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Elon musk roasting MBA degree??:: on why mba is worthless and waste of money!!??

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Title :  Elon musk roasting MBA degree??:: on why mba is worthless and waste of money!!??
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Frames Elon musk roasting MBA degree??:: on why mba is worthless and waste of money!!??

Description Elon musk roasting MBA degree??:: on why mba is worthless and waste of money!!??

Comments Elon musk roasting MBA degree??:: on why mba is worthless and waste of money!!??

0:57 Of course you cutted it you jerk💀
Comment from : @rachelsworld5922

In other words experience matters
Comment from : @Rashad-v2i

A man who disparages education this much, has very little education himself, and yet must hire highly educated people for any of his business to function should never be listened to If you are reading this, please disregard this man and anything he says He’s also a drug addict Strong education and equality are the hallmarks of economically developed nations Nations with either one or both of those factors missing are 3rd world nations
Comment from : @Atbay8

He can't even speak properly😢
Comment from : @Miles2K-t9s

This guy is so full of it Total bs Talking but saying nothing
Comment from : @bohagz

this guy is an idiot and fooling everyone he can't even communicate his thoughts clearly due to his limited language skills an MBA person would have not used the phrasebr' parachute someone in" three times in 2 min conversation that is called lack of education which Musk does not have his days are numbered and he will be exposed soon
Comment from : @daas59

He drifts a lot Anyways got what he was saying
Comment from : @ChilomboKansankala

Yet companies still hire leadership based on that degree despite no practical experience or knowledge of the organization workings We’ve all had those bosses who we ask ourselves how they got a job in the first place
Comment from : @jamesdorsey5503

If he had gone to business school, he'd learn that he's just repeating what they teach (as if any business school would value theory over experience--good luck even getting into a decent school without experience) Been following Elon's rise since before Tesla's success, and respect him for some things, but his basic fumblings indicate why you should consult with MBAs (good ones, not me)
Comment from : @oftenwrongphong

MBA’s are worthless says the genius one in a billion engineer
Comment from : @Jamesbauer34512

I've watched MBAs ruin more IT security programs that one can imagine These people are next to useless
Comment from : @ThatWasThenThisIsNow-yn1eq

He is not the sharpest tool in the toolbox isn't he
Comment from : @spawnterror

Business managers are trained to analyze, budget, and obey regulations He knows but is trying to ridiculing others
Comment from : @SakariaSheikh-lm3ok

So exactly like Donald Trump?
Comment from : @bkm23

Elon stutters alot
Comment from : @Ffoo_ffighter

Because he did not get it
Comment from : @ici70yz49

Why should I listen to a guy about a topic he has no expertise in? Got his money from his parents Doors were opened by his wealthy mom Sound a bit like a spoiled kid to me
Comment from : @theamazingjay161

Mr Muskle, is not the best Ieader nor the best graduate And guess what He is the best innovated, strategic, outsourcing, whats2cumm 😂❤ you can't change my mind about him It's called Overachieving Expertise My diagnostic chart on dynomatter says you're as guilty as the tiny foam in the oceans sandbar zone flooding?!
Comment from : @MikeC-u4k

But many are smart, disciplined and know how to learn and so will learn the ropes
Comment from : @kevinsullivan171

I don’t see trashing I do see a poor explanation and presentation on what his thoughts are
Comment from : @Mitch3776-n1d

College is an expensive scam People actually come out stupider and can’t answer basic questions about anything brIt’s a pandemic 🥸
Comment from : @TRRJolkien

Degrees today don't mean anything Colleges and universities sell classes and paper Every year they keep adding requirements to take more irrelevant classes to get the paper They are more interested in selling more classes than producing graduates with real skills
Comment from : @xfiles4792

He has a botched penis implant and is only "successful" bc his daddy stole a mine He has recently failed at building a website, using SQL, and quitting a methamphetamine and ketamine addiction Also not understanding some programming basics around COBOL attributes
Comment from : @therealbobbyb

Not having any college degree says the man that I know better Shameful
Comment from : @Joe-oc9fc

At least they learn how to express themselves properly guy sounds like he hasn’t slept for days
Comment from : @Bonky-wonky

Great you got an MBA, what use is it if you cant take it to work with you and work independently What i mean here is that a electrician, carpenter, pipefitter or welder could bring the money in as a soul trader without the any company infrastructure, making when independent What could a MBA get you, while working on your own, working independently? A recession sort of filters out these people with a MBA Experience is the best educator, educate to get experience is the number one goal here!
Comment from : @grahamwatts8305

