Title | : | My parents are asking for money |
Lasting | : | 4.28 |
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Views | : | 76 rb |
Stop lending money to people No matter who they are, especially your parents People don’t like paying back and you’re not the bank There’s a reason the bank denied them Comment from : @mercedeswilkins5566 |
My parents just asked me for $500 a monthI can't afford that I don't know what to do Comment from : @pizzaparty23 |
A significant proportion of people who call in to this show should be consulting a psychologist or a family therapist first Comment from : @drhandle4498 |
They must get jobs Comment from : @samtatge8299 |
These parents should be ashamed of themselves Poor guy No is a compete answer, try it Comment from : @catherinewilke5583 |
Totally worthlesspeople been around for 70 years and haven't figured it out Comment from : @Wall2000x |
My dad just tried to use one of my business checks to buy an 13 or 15k carbrbrTbh I don’t think I’m going to visit for a long time if ever once I move out this place Comment from : @MichaelDeLaRosa |
My brother is a parasite with my parents and I told them to stop giving him money I will never give him a penny that's for sure, he has always looked at me with envy and jealousy because I manage my money like Dave suggested When my parents won't be around he'll be screwed Comment from : @pugscaniche7866 |
My husband has given thousands of dollars to his dad over the years His dad refuses to work on his credit because it's a "scam", refuses to use the VA home loan he's entitled to, hasn't paid his taxes, and feels entitled to my husband's small inheritance he got from his biological mother's side He used to call basically throwing tantrums about my husband not giving him money Sadly, now his younger stepsister sometimes calls asking for moneybrbrHe stopped giving him money cold back in 2018 Keep in mind, my husband at the time was working transit security making 15/he while his dad was and is making 100k on ID contract gigs He also had 3 other kids with a woman he married after a bar hookup (not saying there aren't bar hookup success stories, but he's not one of them), and had a bunch of child support to pay brbrNow I'm facing this issue that I can see in the future with my own dad Except, my own dad would never ask for money, but his new wife is a total moocher Countless times we have taken them out and after they've cracked up a massive bill, she says "oh I forgot my card", she's asked my grandparents for 50k to put down on a mortgage She doesn't work My dad for some reason will only pick up low-paying, crappy jobs with no benefits, even though he has a master's degree and paralegal certification But he hands her his debit card When my dad said he was hard up in 2020, I paypaled him 500 bucks, but it went straight to his wife, who spent it on Easter baskets for her grandkids He has no backbone unfortunately He thinks he has to be loyal to his employers and won't seek out better opportunities When my parents divorced, amicably, my mother gave my dad over half of the assets, but my dad pissed it all away since being with his (now) wife brbrLast year, they ran off to Florida to mooch on his wife's stepfather, and have since married and constantly talk about how they're going to inherit HIS investments and house, even though her stepfather has three adult children who are lawyers So unrealistic My worry is if my dad passed away after my grandparents do, his moocher wife who hasn't bothered making a dime will get everything my grandparents made for each other And not a dime will be under my name I know I wouldn't piss that money away I just know in the next few years, she's going to be asking me for money But, she's morbidly obese and in terrible health, so hopefully she passes first And her stepfather is in wonderful health Comment from : @Anya-jk2dy |
My mom says she had me to take care of her Remarried an asshole who him and I always butheads since the first time we met Ever had fist fights from him throwing the first punch Comment from : @fitnessffinessed |
My parents ask me for money and they make more than I do I don’t understand ? Comment from : @alexandrarodriguez3057 |
I was in this situation for yearsbrParents refused to get jobs and work No retirement plan Calling ever 6-8 months asking for money Cussing me out when I put my foot down and told them no more It was a horrible toxic situation And I finally had to cut them off Comment from : @MrPokemon248 |
I actually give my parents money every month all my siblings doI used to see my mom send money to her mom and her dad so we took inspiration from her Comment from : @kosemsultan3729 |
Your parents are not your children Say it again Sadly that's part of life You can't go backwards and be looking after your parents if you have your own family My parents won't get a sniff out of me, especially since they treated me very poorly and kicked me out at 18 Comment from : @AimeePoppinBabies |
F@#* all you a$$holes thinking that it's right for parents to ask their kids for money Comment from : @joshuaradloff1070 |
