Title | : | Should I Finance Solar Panels? |
Lasting | : | 3.00 |
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Views | : | 272 rb |
Nix the guesswork and scrolling We’ll connect you with investment pros we trust: bitly/3hc6Pgt Comment from : @TheRamseyShow |
I am not fully convinced that the second guy fully believes what Dave said - it sounds like the rhetoric of "don't ever take on debt" because Dave went bankrupt that one time Comment from : @cryptomouse630 |
ramsey finally right about something Comment from : @MegaMijit |
25 years 125 for solar panels Comment from : @celiaponcehernandez6155 |
full of scam companies Comment from : @sobanosilva8585 |
"If you've ever financed a tattooYou might be a redneck" Jeff Foxworthy Comment from : @marty906 |
Just don't get them That was easy Comment from : @coldwarrior23 |
I lease my panels for $130 a month The company covers all maintenance and repairs for 25 years This payment increases every year By the 25th year, the payment will be $250 Consider inflation in 25 years $250 will be $630 in 25 years! Comment from : @Orlando1106 |
Who has $63 to 100k to drop for solar panels? Or a house? Or a car? Financing is a way to get these things Without financing, these industries would not exist, because only 1 to 2 percent of the population could afford them Comment from : @Orlando1106 |
Solar panels are so cheap that if you buy and install yourself you may be able to achieve a 3 year pay back You also, with some planning, Do your buildout in phases using your electric bill savings to expand to an off grid position Comment from : @kevinm234 |
Get it directly from the manufacturer in china 20kw full system 7grand plus shipping Comment from : @3rdatmosphere |
Solar is worthless Comment from : @ArthurFeitosa89 |
There is actually a study that houses with solar sell 20 quicker and you get back up to 70 of what you paid for the panels Comment from : @Joe-id2zc |
patheric your information given Comment from : @nochisg4131 |
Does he not realize an electric bill is a loan Comment from : @6ixthhydro652 |
Wow this guy is an idiot Comment from : @6ixthhydro652 |
Anyone can afford Solar Energy You can piece the system together paying cash for each item until you have everything you need for the installation Start out with a small system two 100 watt panels, a charge controller, one Lifepo4 100ah battery & a pure sine wave inverterbrLater you can Expand the system by simply adding panels & batteries to meet your KWH requirements Comment from : @miguelsalami |
I can’t image being married to a woman who find a problem with everything but never have a logical reason to her problem Comment from : @RockSolidPro |
This is old people it does raise property valve plenty of study’s done now about this Comment from : @lildevil9255 |
Solar energy is great It's these scam companies are not The prices are dependent on who will fall for their scam Much like buying cars from a sleazy salesman Comment from : @juanplus3324 |
What I don't like is If the electric goes out in your neighborhood Your electric is still out Unless you have batteries Also, regardless, you will have an electric bill for life, so why not just pay solar When it's paid off You won't have an electric bill or it will be small Comment from : @dreday4612 |
most Americans don’t have enough money for $1000 emergency but this guy wants you to pay 40-60k for solar panels in cash This is why I unfollowed this economic dinosaur Comment from : @MrJuandiego1988 |
More like a 15-20yr break even period And what about winter? Making a payment and also paying for electric in many stateswhat about roof leaks? Bad hail storms in the Midwest?people end up replacing their roofs every 7-10 years here How much to remove and reinstall? Comment from : @inkstain7193 |
Your gonna have a power bill no matter what? Your replacing your power bill for solar bill The solar bill wont change and the electric bill will only go up Its basic math that the solar loan will save you $$$ Comment from : @jflowers090 |
400/mo electric bill? That seems kind of high? Mine averages about 150/mo Is it from running ac? I don’t live in the south Comment from : @cynicallyskeptic4295 |
Im going to put it like this A company that has a good product value never has to knock on doors Comment from : @DerpMcDerp101 |
May be it is better to pay it cash but this information it is not updated, there are incentives to go solar Comment from : @BigGollum1 |
This guy is very rude, He might be right but very arrogant Comment from : @BigGollum1 |
If you even out it makes sense Can it be financed at 0 and have installation partially covered by grants or credits? If you can, that money would better serve you in another place Comment from : @MrDavecupp |
