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Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders

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Information Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders

Title :  Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders
Lasting :   8.30
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Frames Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders

Description Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders

Comments Strengths of Students with Learning Disabilities and Other Disorders

NCLD has developed the LD Checklist: Recognize & Respond tool to help spot the potential signs of LD Take the first step here: ncldco/LDRR #Check4LD
Comment from : @LdOrg

Autism, ADHD and ASD are all neurological disorders❤❤❤ love this video
Comment from : @RodreneLiverpool

What if you have both autism and ADHD? _
Comment from : @divamoosic

So, in all honesty, what if all your strengths require using your weaknesses? I would like to pursuethe arts but its all digital now
Comment from : @brittanybecker170

Neurodiversity is the most dangerous idea I've ever heard!
Comment from : @nomadheros4663

❤ Absolutely beautiful ❤️
Comment from : @ChestaAcosta-mu3hd

❤ Absolutely beautiful ❤️
Comment from : @ChestaAcosta-mu3hd

New horoscope for dummies dropped
Comment from : @Whatsinmypocket

Comment from : @himachalpradeshgayangangay5868

Could you clean up the captions? This video seems to be auto-captioned which is in accurate at times Plus, there is not punctuation Thanks
Comment from : @jeankelly1030

My weaknesses is handwritingI can’t read it ,most of my teachers can’t,and it’s been the exact same since kindergarten (and no I still dont get to type assignments)
Comment from : @Teenslunch

Thank you for your compassion In my day we weren’t allowed to pursue art/sports/etc until we aced the academics Often the subjects we would excel at were classified as ‘electives’
Comment from : @erinsjourney315

Sorry I find the crash of acronyms a little disorienting But if I take "unlocated" or "unplaced" comments it seems interesting Too many floating Codes has me Googling too much and having a disjointed experience, nothing new there lol! Sorry to cavil and appear petty
Comment from : @doellt4753

When will people realize that is impossible to multitask you can only do one task at a time and switch back and forth between them you cannot do two things at once prove it can you read a book and play video games at the same time no can you play basketball and football at the same exact time now you can pee and poo at the same time😅😅
Comment from : @Only2genders

Thank you for this-well done too
Comment from : @brucedanton3669

I'd like to see an update on this video
Comment from : @SymphoniasStories

Comment from : @drvimalkumarsv5111

Show time
Comment from : @mildredfranklin6358

I’m bored time to mess with a narcissist from messing with me lol 😂
Comment from : @mildredfranklin6358

I been know just making sure
Comment from : @mildredfranklin6358

Oh they retarded oh okay
Comment from : @mildredfranklin6358

Thanks for the awesome presentation I loved the explanation!
Comment from : @braedondavies9592

They say learning disabilities don't affect intelligence; that they just mean you have to learn a different way Okay, wellthat implies intelligence is scientific, mathematical, and ireal,/i not just some ambiguous word In which case, what IS intelligence? What is the difference of intelligence between a person with a LD and a person with an intellectual disability?
Comment from : @johnrainsman6650

What you know bout developmental academic disorder
Comment from : @anthonyhines656

Comment from : @davidthekingstorytime1158

Brilliant training much appreciated I wish Centrelink would recognise these hidden disabilities
Comment from : @melissagorgeous16

I think the constant belittling and abuse I underwent rendered me incapable of summoning the kinds of motivations one needs to succeed in any area of life
Comment from : @oneldelorbe1413

Thank you for your work!!!
Comment from : @mrfireop1571

Everything is great Except the White Colonizer Pathologizing language of "disorders" I wonder if there is a follow up with strength based language- he starts with the Disprder language and tries to strength base them yet he still uses "disorders" wayyyy to much
Comment from : @lmlm3895

Still fiddling around with what you still really don't know much about !
Comment from : @ericswain4177

I hate math and English
Comment from : @karimaechols6116

I have ADHD and a learning disability
Comment from : @karimaechols6116

I’m 45 and when I was in school, it was either you were labeled lazy or just plain stupid if you had trouble in school I’m just now trying to figure out what learning disability I had I could add and subtract…multiply but once we hit pre-algebra, I was done It was like I was looking at a different language I was punished and ostracized… made to feel stupid I’m glad today kids can get help rather than feeling like they’re drowning That time of my life scarred me It still affects me to this day I might never know what exactly I had I can draw comfort knowing there was a reason and that I wasn’t just stupid
Comment from : @pdarn27

I love those last three questions Beautifully done - this gave me affirmation in my new perspective working with my learning disabilitiesbrbrLong story short, I went to a special ed therapeautic high school As you can imagine, it was a tough shameful time I tried so badly for 10 years to suppress the shame by "acting normal" I refused to give myself a chance to be who I was always meant to be because I felt so different and abnormal I am 28 years old now and finally beginning to find myself again I hope this comment helps anyone undergoing a similar reality brbrTo the persons that find joy and relief in my comment: You are loved and respected in totality by me, a fellow broken human being on this incredible journey Thank you <3
Comment from : @quietismyjam

