Title | : | Organizational Culture (With Real World Examples)| Strategic Management | From A Business Professor |
Lasting | : | 10.31 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 109 rb |
Twitter after Musk 😂😂 Comment from : @Starlight-wx3ls |
❤❤❤ Comment from : @wordtour4360 |
Values can make or break a company in this modern world! Excellent video! Comment from : @dylancampman |
This video adds a more in-depth look into the culture more tuned to an organization By covering how culture can have an impact from the ground up, such as employee behavior to overall expectations, the importance of culture to every business is essential fro success Comment from : @crishenson9853 |
I found the example used with the monkeys very interesting How the monkeys developed a fight when monkeys tried to go for the banana Even when no monkeys in the cage had been sprayed but just learned how to react I found a better understanding with that example by relating it to the values and norms that are held and created based of the culture around you Comment from : @kastonmason4193 |
Organization culture influences how employees work together,make decisions and it plays a significant role in the workplace environment This video clearly shows that Comment from : @Gus-os6hw |
This lecture went over the impact of social norms and values, and how this structures a culture of a business I enjoy how this specific lecture describes how different industries require different needs, and this greatly impacts the culture of the company An emphasis on fulfilling employees needs and the positive relationship dynamics is described to be the most efficient workplace culture Comment from : @dane8933 |
Organization culture is often overlooked which is a grave mistake A great organization creates more loyalty toward this company I definitely see this st my job right now Comment from : @stephenogueri3184 |
The monkey example at the beginning of this video is really eye-opening It gives a great understanding of organizational culture and how the actions of our peers can influence and even change our beliefs and behaviors Some benefits of organizational culture include less stress, higher job satisfaction, and employee loyalty I love that this video even gives the steps required to build a successful culture within an organization It is also important to note that different organizations have different organizational cultures Comment from : @nathaliekramer9806 |
The "Organizational Culture" video is one of my favorites in the course While a business can operate without a strong organizational culture, it may not reach its full potential When a workplace has a positive and aligned culture, it can surpass expectations in terms of performance Establishing a strong culture creates a strong workforce, driving success Comment from : @cjposey1010 |
I discovered after seeing this video how crucial organizational culture is to business since it affects employee behavior, boosts engagement, and encourages productivity This lays forth expectations for workers and establishes benchmarks that all employees must meet Comment from : @mackenziecrow |
Before watching this video, I did not have an understanding of what Organizational Culture really is I learned that it is the shared values and standards of the members in the organization I also find it interesting how founders use their visions, personalities, and values when building a successful business Comment from : @allistevenson6430 |
Organizational culture is so important when it comes the the success of a company If you can create a positive work environment that employees are happy with and can align with it will allow that business to flourish Comment from : @fabiancastillo2576 |
After viewing this video, I have a better understanding of how to create a high-performing organizational culture and am more assured of my understanding of the various ways to boost employee relations and there loyalty Comment from : @carlosguerrero7794 |
I found this video and this topic very important and it helped me to know more about organizational culture having a good and positive organizational culture is really important and it can help to have a very successful business and to be a leader company Comment from : @omarbelahna |
According to this video, an organization's culture is made up of common beliefs and customs that influence employee conduct and business operations Examples include Amazon's performance-driven approach, Google's innovative and cooperative culture, and Zappos' focus on customer satisfaction and staff pleasure Long-term success and goal alignment are fostered by a strong culture Comment from : @dennisonamara8035 |
After watching this video I understand and feel confident in my knowledge about organizational culture I learned that it is very important to have a positive organizational culture to have a good company Comment from : @maddieholley6104 |
Understanding the values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape an organization is crucial for fostering a positive work environment and driving success This video does a great job of highlighting how a strong organizational culture can enhance employee engagement, improve performance, and support strategic goals Comment from : @corymorgan1622 |
This video has led me to understand what a business culture needs to be like to be great A business with a better culture will have increased employee loyalty, job satisfaction, as well as better work performance Comment from : @Crittin_ |
I found the video incredibly engaging and informative, and I learned a lot from it The monkey example really stood out to me and left a lasting impression It was a powerful way to show how organizational culture can deeply influence different aspects of a firm’s operations The example highlighted how peers can strongly shape an individual’s beliefs and behaviors, which is a lesson I’ll carry with me It emphasized the importance of understanding and managing organizational culture to create a positive and productive work environmentbrbrThe monkey experiment was a great way to start the video! It’s fascinating how quickly people adopt the norms of an organizational culture, which can have both positive and negative effects For example, at my job, the environment is energetic, fun, and fast-paced, and new employees tend to pick up on that energy and act similarly However, as more people have joined, I’ve also noticed a negative trend—more people using their phones instead of staying productive This is a great example of how organizational norms can be both beneficial and challenging Comment from : @jamesbolden1741 |
