Title | : | Types of Dyslexics: Combined Learning Differences (Test, Symptoms) | Dyspraxia, Autism, ADHD, ODD |
Lasting | : | 8.28 |
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I say I have full spectrum dyslexia for simplicity of language and am also ASD Comment from : @Feal3ssnfaith |
I have all of these symptoms in one way or another if I was going to rank thembrbr1 Dyslexiabrbr2 ADHDbrbr3 ODDbrbr4 Dyspraxiabrbr5 ASDbrbrI've always had a hard time controlling my temper as long as I can remember, and it got worse as I became older and failed more and more at life, I find being a Adult to be extremely difficult, I can't hold down jobs, and making money is very difficult for me I didn't know ODD was a diagnosable thing, i just thought I was angry because life is hard for me in away that other people literally can't understand and wont except it as a excuse Comment from : @Edward135i |
Thank you I have those same systems I’m a student at 57 and it’s a struggle just want to do well with my assignments I worry I want to pass my classes Comment from : @wandaroman8646 |
4/4 I’m i cooked Comment from : @31886 |
Umm I might have autism Comment from : @31886 |
Thank you 🙏 Comment from : @melissaberman8244 |
That would definitely be me honey Comment from : @DreamaBradly |
I have both adhd and autism I have "AuDhd" how big are my chabches of having dyslexia? Comment from : @Shadowthevampire |
ASD can also look and act like PTSD /trauma - I had a traumatic experience and have many ASD traits but working memory is difficult Comment from : @pausqualinaveres-shands8625 |
I have extreme inattentive ADHD I am coming up to my one year of officially being diagnosed I was in reading classes and spelling classes in elementary school but never got diagnosed with dyslexia And I am not realizing maybe they thought I might be dyslexic Comment from : @aubryilkanic2055 |
When I was five, I was diagnosed with severe dyslexia and ADHD What that meant was that I had dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, and ODD I have always had extreme sensitivity to loud noises My routine changing and textures of clothing I displayed textbook signs of autistic Behavior and no one ever suspected me of having ASD because I was a girl I would literally sit in the psychologist's office and organize toy cars by their nationality, and no one thought hey, this kid might be autistic Comment from : @sevenalexand |
I have Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and I think I might have inattentive ADHD Sometimes when I'm watching a comedy show I have to rewind cause I keep missing the jokebrbrI am 28 years old I did really good at school and college because I got the support but my self esteem isn't great I got identified as Dyslexic when I was 8 years old and I think dyscalculia but I got an autism identification but I'm not autistic but the doctor said im definitely dyspraxic as well I think I have ODD as well because I always struggle with authority and my anger is pretty bad but I try to push it down which is unhealthy but I don't know how to process it Comment from : @ComicAcolyte |
They told me I had ODD as a child, and as an adult, I see that no, those people were assholes and didn't let explain or even care to hear me So why would I listen to them? Respect for respect Anyone who blind follows orders is the one with an issue cause that's stupidity Comment from : @mattd03411 |
Great job with the video Great job with obtaining your Masters too I’ve worked with people with these ways of being for two decades and am myself a little or a lot of most the areas described I found that the study of awareness based Tantra was a game changer for me, as I learned to move my awareness, or focus easily and screen out difficult stimuli brKeep up the good work Comment from : @ivandenton9835 |
I only been dagnios with dyslexica I nerver know that I might also have dyspraxia it fit in why my balance is bad when doing any kind of movement and handwriting Comment from : @syltmackaalexandus4998 |
This fully changed my life last year, thank you! Comment from : @tarealba |
Can you make video about more diffrences between ADD and dyslexia? because looks so similar :( Comment from : @RoboDev-mn1gg |
i am going to an assement for for ASD next week i been waiting over 12 months for my psychiatrist also sent me to life cotching as overwhelmed in social situations it was the coated that suggested i get a referral for an ASD and the psychiatrist is encouraging in me doing so along with my anxiety problems waiting for this has made me on edge witch make chew on thing more and play with my hand and rocking i just the unknown, i know this sound silly for a 40 year old but i have asked my sister to go with me its sort of relaxing me Comment from : @thuggie1 |
Please stop pronouncing this discalculator incorrectly Comment from : @grantmidd |
Interesting Video - I have Autism / ASD and could possibly have dyslexia Comment from : @davie732 |
I have an impotent routine 😊❤ Comment from : @selenacaemawr |
I seriously think i have ASD, ADHD AND ODD Comment from : @crose4247 |
I realised I have adhd asd dyslexia… I’ve been tested for autism 2 times Comment from : @Madiiluvsyouuu |
