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The Fed Just Admitted Defeat Against Inflation

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Title :  The Fed Just Admitted Defeat Against Inflation
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Comments The Fed Just Admitted Defeat Against Inflation

Most disingenuous Econ video on the current inflationary policies enacted by ya uncle Donnie… tariffs artificially increase prices which is inflation, knuckles… one week before the election, inflation was at 26 and reducing, gdp was at 28 and increasing Once uncle Donnie mentioned tariffs after being elected, prices immediately went up, cuz inventory capacities were filled brbrAll in anticipation of an additional 10, 15, 25 tax any future purchases would cost (that’s what a “tariff” is, a purchasing tax on buyers)
Comment from : @rortyskierkegaard9980

this crash is also good for people who dont have money Maybe if stocks and home prices crash Ill be able to buy low and get in Versus paying 400k for the median house in the US at 7 interest rates"
Comment from : @Healthiswealth-l6s

They cut rates in 2024 in order to help Democrats win elections and they knew the rate cut would hurt the economy
Comment from : @SteveFrench420-s9k

No one here seems to fully comprehend that interest rates are no longer the FED's monetary policy tool
Comment from : @TheChetoo97

Even though Trump is lowering taxes, the negative result will be offset by the big increase in consumer spending and re-allocate what wouldve been for corporate taxes be for increased labor and longevity So its not a bad thing
Comment from : @MikeStephanus

Comment from : @chen_490

With $36 trillion in debt, the Fed can't fight inflation without bankrupting the government
Comment from : @bitbucketcynic

2:58 Looks like we still got a little bit more to come down on inflation before going up again Wonder how that's gonna happen🤔🤔
Comment from : @TheRealSanchez

Why are you not lookimg at the job market the real job market brReal numbers brPlease keep believing the Feds numbers
Comment from : @Relaxlifeisshort2

Great video
Comment from : @robinorga528

I heard someone say that the Fed was cutting rates, before the election, to help Democrats and Harris But also said it was going to hurt Harris or whoever gets into office
Comment from : @shut-up-and-obey

Just raise interest rates like Brazil and Mexico and never let them fall
Comment from : @parkerbohnn

The video i was fearing
Comment from : @adiintel1

The economists warned that Trump would be bad for the economy Musk warned that they would cause hardship to the US citizens Trump has now said he will cause hardship to the American people who accept that and are willing to endure more until he "fixes" it FAFO
Comment from : @tarajoyce3598

Comment from : @JoeSmith-jd5zg

Of course they did, they waited to tell the truth until their boy biden was out of office
Comment from : @norcalsrt1214

Yes Money printer has to stop You cant compete with it
Comment from : @imaChaser

I think we all know they are losers They purposely did this A 6th grader is smarter than fellon, unless of course, she knew what her goal was the whole time
Comment from : @davidthelen1457

Truflation is at 21 bud
Comment from : @Milaber

The Fed didn’t go high enough or long enough on short term rates Same thing happened in the 70’s Result inflation came back The problem now is 36 Trillion of debt makes it very expensive to have higher for longer short term rates The result ‘we’re screwed’
Comment from : @markmulvaney8937

Getting a lot of Lyn Alden influence in your videos
Comment from : @dredgmo

But wait do I have 'money' or 'Federal Reserve Notes' ? ? ?
Comment from : @richardhobbs7107

Exactly Except all the money printing is planned, whether by QE or bank lending by rigging interest rates Trump is going to blame the inflation on Tariffs If he was serious about our country losing money he would have the IRS collect the 689 billion in unpaid taxes in 2023 and 606 billion in 2024 Tariffs are smoke and mirrors Americans are going to be taxed without representation by inflation caused by exploding money supply Why was inflation 2 during the 90’s? Because Greenspan grew M2 by 6 Inflation in the 70s was caused by massive increases in the money supply by bank lending “Oil shocks” were the excuse The government peddles propaganda
Comment from : @raymicciche8869

Welcome to the crash and burn that is now inevitable
Comment from : @justjacqueline2004

Over spending by govs is the problem when they can simply print fiat and issue bonds The world is broke Debt jubilee Bankers and lenders lose otherwise they will start WW3
Comment from : @BTCforce

They never corrected anythingthey just changed the formula and voila!Inflation Corrected!What a ship of fools
Comment from : @barryg1965

Why 2 why is that the magic number why not 05
Comment from : @bloodmuffin123

100 bucks say they still will find some stupid reason to cut rates in March
Comment from : @MarkDanger777

Trump slapping a 25 tariff on Canada sealed the deal, Trudeau is coming after Red States with tariffs of his own, massively increasing the costs of lumber for new homes energy prices and alcohol among other things
Comment from : @davidtunstall6454

Did you guys hear? The Fed just admitted defeat against inflation It’s been a tough battle, and now they’re saying the economy won’t recover as quickly as expected The inflation rates are still higher than they’d hoped
Comment from : @JessicaKeith-uj1jq

