Title | : | How the Fed Steers Interest Rates to Guide the Entire Economy | WSJ |
Lasting | : | 5.19 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 424 rb |
so funny How the Fed Steers Interest Rates to Guide the Entire Economy | WSJ Comment from : @Lisa-k7p1m |
Seriously a 2m intro for a 5m video Comment from : @jay31415 |
Powell STINKS!!! He's financially comfy! The bulk of US is struggling and going under! He's not doing right by the everyday people of the US! This is complete bullshyt! My mortgage has DOUBLED in the past couple years! 💸😡😣💸 Comment from : @dodgedabullet670 |
What happened to manipulating the yield of 2 year treasuries? Comment from : @edsr164 |
The feds are the ones who can cause or prevent recessions In other words, if you are struggling or can't afford housing - it's the feds Comment from : @jackicrew5849 |
Blok cein 1briks 2024😊 Comment from : @angelevstatiev8522 |
❤❤❤❤❤❤ Comment from : @sahusanalysis7661 |
Whats the new rate? Comment from : @haadbajwa7565 |
I literally learned nothing from this video Comment from : @oscar9876543 |
3:25 gyatt Comment from : @eepy04 |
Federal reserve Not federal or a reserve Comment from : @btlunt |
So who makes money off my insane credit card APR of 30? the bank that owns my credit card? Or the FFR? Comment from : @KidnapSix |
Thanks Comment from : @razabadass |
I see the rising interest rate as a very big problem, as more investors will definitely pull out more money from the Stock market This might have worked when I was still invest-ing with a couple thousand dollars, but it is more difficult now to decide whether to pull out more than $365k from my port-folio I know some inves-tors still make that despite the strong bear market In wish I could pull that feat Comment from : @Riggsnic_co |
As Banks dump Treasury Bonds to get cash to cover Payroll,brthe Treasury sells T-Notes to support the FED printing DollarsbrThe Treasury appears to have stopped selling as much of their Paper,bras Fed has printedbrbrFor 20 years the appearance of this illusion has continuedbrRupert's Reporters appear to be doing their best to maintain the ImagebrPropaganda for Propaganda's sake? Comment from : @danielhutchinson6604 |
Concerns about a potential recession and the Fed's talk of interest rate hikes have left me uneasy I'm unsure about my $700K portfolio strategy, considering the uncertainty of a recession and the possibility that interest rates may not rise significantly Comment from : @Patriciabanks5 |
If spending decreases does not the value of spending go up? Comment from : @lawrencecole6527 |
So if more people are taking out loans does not the value of loans increase and the value of what those loans are for decrease? Comment from : @lawrencecole6527 |
Wait, so what happens when the Supply is food and the Demand is people starving; are you saying the FED needs 2 of people to starve? Comment from : @lawrencecole6527 |
Usa economy 파이증대 ok Comment from : @병곤김-s1e |
Plant and train and road investment new economy Bio Technology th5wave technology ok Comment from : @병곤김-s1e |
God//FED USD 발권화폐 발행시에 소비자 물가 335max keep and inflation 4045up date 발생한다즉 new plant investment inflation 일시적현상 단기적 현상동시다발적 투자지향을 추구하여 최적화단기간내에 투자유치가 신규고용창출효과 ㅡ다락용 신규고용창출없이 고정인력대로 투자유치가 가능해지오니 오너측면에서 일거양득을 호득하게 된다는 잇점이 파생 이 됩니다철도건설기간이 4년 인데3년6개월동안 완성구도가 차량 back date input train stop station line all stop 6개월간 시운전 테스트가 요구가 됩니다brㅡ총발권지폐 사용규모 ㅡ 건설영 역별 개회사당 100km contrution 거리가 됩니다 세부지침후 협의후 곧바로 착수토록 바랍니다brbrㅡ도통군자 올림 ㅡ Comment from : @병곤김-s1e |
Backwards The Fed does not steer the markets, the markets steer the Fed Can’t wait to see the 2 year yield drop suddenly, and jpowell craps his pants forcing him to cut rates This will be long before November Probably by here in May Pay off your debt and get your money out of the bank By stuff you can use later Big durable goods, hard assets that are easy to liquidate Not furniture Useable things like electric bikes, that cut your gas costs Also buy commodities like gold and silver Why do you think Costco is selling gold and silver They will be selling more and more as this year goes on Gold price will skyrocket as will silver this year Especially as bank runs happen and people lose their money to bail ins Inflation will sky rocket for food and medicines Shortages of lots of things Will make the 70’s stagflation like a picnic Comment from : @specialist-in-tech |
World is trying to get away from dollar And when that happens good luck Comment from : @migrisongs7439 |
Raise interest rates Jar jar jar Comment from : @brettares5012 |
The Federal Reserve has executed a 180 degree turn toward restrictive monetary policy What will this mean for the economy and stock market? I want to diversify my stock portfolio of $400K because it keeps declining How can I profit from this bull run? Comment from : @Curbalnk |