I have dyslexia I am 44 years old I did not know I had dyslexia when I was a kid growing up now I found out about how you graduated cuz I've been trying to graduate for different things and I cannot pass the written tests because I can't read them so I always left Comment from : @djohnson3910 |
Hi , I can relate to all of these things But getting to see a shrink is very very hard when you have no money Comment from : @oz-ska-fest4580 |
heart issues, perkujne neuron absence in cerebellum and on a spot on left side of brain also are common issues, likewise so is cerebral palsy, bed wetting and pant soiling into late single digits or mid teenage years Comment from : @Jointknight |
Thanks man Comment from : @brew_medic1140 |
What does someone do (adult) if they are all of these? Comment from : @NOMADwithDOGS |
It's almost distressing to me how little I see myself in ASD I was diagnosed with Aspergers before ASD was formalized The focus was different Which does line up with my own protests about it becoming a spectrum and aspergers getting phased out as a diagnosis Similar symptoms doesn't necessarily make it part of the same spectrum They even asked about numbers and left and right etcs, when I was going through evaluation Whether I got these things wrong as a child and still dobrbrRegardless, it's interesting I didn't know dyscalculia was a thing until very recently and only since finding this channel that it's related to dyslexia My dad very clearly has dyslexia and my grandmother was an obvious case, as well She moved from her home country at age 15, and at 80 she still had a severe accent, spoke neither language well and struggled to write She had no other diagnosis Dad would have gotten full points on ADHD if he was a child today - or cared to get a diagnosis now Comment from : @Reicha |
What are your thoughts between learning differences and being left handed? Comment from : @faustimagoopagoop |
The more they have problems in themselves they see problems in others Comment from : @veredcohen9079 |
I was diagnosed with dyslexia and dyspraxia at the age of 28yrs Last year I was diagnosed with ASD and ADHD, I'm now 53yrs And after watching you I think I do have ODD! I always fall out with bosses because I can't do as I'm told, and they don't want to listen to my way😂 My life is a mess, I wish I could of have all the diagnosed at the same time But I am just starting to realise that I mask all the time thank you oh I'm female Comment from : @joerussell6021 |
ADHD has some cross overs with autism also So individuals diagnosed with dyslexia and adhd can often exhibit sensitivity to noises, lights, textures etc! However, this doesn’t make them autistic it’s literally just a subset of ADHD symptoms Comment from : @NIRVANAmat |
why does so much sound like me its as if i have everithing even from the first video Comment from : @gabrielhuber992 |
Thanks! Comment from : @mikebebout1985 |
As a woman with a combo of ASD, inattentive ADHD, dyslexia, ocd, executive dysfunction and anxiety i can say yes to almost all of your questions, and your video's give me some explanation to what conditions the yesses belong brI am always trying to learn more about this because my children also have ASD and/or Adhd, and probably some other conditions too, and this way I can try to help them with their strugglesbrSo thank you Comment from : @elsoverloop1909 |
I have been diagnosed with Dyslexia, ADHD, anxiety disorders, ASD, and possibly have Dyspraxia, and most likely have Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia based on your videos explaining the symptomsbrbrI'm so glad you mentioned woman being missed with ASD I tend to mask pretty well most of the time Unfortunately for me, I've had certain important family members basically saying that my masking isn't masking I try to tell them what masking is and they say that EVERYONE does that! I try to explain further, and they still brush me off They keep saying that my masking is the same as a average person pretending to be happy around people It's not the same It's similar, but also very different It's so frustrating when people justI don't remember the word for itbut when people deny your disability and say it's not real, or it's not as bad as we think, and all that They don't understand I'm about to be 27 this month and they still don't seem to understand Being told to stop being weird at the table because you flinched or covered your ears from a dish clang or chewing it's demoralizing There's more to go into, but I'll stop here Thanks for making this informative video 😁👍 Comment from : @karmanwilmot1648 |
Dyscalculia, OCD, and anxiety disorders (Gad Panic Ptsd) Comment from : @kaidanariko |
Thank u for the informational video Comment from : @donnaparks1919 |
Can't do forms manage bank account no help with stuff now I'm also vision impaired and medical bills cause can't fill out Medicare without assistance can't manage android or FB or set up shopping app account I don't qualify for assistance Frustrated 247 😠 much of the time no voice in community Comment from : @donnaparks1919 |
somehow, i present all of these symtoms Comment from : @yakisumi |
what if all of them describe you? Comment from : @JamesLaughton-bf3ve |
Things I don't wanna be doing when I'm curious about learning about a condition or disorder I might have or might relate to brVictimizing myself,asking for special treatment,self diagnosing,blaming everything I do or has happened to me on the disorder which isn't true I think, consciously or unconsciously performing symptoms of that disorder without it being natural to me Comment from : @sakuranovaryan9261 |