After watching this video, I learned that organizational culture is very important for business because it impacts employee behavior, increases engagement, and promotes productivity This sets the guidelines on what employees can expect from a business and holds standards that everyone must achieve Comment from : @jadinpenigar464 |
I truly enjoyed learning about organizational culture and believe it is crucial to a company’s success In my opinion, it forms the foundation of the organization Productivity, loyalty, and employee well-being can suffer without a positive culture The monkey example illustrates how our surroundings can profoundly influence our beliefs and behaviors This highlights the importance of working in an environment that aligns with our values and beliefs Comment from : @courtlynbrown5266 |
I think this video does a great job at explaining the importance of organizational culture and how it shapes a business The study done on the monkeys helps understand how the work place culture can change how outcomes end with the monkeys being scared to go after the bananas even though they never felt the cold spray Comment from : @huntergwin |
When it comes to organizational culture in a business, it is important to share values and norms with each other to know the standards in a workplace and define appropriate employee attitudes and behaviors Organizational culture comes from the founder's vision of the company Comment from : @josephdparungao6427 |
After watching this video ai feel very confident about organizational culture The monkey scenario was a great way to allow someone to understand the concept Organizational culture is very important in business It is also important to have a positive organizational culture to have a great company Comment from : @lindseycraft1173 |
I really liked the monkey example It makes you think about how powerful influence is The video did a great job of explaining organizational culture It can affect employees and their operations A positive culture will influence, draw people in, and make them want to follow Employees will want to do a great job if they are treated well A positive culture will help to retain great talent Having happy employees can make or break a business Comment from : @FeliciaOdom24 |
A successful organization can be best appreciated and understood by the organizational culture it lives and pro-actively practiced It it sets a strong foundation in attaining it's Vision and goal, the tendency is more likely for the organization to succeed and exist If the welfare or wellness of the employees, establishment of conducive and harmonious working environment for workers, hiring or putting the right people on the right job and periodic reorientation of employees are the things that the organization will be primarily be concerned about, I think there is no way that the organization will not succeed Comment from : @JosephLimpangog-o4t |
Thank you! This help me to understand whole topic easily Thank you so much! 💜 Comment from : @GathariSanara-jg7wq |
The comment that Twitter has a great culture did not age well Comment from : @ClunFunDun |
Excellent video and I love the graphics Comment from : @drshahrzadnooravi |
Bro pls talk slow because for me it's not understanding clearly so that only bro Comment from : @VinishSankar |
Organizational Culture is something I had a small amount of knowledge about prior to this course Comment from : @noahmayhan |
Orginizational culture is widely connected with how well a business is ran The hofstede cultural framework is a way of analyzing organizational culture to better make decisions and drive effective business while working with other unique individuals with other ideas and perspectives Comment from : @tresthomas4525 |
Organizational Culture is important to know how and what roles the employees have It shows the top and the bottom of the company Having a positive culture in the workplace is crucial to keeping employees Comment from : @worthclark4360 |
It was interesting to learn about the monkey experiment led by the university of Wisconsin Hive like mentality Comment from : @KobeColeman |
Understanding people's cultures is vital, but so is understanding organizational culture Acquiring this knowledge can help us later on when attempting to establish connections with other companies Comment from : @logggggs385 |
This Business School 101 video uses a clever monkey experiment to illustrate how peer influence parallels organizational culture's impact It highlights the benefits of a positive culture, including better recruitment and employee loyalty The talk emphasizes founders and industries as sources of culture and offers practical tips for building a strong organizational culture, such as prioritizing employee wellness and fostering positive relationships A concise and insightful exploration of the role and influence of organizational culture Comment from : @choochoo3562 |
Organizational culture is very important to run a business Without benefits or job satisfaction, it would be hard to keep employees I have worked at a job that had a high turnover rate due to customer unsatisfaction Comment from : @makaylagordon8011 |
This video, organizational culture was very informative A positive organizational culture will attract new members, loyalty and overall create success in the workplace Without organizational culture a business is overall not fully successful I agree with many of the statements listed in this video The better the company culture, the more invested employees will be to the company which makes for satisfied workplace performance Comment from : @braydenfreeman-b7l |
This video does an excellent job showing the structure of organizational culture and gives understanding in how to build and maintain a good culture It also shows potential pitfalls to a bad organizational culture This presses the full importance of organizational culture and its effects Comment from : @christopherabeldt8334 |
I really enjoyed watching this video It have valuable information that you don’t hear about often but need to learn Comment from : @meredithpryor |
