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Investing in Gold Bars vs. Gold Coins - The Ultimate Decision!

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Information Investing in Gold Bars vs. Gold Coins - The Ultimate Decision!

Title :  Investing in Gold Bars vs. Gold Coins - The Ultimate Decision!
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Frames Investing in Gold Bars vs. Gold Coins - The Ultimate Decision!

Description Investing in Gold Bars vs. Gold Coins - The Ultimate Decision!

Comments Investing in Gold Bars vs. Gold Coins - The Ultimate Decision!

How about both
Comment from : @johnmills2274

SD, Harry says he has to pay less than spot for gold bars as no one wants to buy them
Comment from : @JimJanowiecki

You have to find a buyer or a seller, also you can’t buy most products retail…cash is king
Comment from : @jamesnorth8478

Don’t forget the extra charges to buy and also sell…you don’t pay spot price
Comment from : @jamesnorth8478

I just started stacking silver recently and I only have one gold coin and it's a quarter ounce Australian kangaroo I'm now considering buying my first one ounce gold coin I really like the 24 carat ones and I think the Britannia is one of the most beautiful I'm considering buying a Swiss bar, a Britannia or a maple leaf I don't really care for the color of the American eagles And they're not 24 karat either I know at the end of the day it isn't that important but I just prefer the 24K stuff
Comment from : @danielbell7855

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about investing in gold With all the economic uncertainty, it feels like the right time to diversify But now I’m stuck trying to decide between gold bars and gold coins
Comment from : @rodgertim2881

I've been looking into cryptocurrency investments, but I'm still unsure about the best and safest way to go about it Any advice or insights you could share?
Comment from : @ThomasJClark-w4z

I'll probably stick with a gold barbecause the coin ones are no longer available here 😂
Comment from : @figraa

I would suggest 10g gold bars
Comment from : @julianfinegan9852

I have 35 of my capital investments in an IRA, 25 in index funds, and the balance spread across other investment accts totalling over $250k I took a big hit in Q2, 2023 Right now i am just looking for ways to recover in 2024
Comment from : @KentBrono

Only bars
Comment from : @morningstar5177

Are the coins pure gold like the bars?
Comment from : @slightlystooopid420

Stamped bars in plastic seald packageis no dmart br1 fake waights br2 most counterfeit br Coins are hmmm if old or damagedthe dealer's try to talk it down brAnd bars and coins have a primiam brbrPord cars ,,blobs,, are best bank for bucks
Comment from : @Jimmy-mx4cc

I had no idea fraudulent bars and coins were so prevalent
Comment from : @gregj831

I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
Comment from : @johnawara9719

I don’t know why anyone would keep metals in a plastic container like a stinky Pete doll
Comment from : @chrisblanc663

What about government minted bars vs government minted coins? Such as The Royal Mint Buillon
Comment from : @devildogus2187

For me, its whatever I can afford
Comment from : @JoshuaTremper856

If the govt confiscated gold again, do you think it would be most likely all govt minted coins?
Comment from : @Kim-cq5gk

Great video! I like both, but coins are more fun and historical
Comment from : @julesdupontiii

0:00 💰 Exploring the debate between buying gold bars versus gold coins for investment purposesbr1:20 🔍 Fake gold bars are easier to make than coins, often made from tungsten and plated with gold, but coins have more detectable featuresbr3:19 🛡 Coins are perceived as more trustworthy due to their face value and potential legal consequences for counterfeitersbr4:46 💼 Both bars and coins have liquidity, but bars might fetch slightly lower prices when sold backbr6:28 💲 Gold bars generally have lower premiums compared to coins, offering potentially better deals for investorsbr8:16 🤔 Personal preference plays a significant role in deciding between bars and coins, considering factors like trust, liquidity, and aesthetic appeal
Comment from : @dameanvil

Do you have any experience traveling overseas with PM? I plan on moving to Philippines next year and am concerned about the best way to get my stack there
Comment from : @fil-amfil-fam

Moral of the story buy from a good dealer Personally, I buy all my coins on eBay from VERY respectable dealers who have thousands of reviews I also check their websites and read reviews
Comment from : @allisonsmith9050

So gold coin is the best choice from the bar or bar ????
Comment from : @seesee7662

seems like some of this only applies to minted bars and might not be relevant to cast bars people seem to worry a lot about removing mint bars from their assay packaging, so cast bars seem less stressful
Comment from : @amandak4246

I like the coins for sure Eagles are my favorite
Comment from : @golferprice

Keep hearing coins are the best so I got em but I love the bars
Comment from : @mattbarnett3185

Go to the government mint of your country or go to the authorized dealer of that government mint for example you could go to the Royal Canadian Mint they're not going to rip you off or you go to an authorized dealer of the Royal Canadian Mint or if you're an American go to the American mint
Comment from : @outdooraddventure

