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What the Fed’s Inflation-Fighting Efforts Could Mean for the Economy | Age of Easy Money | FRONTLINE

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Information What the Fed’s Inflation-Fighting Efforts Could Mean for the Economy | Age of Easy Money | FRONTLINE

Title :  What the Fed’s Inflation-Fighting Efforts Could Mean for the Economy | Age of Easy Money | FRONTLINE
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Frames What the Fed’s Inflation-Fighting Efforts Could Mean for the Economy | Age of Easy Money | FRONTLINE

Description What the Fed’s Inflation-Fighting Efforts Could Mean for the Economy | Age of Easy Money | FRONTLINE

Comments What the Fed’s Inflation-Fighting Efforts Could Mean for the Economy | Age of Easy Money | FRONTLINE

Congressman UK Bujo Silvia Incide Garanty BANKARE Rezerve Glod Bloc Disdret Garanty BANKARE BLOC Disdret SEMNEAZA CONGRESSMAN UK BUJOR SILVIA Labrinia Via Mariotti 21 tel
Comment from : @silviabujor5690

Anxiety All bad I can't handle this stuff anymore, too much on the heart ❤ I pray 🙏 🙏 🙏 something from COSMOS can fix this mess Bless this mess please higher power from COSMOS please Terrifying, it just doesn't end sigh
Comment from : @kenrickbaughman992

Sorry, but there’s something about Neel Kashkari that I don’t trust His facial and body language said too much to me Wild eyes like he’s trying to convince us that he’s representing us maybe that’s it
Comment from : @takearight

Truth be Told : situations always get harder when human s get dummerOnce in a lifetime :br "Golden Egg💰"
Comment from : @robb-506

Inflation is just a cover part, what is really happening is the countries have started to give up on their dollar reserves and push trillions into the market Fed will be forced to do a lot of rate hike as the US cannot afford to loose their dollar value If the value drops goods and services will go up in prices and its not inflation, its just needs to be re-evaluated on the prices
Comment from : @user-wt6zf4ek9k

We are much worse off now than we were back in 2008 Let that sink in
Comment from : @daveyd0071

In the next 20 years no doubt US Dollar will no longer has it values as a global standard currency because since begining America itself was designed as a "Deficit Country”
Comment from : @gdbaruna

Get ready for the new world order banking system you will own nothing WAKE UP all about control
Comment from : @tammyatkins18

Fuck the every day american what has change? nothing People can't even afford to buy home because of the insane interest rates
Comment from : @danielpena-un8vl

The fin-Market have underperformed the US economy as fear of inflation hammers the prices of stock;s and bonds My portfoliio of $250k is down to $192k any recommendation;s to scale up my return;s during this crash will be highly appreciated
Comment from : @lucianoboccedi

I believe that by the end of the year, the USA will hit about a 10 inflation rate
Comment from : @JustAGamer2000

The stock market is a complex system that is influenced by a variety of factors, including economic indicators, political events, and global trends The relationship between policies and the stock market can be complex and multifaceted, and it can take time for the full effects of policies to be reflected in market trends Therefore, it is possible that policies implemented in the past may have a "lagged effect" on the stock market, as their full impact may not be felt until later on
Comment from : @bobweaver72

They pulled the full video down!! Wow Cover up
Comment from : @LukeLoewen

The Feds single handedly destroying the economy
Comment from : @stewietinktink8441

When will they learn Raising rate’s doesn’t control inflation
Comment from : @black4460

Inflation is a direct result of government spending more money than it receives in taxes The over spending is covered by borrowed money The increases in all prices is the reaction to inflation Inflation is a Washington creation; the solution has to be based in Washington
Comment from : @dracorpgroup

I see the rising interest rate as a very big problem, as more investors will definitely pull out more money from the Stock market This might have worked when I was still invest-ing with a couple thousand dollars, but it is more difficult now to decide whether to pull out more than $365k from my port-folio I know some inves-tors still make that despite the strong bear market In wish I could pull that feat
Comment from : @ellamezo

The FED/Government caused the inflation
Comment from : @Yourmom-tc4rn

They're not trying to engineer a recession, but they are trying to increase unemployment When Wall Street screws up, Main Street gets hurt
Comment from : @Alex-pr6zv

The Phillips Curve is busted
Comment from : @jerryrichardson2799

I hate when people say I feel will have a very fan recovery what you're feeling got to do with millions of people out of work
Comment from : @garymonroe4950

We NEED a moderate recession! The Federal Reserve ought to have raised interest rates in a regular and sustained manner YEARS ago! The "Let's Just Print More Money" mania during the Covid Pandemic just made it all a lot worse Now we're really going to suffer!
Comment from : @veritas41photo

The fed is driving inflation
Comment from : @dannewth7149

Democrats like printing money 🤑
Comment from : @michaelrichardson1898

It's risible that Frontline and Fed reps talk about the effect of the fed rate on inflation without talking about the money supply
Comment from : @ncooty