Climate change is fake! Don’t go solar! If climate change were real in the advent of global warming all the politicians wouldn’t be living at Martha’s Vineyard! Comment from : @TheHope12322 |
Here’s my situation: It would cost me 20k upfront to bring electric to my property because I’m so far out plus the electric company will charge me every month on usage For me, I feel financing solar is simply replacing the monthly electric bill with a monthly finance charge I don’t ever intend on selling the house unless I magically win the lottery at which point I wouldn’t care It will be my homestead I feel like my situation is an exception to the rule personally and the only way my property can get energy Comment from : @Reelunique |
would love to debate you on this on air Comment from : @livinginthejerseyshore7400 |
Hi guys brI recently bought a house with 28 solar panels right now the solars are disconnected because the hose was for sell Previous owner paid off the solars and they said” I should call the solar company to they send somebody to reconnect the solars” I called to the company and they said the solar is paid in full and we need to run your credit now, I asked why ? They said because we should make sure you are eligible or no 🤯 I denied to they run my credit because the solars are paid off and ask them to send somebody to reconnect solars but they didn’t brWhat should I do guys help me Comment from : @Saltyplate |
Everyone I know who’s gotten solar has gotten fucked Comment from : @Justin-cl7lg |
100 finance over a lease Its easy to transfer to new homeowner get your info correct Comment from : @Mikeymason94 |
So he would rather throw money away on an electric bill than use that same money to pay off pv panels lol Comment from : @DavidLowrimore |
Isn’t this the guy from the solar training videos? Lol Comment from : @22tv26 |
never would i loan money for solar panels by the time you have paid them off they will need replacingbrinvest the money into funds instead i'm earning 5 month on my funds my cash grows and in 2 days i can recoup my cash back plus 55 yearly profit bri have only ever had one bank loan and that was for our home loaning money using your home a cash machine is putting your home at riskbrDONT DO IT Comment from : @isaachunt5799 |
Solar sucks If leasing, you are responsible for damages You can't get out of the contract Comment from : @jjrbarnett |
Trading a 400$ monthly energy bill for a solar system thatll only be 150$ a month is a great deal wtf are you talking about?? 😆 energy independence is pretty valuable these days Smh You're a trip Comment from : @ken87saldana |
The logic of paying more money for an anyways bill to avoid debt is mind blowing “Hey good job you dont have debt!” Meanwhile if your home is a good home for solar meaning the roof gets good sun exposure it’s the difference of thousands of dollars in savings Utility cost is going to continue to climb It’s a no brainer Comment from : @albertlake-o6p |
I’m very surprised Dave calls these “ excellent” , wow Comment from : @snarecat3441 |
just do a ppa Comment from : @SolarProZane |
This is literally horrible financial advice 😂 why deal with a rising 400$ utility bill vs financing a power production system that’s produces your power for 150$ a month 😂 250 monthly & 3k in annual savings not to forget what he’s stated about solar not adding value is complete false a quick google search can debunk that claim Comment from : @christianenright352 |
Any person with a brain will by Solar Anything stopping you from doing that is just ignorance or sales resistance thinking you will “get sold” Solar is political happening with or without you (Paris Climate Act), and that’s why people go to your doorstep because they are in a sense required to and actually informed When you know how to work with the lenders you are able to lower the dealer fees to match the system cost that is exactly as cash is and able to pay it off within 5 years while not paying 30k out of pocket You would not know that because Solar is not your profession, which is why it’s not recommended to speak or listen to someone speak on something that is not their profession Comment from : @sebasspriest4087 |
I'm glad they didn't ask if they could refinance them hahahah Comment from : @doubledragon2074 |
Only idiots get solar its a scam the length of financing is ridiculous Comment from : @jjohnson9707 |
Everybody here, including Dave Ramsey who is saying financing Solar doesn’t make sense is an absolute moron Especially for people in Arizona I am financing my solar… my average bill before Solar was $210/mo Now? I pay my solar loan $133/mo My APS bill last month was negative $89 The month before that it was $-112 Before that? $-45 APS owes me money Oh… and I got a $14k check in the mail thanks to the 30 tax credit brbrOne of the best investments I’ve made Comment from : @MyNmeIsJordan |
