? Comment from : @Jotty-xw7jq |
The stuff about policy limits is fairly accurate, except (at least in California) you can open a policy and you can also pursue a direct contribution I think different injuries (and facts) have different values in different geographic areas A $120K case from Florida, may very well be worth $150K in California, and $300K in Texas Even in different parts of California, different cases have different values Comment from : @danielgeoulla6089 |
In SC am I entitled to the entire medical payment or only co pay? Comment from : @harvbell1785 |
Well duh Comment from : @shawnmicheal8 |
Mines was culmative Comment from : @franciscajauregui8248 |
Most personal injury lawyers in NY won't accept soft tissue injury cases because there's no money in them It takes as much work to prosecute a $25K case as it does a $1MM case The lawyer gets 1/3 of the settlement/judgment so it makes no sense to take on a case that might pay $10K A lawyer can make soft tissue cases work through sheer volume and very efficient office procedures, but it's a grind Comment from : @TheRm65 |
Howlong is gwtting medial treastment shortly after ? Howlong do you have to seek medial treatment and aren't you suppoze to contact the lawyer before you go Comment from : @kurancook4156 |
Talk about falls at work Comment from : @merlynn885 |
JZ I have been involved in a car accident I live in iowa and my accident was in South Dakota The person thar hit me was drivig while texting The person that hit me had the minimum insurance I suffered a broken sternum and head injury that left me with tinnitus in my ear that will be with me for the rest of my life They offered me only 25000 for the claim My medical bills are over 20000 right now and still growing This insurance company is Esurance The want to pay my bills out of the settlement and whick leaves me with nothing What can i do Comment from : @shaneminor6214 |
I just settled a case again from GEICO they had 15/30 policy limits in GEICO on average how much do you think I will get? Comment from : @rukang518 |
Unfortunately, myself and my kids and I didn't get more than 22000, and I fractured my knee The guy at fault was under the influence and being chased by an undercover cop With No Insurance 😢 @Jzhelps Comment from : @user-th8rj4ur3s |
Not sure how to go about this Had elbow aching had a steroid shot on it Should last a year Got a car accident they ran into me Arm swelled up and got a mri Have a high grade tear and fluid in it Can now hardly grab anything and its difficult to work with I do construction and i have a car payment due so cant take time off Comment from : @sa1sa624 |
What about ACL surgery Comment from : @Gturner2127A |
How much does the attorney get out of the settlement? Comment from : @EddieLeal |
Also remember your scumbag lawyer takes up to 70 of your settlement brbrNo matter what you get your scumbag lawyer will take most of it to continue living lavishly Comment from : @ytpremium7649 |
Not me watching this with 3 broken bones, hip surgery, metal in the hip, hip dislocation, and needing another surgery thinking I won’t get more than 25k 😯 What about being hit as a pedestrian? This is my case lol Hit by a car in a crosswalk, they ran a red Comment from : @tabi3047 |
As a personal injury paralegal in Georgia, I wish this was a mandatory video for people to watch before they sign the Fee Contract for their case However, it needs to mentioned that states have their own minimum policy limits which will change the numbers he is quoting The message is excellent though❤ Comment from : @lisawhereisthecultjam |
Is a displace fracture a broken bone Comment from : @noahmon_95 |
Best video of information I've seen Was hit by a drunk driver, no ins and no lights ran stop sign likely totaled my car and flipped his over I got sweet James and I feel like they don't care after learning my injuries, to them, are not as u describe I almost want to fire them and just proceed alone Why give them anything when they've made me feel like this is not newsworthy The greed of America is disgusting I've followed up as a professional on my own with my sales customers over minor items due them after a purchase Thanks to your video I now know my suspicions are right If I had my arm broken and my spleen burst and maybe lost 3 fingers they'd be all over me Comment from : @900KING2 |
Very helpful Was rear ended after having a neck fusion surgery Was stable until the accident Meeting with an attorney today Hope they give me some good news Comment from : @bryantreid |
Also, I was told my my attorneys office that I am not allowed to view my demand Is this true? Comment from : @danrodriguez8813 |
What about 7 bulging discs >3mm 2 in cervical spine and 5 in lumbar, plusbr3 nerve impingement? I’m top of that, I used to be very active and now I have limitations due to limited ROM in my neck and lumbar spine brDoes make a difference? Comment from : @danrodriguez8813 |
Hi, if I was in a Uber Accident and the driver caused it should I be walking away with only $15,000 for a herniated disc inwhich I needed 3 months of going to therapy for and also was taken to the hospital the day of the accident Comment from : @loveniasummer71 |
I’m in the process of handling a tort claim and I love your videodo you have any videos … Comment from : @theresajames4971 |
I live In Florida and a guy sideswiped me I have minor injuries but my car damage was pretty bad the other driver wasn’t insured but I don’t have UIM coverage any chances I can win a settlement or atleast get reimbursed from for my car repairs? Comment from : @MikeLoveThyself |
How about if a fedex tractor trailer T bones my usps work vehicle? What’s fedex insurance policy like? Comment from : @postmanfoodreviews2099 |
Solid information right here Comment from : @personalinjuryshow |
Man I had to subscribe because you just cured all the anxiety I had I've been having about my case !!!! I have all six factors and a great lawyer !! My car was paid off in 12 days!! And totaled my car from the rear that I'm actually still driving perfectly fine been in therapy for a few months def some pain I never had before though and what's even crazier i was driving the same car as Odallas's in the video a ford fusion Comment from : @SiPHEADTV |
Hi in California a guy put two hands in the hood and claiming major injury? What a scamers in California Comment from : @irenmolnar221 |
Wife bit into a screw from a papa johns pizza and broke a molar and it broke a filling out, they want to settle for $7,500 do you think that’s good? Comment from : @dannygoround1 |
I recently got a notice in the mail having to go to court for my foot injury back when I was working in January a forklift ran over my right foot causing my ankle to fracture pretty badly needing surgery with screws and more doctor said if I never got it fixed I’d never walk again so I am wondering if my settle meant will be good 👍🏼? Comment from : @masterk7004 |
I want in on this money Time to go to law school Comment from : @derekaugust872 |
Hey JZ, love the videos I’m in NYC but would love to have a conversation with you about my car accident broken femur totaled vehicle etc etc let me know when you have just 10 minutes🤞🏽 Comment from : @rifraf6110 |
If you get rear ended by a commercial vehicle, in this case a power line company truck (those big ones with the boom lift on it to lift the worker to service power lines; roughly 18k lbs I'd guess) but if that worker didn't have a valid CDL at the moment, be that it expired or whatever the case may of been Is that worth anything? Some sort of negligence on the company's behalf? Comment from : @John--John |
Great video !!! Very informative It is important for people to fully understand their rights and the reality of what’s going on out there Would love to do collaborate on a video one day All the best Comment from : @AttorneyArkady |
why are premis liability lawsuits larger that auto claims? Comment from : @christopherjoseph9132 |
I was in an accident with the city bus They accepted fault and ive been in physical therapy for my soft tissue injuries for about 3 weeks The bus also knocked off my front bumper of my car How am i looking? Comment from : @brandondmv536 |
If someone hits you and have commercial insurance, does that automatically mean they have a big policy? Comment from : @shanabrown38 |
I called you JZ Help, and no reply 🙁I know for sure that you would have gotten him Millions 😎 Comment from : @camillewilliamsHOLINESS |
I thought every claim was worth the policy limits? Comment from : @DebitAdams |
Why brains injury are not in here are they not worth nothing Comment from : @Trolls584 |
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