I've never even heard of dyspraxia before, but I'm a 24-year-old who consistently spills all over herself when trying to drink out of any cup/mug/etc so 😅 Comment from : @mollytaylor8122 |
I have combined learning disabilities Comment from : @jennifernybergpixieivy1266 |
I don't like them being called " learning differences" I have a few of these and they are disabilities and you can't honestly sell dypraxcia as a difference There is nothing good about having these issues Comment from : @sarcodonblue2876 |
It is possible to have 3 or 4 of them along with dyscalculia as well? I'm pretty sure my youngest might I know my daughter has ADHD/dyslexia/dyscalculia My oldest son ADHD Comment from : @Sparrow31 |
Alright, so having 3 different "neurodivergent" diagnoses (ADD, ASD, dyslexia) is not unusual? I feel a lot better knowing that Comment from : @v0idbit69 |
Thank you Comment from : @izzyplant8428 |
Hi Arije I love it Can you create a test for ASD? Comment from : @ceterisparibus8966 |
👍 loud noise and other vary high stress and other Comment from : @donnaparks1919 |
Had head trauma as infant abused and had Scarlett fever at 3 Comment from : @donnaparks1919 |
Thankyou so much Comment from : @studio1231art |
Oh no Comment from : @studio1231art |
Not sure if I have dyspraxia because my hand to eye coordination is really good but the other things like handwriting and bumping into thing I have Comment from : @hamzagallo2000 |
I'm pretty sure I have autism (asperger) adhd dyslexia and now I might have dyspeaxia as well since my handwriting is terrible and I'm a bad thrower (at beer pong for instance) Comment from : @geoffroyfwah3232 |
I say I’ve got a few of the first 2, Comment from : @sleepingbear1889 |
This blew my mind I'm all except autistic, or at least I think DEFINITELY dyspraxic and dyscalculic Comment from : @onefordespair |
I answered yes to all of them lol been like it all my life until I was put on DULOXETINE Comment from : @robrobinson15 |
It's nice coming across a serious like this it helps out a lot thank you very much for making them Comment from : @CarBombs |
The variations here are not exhausted There can variations with Autism for instance Comment from : @MariaCollsNz |
How I'm not capable to remember memories how writing!? I tried all my lifebrnever capable to Impossible I my ADHD dyslexia dysgraphia only 20 the last 25 years I get computer on my face I knowbrspeaking with dictation on my PC with microphone is what I do capable to riding thank you for your understanding Comment from : @jlb8696 |
Recently, I get to know What problem's I am suffering from my childhood till now with your vedios help that I am having Dyslexia with Dyspraxia, ODD, ADHD, ASD 100 and Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia like 80 -85 and Anxiety disoder is on the top brI know my problem but not solution please help Comment from : @rs9519 |
Ich könnte diesem Wissenschaftler stundenlang zuhören Er ist Nerd und Schönling zugleich Comment from : @effeo9962 |
Around half of Dyslexics have Dyspraxia
brHow come there is no genetic research about the co-morbidity between Dyslexia and Dyspraxia?
brLooking at coordination-related genes in connection to Dyslexia would make a lot of sensebrbrI am a neurodivergent with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD brI had early intervention therapy, and so my symptoms are mild brWhen I was a little child, they were so severe that I misplaced with intellectually handicapped children in 1st grade after I was in a regular classroom in kindergarten brThat was in the 1970s Comment from : @fomalhauto |
Way do not tying shoe laces be a indication for dyslexia Comment from : @steffysnowy614 |
I have autism but failed to understand how my autism affects why I don’t read ever since I was very young I remember reading stuff and people mentioning part of the book that I didn’t remember I remember dreading reading for classes now reflecting I think it’s because it was too difficult I’m always saying numbers wrong always messing up my words when I speak so it makes me very curious about whether or not there could be more brbrI remember asking my assistant principal if I could get tested for dyslexia in school and he said no because they typically test for in childhood so I wouldn’t have it but all I remember is that school was hard and I didn’t do my homework I just figured out how to make good grades I never learned anything Comment from : @RhonyHart |
I have dyslexia dyspraxia dyscalciua, I probably have one of the other things I hate it I have struggled slot with things in my life I suffer with anxiety I have resat maths 3 times and not passed it I did a job in an office and couldn't do invoicing felt like I was an idiot Just feels like everything is a challenge I get frustrated and upset and highly sensitive person I am going to attempt maths again for the forth time I wish to study an MA in a creative subject Comment from : @sophiec544 |
Also! I’m veryyyyy sensitive to sound, like a noise while I’m working that I’m not in controlbrof literally can make me cry Smells too, I get headaches even I get so stressed outbrbrBut I’m deffo not autistic, one of my biggest strengths is emotional IQ and empathy I can read people really well to the point my co workers joke that I’m psychic Comment from : @mandlin4602 |