No such thing as being disabled Differentabled
Comment from : @relentlessrhythm2774

What does add and nvld together look like?
Comment from : @brittjuh729

LD and proud working on my CRNA so to speak 😁🤘
Comment from : @PrincePalmUwU

So what's my learning disability? I read and write just fine It's just that often times I don't understand information or instructoins I read or hear I often need clarification and get confused easily I'm on the Autism Spectrum and had a speech delay as a preschooler, but I don't think ASD is directly and ultimately the name of my learning disability
Comment from : @johnrainsman6650

I can't process information—visual or auditory—it doesn't fucking matter I just get overwhelmed and shut down I get distracted constantly and I'm late to everything My showers take 30-90 minutes now I don't even know what it is that's distracting me—I just can't think anymore I used to work really hard in school and I actually did well but it took up way too much of my energy Any strengths that I have are inaccessible because I'm fucking retarded I have the work ethic of a fucking two-year-old now I'm as good as dead
Comment from : @isabelkloberdanz6329

i have a learning disability sense i was a baby
Comment from : @shellyhunt4910

im struggling in math and reading everyone comments how they struggle with math kinda puts me at ease
Comment from : @MrHavoc313

Love this positive 'reapraisa'l! So sad when you think of all those who education has failed apparently Dyslexia is known as the 'MIT disease'! Thank you
Comment from : @velvetindigonight

Check your kid for heavy metal toxicity thru a hair test analysis as it wont show up in the blood, aluminium and mercury have an affinity for fatty brain tissue and interfere with neurotransmitter regulation Once properly chelated investigate neurofeedback
Comment from : @dibberss2k253

Subscribe br youtube/1iJPXiUq7lk
Comment from : @computerworldbj03063642564

Learning disabilities are a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to either interpret what they see and hear or to link information from different parts of the brain Learning disabilities may affect a person's ability to speak, listen, read, write, spell, reason, recall, organize information or to do mathematics These disorders are seen in people who have normal intelligence but due to some differences in the connections in the brain, they affect various speech, articulations, coordination and academic aspects of the development Some children may have problems expressing themselves in speech (Developmental Expressive Language Disorders) They may call objects by wrong names or are unable to answer simple questions I read the best article about this on wwwpediatriconcallcom/articles/developmental-pediatrics/learning-disabilities-ld/learning-disabilities-ld-patient-education#115 Please do visit and give a read
Comment from : @aakarshanubhav183

foxlyin/qvwhbrPlease watch and share
Comment from : @allwithhum1251

Learning disabilitiesbr foxlyin/qvwhbrPlease watch and share
Comment from : @allwithhum1251

Lovely break down and explanation! My twin sons have ASD and are remarkably brilliant!
Comment from : @sleazymansion639

i have nvld and adhd i don't have the nvld strength of being detaiil-oriented because my adhd makes me miss details most of the timeso that's great what now? lmaobrin terms of adhd, yes, i'm creative
Comment from : @insertnamehere3971

Add here, and very strong and beautiful
Comment from : @melissarivera7477

I just embarrassed my mom and myself because, I couldn't measure something She FaceTime me to tell me how to do it and it took me forever to do it She said that I have a really bad problem Is hard man
Comment from : @imhyuna980yearsago6

OMG you have AS on the wrong side Mind me if am mistaken Jijiji
Comment from : @teacherbetancourt

I have the four maybe
Comment from : @doctorllama2507

The most paradoxical thing mos experts even cannot explain is the fact that you can be gifted and have a learning disability I for example am a mathematician with an IQ of 75, do not Profit from lectures at all but still can sometimes have intuiton about theorems which is beyond most math students brbrI Think its because we need to diferentiate between pure informational input and internal processing, two completely different pair of shoesbrbrIQs meassure your ability to put Information into your mind Because of the significance of the time factor, it does - in sone people - not even measure the ability to Think logically because you could have been able to link - superficially- completely different topics with each other once the knowledge is inside you, even much better than the students with a much higher IQbrbrI am not a brain scientist and would ask the neurologists among you to explain how this could be explained in terms of neuroscience since most teachers often far underestimate the abilities of a student if he cannot listen and process the data presented during the lecture
Comment from : @howmathematicianscreatemat9226

I have a learning disability and adhd I just finish my medical training in ecg technician but I have to take a ecg technician national exam I’m 39 now and things have getting better I don’t have Short term Memory I pass my ecg class with no Accommodations so something is getting alil better any more but I still do have problems spelling
Comment from : @trusselldavis4650

Wow this is very interesting I'm glad I stumbled across this video I've always had struggles with reading grammar punctuation and lack of focus
Comment from : @jermon983

Thank you for this video I love the perspective and it’s refreshing to get this POV as the main point of the video instead of as a quick add-on after hearing all about the challenges and deficits
Comment from : @Historian212