Is this a bit ironic given he has just "parachuted" in DOGE staff in their 20s?
Comment from : @Whoahandle

Let’s look at his stuff I bet they got degrees
Comment from : @TRE4RAISEDME

Just have your dad give you money to start a business from his emerald mine in S Africa, especially after Elon’s dad marries his stepdaughter who he raises since she was a kid, he groomed her, and also had a kid with her, and this pissed Elon off because he wanted her, so his dad gave him millions to start a business, and that’s why am MBA is ridiculous, you should all just get your wish dad to give you millions to start a business instead of going to college, duh, you’re doing it wrong, lol
Comment from : @discoverarchery

I’m MBA student and I could confirm, anyway, my MBA have The Hague Agreement, so it will makes me recognized internationally, and after I will finish my master degree on datascience, I think it’s a good combination, with experience I will be able to move around the world working
Comment from : @nicobecerrareview8832

I have one and I agree Nothing beats experience At the time I felt like I had to get one to get ahead
Comment from : @robertgregory1927

Leadership qualities and setting a good example in the workplace are inextricably linked Good leaders are not only able to convey a vision and motivate others, but they also live that vision themselves In other words, you naturally become a good leader when you are (re)recognized as such by the people you lead Elon, abolish all management training programs
Comment from : @esengersma5391

You're gonna give back what you stole from me too
Comment from : @Jennifer-f9n

That’s so right!
Comment from : @vanillahill007

MBAs ruin companies
Comment from : @notanymore9471

Silly I did my MBA and one of my class was investing I used that information to set up both 401ks and personal investing The diversification and understanding was extremely beneficial brbrPlus the exposure and push to read a lot of good books was also valuable
Comment from : @rc8929

He's 100 correct
Comment from : @DB57RB

Perfect! Makes sense
Comment from : @aazargar

Ever since education became a commercialized business cranking out more product for more profit, the value of these degrees has become significantly diluted As an engineer, I have had the privilege to work work some top notched degreed individuals and the misfortune of some pretty incompetent ones too Unfortunately, our corporations are only slowly beginning to realize that mass produced degrees (such as MBA's) are not the panaceas they think they are
Comment from : @jeffburton9083

Comment from : @susieQ-z8w

And by the way a black scarf helps if you want to riot unrecognized
Comment from : @Alx-gj2uz

i completely agree with mr musk on this one
Comment from : @amitdev652

It’s easy for him to say when he has a degree from penn
Comment from : @tastyhongo

Firs two steps to be successfulbrStep 1) Make sure your dad has an apartheid South-African emerald minebrStep 2) Have mommy take you away from South-Africa because they have mandatory military service for young men
Comment from : @GoBayside

As an engineer, I scaled up a startup with a business partnerwe grew too fast and closed If we had an MBA in the room he/she would have seen that a mile awayamongst countless other things I saw a lot of issues, but was ignored due to my background as an engineer Nevertheless, I knew I was in over my head I respect MBAs and will ALWAYS look to work with one for the rest of my natural life Peace
Comment from : @lappdev5071

He’s spot on Employees can tell these MBA’s know nothing too, and they rarely do anything innovative
Comment from : @kevinperez7555

Well said Elon! MBA is a scam
Comment from : @AlongtheRiverLife

Why exactly is the bandana necessary
Comment from : @Jonathondelemos

projection much?
Comment from : @vs-yy5cx

Elon stuttering and stumbling around for words doesn't make him a genius He bought pre-exisiting companies and convinced everyone he created them
Comment from : @bruceandkim2305

He's right though An mba will give you a couple of examples of what was done by a company in a given situation You might as well just download or print those cases and save $200k On the other hand if you're living the situation, like Elon having his rockets exploding and his car's windows shattered in public, that's a level of knowledge and experience on your own skin that no mba will ever give you
Comment from : @pericodelospalotes5078

translation - “they haven’t been in the trenches”
Comment from : @easyDoes1T85

Every time I listen to Elon, I have no idea what he's talking about He can't string a sentence together
Comment from : @jecoharman

Dude can barely speak
Comment from : @s0urp0wer5

he is a big hyypocrite, all his companies required a degree to work there
Comment from : @infostream135

