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How To Discipline A Child With ADHD and ODD

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Comments How To Discipline A Child With ADHD and ODD

A preschool boy with an IEP, who curses badly!!! Spits, bites, and scratches you We have tried everything He is showing signs of just ODD
Comment from : @amybraun7286

Diagnosed at age 5 Now 8 yr old never takes responsibility shifts blame or flat out lies about ithe has lck of drive in school behavior wise he is taking package out of next door mail box putting vr head set in microwaveloves making up story's draws to violence
Comment from : @DavidMcabee-s7p

I care for a child who misunderstands my intention, one instance was a child used their hands to respond to another child who has interrupted their play, I said in this moment "gentle hands" took about five seconds for the child to respond, keep in mind I was at their level to talk as this is what I was trained to do, anyways I too got a Wack from this child, I didn't expect a reaction like that, My response to that was "that's not Okay" the child walked off kicking / shoving anything in their path is there a way to handle this unique characteristic? Thanks ^_^
Comment from : @doble698

Does anyone have any diet advice on any particular foods make them worse apart from the obvious sugar? Dairy and gluten?? Grains?? Ever tried it? I want to try it but my god it's so hard isn't it!
Comment from : @Daddledofa

Im watching this for my dad so i can help him brbrHe has inattentive adhd and like "everything needs to be SPOTLESS or im gonna blow" kinda odd
Comment from : @Medic_s1mp

It doesn’t matter what I say It could be asking for help with something, or saying a dog is brown My son’s immediate reaction is “why” or “and?” With a an attitude/disgust to his tone I don’t know how to get him to just converse normally
Comment from : @amurphy661

What if I have undiagnosed adhd trying to raise a 6yr ASD/ADHD and a 4yr with ADHD do you have any resources to help parents like myself?
Comment from : @mikeruddock2807

My 13 year old son with adhd and odd is always always in trouble at school for side bar talking He gets kicked out of clsss almost every day and almost every class
Comment from : @sheens2023

This felt more like an advertisement for coaching instead of meaningful info Re: “How to Discipline…” I clicked this particular video bc I’m in need of reasonable, achievable action steps I can feel confident trying at home brbrI have yet to find that in a helpful, valuable resource video with clear and specific suggestions on this subject As parents and care givers we need as much clarity and instruction as our ADHD children do We cannot teach them something we’ve not ourselves been taught 🤷🏼‍♀️ brbrEdit: Perhaps I didn’t click your best video to address what it is I’m looking for I’m sure you help many parents of children with ADHD and I’m not trying to discredit that Just providing some honest feedback as that was not my experience
Comment from : @Stardust414

I guess it is true, when you are suffering, amyone with a sales pitch sounds like a savior Lets sell my course to thses people theyll do anything to stop the pain and suffering Opportunist
Comment from : @bayani1246

Every day when I say hello to my little guy I can see his brain churning as he moves from a smile to a scowl thinking through how he wants to present today I’m sure he’s revisiting the day before in his mind to figure out if there is something to be mad about I try to help him choose to be happy, but I’m also worried/ careful to not make him reliant on my help to regulate his attitude Suggestions?
Comment from : @annam7927

ODD seems like it’s just being human from what I’ve seen
Comment from : @zomboyip0765

how can i discipline my 18 yr old daughter if she did not obey what I told her the things that she has to do
Comment from : @lorecitatampoc5053

My step son has major issues with being impulsive, he will agrumentaly debate with "Anyone" adult or child, he constantly corrects others when the mess up, he has very little patience, he has a very quick temper He likes to take over control when playing with other kids and throws fits and actsouts when the other kids dont want to do his idea He is academically ery smart And hates to admit ever being wrong, worse than most kids Ive been around These behaviors are to the point that my other 2 children dont want to hangout with him Now he never shouts, or yells He will do these things in a way that trys to not get caught For instance one time I caught him throwing a bog rock into the woods infront of his step siblings and some friends bc he was made about how they were all playing a certain game When he saw that i had just saw what he did he, his entire body language changed He knew it wasnt ok, bit that got caught I feel like something meeds to be done, but I donr know how to bring this up to my husband, his father These traits are not ok What is what Im seeing How do we approach this How do I react to him during thses instances I need severe guidance please!
Comment from : @AmySterling-v7k