We have many millions of illegals receiving money and services from our government and this has given us continued inflation after the COVID fiasco Now with the removal and stopping the handouts and Trumps goal of more energy production I see it going down third quarter to 1st quarter of 26 if not sooner
Comment from : @kim258TV

Who even like the FED?brbrI guess NO ONE 🤷‍♂
Comment from : @994pt4

Trumppppp wooooo!!!! 🇺🇸
Comment from : @joshuaburns3167

Comment from : @Jeff-k3d

That transcript is nonsense brbrThe truth is they paused because of the DT administration's policies that are all inflationary: tariffs, tax cuts, financial deregulation, immigration policies, and most importantly a new FED chair in 2026 who will be picked by DT to lower interest rates
Comment from : @henrythegreatamerican8136

Not sure your logic at the end makes sense If they keep devaluing the currency eventually their constituents will find it worthless Asset prices can’t rise if there is no buyer, supply and demand, nobody wants to hold that bag of debt
Comment from : @johnsmith-ol9qj

I've read since shortly after Congress flip-flopped from tarrifs to income taxes (in 1908), average yearly CPI has been a whopping 33 In the entire 50 years prior to 1908, US inflation had risen a whopping minus 2 Yet, the democrats continue to profess that IF they could only raise corporate taxes again and deploy universal price caps - everything would be just dandy But, that's just more of the same thing that created the problem to begin withbrI have the chart, but I can't upload it on YouTube br33 annual inflation for 115 YEARS, post the advent of income taxes Minus 2 inflation over the previous 50 yearsbrbr I also read Congress had flip-flopped under pressure (bribes?) from foreign countries who didn't want their products to have tarrifs added to the retail price The Congress of 1908 sold Americans out to foreigners Why did they do that?
Comment from : @tdrbrt

But whatabout the same bs they spout at 2008 "omg inflation might return", 6 months later we were in deflation
Comment from : @Ruzhki

Its not the market that gets to decide what the price of a product is Its the businesses, the owners that gets to decide the price because capitalism is always chasing profits for the least amount of expenses (that also mean less wages, keep your employees minimally satisfied) Capitalism is the the problem cuz the oneces running the show are the Businesses and the Government is just their tool to keep the people minimally satisfied In China its different, the Government is at the top and the Businesses (the major industries like banking, water, energy, technology etc) are the tools to keep other businesses in line to keep them from being Greedy which ultimately makes the Chinese working class well paid, happy, and a healthy working class means prosperity And America wonders why they're going tdown the domps and the rich gets richer and the employees get homeless
Comment from : @Kur01T3nh1

Comment from : @lupe-u8o

Comment from : @pauldietzmann5610

Take the control of money away from the government
Comment from : @arealist8344

no pain, no gain
Comment from : @2yum

That was one of the very best videos explaining market dynamics I’ve seen! Well done, I hope this gets a wider audience Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work 🙏
Comment from : @johnpaton9587

May I add a correction it’s not fiscal policy it’s fiscal corruption there isn’t a single point of true data that has been published in who knows when
Comment from : @SpaceSailor-tu3vl

No, they stopped cutting rates because they were cutting in an attempt to alleviate US government debt servicing costs, but the bond market revolted instead
Comment from : @willnitschke

America doesn't make anything to the world, only prints moneybrNow their money export is coming back 😅
Comment from : @MrAdhiSuryana

I’m sensing that Joe does not like the Federal Reserve
Comment from : @SzymonStas

1 People wrongly blamed Biden for inflation Chump voters caused more overall problems for our country 3 We all know tariffs cause more inflation 4 The elites deep state want austerity to continue to divide and conquer! Our application of capitalism is cannibalism whilst our competitors are more consortiums!
Comment from : @Macky007

But won't the US debt be downgraded? That will drive rates higher
Comment from : @ArkOmen1

The Fed was built to avoid the extreme nature of volatility of natural interest
Comment from : @Pakodot

Fed already lost to inflation 2 never coming again
Comment from : @eplugplay8409

Is that a suntan 🌞 or is that makeup on your skull 💀 ?
Comment from : @ramskullcapital

Our ancestors warned us against the group that creates these artificial mechanisms in society
Comment from : @woodendoors9532

Looks more like mid 60s
Comment from : @BootsieTheGreek

They never had inflation licked They just kept finding ways to cook the books the fed is corrupt AF
Comment from : @darinjenkins7954

I disagree with asset prices continuing to risebrOnce the 10yr hits 5, the only ones holding stocks will be the bag holders
Comment from : @fakjoo9553

Fiscal dominance
Comment from : @dlukton

Love the last sentence
Comment from : @matbob7249

The Fed is just admitting that the situation is fluid and that some degree of inflation is more than likely
Comment from : @hectorrodriguez2686

Stop these high prices for housing and you'll get inflation down
Comment from : @MikeTesa

This is a Crock of Sh The government has no Intention of lowering inflationThey Love Hyperinflation
Comment from : @richardrodriguez-dj1xn