The day we depend on a billionaire's assessment or opinion to promote someone is when we sell our soul to the devil School is there for a reason To give everyone a level playing field and a fair assessment
Comment from : @zuckthebetacuck2789

Ironically, this showed up on my feed I'm a business owner I am a woman owned tech company I only have a bachelor's degree, yet, 80 of those working for me has at least an MBA brbrThe irony
Comment from : @jessieschannel4006

It would the company's fault to get someone steering the company without having the connection to the products and services MBA does give you the methods and tools to successfully command a big ship It is justified and it would be wrong to let an engineer run a company You need management capabilities, like planning, budgeting, procurement etc These are not engineering tasks, but plain and simple management of people, contracts and resources
Comment from : @alexanderstromer5106

Phony Stark
Comment from : @RandomPeasant123

This prick thinks he knows everythingbrWhat a fraud
Comment from : @Simon-No_agro_tho

Before you listen to thing this guy has to say, remember that he studied at the Wharton School of Business 😂
Comment from : @kgbkaren2865

BS He parachutes in and pushes others out And takes the credit
Comment from : @mark19441944

The nerd that's trying to be cool lol
Comment from : @carlosauza1087

I had to get an MBA and do 17 years on the ground because I didn't have anyone pull me up
Comment from : @gruber681

Why I feel Elon musk is a useless creature?
Comment from : @akshayganesh4144

Companies are led by bean counters Every decision is based on share price speculation because that is how management gets paid It's not about making better products or services Often, the parts of a business are worth more than the whole So in order to move share price upwards, growth is the only metric that's considered Growth can be achieved by cost cutting as well as by making better products or services Cost cutting is certainly easier so it usually wins out CEOs jump from company to company making sure that upper management gets taken care of financially even if they destroy the company in the process After al,l as long as your making money who cares what happens to the company when there's always another company to go to and make money off of as it gets destroyed
Comment from : @rickm5853

Now ELON shows his real self! Liar, and dictator! Do not believe HITLER!
Comment from : @amandafaith9299

This is what we want not PHD we want brPSD DEGREES POOR SMART DESIRE TO BECOME RICH
Comment from : @Eliezer1018

Of course a billionaire would say that
Comment from : @jacobboxingtv2463

Work your way up, don’t just buy your way in with daddy’s South African diamond mine money Good advice
Comment from : @BalmforthGG

I don't want to trash MBA too much, bro, you already did 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @eoadedapo

All of this from a man whose company has only stayed in business because of the expertise of other people
Comment from : @Lexicon-v6d

MBA institutions are degree mills Successful business has little do do with it
Comment from : @MercifulMariner

He prefers people from 4th Reich University 🫤 He is human garbage
Comment from : @suilfisean

Exactly yes, thank you!
Comment from : @KetakiAcharya

Ive had 23 different jobs by the young age of 30 and a bachelors degree by age 28 i think me with an MBA would genuinely be more qualified than anoyone who has just worked or just done school
Comment from : @MrSavageDOESITALL

Tech nonsense 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @XboxProIsGay

I agree By all means, get your MBA but don't think that should give you a license to skip steps I've been working for close to 20 years now and everyone I've seen who has "parachuted" into a management role and not understood the nuances of the path to that role has failed Some things are not taught in a classroom
Comment from : @reddish8692

Doesn't sound like he's roasting MBA Video cuts off right as he was about to defend MBA People love to grab the internet microphone and stir things up in a disingenuous manner -- it's a sickness
Comment from : @tomryannova

but you hired MBA grads lol🤣
Comment from : @gansa7331

MBA is one of the most useless degrees one could earn No value added No job opportunities based on MBA degree They teach you something of everything that’s not applicable in the real world Nothing taught can be applied directly or indirectly into business or development of business You can probably parachute down from Harvard but doesn’t mean you know squat brIt’s usually the uneducated opportunists that grow to learn business
Comment from : @Shadow6taka

Comment from : @TotsNotAverie

For him, Nice pu**ies are more important than the mba degree
Comment from : @ella_lovelife9641

That’s why you do both?
Comment from : @nathankendrick3460

The Nazi is speaking
Comment from : @stefans6858

Yes, it is much better to be born as a heir to a mining company in a Apartheid country
Comment from : @marcocavalieri6272

Comment from : @anshulswami2635

"Parachute in" describes the last three US president's besides the man in charge now
Comment from : @MiguelOjedaJr

Only He didn't say that
Comment from : @winfriedmaus

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