Have a 9 year old who is ADD (non hyperactive) and ODD I can never get through to him with words Only threats It’s killing me His dad is not a disciplinarian which leaves it all on me and I’m the step mom I tell his dad all the time that this is not a good role for me as I have trouble controlling my anger and he does not so he is better suited for discipline But he just won’t He is also afraid his ex will try to take him to court over discipline so that doesn’t help But as a woman, I want to be the nurturer I keep telling him that his son will just end up hating me more and more if I keep being the sole disciplinarian in the household He has no built in obligation to love me, so me being “the mean one” doesn’t help I don’t know what to do anymore I cry every time I have to spank him And that’s few and far between, but it kills me every time because I know I reacted in anger Help
Comment from : @lynz1370

How do I handle my adult son, who is 26 and 190 lbs, when he is a meltdown in public when he sees and hears a child crying or yelling?
Comment from : @malyouneklap6377

Not answering to his name, even when I go closer, even when aI put a hand on him and wait, even when I wave in front of his face, even when I wait a few minutes for a response, even when I say I'm going to talk to him in five minutes If hes in the middle of something and/or knows im going to require something like putting on clothes, no reaponse to anything except shouting
Comment from : @helenmccormick2506

❤❤❤❤I'm soooo happy I found you again❤I was sub but it disappeared check your sub thing ❤your are amazing I seeing you from the beginning you are 💯 ❤you look amazing too love from Canada 🇨🇦
Comment from : @yamunajolicoeur7167

I have tried so many things, turned to so many so-called experts brYour program is finally something that is changing my self, my family and especially my son’s heartbrI am very grateful!
Comment from : @lynnpines4593

My son is 4 and he gets in trouble for literally everything he does because of his adhd I mean everything It’s frustrating and it upsets me I’m scared for my little boy I wish he’d just listen and make right choices instead of poor choices 😢
Comment from : @kyraspizzah4430

Names of books for ages 4-6 plz
Comment from : @gtkohler855

Oh my Lord All of them!
Comment from : @DIrtDonkeyX

We suspect our son has ODD and he is diagnosed ADHD We take away all his electronics until he writes out sentences say 100x (age appropriate) w the wording of what we want “I will keep my hands to myself” He hates writing but it reinforces what we are teaching and his penmanship is coming along nicely The ADHD makes patience for writing challenging but once completed he earns back his stuff If his hand tires, he can take breaks or even snack but electronics are a no until completed
Comment from : @BunnyTree

A 5 yo who constantly runs away ( off school campus, near major roads) from school and school holiday care He says he is looking for his Mum when he does this He has difficulty concentrating, walks around the room when all other kids are sitting and listening At times he deliberately hurts others, like hair pulling, hitting, biting He is great in a one on one situation but can’t handle group activities Mum tries to stay calm with him but is at wits end to know how to help him
Comment from : @KatePorter-wv3el

I have an 8 year old son who is recently diagnosed with ADHD and ODD And I have ADD and self diagnosed ASD I find it extremely difficult to regulate myself, let alone help him with regulation and self governence Life is chaotic at best Help!
Comment from : @melaniewall927

10 year old neice has all the type 3 adhd symptoms Getting her tested as soon as possible She lies compulsively And we have tried every type of punishment and absolutely nothing is working Need help please
Comment from : @blueye33s

My 7 year old son is really struggling with his emotions He doesnt like being told no, he doesnt listen and im often repeating myself He has meltdowns to the point he isnt able to breath, shouts, screams, wont do simple tasks without rewards, its really hard, because his behaviour is so flippant, at school he is quiet and would never act the way he does at home Alot of people would look at him and not know that this is sometthing were struggling with 😫
Comment from : @ashlewis2867

Why do these course need to be so expensive?
Comment from : @famzini4424

Runs away Super impulsive Screams no Uses curse words
Comment from : @amywood5808

My son has autism level 2 and odd His biggest problem is that he often refuses to do basic stuff without me having to spend hours every day in order to make him brush his teeth, make homework etcetera Another big problem is that he often doesnt listen when I am saying no to fpr example ice cream He just goes and grab one So, these situations are hard to roleplay about Would it be possible to use your method for this? I am thinking about subscribing would it be worth it for us?
Comment from : @MinaBobo-cg9wg