Nobody has ever asked me for money (aside from a rare beggar on the street) I guess I’m lucky! Comment from : @tmusa2002 |
The had 70 years to set themselves up for success All that time they waste sitting idol not doing anything is staggering You are not a retirement plan for your parents Giving them money is taking away from your familybrStop enabling their bad choices They raised you and all but here is thing, IT IS THERE JOB TO RAISE YOU! Your job is to raise your family and give your kids the tools to so the same and for you to set yourselves up so you won't be the same kind of burden to your kids Comment from : @calebhenderson6507 |
Do not Comment from : @rafaeltinajero |
Don’t Comment from : @rafaeltinajero |
That’s cool you are doing things a little different Comment from : @MsLucky443 |
I realize that every situation is different but we must contemplate the truth for those of us who are believers for it is written in 1st Timothy "anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" Comment from : @tjmns |
Preaching to the choir brother Don't get me started on my broke parents who decided to have me as broke teenagers 😔 Comment from : @damndisplace07 |
His parents r old enough 4 him to start taking over their finances His seem wise enough to do it Comment from : @adajeffrey9210 |
What's an FPU?? Please explain Comment from : @adajeffrey9210 |
This is slowly becoming my reality my anxiety is slowly taking over and I am holding myself together as best as I can Comment from : @iammariomurray |
BINOD Comment from : @adfohukafoju5759 |
My parents asked for money while I was in BS2 Basically just told them I'm in debt payoff mode, there is no money to spare Just easier to say "no" and get it overwith vs entertaining the guilt trips Comment from : @TeKnoVKNG23 |
I don’t think this is about a one time $500 request These parents are in huge debt You can bet that they will continually ask for $500 between now and when they are in their early 90s Total that up Additionally, we don’t know what kind of relationship he had with his parents over his life Comment from : @GoMindfullyTravelVlog |
So I’m 16 and I work So my checking/savings is tied to my moms account My mom does drugs and takes my money Is there anything I can do to make sure my money is safe or get my money back? Please Comment from : @kaylieperez6637 |
My toxic parents asking money for hurting me for sooo long time Comment from : @snehaekka6203 |
I help my parents out I feel like their holding me back would have published my book and be successful Comment from : @kornyhags79 |
Sad but true I’m experiencing this when I can’t send money to my parents they’re very angry on me and says I’m not a good daughter but ever since all my life I’m working and helping my family can’t understand why they can’t appreciate and see it Comment from : @willennfischer |
That makes me mad when parents ask for your money Comment from : @captainamerica258 |
my mom wants $3000 a month allowance from me and my sister because she is a single mother who doesn’t have a job since she can’t speak english and can’t pay for the life insurance that she signed up for She wants me to pay for her living expenses forever She wants me and my sister paying her each 1500 which will make 3000 a month When I get this new job, I will be getting paid $4011 per month so she is taking 40 of my paycheck Even after she pays for the life insurance, she is planning to live off of the 3000 monthly allowance that we give her I am 23 years old and don’t even have the job yet for sure She did take care of me and will be taking care of me until I am 24 Do you think it is selfish for me to say no to this request? or do you think I should pay her 1500 every month for the rest of her life since she gave birth to me and paid for everything until now? Comment from : @ed5221lee |
I'm in the same situation, with smaller debt but a long way to go until I'm financially in the right for a good life ahead I'm 29 years old and working middle management, I want to become an animal protection officer one day I'm starting my future from scratch, as the women who raised me have been sick, broke, and addled with smoking addiction for about 25 years of my life I'm the only able-bodied person in my immediate family, and they depend on me quite a bit for what little resources I do have Which isn't much, I don't have a car I rent my apartment and I JUST started socking money away with each pay cheque Thing is my nana is 70, and my mother has a rare dehabilitating disease band/b leukemia AND they ake semi permanent gaurdianship of my niece, who's mother is mentally ill and a candidate for brain damage due to seizures and a clog in her temple I'm trying, I guess I could try harder and grind every minute of every day so I can accomplish my dreams, band/b find ways to provide for them, but it's really really hard Comment from : @elly-maehall638 |
I only lend money when I don’t mind if I lose it completely Comment from : @BenDover-zq6ey |