The "natural rate of unemployment" is a way for economists to blame nature for a system that disempowers workers and facilitates exploitation while assuming that corporate profits are sacrosanct and public regulation is blasphemous It all derives from the assumption of trickle-down markets and the faith that wealth imbues righteousness
Comment from : @ncooty

Proportionately increasing taxes on the wealthy is the only true answer to the financial problems facing the US todaybrbrThe Fed dances around the root cause while getting paid by rich lobbyists Period brbrPurchased lawmaker’s have destroyed the American economy, and the clear fix is obvious, to even a child at this pointbrbrOh well, nothing will change in our lifetimes while the Billionaires earn money that 100 years of their great-grandchildren’s lavish lifestyles can’t manage to spendbrbrIt’s, quite frankly, disgusting when looking at the corrupted American political system face on
Comment from : @dawson70

The funny thing is that the US economy is too strong, it's overheatingbrIt's a problem most other countries would like to havebrThe Fed is essentially trying to put the brakes on its own economybrIt's a funny old worldbrbrI wonder if there's a genuine alternative to our consumer driven economy?
Comment from : @johnproton259

So boomers got to live in luxury and millennials and Gen Z have to pay for it Brilliant…
Comment from : @amdl270

Investors need to start to feel the loss as we do For as long as the goal is to constantly have growth incline, there is eventually a cliff that you drive off of It depends on how high you push this suicidal economy, and how had the fall will be We will hit a 2nd Great Depression, and we have a global conflict brewingbrbrIf these two things come to a head, the United States will be no morebrbrAll because the rich want to be richer, greed is just a deadly as wrath
Comment from : @assassinsrequiem

US government screwed up the whole country The Americans pay the price
Comment from : @seowlingwee4693

Everyone will have to feel the pain of these adjustments before things can get back to normal
Comment from : @Cartier_specialist

Wow, I hate being 23 years old Fuck you old people for letting all of this happen Yes, all of you Every Single One
Comment from : @heatherws8144

Lady is delusional We are going to pay one way or another We have to pick what which way we are going to pay at this point I’m dreaming that one day we actually have politicians with the balls to let the banks fail…yes, I know it will be bad, and it most likely cost my job, but I don’t want to live in, or hand off an economy to my offspring that is based on bailouts of failed billionaires by ordinary Americans
Comment from : @SW20FL

The FED farted and wow there shit flying now
Comment from : @JS-jh4cy

Please continue raising rates, the economy NEEDS a CORRECTION! Corrections and recessions are not bad, they are simply a market finding its true value after wild speculation Sure some people get hurt but the longer we go without one the more painful it will be when we do Housing, education, transportation, stocks etc have gotten out of control in prices
Comment from : @bubba6989

Inflation will get more serious in the future, no matter how many times Fed raises the rates cuz once the price is fixed, it will stay
Comment from : @WayneLu12345

Those who can't do, teach Those who can't teach, pretend they can do it, after all Just ask them!
Comment from : @TheCommunicationCoach

Coudlve just quit printing money when we said to
Comment from : @IdiotSevant

The problem is the millions that company executives get paid that drive up income in the overall US Pushing the gap between the rich and poor even more
Comment from : @tars7706

The problem is not the average worker It’s the enormously paid executives at companies that get paid millions Per every million dollar, that a lot of workers who could be spared from losing their job
Comment from : @tars7706

Strategist: "Things will play out probably like a year or two"brInterviewer : "mhm" not good at 0:56
Comment from : @jedi1967

In violent timesbrYou shouldn't have to sell your soulbrIn black and whitebrThey really, really ought to knowbrbrShoutbrShoutbrLet it all outbrThese are the things I can do withoutbrCome onbrI'm talking to youbrCome onbrShoutbrShoutbrLet it all outbrThese are the things I can do withoutbrCome onbrI'm talking to youbrCome on
Comment from : @TheWeatherLegend

Many economists have come to realize that resistant inflation and rising profits at the same time might be related The big corporations are causing alot of the inflation we have right now Seriously, their profits are up way up
Comment from : @garybowler5946

Keep ignoring the economybrAnd you'll see everyone go underbrYou never have a good wall street without a good economybrIt's basic economics
Comment from : @virgilpalmer2427

Damned if you do and damned if you don't If you keep interest rates super low, the big corporations will simply borrow money at low rates to buy back their own stock to keep the value going up, when the intent of easy money (ie low interest rates) is to allow big business to renew their infrastructure and expand their operations which in turn creates more jobs But if you increase interest rates, the big corporations will still continue to profit, but the working class will suffer The cycle that needs to be broken is the one that dictates that share holders come before the people upon whose backs the money gets made Why have we made it OK for people who have the disposable income to invest to be more important than those who do the actual work? This model is clearly only working for those at the top of the food chain
Comment from : @scottrussell2281

What the fed is doing is pushing working people to their limits and when it reaches the breaking point civil unrest will happen Hope the fed look into the history and the fall of the Roman Empire during its final days as to what happen
Comment from : @richiemochi

Frontline is just another corporate propaganda machine The truth is the Federal Reserve is a private entity whose policies are designed to benefit private corporations and banks They want the unemployment rate to increase in order to keep wages down below inflation thereby increasing profit margins for their corporate masters
Comment from : @jackmeehof2440

