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End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless | Gold | Financial Crisis | ENDEVR Documentary

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Information End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless | Gold | Financial Crisis | ENDEVR Documentary

Title :  End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless | Gold | Financial Crisis | ENDEVR Documentary
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Frames End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless | Gold | Financial Crisis | ENDEVR Documentary

Description End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless | Gold | Financial Crisis | ENDEVR Documentary

Comments End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless | Gold | Financial Crisis | ENDEVR Documentary

Federal Reserve Bank,brFederal Ponzi Bank brStop buying products from overseas
Comment from : @CliftonLetander

If you’re watching this in 2025 before they approve the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve bill, buy $BTC⚡️
Comment from : @pixelflex

The worst part is they screwed up their grandchildren future and thee great grandchildren future, and so on
Comment from : @rachitjoshi23

Yes, "excess" dollars printed was a cause of the collapse of the bretton-woods but who was printing these dollars? us government in pursuit of its "great society" project, or the eurodollar system?
Comment from : @sahhaf1234

It's the fascist oligarch's, Gov and BIG Corp!!
Comment from : @Hoppedupondope

Folk behöver trygghet, känslan av trygghet att det går och lita på en bank att det går att lita på en rådgivare att det går att lita på varandra grunden till stabilitet och sen kommer ni in såna människor som inte har några grupp och tar över och gör fel och förstör för så många andra så Öhn skrev historia den dagen han beslutade att inte det måste finnas teckning för varje dollarsedel Du ska inte vara så enkelt så att en människa kan göra uttalanden och bestämmer så mycket över andra och ha sån otrolig makt nu när Donald Trump tar över kan ha varit med för Och med Elon Musk som jag litar på så får vi ha framtidstro människan lever på hoppet och det ska inte tas ifrån individ straffar sig tro mig De har många som har försökt med mig men de har inte lyckats 07
Comment from : @Fre-h4r

Comment from : @fabienkass

I would have bought all he wanted to sell !
Comment from : @daleemccombs8571

Anyone who ever thought paper money meant real wealth your a idiot precious metals are the real form of currency has been and will always be you can print as much paper money as you want it’s meaningless but there is only so much gold and silver out there so use your head which is the real treasure?
Comment from : @WhoCares-nw9uj

This was the perfect video to explain why everyone should have some gold and some bitcoin
Comment from : @JC-tq9pe

Comment from : @Satoshinakamoto2009

It's hard to get one's own gold You can't just trust that you own the gold unless it's in your hands So I'd have to sell my RRSPs for gold and keep it in my closet in my rented 1 bedroom apartment Protect it with my life and never leave homebrbrI'm not disagreeing with the information in the video Just stress testing the solution
Comment from : @andrewhancock2451

Comment from : @geoms6263

Fractional banking, created by the Rothchild’s in the 18th century, is meant to eventually bust Read works by Eustice Mullins & G Edward Griffin Removing the gold standard was the beginning to the end of every financial system ever devised - not just the US By printing money with no backing, politicians have a license to steal It’s that simple BRICS is proof that most agree that a currency of a country HAS to be backed by tangible assets 😮
Comment from : @t-bone3657

Det gäller att hålla inflationen nere så mycket som man kan 07
Comment from : @Fre-h4r

Young Nancy Perez Donna Williams Ruth
Comment from : @EvelineCornelia

Comment from : @thomasbeslanovits9163

Ponzi government make ponzi economies
Comment from : @hkmorhsi

As someone that dove deep into researching finance as a regular person for years, this documentary is by far the most important to completely understand the situation, especially understanding the treasury, deficit spending, and the reason why we don’t have capitalism but socialism: government issuing liquidity by the trillions each year
Comment from : @hkmorhsi

Im here due to zeducation channel Recommended this education Just wow
Comment from : @lunashynesparkles8913

This documentary is a perfect explanation of why people are so adamantly passionate about bitcoin Bitcoin and gold are friends
Comment from : @investorbettor505