Inattentive ADHD go wurrrr 😂 bbreaks ANOTHER glass/b dyspraxia go wurrrr Comment from : @mandlin4602 |
Thank you for these connections! Comment from : @craigmerkey8518 |
Would of been nice to of had more about Autism than "lines things up in a row" Comment from : @SteppingStonevlogs |
I have dyslexia,ADHD,OCD,and dycalcula Comment from : @naughty-shorty3218 |
Thank you for very informative video Dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and inattentive ADHD here lol A prefect storm of creative chaos! 🤪 Comment from : @Anna-gp4vq |
Hello guys have you tried herbs it works, I tried it and got cure from Herpes and Autism with the help of doc Okougbo YouTube channel Comment from : @augustineyohanna6238 |
excellent research! now, be aware that at 05:53 when you talk of ASD your "important" actually reads "impotent" big difference all the best! Comment from : @antonarchusmaximus6583 |
I’ve never heard of ODD (not related to dyslexia) but I’m pretty sure my little brother has it, I don’t wanna go into detail but I’m gonna see if I can tell my dad cause he’s trying to get both me and my little brother evaluations because he’s sure that we both are on the spectrum Comment from : @stArismynameee |
Think i have adhd dispraxia and dyslexia i remember as a kid my teachers friends would just make fun of me of me for my shitty hand writhing which is so bad i cant read it myself for like a third of the time and i cant spell so it would have random Letters missing or capital ised and it was way to hard to read Comment from : @mrnuggit8240 |
I was googling something at the same time and i wrote and 4 times Comment from : @mrnuggit8240 |
when i work as training officer in my previous office, i realize that my ADD made me stress out and the way to coping with those stress of having had to stay in front on my computer all day is by munching and chewing So i keep candies, gums, nuts, and snacks in my drawing such a non healthy pattern of copying mechanismbrthank you for this channel Comment from : @mahyongcounts |
Dyslexics I built a different way I think it's been an amazing blessing and I'm tuned into things that people can only dream of things I find easy and natural I watch Everyday People struggle with , I have amazing common sense and things like engineering did anything to do with my hands I just get naturally brThere's definitely two sides and the of one always seems to be less focused onbrWhat are the things I have noticed with the dyslexics I know we all have some form of slight OCD and are super efficient when working Roll highly motivated and always looking for a challenge Comment from : @shaunblower1182 |
I think my son will be diagnosed with dyspraxia, adhd and some dyslexic traits we just had him undergo the tests this morning I hope we find the right tools to help him Comment from : @aditisiddharth6472 |
I hit the panic button when trying to do math in public Comment from : @johncaterjr8149 |
As a dyspraxic with dyslexia, I would say my dyspraxia more severe, when I younger I can't speak or read, even though I could understand what people were saying My mouth muscles were weak and didn't work very well for some reason When I was speaking some what normally can not read at all I failed to read every day I am very bad at visual and language, even though dyslexic are at visual learners My hands slower than most people I am addicted to patterns and charts, even if I not understand them I hope my story has a understanding idea Comment from : @assomeoneelse2275 |
Hallo Arike, Thanks for making video’s I’m finding them to be insightful and entertaining I also wanted to say that I have Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia As well as what my doctor calls ADHD induced anxiety and depression disorder I speculate that I might have ASD Or what I like to call “ F- ASD” Because it seems to manifest like it does in females even though I look like A male I also self identify as a xenogendered individual Comment from : @jonnybrandin1362 |
This entire video is me lol Comment from : @maymation |
I have ASD and ADHDbrI mask a lot and I got diagnosed with ODD and ADHD in 1st gradebrand Autism undiagnosed until about 3 years agobrand I'm a Senior in highschool and my Novel class I'm in I've taken so long to read a single book that when my teacher assigned another I struggled and I ended up having to use Spark notes and I'm still struggling and my parents keep telling me I'm not dyslexic brbut I gotta be considering how things are hard for me brbrlike right now i have so many missing assignments due to me not understanding certain aspects of either the reading or compression and etcbrMy parents won't even let me talk to my psychiatrist about this because they think I'm just looking for another excuse for me to use when I can't do something Ive been told many of times not to use my diagnoses as a crutch but I'm not, when I say I don't understand someone or something I truly mean that Even reading texts or emails I misinterpret them quite often How do I go about talking to my psychiatrist about this? Comment from : @kierkier6388 |
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