Antagonistic and provoking others What to do?
Comment from : @kellys8720

Are you ageing backwards?! 😲💅
Comment from : @jessewru6425

😢 I wish that I had this 23 years ago
Comment from : @adatshhc

5 year old girl, suspect adhd She has goant meltdowns when she is hyper and cannot get her way ( lasting approximately 30 mins), excessive hyperness (almost manic), excessive constant talking
Comment from : @seratafiore

My 4 year old does not want to bathe and throws a huge tantrum when I try to bathe her
Comment from : @PinchePeruana

In addition to all the issues you illustrated, we are struggling with the issue of how the older child (with ADHD and/or ODD) interacts with his younger sibling brHe is 9, and his younger sister is 35 years younger He doesn't give her space, he is controlling over her and, while it's clear he loves and cares about her, he does not do well with her getting attention without him brEven when instructed, he has trouble letting her answer for herself brIn addition to training ourselves how to help him, how do we properly referee his interactions with his little sister? Thank you
Comment from : @ddbug6316

Kiddo that thinks he's always rightand argues about everything Most situations he has a negative perspective and reaction
Comment from : @jlewis3294

Work is the antidote of a sick characture??
Comment from : @rabbitsrule9437

Finally at end of video we learn
Comment from : @rabbitsrule9437

My 8-year-old hasn't been diagnosed with ADHD, but the specific criteria aligns with the DSM-5-TR Said child screams"Nooooo!!! I don't want to!!!", also whenever told "not right now", after being told 20 times a morning that "we are not going to the park (or whatever)" He can not handle being told no, but acts like his entire world is just overcovers up, cries, and yells He is such a vocal guy, always yellinglike always Trying to help him understand ways to regulate his emotions, but my goodness Gotta find some healthier coping strategies to regulate emotions
Comment from : @Eyesofskies

Personal attack on me Dad is a push over and gives in constantly but when I am the discipline, she is downright NASTY to me and the only other person I have seen her be this way to is her teacher who has in the past few months has also cracked down because she has given her tons of grace Now that she has consequences She is so bad
Comment from : @xjyllx

What if no consequence even the extra chore works with your ODD child
Comment from : @SomerLawrence

My child will literally say, after everything is done, "I don't know why I don't process that the consequence is going to happen until after it does, even though you tell me before hand" he struggles to remember things and to focus
Comment from : @TheLadyWildfire

"Work is the antidote for sick character" is a fantastic statement, and #truth !
Comment from : @katjo71367

When something is difficult or I give a consequence for a negative behavior, my son shuts down He refuses to work through problems or set goals when something gets difficult He tells me he doesn't care about the consequences that are set
Comment from : @ambertomasch921

I have 2 foster kids that are stealing and one that has started Vaping what do I do I have tried every thing
Comment from : @sharonstaffen7854

My son loses focus quickly and when any one tries to correct him about anything he contradicts He's constantly shouting and screams add inappropriate times
Comment from : @brigittorellana975

My patience thin
Comment from : @QwonaC_33

ADHD that what my son have real bad
Comment from : @tilton-hg9vu

this is so affirming to me because I grew up with ADHD and I've now recently become a step parent to a child who I'm sure has ADHD and I've just been trying to push all of the things that I noticed my parents caved on when I was younger because I know if I had more forced structure as a kid the structure im trying to build as an adult wouldn't seem so daughnting
Comment from : @breannabarraza9747

My 6 year old is a very angry kid Been like that all his life I don't know what to do anymore he acts out bad in school now also hitting kids! Please any advice I'm desperate
Comment from : @No_more_vids_here123

My son can't handle when I tell him no He also does not take responsibility for doing wrong He is very emotional mostly angry
Comment from : @ashleymartin7244

14 yr old boy with chronic direct disobedience Thinks everything is funny and a joke Hard for him to take his behavior seriously and deflecting the blame of why he does what he does
Comment from : @janeschaffer883

I have an 8 year old princess who has ADHD lately we’ve been getting constant phone calls and emails regarding behaviors at school Not listening, testing boundaries, getting sent to the office I’ve googled and googled and can’t find any information Please help:(
Comment from : @brittneynicole1802