Patiently waiting for rate cuts Comment from : @youtubeuser5102 |
Thanks so much Really well explained and easy to understand with helpful graphics embedded in this video! Comment from : @omnihexa |
The analogies used in this video are terrible lol Comment from : @HelloHello-ws2zo |
Does the Fed really make the decision or simply follow / chase the US02Y bond? Overlaying the graphs from the 90s to now, it suggests Fed chasing it Comment from : @BeefRocknmore |
Is the IORB same as the Fed Discount Rate? Comment from : @ronitmndl |
Sept 11th 2023 I still cannot find a parking space at Costco Comment from : @mikstro12 |
such useful video Comment from : @AnandKumar-ji6wb |
What a MESS the Feds have made of our world in such a short time Fill their pockets from DEBT 🤑 Comment from : @jlm4836 |
What does "short-term money" means? Comment from : @potatosalad9063 |
Yo w quiero mi money 💰 Comment from : @libradabencosme7769 |
So well explained Comment from : @gcheng500 |
Problem is the only can hit the brake with the left foot Comment from : @flavius22 |
the shell game 101 inflation will only subside if wall street crashes CEOs and corporations are responsible for inflated prices because their bonuses are based on profits while reducing operating costs that keeps benefits and salaries low deregulation gives these ruthless corporations and CEOS the green light to overrun the masses back in the ol days the government fought corporate minopolies now he corporations have their henchmen politicians passing laws that perpetuate big biz ripoffs and political backoor schemes in the past shortages would drive up prices only for a while till production increase returned prices to normal now wall street corporations and speculators are driving inflation increasing interest rates is just a smoke screen to draw sharks away from a runaway speculative bunch whose $$$ prop up prices until we have a recession and people stop buying Comment from : @dennismusch1623 |
How wrong can this video be? Discount rate is not the same as IORB If you want to make a video, make sure you have the basic concepts straightened out first The fed funds ceiling is set by discount rate not IORB Totally wrong on elementary stuff 😂 Comment from : @davidlim8502 |
Usually during this time of the year, we get to see certain stocks go up in the market, but that’s very unlikely this season cos of the recession and overall economic crisis, issue is I've been holding a lot of stocks hoping to sell for profit this month but I'm not sure if to keep holding or sell, I’ve been running at a loss since Q2 and 2023 is really not looking favorable for investors The market hasn’t been looking good since COVID, and it will get worse 2023, you should sell Comment from : @mamafane4584 |
GOVERMENT FAILURES CAUSED UNRECOVERABLE DAMAGES - I purchased my first home in 2004 when the newspapers were saying that the prices will double in 10 years but 15 years have passed and the home prices did not recover; because of government failure to regulate we had the housing bubble; in 2019 news papers were saying that recession in inevitable and overdue so I put my house on market and after nearly 11 months it sold with a 30 loss in March 2020 when the pandemic hit; I moved to another state and I slowly put the money to stock market; because of the government stimulus packages stock market soared and I made some money for which I paid taxes but than again due to the government actions I lost more than I earned in the stock market; 2022 was the fist year when my wife had jobs for the full year; I sold most of my stocks in 2022 expect few, and I am looking for home to buy the home prices in South Florida are still 60-90 above 2019 prices; BIDEN says he will build 1mln affordable homes (1mln is not even enough); I saw some price drops but some homes are still listed 90 above 2019 prices I just saw Dr Horton increase their home price for summer delivery by 7-8 vs homes with delivery for March-April in Plant City, FL; after reviewing IRS tax books I found out I can only offset $3,000 in capital losses from my income for the tax purposes; well in that rate I will die before I will be able to deduct the capital losses suffered in 2022; I also can't buy a home now because they are too expensive It all failure of Government; it is getting worse and worse Comment from : @gs9771 |
I'm surprised there aren't more comments that are critical of the fed's actions They are raising interest rates because they think that inflation is caused by the economy going "too fast" or sometimes because the economy is too "hot" Are they kidding? The economy is shrinking in all kinds of ways Failure rates of business are skyrocketing brIt's obvious rate increases will not help Inflation in the important things like food and fuel and rent, will all continue Comment from : @latetotheparty184 |