So what’s wrong with bars again?
Comment from : @MaxPaint-c8m

Coins is better than the bars,because collection of coins and stacking it,you will be willing to have veriety & and collecting more gold
Comment from : @abdnourbakhsh9600

3:29 did I just see a piece chip off 😮
Comment from : @Jamesfetterman33

Germania mint has a very nice one ounce gold bar!
Comment from : @icy3004

It's also a spacing issue as well, id only hold so much physical gold if the fiat market crashes making them worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars
Comment from : @bluejaykilla6197

In Norway this is pretty simple: We have a 25 in value added tax on gold and silver bars, but not on gold and silver coins Therefore the only logical option for us is coins
Comment from : @arniz87

Bars are what I like so I buy bars
Comment from : @budscott1257

I love the royal Canadian mint 1 oz gold bars!
Comment from : @chevrolet355

Why doesn’t this align with your silver stacking theory
Comment from : @yankshomer7267

Why not buy both?
Comment from : @halfbee7886

Great video I prefer gold coins over the gold bars You have a good knowledge of precious metals My personal favorite coins are gold eagles ,buffalos & Mexican libertad
Comment from : @yetiking6862

If we gotta resell the metal to a bank (because banks easily buy it from people without many restriction)brIs bullion better or the coin?
Comment from : @amoghverma3108

If you buy from a reputable seller, here in CH, swissgold and philoro, you are save, nearly 1kgin bars same in coinswho cares,,not going to sell in my life, challenge is with my son Bars 5-50g, coins, well I have krugerands, maples, souvenir, dukaten, dragons, sorry lost count Basic message not for gain, just have itcannot go wrong
Comment from : @romanmichalek4758

Thank you for the solid advice Turning some funds to gold and silver soon
Comment from : @SHOCKWAVEDAVE

All that plastic in the assay holder is annoying
Comment from : @MarkACarroll

you should buy numismatic valued items
Comment from : @BestPackagingSolutions

You forget that stste sales tax is charged on minted sovereign coins in my state that is 775 a desl breaker , on a 200000 dollar Buffalo thats 15500 on top of the premium above spot The only way around this is to trade , silver our Gold in bars for a minted coin so that 200000 dollar buffalo turns into 215500 minus spot of 188000 is a 27500 loss typically a shop will pay 3000 to 4000 above spot on a buffalo so your looking at a net negative of 23500 to 24500 per Buffalo , verses a 1 oz bar that you can get on sale for 3000 to 6000 above spot Bars make more sense and than trade for a sovereign coin better yet trade silver bars for gold coins at a favorable moment and you can usually do pretty well
Comment from : @joelmattila4084

Before I watch this] I know coins have higher premiums but I'm watching this to see if the higher premium is worth spending the extra money to potentially get more later but bars are my preferred way cause it's premiums are lower
Comment from : @shmirie666

You get a serial number with the bars
Comment from : @ltcajh

Good video SD! THANKS! Price is everything to a startup like me!
Comment from : @THECRANKYONE

Ok a one Troy ounce Gold Eagle at $2,150 with a $50 face value,,, I don’t get it Am I dishing out $2,150 for something that’s worth $50? 😵‍💫
Comment from : @robertgill448

I stack bars over coins every day that ends with the letter Y
Comment from : @allen_p

So platinum is virtually unfakable, right? How is silver faked?
Comment from : @ryanhudson1252

Do you think websites of brands like JM bullion? There's one popular bullion YouTuber also in curious about
Comment from : @artlessdiamondmedia

Coins are more fun but bars are a better buy If you have to sell quickly, gold dealers will only give you gold content value anyways So why pay more for your gold?
Comment from : @Wargasm54

For the everyday investors, Is it better to buy common gold bullion coins or premium gold coins???? I've been told it's better in the long run to purchase Premium precious metals like gold and silver I know premium coins are more expensive Thanks -- Ray
Comment from : @rayray5999

I like coins and bars but I see the big difference between them two and honestly having more gold bars is taking much more space than gold coins because you can stack them easilybrI buy gold not because i want to sell it one day but because i need to have some value on it in case i need to sell it this is my emergencies I honestly don't care if I lose a lot of money if I had to sell it to fix my problems but just having it and making sure its not eaten by inflation its way better
Comment from : @penguingobrrbrr353

bYou can sell $30,000 of US Gold Coin to a dealer and he doesn't have to report it to the IRS/bbrHowever, if you sold $30,000 of GOLD BARs to the dealer/smelter, he would HAVE TO REPORT IT BY LAW*brBig FREAKIN difference there that you miss buddy
Comment from : @johnsmith1953x

Coins are significantly more fun to stack than bars particularly, if you have favorites or rare pieces you like to revisit However, if you are trying to take advantage of it financially It is waaaaaay harder to psychologically let go of coins than it is bars
Comment from : @billsmith6652