This gives me some type of not nostalgia but it takes me back to growing up in a household that didn't understand me and blamed me for not being normal/neurotypical like it was my choice I have a deep longing for things to have been different, but now I'm learning to reparent myself and it has been the most difficult yet rewarding thing ever
Comment from : @NakeyNayNay

I wonder any of this teacher stay with this child 24h and do regular work at the same time and do it all correctly without any emotional?
Comment from : @tl8796

How does this course work with adhd or ODD with kids who have brain injuries from trauma or FASD?
Comment from : @crystalbauer5245

7 year old with hx of trauma & abuse who refuses to do anything he doesn’t want to do at home & school Cusses, name calling, hits, runs away, & destroys items (all behaviors happen at home & school) Has been suspended dozens of times since kindergarten even with a plan in place & in a specialized classroom Me, school, counselor, & pediatrician are all at a loss
Comment from : @RogueSky8

How do you teach stranger danger to a 3 year old?
Comment from : @amyavraam8986

I had undiagnosed ADHD, everyone told me I had it, and I was finally diagnosed in my 30s I’m now trying to teach myself these things while teaching my own ADHD children and a nephew that is ADHD & ODD and came from a high trauma situation I felt like me and my children were “functional “ (we weren’t really) but my nephew forced me here because it was so out of control, and now I’m learning SO many helpful things It’s still really hard, because I’m trying to create new habits for myself as well…but I can already see some of the benefits! I appreciate you
Comment from : @bambicampbell247

Please reply 7year old son refuses to take his medication for ADHD?
Comment from : @terririggs9923

I am seeing argumentativeness, verbal impulsivity, and defiance Even about things my child enjoys, his knee jerk reaction is to always push against He reacts with his emotional brain, and bringing him to his logical brain is challenging Doesn't seem to understand or care about consequences When you try to help him understand what happened and why he will blame you saying its your fault He is almost 7 years old Diagnosed ASD, ADHD, and ODD On Guanfacine XR 1xday, this treats his ADHD wonderfully and he no longer hits when angry But still having angry impluses (smashes board games to the floor if he doesnt win, meltdowns over not getting his way, shut down behavior when given options of when to do nonpreferred activities "do you want to take a shower before or after supper?" "I dont want to, and you cant make me") Lots of power struggles even when we give him control in a healthy way
Comment from : @ambyrtatropetersen3337

My granddaughter age 5 Has been diagnosed with ODD She can become violent very quickly Her first four years of her life were horrible She is seeing a psychologist We gained temporary custody and are trying to help her Praying we can
Comment from : @AliceBryant-ue1gx

4 year old that refuses to dress himself and fights against me when I offer help
Comment from : @sue1570

My kids always lie about things and to get me in trouble
Comment from : @LouiseFrey-fz9gx

Not honest , aggressive , no taking responsibility , :
Comment from : @Raven-171

Yelling at teachers
Comment from : @Raven-171

No accountability , lying to get out of trouble , impulsivity , distracted , telling on others Making lies
Comment from : @Raven-171

I have acquired an 11 and 12 year old through a new relationship They are girls and I find myself losing steam on how to deal with their messes One has become a clepto and the other no matter what I sat to her she says okay or I didn't know I find myself repeating myself daily about chores and cleaning up
Comment from : @outofthebox423

My grandson has ADHD AND ODD He’s going to therapy and on meds now He has a strict teacher His class had a fundraiser and he raised $250 and his class one pizza for the most raised His teacher wouldn’t let him have pizza because he had one problem to finish It’s happened before with donuts He thinks his teacher hates him Is this appropriate discipline for him
Comment from : @janeheller8917

My daughter is just defiant overall She refuses to do what is requested of her, she is destructive, doesn't respect other people's property and is making life unpleasant for everyone around her
Comment from : @Sinas2Cents

My 3 yr old will antagonize me after he is asked to slow down or the stop hurting me
Comment from : @maryelliott-wg5kn

My son is 5 He is big and strong He tends to get in trouble because he ends up hurting kids when playing He doesn't know his strength! His restlessness got him isolated on the carpet 😢
Comment from : @HappyWarrior888