48:41 ?
Comment from : @PuglyDigger

We don't have money in circulation
Comment from : @bluesky6985

How FIAT CURRENCY became worthless!!! MONEY hasn't become worthless in over 6000 years There fixed it for ya!
Comment from : @davidcaron3204

Gold is worthless It has very few uses in life and if it comes down to it any man would sell all their gold for food if they are starving Just like paper money
Comment from : @DG20202

Need 4k
Comment from : @Pasha8204

BITCOIN was invented to fight back!!! It’s a grass roots movement by incredibly genius cryptographers, economists and philosophers as they say might wanna get some before it catches on!! Separation of money and state, yo!
Comment from : @madog2226

Til this day, I still haven’t met a person that can explain to me why “the Fed” isn’t Federal How do we get money from a non-governmental entity?!
Comment from : @pokemercenary6511

There will come a time when my Pokemon cards will enjoy more demand than the US dollar
Comment from : @pokemercenary6511

“…suspend temporarily…” Ha!
Comment from : @pokemercenary6511

Why is almost everyone BOASTING about their wealth in thr comment section?
Comment from : @ShaaRhee

This whole documentary is based off the assumption gold has an intrinsic value
Comment from : @tmgclips5300

Very interesting, thank you
Comment from : @mattanderson6672

27:32 😂😂 who this
Comment from : @pacetimer6441

Solution is easy, the "debt" should be cancelled and currency backed by Gold
Comment from : @isacharles239

The FED and the Bank of England are privately owed, they aren't owned by the government Why would you make a documentary and not mention who really owns the money?
Comment from : @mamavand2503

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A time will surely come upon people in which none will remain but that he consumes usury If he does not consume it, he will be afflicted by its dust”brSource: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 3331
Comment from : @mamavand2503

that's why im happy to leave my money in the south african rand or gold the least affected in a collapse of the dollar
Comment from : @gregoryswanepoel6328

Actually it was Lyndon Johnson who killed the gold backing, the gold cover for the dollar on March 19th, 1968 Nixon only announced it
Comment from : @jackgoldman1

Comment from : @Swamped751

I began my investment journey at the age of 38, primarily through hard work and dedication Now at the age of 42, I am thrilled to share that my passive income exceeded $100k in a single month for the first time This success reinforces the importance of the advice mentioned earlier It is not about achieving quick wealth, but rather ensuring long-term financial prosperity
Comment from : @RyanContreras72

What happens when the dollar loses world reserve currency status? brbrAren’t the BRIC’s countries backing their currencies with gold ?
Comment from : @jackreacher6758

'WHO' is the national debt owed to?brbrDid you notice that question wasn't ask? brbrOhen you understand that The FED is 'privately owned' will you be alright again 😊🎯😊brbr🇺🇸
Comment from : @whatsyurprob158

The thing is, there is no alternative to dollar in 2023
Comment from : @tommyj6481

They stated that historically, all fiat currency systems crash and burn They knew it and did it anyhow Proof of a sinister bigger plan They KNEW it
Comment from : @larrymackerethjr3812

Don't worry we are the Great US of A All of our political system and our politicians are smart, bright and top-notch Especially, those few so called expert like, that economy geek peter navarro and that China expert who never step foot on China gordon chang who have written a book "The Collapes of China" like 20 years ago and yet China is still very well and getting better each day
Comment from : @peterchern2036

So how is a country like South Africa in such a devastating economical position, when we are a giant supplier of gold, platinum and diamond? Why are we, the citizens of South Africa, not benefitting from our natural resources, whilst oil producing countries like the Arab nations, have expeditiously gained incredible wealth? International corporations own our land and natural resources that was taken by force and claimed, yet we are not at least being compensated for it How was this stolen from us and why does the west still have it? Very unfair world we live in😥
Comment from : @realtalksouthafrica3369