$100 buy back loss? Thats absolute bullshyt!!
Comment from : @johndillian1018

1oz is not a bar, its a stamp
Comment from : @Ulrna

Thank you! Very helpful
Comment from : @malikfayiz8259

I am a new stacker Not the most wealthy Modest worker I been investing in silver and been looking into gold also for diversification, can't afford an ounce, should I save up enough silver till I can buy an ounce with it and start over with the silver, or buy the 5g, 10g gold bars i can at a time I can?
Comment from : @jacksonbilly9979

What about metals for IRA?
Comment from : @chris2790

How about Platinum just to make jewelry out of gold and silver will be made into chains just like old times
Comment from : @damnu8089

Bottom line gold is gold, if you want to understand this better look at Industrial beads and that should tell you something They tell you it takes money to process it and make a coin or a bar so how many times they going to charge you for making something that's been made Or charge epremium so they can make money If you look at the price over spot the true price of the gold or silver is the True Value of your gold and silver
Comment from : @damnu8089

Coins provoke a stronger emotional response, sometimes critical when selling it on
Comment from : @changechange9972

US mint coins are clear w/o govt paper work to buy n sellbrCheck St n Fed laws
Comment from : @frankmurray9447

I own 10 ounces of 1 gram bars Only own them in case of Shtf scenarios Very easy to barter for food and nesesities when paper money becomes worthless !
Comment from : @kenstrauss5841

I'm watching this 11 months after release, but, the information still rings true Personally, coins scare me because of this "extra" value(and cost) over the melt or spot price Scares me cause stuff like that "extra" changes as a fad, or a whim of the people, or whatever you wanna call it Bars just feel safer to me for some reason If I by a bar, it is what it is and it's worth what it's worth, but with coins, I pay this extra, and even if the metal price stays the same, the price I can sell it for later might be less because of some reduction in the desirability I dunno, maybe I'm looking at it wrong, but bars just feel safer to me
Comment from : @project5k

In vietnam you can buy 9999 gold ring to invest :D
Comment from : @Dautuvangbac

One reason is you can get coins out of the packet The trouble with those packaged bars is that they lose value and are harder to test for a start
Comment from : @tomb8430

I have a question someone was singing the pluses of buying investment gold, American Eagle gold 1 oz MS 70 never touch by human hands vs an American Eagle 1 oz gold bullion coin The MS 70 has a higher premium but has a better chance of higher profit Is the MS 70 AE worth it?
Comment from : @andrewkulczytzky5716


Bars as plain as possible in silver and gold I say Also, fraction gold such as Goldbacks I say are solid
Comment from : @rollthedice54

I buy my gold and silvers to a very reputable bullion dealer I do not buy anything from ebay As a stacker, I prefer both gold bars and coins I only buy 1 OZ at a time or sometime more if it is on sale The big difference for me when I buy gold bar & gold coin is that, I get to touch with my fingers the gold coin, and the joy it gives me knowing I own it, before putting it in a capsule On the the gold bar, I never remove it from the package with the assay card to preserve it's value for future resale I really wish I could remove it from the package and just be able to touch it with my fingers just like the coins What do you think? Anyway, let's go stack some more!
Comment from : @artiintel2945

I heard that over a certain amount of $ during the sell, you have to pay tax but if its currency (coin) it is except from tax Is this true?
Comment from : @attilabodi826

Thanks for the info
Comment from : @jamesaigler285

I prefer bullion over rounds!
Comment from : @tylerfortin4937

Sounds like an expensive hobby
Comment from : @jimmydroid7838

Most of my stash has come from monument metals Anyone had good/ bad experiences with them?
Comment from : @MrFirstonraceday

In Mn you aren't charge tax on bars, but coins yes
Comment from : @ronaldmiller3619

With those bars I don’t like having to keep them in the card I like to hold my gold in my hands I only have American eagles and Buffalo’s don’t forget the tax break when buying American coins If I’m ever going to get a bar it will be a poured gold bar that I can feel the gold…✊🇺🇸
Comment from : @JohnAdams-rm7zm

Also if you had to sell it during world global crisis would you be able to sell the coins at a more premium rate?
Comment from : @eyes2338

how about taxes?
Comment from : @caesar5555

I'll take the bars
Comment from : @Joker-ux3jf

thanks this really helped a lot!
Comment from : @goofy1264

how much of a difference is the price of a bar to the price of a coin
Comment from : @goofy1264

I love bar
Comment from : @lutmingtsoi8460

In the town I live in no one wants to buy gold bars They want mostly American minted coins and Canadian maples I have head this can be an issue in other locations In a big city it most likely isn't a problem If you don't want to travel far in the future you should check from your local coin shop if they take gold bars
Comment from : @mfb3042

I do prefer bars I like the assay cards, and they tend to have lower premiums
Comment from : @nickdolin393

why is the coin only fifty dollars if it is worth two thousand?
Comment from : @Ezkeel

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