Soar is such a scam Comment from : @Aerondighteternal |
This is just wrong🤣 how long do you plan on paying an electric bill for?? You’re in bigger debt to the power grid Comment from : @tannerdanielson5265 |
Dont lease solar you have tp buy it In cali the power cost is so high Comment from : @youtubescroller350 |
I got quoted 100k for a 15k net metering system when my electric bill is only 155$ a month That solar loan would of cost 660$ a month to save 90$ of grid usage (10 interest) Scam Called another company, lot better deal at 60k for same size at 280$ a month Yes that is still double my electric bill and still only supports 80 of my grid That is 6 interest rates If I paid cash, used the federal ITC, and got exact electric rates, it would take 20-25 years to break even If rates doubled, 10-12 years So in term of investment (07 kwh rate), terrible Only if I diy install for under 30k I would say its okay Comment from : @AustinFoe |
Well that was just misinformation out the bum hole wasn't itbrMany of us have solar paid for now and it's making us money which pays off our debt Comment from : @HalkerVeil |
The electricity bill is forever… whether the panels are worthless or not in 5 years is irrelevant as long as they’re working properly I’d rather pay substantially less for the next 20 years than pay a whole lot more for the rest of my life🤷🏻♂️ Comment from : @orlandovelez3105 |
Normal people would never be able to afford a system, however they’d re already paying an electric bill Might as well put that money into your home With a good company of course Comment from : @carsonjwill |
I live in FL and solar panel sales people are constant I have had discussions with a few that it just doesn't make sense to finance these for a utility deduction even with the gov incentives which never deters the pitch Myself and a a lot of neighbors now have signs that say no we do not want solar panels by the front door and they still ring the doorbell Comment from : @johnnaybor9367 |
Just be homeless until you can afford to pay for your house outright Flawless logic 😂 Comment from : @leosan2173 |
I don't understand why paying $400/mo to the electric company is worse than financing for a $150/mo payment and no electric bill Granted, that seems too good to be true but it that were the case, shouldn't they jump on it if they are not planning to move? The risk of $250 every month seems well worth it no? I'm just not understanding Comment from : @baileym4708 |
It's quite the project but you can install solar yourself for a fraction of the price, even less if you go used Comment from : @willberg8599 |
Also, watch out for extra costs Sometimes they will require a new electric box and new roof The panels do wear out too Flexible ones have been know to catch on fire I charge mine on my deck to a solar generator Comment from : @donnalutheran6335 |
The cost of a 100watt solar panel is $100 That should tell you something about the markup Sales commission and labor Comment from : @donnalutheran6335 |
Solar can be transferred to a new homeowner so they can avoid being in debt if it isn’t fully paid for Comment from : @jonramos7296 |
But Dave the net metering has changed you have to have a battery now brAny consumers on here research your power utilities net metering agreement before buying solar with out a battery Comment from : @brockallstate |
Most solar loans are transferable and assumable now… read the fine print most financing is transferable and assumable now Comment from : @brockallstate |
What about the Zillow study they are starting to add value Comment from : @brockallstate |
Explain this analysis for me If the payments for the solar panels are less than the electric bill, why is the husband wrong to want this? You didn't explain it Comment from : @dahelmang |
It’s the difference from renting your power from the grid or owning your power with solar Comment from : @marksatterlee3739 |
Solar panel ads at beginning, middle and end of this clipbrbrWhy would anyone think Dave would endorse going into debt? Comment from : @fhuber7507 |
Dave will not ok borrowing money for it Comment from : @jimroscovius |
The felons who used to sell Kirby vacuums door-to-door have all now switched over to selling solar panels Comment from : @tesstkohls7448 |
Dave, I’m sorry but this is wrong! Comment from : @chasegallagher2702 |
For those who don’t believe what dave said he I remember years ago he had a caller that was trying to sell the house but in order to sell she had to paid the stupid loan on the panel leaving her with 80k negative balance after the sale It my be a good idea but be careful what you get into there is a lot of scammers out there Comment from : @santosf1107 |
Good luck selling your house if a solar company has a lien on it Comment from : @donaldrichey3318 |