So you know what this mean - they need United stated to keep consuming - without the avg persons greed and inability to live simple lives - those other countries need is to keep buying buying buying
Comment from : @cogama7846

August 15th 1971 isn't the true date to remember, that was just the day our fates were sealed The true date to remember is December 23rd 1913 when this whole disaster started
Comment from : @xwedel

Soo bitcoin?
Comment from : @rickpolar

I guess when they made this documentary, they didn't realize that they could continue adding onto the debt It is 2023, and we are 33 trillion dollars in debt, and they keep wanting more Our government, the Democrats on the left, and the Democrats on the right absolutely hate us they despise us, they are driving us into bankruptcy, and they are not one bit concerned
Comment from : @RickDominick69

Thank you
Comment from : @jitendershergill9884

Milk under Trump $2milk under Biden $325
Comment from : @Gooseo2000

Comment from : @liamodriscoll3739

Backwards & forwards it's a scheme Gold to money gold to money Money to digital from digital screw up circle again🙉
Comment from : @AWayOfLiving84

Comment from : @AWayOfLiving84

Preise in year 1930Sbr1c One Chocolate or bonbonbr5c 0,33 a glass of Cocca-Cola or 0,50 a glass of Pepsi-Colabr10 c(dime) 1 gallon gas 3,75 literbr20 cbreakfast with Cocca-Colabr25 c(CENT) One menü with Cocca-Colabr15 USD new car radiobr50 USD new Hatley-Davidson race bicyclebr50 USD used Ford T-Lizzybr280-350 USD new Ford-Tbr400 USD new Ford A-modelbr400 USD new Harley-Davidson El-model Knucklehead (1936) V2 1000 ccm 40 h/p V/max 160 km/hbr400 USD used Ford V8br800 new Ford V8br3000 USD new Cadillac V8 or new Cord 812 V8 or new Düsenberg V8br5000-,6000 USD one big property with hausbrKennedy born in year 1917 his father bought this property 6000 USDbrbrNew Corvette pricesbrC1 1950S 3000 USDbrC2 1960S 3500 USDbrC3 1969 4500 USDbrC3 1976 7000 USDbrC3 1980 10000 USDbrC4 1985 26000 USDbrC4 1992 40000 USDbr2019 new Corvette Sting - Ray prices 100000 USDbrbrIn year 1985 basic wage /mounts 2000 USDbrNew car prices in year 1985brPorsche 944 165 h/p 4 zylinder 26000 USDbrPorsche 928 S V8 with catalisator 288 h/p 50000 USDbrCorvette C4 V8 26000 USDbrLamborhini Countach V12 100000 USD😊
Comment from : @christianszilagyi2146

This is okay, but once you've seen The Money Masters, these other newer documentaries fall short The information in here is accurate, but fails to peel back several layers of the underlying onion It also supports the gold backing of currency which can also create problems by being inflexible to changing economic conditions and populations This documentary barely mentions fractional reserve lending which is the most evil root of this tree of deception we all depend on
Comment from : @pabloc8177

I think raising minimum wages could fix a substantial amount of it not all but most
Comment from : @eleinaedelweiss6215

Excellent Truth Bounding Evidence Based Documentary
Comment from : @lighttheoryllc4337

If the federal reserve prints American money or for most of the world why don’t they just back their money by Diamonds, platinum and Gold? So it can be worth something?
Comment from : @Dexoshay

This documentary poses the questionBitcoin provides the answer
Comment from : @MikeWall-o7j

I love it,
Comment from : @davidngugi8533

False prophet 😊
Comment from : @thomastan7511

I wish everyone would make an effort to understand this crucial information since it has taken us decades if not centuries to get here If you don't know who you're real enemy is - well - you're in the dark and wasting your time and energy blaming the wrong people Also voting makes zero difference
Comment from : @obinwataje