They cut 25 basis points 3 months in the end of 24' in September November December when it was up month over month but down on the year over year total Real smart You stop inflation with making excess money harder to obtain taking it out of the market BUT it didn't help Joe Oprah Biden being in office funding anything & everything You get money you get money you get money you get money
Comment from : @bryancope6105

Who could have seen this coming, not like asset price inflation (aka stock market gains) are front running consumer price inflation
Comment from : @Arathreas

Really? The fed needs to stay and focus on curbing rich people’s greed and wealth Otherwise, you’ll get an Orwellian elite
Comment from : @talisikid1618

Defeat against inflation because they "forgot" to raise interest rates during pandemic lockdown
Comment from : @Iliribur

The Fed exists today to take the heat off of politicians who have no will to make sound financial decisions and also do not want the blame when the economy goes south The typical politicians in Washington DC want the chance and ability to grow their own wealth and power, with no interference, and care little to nothing about the tax payer or the American voting public
Comment from : @anthonycarbone3826

Heresy can you explain how tarrifs could/will affect the economy?
Comment from : @UziBert1997

Without the FED who is the buyer of last resort?
Comment from : @ernesternest815

I am just loving the fact that the Bank of England is busy spinning the fact that they just defaulted on gold investment withdrawals The actual Bank of England! Defaulted!
Comment from : @PilotVBall

The Fed can't even define the word "inflation" The original definition is "Raising the ratio of the amount of money in circulation to the amount of goods and services in the market (GDP)
Comment from : @clarestucki5151

There is a silver lining Gump issues shitcoin con 20 and you bet the farm it will go to the moon
Comment from : @adriandmd

They cannot have any more inflation They just cant They MUST sacrifice the stock market to save the economy
Comment from : @sean-lb7wy

When people understand Zimbabwe is loaded with Trillionaires, maybe they will finally understand that inflation is caused by an exploding money supply
Comment from : @wayneo7220

There might be some nuance suggesting you can’t compare it apples to apples… in the 70’s there was bond market turbulence leaving the gold standard Also, oil prices shot up due to issues with newly formed OPEC The US is now the world’s largest oil producer Not suggesting everything is OK… but I don’t think inflation roaring back is a guarantee
Comment from : @Imran-tl4yd

Expansion of gov debt is expansion of the money supply No easing required
Comment from : @CalvincHoward

A couple observations: One of the leading contributors to the lowering of inflation between 1980 and 2000 was globalization (ie shifting US manufacturing to lower cost countries) We stopped sewing buttons back on shirts because you could just buy a new shirt for a reasonable price at a big box retailer Second, the $2 trillion deficit reflected in 2020 was a direct result of PPP loans and the COVID-related stimulus checks that were paid out to the taxpayers My comments are not made to disagree with your analysis I think you are spot on In fact, I'm wondering if my first point plays any role going forward Since globalization is already firmly in place, the tremendous benefit we enjoyed from this strategy is no longer available to us
Comment from : @cshazzard

I’m curious - I’ve never heard this argument for abolishing the FED What would we replace the FED with to prevent bank runs, like the ones that occurred often in the 19th century?
Comment from : @williamscarborough4218

The way people don’t think Trump’s erratic behavior has nothing to do with this is just bs cult like sh**
Comment from : @josalc84

Here in the UK, our dear (by which I mean costly) Chancellor of the Exchequer should be made to listen to this and act on its message She won't, of course
Comment from : @jammybiskit

You are the biggest bond bear on the internet, congradulations
Comment from : @dudewheresmyguitar21

When consumers are spending money on OF, memecoins and overpriced liabilities there is obviously too much money (debt) in the system
Comment from : @luis__jrtx

We're going to enter a deflation everybody predicting inflation is wrong
Comment from : @JosephAccetturoII

How about the 'elephant in the room' Can we actually run higher rates, when we have to pay interest on $36T in debt, at those rates? brbrAs far as I can tell, the only viable path is to inflate that debt away That is, increase wages and GDP, via inflation, until the annual deficit/GDP ratio drops back down to historic norms brbrI'm not saying we 'should' inflate And I am certainly not saying it's a great idea to balance things off by screwing responsible savers What I'm saying is that's exactly what we're going to do, because it's the only realistic way out It's also exactly what we did after WW2
Comment from : @billvannah9109

Rates need to be around 6 to cause a recession and see who's not wearing underwear when the tide goes out We can't keep delaying it😂😂😂
Comment from : @TotalBuffoon

We’re basically seeing a replay of what happened in the 70s/80s Jerome Powell wanted to be Volcker and is ending up like Burns I pray the next Fed chair makes the right decision either way we are headed to an inevitable recession that will start this yearbrbrOn a side note I voted for Trump but he’s absolutely wrong when it comes to the fed’s monetary policy and wanting them to cut rn just like he was wrong to sign off on the first covid stimulus package which is the reason we’re in this mess to begin with
Comment from : @CKpremium1992

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