My parents keep asking me money and I don't have a problem lending them but they don't give it back and that makes me struggle a bit but they keep asking me and if I say i can't give they always play the we're your parents card to make me feel bad I am really hopeles right now 😅😥 if anyone has advice I would definitely appreciate it😅 Comment from : @natashagouws8775 |
Also I attempted to send my parents information on Dave Ramsey and they ignored the message Comment from : @tt21292 |
To everyone here that's in disbelief that this caller would even iconsider/i not just giving $500 to his parents: you don't realise how privileged you are Not only that, but even when the caller described his current financial situation, you still think he has the ability to just gift half a grand? Oy vey Comment from : @JivanPal |
His parents are almost 80? Wouldn't it make more sense to sell the parents house, and have them move into their son's home? The parents are more likely to die before they get out of their financial situation Might as well take them in and allow them to live peacefully with their family for whatever time they have left Comment from : @SSSauceyBuns |
Beta male Comment from : @jeffonspikes5567 |
I took care of my mother for years because it was the right thing to doshe was very timid and only had social security It bothered me at times because it felt like I was the parent She passed This last September of cancer I don’t regret one dime or moment now that I was there A wise person once saidHonor thy mother and thy father I wish I had her back Comment from : @1jw298 |
Give them the money, but if they want more money get them to go thru the Peace University program first Comment from : @andyS7798 |
For goodness sake what's wrong with people smh I would just give not loan it their my beautiful parents People think they would go broke by giving smh Comment from : @AveliMedia |
I persoanlly would lend them only once !! My parents are irresponsible financially and still are, my dad always ask my sister for money !! she can't even say no, which is sad My dad hasn't worked over a decade and complains that his kids (me and my sisters) are not going to have a good life since he we don't support them He does emotionally blackmail her which is really sad I hope that if a have kids someday that i will teach them how to be financially independent !! Thanks to Dave Ramsey Comment from : @misssu5311 |
I have the same problem with my parents and family They are very bad with money and irresponsible Comment from : @outtaroad5912 |
Parents take care of kids for a good portion of their lives They make budget cuts, buy birthday gifts, etc All of this is forgotten when the kid gets old This guy should have his parents move in with him This would allow the parents to save on rent brbrHis parents have a weakness It needs to be fixed not ignored When you're born into this world, you're weak Your parents don't abandon you based on your weakness Not sure if i'm on a rant here Comment from : @consciousliving5959 |
I had a sister who would ask for money to pay her mortgage The last time this happened, I said I would help her but would also like to send her to FPU She said that she wasn't interested Comment from : @jvolstad |
Not sure I would lend anymorethey are not learning to be proactive with their moneyI would say I can sit down with you every two weeks and help you write up a budget to help them No more lending tho Comment from : @janefromthecountry1820 |
I'm sorry but everyone who's attacking this guy can eat dirt He has a point, he can't make a habit of constantly trying to bail his parents out of their own bind If they're not adjusting their lifestyle to their current financial situation he can't derail his financial future because his parents don't want to learn how to manage their own money Comment from : @laboheme125 |
They're your parents I'd give mine anything This is very sad to hear Comment from : @MrCasco0o |
1 Timothy 5:8br“But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” Comment from : @feraiivie |
This guy disgusts me degrading his parents because they asked their son for $500 You only get one set of parents Cherish them because they wont be there forever Geez Comment from : @lorddoma6637 |
As soon as my mother knows I've got extra money coming in, she asks for it Comment from : @clair233 |
I'd say be glad you're in a position to help them and help them learn how to handle their money better They may not have had a Dave Ramsey to help guide them to having a healthy relationship with money I wouldn't give anything with "caveats", either give it or don't They're your parents and they need help so help them But stay in a position to be able to help Comment from : @2skyland |
Just say no your not in the position to lend money Comment from : @chrisbaker2669 |
I think people fail to realize that sometimes people don’t have $500 to give! If his parents had poor money management, do you really think he has great money management? They just all need to sit down and discuss their budget He knows better so now he can set himself up for retirement so he can break the cycle Comment from : @arleneaugustahair8393 |