We are all in a Crisis Health crisis Covid How working ? ? And who doesn't have Bill Fed over stepping For fake reasons Comment from : @billstevens9190 |
hammer screwdriver got it Comment from : @SDVenturist |
as hard as the fed has grappled with inflation, no one can assure if there's no fallout to come, leading to dire situation as in it bubble era and subprime crisis Comment from : @everglades_n_co |
STOP PRINTING DOLLARS Comment from : @hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 |
The title should be How the Fed Steers Interest Rates to Destroy the Entire Economy What they are doing is going to make things much worse for the average consumer For example, let's say I need a new car A couple of years ago I could have purchased a new car for $20,000 Now the same car is $30,000 That's 50 inflation So what they are doing is raising the interest rate to 9 instead of 3 which make it unaffordable Thus their plan is to make products unaffordable in an effort to force the car dealers to lower their price If that works it will cause the dealer to lay off employees to make ends meet And will take awhile for the prices to drop Meanwhile I can't afford a car because the interest rates are too high So everyone loses The inflation was caused by supply shortages due to covid lockdowns Raising rates does not increase the supply Only increases the cost so that no one can afford to buy which will lead to unemployment And destroy the whole economy Comment from : @jacque4697 |
Why all of a sudden is a supply chain an issue? Wasn't 3 years ago I can tell by jobs report the economy has slowed Comment from : @paulasoutchek3747 |
Interest on reserve balances (IORB) serves as a floor for the fed funds rate (FFR) The discount rate is the effective ceiling for the FFR At least that’s my understanding brBy my lights, IORB are a subsidy to the banking system as they reduce the Fed’s remittances to the Treasury Fed remittances to the Treasury are expected to go to $0 as it raises rates, which increases the quantity of IORB paid out The Fed will cover such ‘losses’ and the issuing of new required liabilities through the creation of a ‘deferred asset’ Comment from : @markbirmingham6011 |
The banking system is based on Keynsian theory Keynes who was a very corrupt man with a prediliction towards children didn't understand economics He cheered on the Bank of England's fake market for the new English pound back in the 30s The whole system is a massive fraud as we're about to find out Central Bank Digital Currencies are coming next: Race War, Covid, Ukraine, World War, Climate Crisis, CBDCs in that order Its the CENTRAL BANKS driving all these fake emergencies Comment from : @pauljamesleecryptocurrency9088 |
Are banks REQUIRED to abide by the Federal Funds Rate set by the Fed? If the Fed sets the FFR at 5, can a bank still charge 3 interest rates if they want, or are there laws and/or incentives that force the banks to abide by the rates set by the FED? Comment from : @davidfox5362 |
The Federal Reserve should immediately match the Federal Reserve interest rate to the inflation rate That would swiftly bring down inflation and interest rates Sure, it would be disruptive over the near term, but, that's what is needed Comment from : @Greg-hm5lh |
correct me if I'm wrong isn't the floor should be determined by IORB (Interest On Reserve Balances) Comment from : @shan_arosh |
What does it have to do with residential housing,, people who already have mortgages Why do you have to punish them, make interest rates based on income brackets You draining middle low income class, those who sit on cash will move their wealth on high interest savings brPlay stupid games, win stupid prizes Comment from : @vkrgfan |
#Bitcoin is an asset that survived when it had few individual and institutional adoption But now #btc is mainstream and widely adopted#defiwarrior will #metaverse call #mera, they will have many events #airdrop next days #BearMarket2022 #cryptocurrency #altcoins #Coinbase Comment from : @secienaa6012 |
This video seems wrong The IORB sets a floor on the Fed Funds rate, not a ceiling Or did I miss something? Comment from : @barneyblimp1498 |
Excelente información Comment from : @orozart1 |
🤣🤣🤣 Comment from : @sngs9565 |
The charming tortoise gratifyingly fool because october regionally hammer throughout a jobless mandolin spicy, slimy kettle Comment from : @angelarce6754 |
youtube/6_RxNQHPj_c Comment from : @brothernatebass |