Money is not backed by goald
Comment from : @davidwhitton659

Ok so bottom line our way out is if US produces products and sells them and other nations buy Being consistently undercut by China would be an issue Thought provoking video, thank you
Comment from : @r4tgl

Comment from : @zankhinsaeturn115

Humanity is a giant ponzi scheme
Comment from : @Tohny98

This video is interesting! and, I brace myself for Armageddon! because, the european invader/settler, is out of his mind with chaos, and, greed! unfukkenbelievable
Comment from : @craig2190

Gold is the Kryptonite of big Government
Comment from : @charlieabel1533

So worthless I just bought all my groceries and paid my property tax on my house and rental properties with it
Comment from : @petejablowski2123

This is really eye-opening The financial system has been lying to us for many years I now guess it's high time that we should all wake up to reality
Comment from : @felixsyrio

Glad we have Bitcoin today
Comment from : @BuyBTCRetireEarly

Paper money has been speculative even before the gold standard, boom and bust is the standard for the economy and if we went back to gold we would be exposed for the fraud we are cause we do not have enough gold, that might as well just be a debt default If we spend more we go more into debt, if we save we stagnate, and if we default we go into a recession Capitalism is destined to fail, we need a new system
Comment from : @plasmicats2000

Y do we pay taxes
Comment from : @biehpham8323

Comment from : @isaackaiu3073

One will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast 0s ago
Comment from : @larrysmith2636

"Money substitute" That's a rather euphemistic way to express it Unless, of course, everything depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is 0s ago
Comment from : @larrysmith2636

In 2008
Comment from : @elleonmoketeratau-bj8gd

The industrial value of gold is a tiny fraction of the monetary value They're literally telling you to put value in something that doesn't have that much value
Comment from : @LarsLarsen77

A perfect storm is brewing in the United States Inflation, bank collapse, severe drought in the agricultural belt, recession, food shortages, diesel fuel and heating oil shortages, baby formula shortages, available automobile shortages and prices, the price of living place It's all coming together and it could lead to a real disaster towards the end of this year (or sooner) With inflation currently at about 6, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains
Comment from : @ryleemacmahon

I'm so happy I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy, I still make over $22,000 every single week
Comment from : @BobNicole_

The financial system has been artificially pumped for over a decade to ensure big pockets were lined; and now those same hands will make a fortune in the largest transfer of wealth in human history by shorting it on the way down Inflation does have a roll, but that's to keep everyone panicked, and focused on their bills and expenses, rather than focus on the capital crimes of politicians and corporations,I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $338k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market??
Comment from : @johnlennon232

Good morning to
Comment from : @mugarurahamidu2780

Filmed in 2012
Comment from : @renzo6490

And yet, the gold dealers make a lot of paper currency and enrich themselves Buy a few gold coins and try to sell them after a while You'll understand that you're not getting the market price but a fraction of it So, there's a high chance you'll lose and not gain value
Comment from : @andreideac3962

America waste to much Money Fighting Wars in Middle East Iraq and Afghanistan help Middle Class AI Robots will destroy Middle Class no! jobs! Rough Times Are Coming stop robots No good!!!😢😢😢
Comment from : @mauriceldisgreecanadahaspr9560

Investing in various sources of income that are independent of the government should be the most essential thing on everyone's mind right now especially in light of the global economic crisis at the moment I have $560,000 sitting in savings searching for the best method to enter these markets This is still an excellent moment to invest in equities, gold, silver, and digital currencies
Comment from : @biankabrodeur01

No Fiat means "fix it again tony" king of the hill would never lie!
Comment from : @flyback_driver

Stack on, Prep on Just because the end is delayed doesn’t mean it still isn’t coming 👌🏼
Comment from : @YankeeStacking

amazing! thank you!
Comment from : @GGsupply

Nixon inventor of Fiet and the ponzi long after hes death he makes Watergate look like no big deal left a ticking time bomb
Comment from : @willalm830

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