My son (12years old) steals money to buy friends to prevent receiving threats made followed through on(bullying)he has been diagnosed with adhd odd CD(medicated) behaviors are lying stealing runaway disregulated oftenstruggles to understand cause and effecti myself am a mother of 5 in therapy ptsd,dissascotiation,anxiety,depressionNicoleen uve been a massive deal to me any advise would take a weight off❤jazz
Comment from : @Shak_123

In the moment I get so stumped at the consequences partanyone relate? Ideas?
Comment from : @erint933

Thank you so much for this video, I so appreciate it! My middle kiddo most likely has ADHD (runs in family and scored in range of ADHD on Vanderbilt but we're needing to figure out the next step) My daily struggle with her is that she seems so hostile, gets angry, loud, and controlling Seems because I'm the parent home with her the most (we homeschool), that she pushes back on my authority at every turn It's so exhausting and I'm in tears every day I wonder if she has ODD too I don't react well to her meanness and outbursts of serious anger issues I try to be calm but seems if she doesn't get what she wants she makes everyone crazy with her loudness and mean attitude I'm so at a lossBut this video is very helpful so far, I'm going to listen to the rest now😉
Comment from : @erint933

Need Help with a child that will always go against what the rest of the family want to do Example whenever eating out, he will not want anything on the menu, but won't/cant tell us what he wants, or wants what he knows is not available Same with what he wants to do Moaning he is bored (despite having loads of toys and a device he can use), yet hates all suggestions Sometimes it feels he is doing this deliberately He ruins trips and is affecting the whole family More often than not, will not take responsibility for his part in arguments When asked to stop a behaviour, will not take instruction in order to create or continue arguments
Comment from : @ToniHancock

My son just got dx with adhd combined and ODD He has a lot anger, low self esteem, and never takes accountability for his actions or success He says hes stupid and cant do what all the other kids do because of that My parenting technique isnt helping him and i feel sometimes makes his behavior worse I have some mental conditions myself that i have struggled my whole life to manage, barely able to myself, and now i am really struggling to help my son too
Comment from : @lydias2989

I am grandma of a very defiant 8 year old His dad is constantly yelling at him and mom just gives up When he goes into confrontational mode there is nothing I can say or do that gets him out of it It's awful Suggestions
Comment from : @bethschwallie7612

My 6 year old daughter is resisting every single thing! She is obsessed with her negative thoughts and constantly provoking me into arguments She doesn’t respect boundaries and loves manipulatingbrEvery morning she throws a tantrum not to go to school Should I home school her instead? I can’t take it anymore I’m a single parent without any help
Comment from : @mirutful

Our 8 year old is constantly angry and having tantrums It's an every day all day problem It's fatiguing
Comment from : @zobee1kanobe

Not sure if this is an incentive for people to want to be parents 🙁 No wonder many people are refusing to have kids
Comment from : @Marisol20101

Hi I want to sign up for the training What do I have to do? brThanks
Comment from : @dianaperilla3071

6 year old grandson was diagnosed with ADHD He is not combative and doesn’t yell at anyone He just can’t seem to remember how to behave If we say left, he goes right We say stop aggravating the dogs and he does it anyway He speaks out of turn and never stays still If he has 5 minutes of nothing going on he is saying “I just don’t know what to do now” He feels like he always has to be doing something It becomes so difficult not to just want to allow him on his electronics because we are exhausted We don’t let him have them all the time but we run out of things for him to do and honestly energy to keep him entertained I homeschool him and we get through it daily but it can be a bit exhausting We’ve tried visible chart reward system, taking things away but I know we along with our daughter are missing an ingredient or few They live with my husband and I We want to do the best for him, but we are struggling All of us are
Comment from : @thedjsexperience

In the classroom setting I’m an aide 2 boys in particular will run around the room Ignore eye contact Not participate in circle time or main lesson unless I take something they value away and use it as an incentive
Comment from : @ashlielaurensmith

I am a public school teacher I am wondering why I am seeing more and more students with these behaviors I teach small children, so I am often the first professional to spend a lot of time with them, and to get them support Do you have a theory of why many of our children are ODD?
Comment from : @AnnieBrinkley-g8d

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