My stepmom wanted my dad to pay me for doing her hair! Um 😐 NO! I would NOT be asking my 70 year old dad for money Comment from : @arleneaugustahair8393 |
OMG, can’t believe you’re calling because your parents wants $500 , are you even serious, when they die, you will wish to have them back for a lot more than $500, or at least I hope sobrSorry but you have no manners , I will do anything for my parents if they need help, you should think a lot more about how you feel towards your parents, I mean God , it’s your mom and your dad Comment from : @elbouhali3595 |
$500? Wow I can’t believe you’d even call in about a $500 “loan” to your parents You sound like a grown man Not my definition of a good heart Smh 🤦♀️ Comment from : @elianah8803 |
Easy answer: Say no Comment from : @johnnyjameson3641 |
Deal with it! My parents has been giving my grandparents and other family members $400 a month for the past 40 years Comment from : @nopal4587 |
Tip your rideshare driver! Comment from : @auntyuber5127 |
They won’t learn at this stage and age Budget yourself at least 100dls a month for them, what’s wrong with you cheap bast$&@? Those are your parents!! Comment from : @MidnightSunshine27 |
I got my things to take care of also HOWEVER, my parents are my parents and I would help them in a heart beat My father died on Saturday and my heart 💙 is broken I was an xcelent daughter with him said by him so many times Something I feel awful about is that I feel I didn't tell him 'I LOVE YOU' more even thou EVERYTIME we talked ' I lOVE YOU' was the end of our phone calls Say I love you more to your loved ones because you never know when it will be the last time Comment from : @MiMiOrt |
Break’ um off and charge it to the gamejust don’t make it a habit Comment from : @Glass088 |
'It's just $500!! Give them the money, they took care of you for years!!"brbrHe's in about $200,000 of debt He needs all the money he can get It sounds to me like he DID give them the money, but he's concerned for them and wants them to learn to manage money better, since they've done every dumb thing in the bookbrbrNot only that, but the "they took care of you" arguement is BS I didn't ask to be born, you decided to have me and you knew it would cost money You owe me food and shelter and care and training on how to be a decent human being until I'm old enough to care for myself, ie, 18 And I don't owe you a penny for that Doing chores around the home, fine, but don't come back to me in my later years and hound me for the money you spent on me when I was a baby I had no choice in thatbrbrShould you give your parents the money if you can? It really depends what they need it for, but if it truly is a need, give it to them as a gift without expecting it to be paid back And yes, giving FPU is a good idea, especially if they're bad with money, because you want them to learn to manage it better for themselves so they don't even have to askbrbrBottom line, stop calling him a bad kid for helping his parents in multiple ways Comment from : @Zichqec |
Mexicans will always take care of their parents It's only $500 Be glad they are still alive and healthy Comment from : @nickdiaz8484 |
I think anyone who wiped your a$$ for a few years deserves at least one or 2 loans in a lifetime, lol Comment from : @cutlerylover |
My brother, give your parents what they need and count it all joy Honor your parents Comment from : @wendellellisor268 |
I budget 1,200 a yr to help people if i asked without any questions $500 isnt much a yr if u werent in debt im sure it wouldnt feel bad So all of you cotribute to the conflict Comment from : @NeoAndersonReloaded |
Cmon man They haven't made a habit of it and they're asking for $500 They're your parents you only have them for possibly a few more years Comment from : @ProjeckDestiny |
Here's the thing :brThe longer you live, the MORE MONEY you should havebrAnd by that time, should have ENOUGH SENSE to live BELOW your means Comment from : @sunset6010 |
Here is some advice, find out when they get paid Offer them advice on how to manage their own money Comment from : @jordanreyesivan |
I thought he was going to say they wanted to borrow a lot of money $500 for your parent who raised and fed you your whole life I’m working the steps and my parents need help sometimes, $500 here and there My grandma couldn’t afford a root canal at 85 years old and I gave her $2000 without hesitation You only get one family and can’t forget what others have done for you in the past Family first, always The karma will come back in spades Comment from : @nickk4010 |
FPU or f/u Comment from : @IamtheGL |
I honestly hate lending money I hate having to chase it and stress over it when people decide not to pay me back or forget about it or take their sweet time so I never do it anymore brbrIt is a very tough situation though since they are your parents Comment from : @InvestingHustler |
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