Sorry Dave you got this one wrong Comment from : @Darklaser453 |
So you'd rather not finance and pay less per month on your electricity coming from solar vs your never ending utility company bill? You're already paying a bill monthly you might as well take advantage of a lower monthly payment and invest in something that will pay you back Comment from : @HoppingStates |
It costs the same as a bill that I’m already paying, and will continue to pay for the rest of my life How is that worse than paying a loan with a lower interest rate than the rate that my power bill has been increasing? Comment from : @Max-ud5zy |
People pay this guy to keep them poor Believe what you want about his financial advice, but he is clueless when it comes to solar Most solar loans are retail installments, not a traditional loan My home was appraised after solar was installed during a refinance ( yes, Dave I’m the devil, I have a mortgage) On the appraisal there was a comment about the value of solar and it increased my home value more than my contract price of the solar The information on solar he’s providing is so far off, I question if he is receiving kickbacks from utility companies My advice; everyone’s situation is different solar is not for all, but it’s a great investment for homeowners that get direct sunlight, have taxable income and are in an area with favorable net metering I also have advice for Dave, when you don’t know what you’re talking about, say I’m not sure but I’ll do some research and get back with you SMH Comment from : @jeffreykenney4281 |
The comment section here has a ton of misinformation but what would you expect on a Dave Ramsey video Comment from : @Wrightstuff13 |
This guy is a complete joke There’s a saying called “inspect what you expect” His comments on solar finance do not include the review of the details before making an uneducated opinion These are facts Comment from : @jonathanwilson1121 |
When I bought my house, I checked on solar Crunched the numbers, and 20 years out, buying solar vs buying grid power, cost was double buying solar I didn't get the solar, it didn't make sensebrbrI am building an off grid solar system, but that's just for my own enjoyment and backup use Paying cash for it as I buy components out of my toy fund, and it's never meant to have an ROI Comment from : @om617yota8 |
Dave,brbrI’m confused how solar doesn’t make sensebrbrHomes that make sense for solar don’t cost more to live in Homeowners are re-allocating the money they spend on their electric bill to pay for their solarbrbrSince there are no moving parts and solar doesn’t require maintenance or upkeep there is no monthly or yearly upkeep costbrbrWhy would a home upgrade that sits on a homeowners unused roof space that generates power for the home and helps the homeowner lower their monthly fixed cost be a bad investment?brbrGoing solar is just like setting up utility services at your home Cost you $0 out of pocket to get your services started and you get your first bill usually 30 days after they have been activatedbrbrSame goes with solar Get solar installed for $0 down Pay your first bill 30 days later, but the only difference is now you own your power versus renting it from the utility companybrbrAlso if you add battery storage when the grid goes down you still have power Comment from : @clintonrarey1737 |
Seems likes a lot of misinformation in an attempt to stay on brand and avoid any kind of financing Having family members and friends that have sold homes with solar, they don't share Dave's opinion The thing is it's true that they are trading a $400 electric bill (renting electricity from the utility company) for a $150 monthly loan How is it not worth it to save thousands a year when the production and performance of the system is guaranteed for 25 years? Not to mention you don't even have to increase the home value to pay off the loan when you sell, the loan transfers almost as easily as a normal handover of the utilities I would personally want to buy the home if it already had solar as I could use the thousands I save in electricity cost for wiser investments brbrPerhaps do some more research on the topic Maybe by doing your own study on homes that have sold with solar instead of giving potentially harmful advice based on your opinion?brbr(PS: Financing solar is not for everyone: If you don't have the space for solar panels, if your income tax liability is too low, if your utility company has unfavorable net metering policies, or if you aren't able to pay your current electric bills regularly, solar indeed might not be the right fit for your home) Comment from : @dspear44 |
YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT SOLAR AND FINANCEbrbrHorrible advice from this clown Comment from : @jaymartinez5049 |
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