All of this didn't have to happen just look and listen if people don't catch what's really happing their problem not mines can't anyone at least tell a small bit of real truth , no men and no women left in this world just greed 99 of the world🤔
Comment from : @dannyraman-7071

Jobless rate is already up Measurements based on impossible unemployment payments stats is just stupid How many people are unemployed and NOT receiving aid? Tons
Comment from : @codacreator6162

“Engineering a recession” is just another investment opportunity We’ve got to STOP catering to money Period
Comment from : @codacreator6162

TAXES Why is nobody talking about wide-margin profits? Take them Leave zero incentive to rape the consumer and they’ll stop
Comment from : @codacreator6162

Interest rate hikes stop families from buying homes, but not institutional investors We’re WAY too lopsided in home ownership, already It’s a bad plan Tax the institutions hard enough to disincentivize investment in rental properties You’re targeting the wrong segment…
Comment from : @codacreator6162

Who Pays for inflation?br"Atypical restraint on compensation increases has been evident for a few years now and appears to be mainly the consequence of greater worker insecurity"brbr– Alan Greenspanbr(Full Employment and Balance Growth Act of 1987)
Comment from : @garysantos7053

The Fed must increase rates but Powell is moving too fast A ten year mess and he's trying to fix it in 2 years, does that seem reasonable?brbrObviously 10 years of loose monetary policy was going to cause inflation brbrI'd like a job at the Fed, good pay and zero accountability
Comment from : @MH_Bikes

Wow, our legislatures need to wake up to reality If the Fed is going to raise interest rates, our politicians have to raise minimum-wage, in kind
Comment from : @matthewhearne7200

The Fed does NOT need to print a single dollar to bring on inflation it just has to make cheap credit easy to come by What don't the MPC's get about this?
Comment from : @luis__jrtx

35 to 45 is “millions of people” … Really?
Comment from : @davebarbetta

This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer It is a government of corporations, by corporations, and for corporationsbrRutherford B Hayes - Diary (11 March 1888)
Comment from : @Ti5qu4ntum

Not to worry if your our Royalty Millionaire or Billionaire you'll be all good brHang tight we're busy making new Millionaire's
Comment from : @madbrad7274

A large part of the 2020 Stock Market surge was INCREASED MEDICAL PROFITS:brgloves, face masks, vaccinations, respirators, hospitalizations, etc
Comment from : @tjgipson7045

Working Americans need to band together and let Corporate America failbrMove into tents, start bartering People lived thousands of years without what we have
Comment from : @tjgipson7045

This is not good news Basically the trillions of debt cannot be recovered without raising interest rates yes wealthy might still pay bills and consume goods but overall the result ismillions of working class people are going to be out of work, won't be able, or continue not to be able, to pay bills inflation adds fuel to the fire as any goods one needs are more expensivenone of are naive and we all understand this is orchestrated by government to serve themselves and the 1
Comment from : @christophertownley6734

Dion3:21the goal of the fed is literally to stop businesses hiring and get people laid offw t f
Comment from : @christophertownley6734

"Fast Recovery" on the back of suffers working peoplewelcome to America!
Comment from : @arielespejo4956

The new $20 wage is the new $735 minimum wage
Comment from : @MrBobochow

I would say that the FED raises interest rates to eventually make corporations reduce their greed and lower prices and profit margins
Comment from : @DrDRE4391

Crazy eyes right there
Comment from : @uppner147

I remember for a long time, 5 unemployment used to be considered full employment
Comment from : @T_1357_F

You cannot have low interest rates with inflation at 5 without economic turmoil
Comment from : @slovokia

End the non federal reserve
Comment from : @kurtknispel9170

If you don't own a home outright Things are gonna be tough Less tough if you locked in a mortgage at 30 fixed 30 year But screwed if you are renting Homeless population will only grow in California And those regional woke California banks are going to need more bailouts
Comment from : @johndingle6293

Reminder the federal reserve is not a government entity
Comment from : @404Terrorizz

I need tp for my bungholio
Comment from : @Jeffro5533

No wonder so many people are buying commodities right now With high inflation cash is trash
Comment from : @NHJDT

Wanna know the scary part? Inflation and technology will make you poorer as a worker Slavery ended because value of human labor decreases with technology and Innovation Why would you house, feed, clothe, maintain their captivity and health And pay for it all? AI and innovation will keep devaluing the human labor You have to progress with the times or get left behind
Comment from : @johndingle6293

cut inflation by putting millions out of work and on UNEMPLOYMENT and food stamps, with people going bankrupt and losing their homes, sounds like a real "winning" fixbrThe stock market is collapsing big time because of these idiots, every time they imply or announce they might or will hike interest another 1/4 stocks take a huge nosedive
Comment from : @HobbyOrganist

The Fed is the one who created the inflation with unlimited fake money printing Now they act like they are trying to help us the little people Nope they are the bad guys and every administration since the creation of the Fed has allowed them to have ultimate power over us
Comment from : @NHJDT

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