Federal Government needs to enforced and protect the laws of federal reserves and federal government, escrow and mortgage loans, credit cards, federal taxes, banks and their services, all legal businesses example online ecommerce, brick and mortars and other businesses, hospitals, federal past or present students, federal past or present students loans users, stimulus checks, resources, and economy The scams and cyper attack as been horrible and has massive decreased federal, state ,city and counties USD currencies, education and USD currencies, living and housing meaning rentals, property ownerships and buying property USD currencies, and the business sales USD currencies in the economy That's way it still does not seems to be enough We doing the best that we can We are still in needed What more needs to be done? Comment from : @carethascrs32018 |
Federal USD Dollars and Coins is what we use in US and needed to be enforced The Cryptocurrencies example Bitcoins and there is others that need to have some respect for USD and it's coins its so fad in demand But, not a USD Dollars and Coins so don't let it over turn our or mimick our USD Dollars and Coins because the currency are a different count andbrgovernment and population is not able to afford much with pricing if the currency have confusions Let set the record straight on the laws of the USD and Coins and who use it USD and Coins vs Cryptocurrencies Comment from : @carethascrs32018 |
The Obama and His Administration did not reinstated the Federal We don't how many Current or Former Presidents and Their Administrations did not restated the Federal We have to be careful with the government and popluation on what is being done and going on in the economy etc because of his administration if not others have been against the Federal Reserve and Government Comment from : @carethascrs32018 |
Very good video I used it to teach my 14 year old son Thanks Comment from : @Dwayne_and_Shelly |
you mean, how do they sink the economy into the ground that would be a fitting title hey powell, thanks for making basic food unaffordable would be nice to see the fed's salaries cut exponentiallyyou know because of inflation Comment from : @BobRooney290 |
Everyone told that a-hole Biden not to print more dollars because it "aways" leads to debilitating inflation/recession cycle And inflation is theft anyway you try to slice it and dice it Biden made political delmoney management appointment/del to a bunch of people none of which hand an MBA or any big business experience To get around a cost of living raise to the elderly on social security they stealthily manipulated the ConsumerPrice Index by removing things that drove the inflation rate measurement up Biden says the inflation rate is 95 when in fact its 20 as anyone can see when they go to the grocery store $1000 in you retirement savings is suddenly only worth $800 Maybe you have some reason not to like Trump but he didn't steal $200 out of you bank account or cause $6 a gallon gas that was total stupid and unnecessary as we have our own oil Biden is an old guy at the end of the trail who can barely get out of bed in the morning and signed anything put in front of him and China is obviously ignoring him Comment from : @jhill4071 |
scammers uses fake profit I was scammed over $40000 I reported to the police but nothing was done but just recently to got helped by ( Scammers _Trackers) they helped me got my money back by can help you too when you file a case Comment from : @stellancnn9490 |
There's nothing federal about the FED and the 'reserves' were brdepleted a long time ago It's all a game of musical chairs Comment from : @pdcdesign9632 |
Buy Safemoon Inu Safemoon Inu is the best mathematics crypto investment for this year and next year too Comment from : @davidprestipino624 |
These crooks at the federal reserve should be hung Comment from : @netstarr77 |
Just Using Hit & Trial method Will Hurt Economy & public Bankruptcies only Comment from : @rajgupta3802 |
Lol they said a quarter to half and they raised it 3/4 of percent lol Comment from : @Cognitoman |
ohhhh so it's not any president's fault So how do you get people and the media to understand this and educate the masses? Seriously, I had no idea (until now) how this worked Comment from : @alexcordero6672 |
Makes me sick Comment from : @crystalwalker9227 |
Please pick up the phone, write, e-mail, go visit all of your state representatives Let your wishes be known Make the politicians work Collapse of the US economy is just a matter of time Comment from : @kimcissell1905 |
Abolish the fed, return to bimetalism Comment from : @Afrologist |
Strange system money is create on paper and made up interest rates are charged to borrow made up money Comment from : @timtoolman9940 |
Now we have not enough houses in the market Does that mean house demand stays same or higher? Supply chains have not affected like this before Comment from : @kerrybaral9241 |
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