I am 11 i had a learning disability since i was 8 in 5th grade my level of math was at 1st grade
Comment from : @Sniper_Sui

Usually I can’t understand any question or any number or any meaning in work What would that mean?😕
Comment from : @jumpkickinfernospeedcuber6999

Could you possibly make a video on cognitive disorder nos?
Comment from : @danab172

Im proud of who I am Mine is what is difficult to others, easy to me and vice versa
Comment from : @ariffdaniel9857

Can you reverse LD?
Comment from : @jacksonvang3429

its not assburgers it is As per ger' s
Comment from : @privte4870

I have a learning disability but I’m not sure what kind I don’t think its Specified but I would like to know because I feel it would help me cope
Comment from : @jennifermaples2809

You got to help me
Comment from : @megaknight360james2

So I have a question I see a lot of labels disability and disorders with all kinds of titles Is the disorder or disability really in the person or is it the world around them that expects everyone to see the world the same as they do? Maybe a deeper understanding equanimity could be the resolve
Comment from : @todaystopic3527

I'm so relieved that I came across this videoI work with those who happen to be on the autism spectrum coupled with a learning disability and the number of times i've come across workign who dismiss their abilities and focus on what they can't do is unbelieveableI on the other hand take a differnt approachwhen I'm working with someone who happens to fall into any of the categories above I simply am more interested in what they can do rather than what they can do, or as I like to cal my approach "empowernment, not pity"
Comment from : @iamthegame09

My weakness from third grade on it was in math and it still is today even though I'm the 33 years old I can add subtract multiply and divide but pre-algebra forget it
Comment from : @hgwilt1

Fantastic video Thank you!
Comment from : @tonkacat

Good video I have learning disabilities Even in adulthood I lose focus easy & I have trouble remembering stuff My boss at work tells me I didn't do this or that task If it's a task I don't normally do, I get really confused and distracted and forget My comprehension on some things like certain concepts people understand it's hard for me to grasp it It takes a while for me to understand I'm extremely smart in other ways
Comment from : @destany9591

I have two friends who's kids and son who are ASD my cousin and myself
Comment from : @katiewhite7955

Im trying to get into the military But I have to pass the asvab Im having trouble with math and English I have a learning disability Does this affect my way going into the service?
Comment from : @LivinLife04

What about lead poisoning
Comment from : @supermariologansml9673

I was diagnosed with a specific learning disability as a young student I always felt like an outcast in the world of learning It was a real struggle for me I had problems with math concepts and symbols My learning difficulty IMO was and is ADD and spatial concepts If I cant visualize the concept I wont understand it I also have major test anxiety I just took my board test for medical coding and did not pass Are there any strategies for test taking problems?
Comment from : @markpaycer4459

hi…I have a child in college with LD and her teacher makes fun of her…said that she must have came in on the short busthis teacher does not want to answer her questions about the class work……so sadmy child is trying to learnshe is a good reader and speller…she can't depend on her teacher for help
Comment from : @lynetteclair2690

Does anyone know what moderate learning difficulties are , thank you
Comment from : @Lollp7

can you get ssi for lD
Comment from : @gsudla5419

can you get ssi for lD
Comment from : @gsudla5419

why doe's society feel a need to put label's on those with disabilitie's?? or just a bit different ???? and unique???? whats been up with that?? and why??? what purpose doe's labelization have?? in today's society???
Comment from : @GHOSTCHASER01

Please fix the close captioning to make the video accessbile to the hearing impaired and deaf population
Comment from : @paulabliss2011

very inspiring video; that makes everyone feel they are very valuable; thank you so much for this terrific video :)
Comment from : @adairmooresattely1946

What does LD stand for?
Comment from : @tedoymisojos

I want to be a Neuroscientist, but the thing isI'm good with science, pure science excluding math I have LD for math or numbers, is there still hope for me at all?
Comment from : @PSLegend999

Very good approcah on learning disorders Focus on people's strenght instead of on their weaknesses This is not exludent at all
Comment from : @wagnerdamatta420

LD and proud Spatial visual is off the charts Math, ha ha ha it will always be my worst subject
Comment from : @SongBird1135

LD sounds exactly like me!! Will find out on Wed after my test to see if I have it or not!!
Comment from : @FloridaNative84

You should make a video on Auditory Processing Disorder! (I have it and it is a disorder that is not well known I also have ADD)
Comment from : @TheMakeUpForever024

@RandomAxOfViolets You are absolutely correct on them being separate conditions and that a person can have both 80 of those with NLD meet the AS criteria or 80 with AS meet the NLD criteria, leaving the 20 with just AS or just NLD brbrI also have NLD and I found those percentage facts quite fascinating 
Comment from : @RaspberryFrosty89

I absolutely love this video Thank you for this
Comment from : @keithp5387

How do you know which ones you have because my elementary school teacher put me in this connection program/special education thing in high school and I am not sure what learning disabilities I have to be in there
Comment from : @lucyliang5178

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