This was a great video to learn more about organizational culture I really liked how in depth this video went and the information it gave I think it is very interesting to see how big of an impact this has on organizations Comment from : @loganhenderson9630 |
Having encountered both positive and negative work cultures, I can readily identify elements that contribute to the effectiveness of a positive culture and the shortcomings of a negative one It's not like science that a team functioning cohesively, deriving satisfaction from their collaboration, is poised to outperform when guided in the right direction When a team genuinely enjoys working together and is supported by effective leadership, it tends to boost overall performance and productivity It underscores the importance of fostering a positive work environment Comment from : @alejandrodemingo779 |
The video effectively elucidated the core principles of organizational culture, extending its relevance beyond the confines of the workplace While the discussed concepts are undoubtedly valuable in a high-performing business setting, their applicability extends to other environments, such as a sports locker room Despite coaches having varied ideologies in team management, fostering a positive and supportive team environment is crucial This perspective suggests that a team's happiness and cohesiveness might contribute significantly to success, potentially outweighing the benefits of a more talented yet toxic team Comment from : @HunterBaker-bv2xo |
Organizational Culture is one of my favorite videos in the course Without organizational culture, a business can still operate, but maybe not to its full extent Having a workplace that has a good culture aligned within its workplace can exceed expectations when it comes to work Establishing a great culture establishes a great work force Comment from : @0graham |
Organizational structure is an important foundation for every business because it can create a positive atmosphere for the consumers and employees of the business There has to be stability to show that the business is reliable and can be trusted Comment from : @sethandrade3291 |
This video was great The culture of an organization has a significant impact on its potential for success After watching this video, I believe that building a company's culture is more crucial than figuring out how to turn a profit The money will come much more easily if your culture is sound than if it isn't Comment from : @andrecavichione7979 |
I like how you explained the 6 different ways in "How to Build a High Performing Organization Culture" I agree with every single one of the ways as well because if I didn't know that these are the accurate ways to improve/build that within an organization, it wouldn't be too bad of an organization, but it also wouldn't be up to par like it's supposed to be either I really do love that this is a great reference to keep in mind for the future Comment from : @talishag6067 |
I enjoyed this video and found it very beneficial Business culture is extremely important to any business, the better your culture is the more satisfied your employees will be and that will be a reflection on how successful your business is Culture is equivalent to foundation, with no foundation your business is prone to fail Comment from : @selfmadetone2605 |
The steps on how to build a high-performing organizational culture is something I think more employers should implement Comment from : @emilyjensen-n3u |
The video does a great job of outlining organizational culture's fundamentals Employers would find it difficult to maintain company continuity if they failed to establish effective cultural values because of discrepancies A productive workplace culture improves team performance and aids in employee retention well-produced video Comment from : @TCMUSA |
I really enjoyed this video because it shed some light on the important aspects of organizational culture I am a strong advocate for a good organizational culture because I believe it will produce better results within the workplace as well as bring people together This would lead toward less discrimination from one employee to the next and all in all, less issues between employees Great video! Comment from : @ryanmccarley8082 |
I really love this video in particular because I feel like a strong company culture is often overlooked in a lot of businesses However, a strong company culture benefits the company and the individuals Comment from : @jordanlindsey7348 |
The monkey experiment is so interesting It shows that most times our culture is set by something we may have never even experienced Organizational culture is a key factor in life and in work places No one wants to be in a negative environment, being misled by the wrong intentions Appropriate behavior is key, whatever the culture may be! Comment from : @jessicajohnson1199 |
After watching this video I realize how important is to establish a great culture within an organization Without a good working culture no one is motivated to work and could lead to the companies failure Comment from : @darianthai9279 |
I discovered from watching this video how an organization's culture can affect, even transform, the attitudes and actions of its members Along with learning how to create an effective organizational culture, I also learnt about the origins of organizational cultures Comment from : @kylafranklin |
I think that the monkey experiment is a great start to this video! It is very interesting how quickly people pick up the norms of an organizational culture I think this can be good and bad I found that the job that I work at is a very energetic, fun, and fast-paced place and people pick up on that and act the same way However, I found that as more people have started to work there, I have seen more people getting on their phones when they could work on other things I think this is a great example of a good and bad way that people can pick up different norms in an organization Comment from : @onlinespeechclass1842 |
Im so glad to have found this video, very helpful indeed Thank you so much for sharing God bless you Comment from : @juslapingcaochannel9364 |
❤❤❤ Comment from : @RoseEdouard-iv2jp |
The video at the beginning says a lot about organizational culture You really don't need to see the rest of the video but also the video gives good information The monkey story does a good job of explanting how organizational culture happens and how it works sometimes Comment from : @marthacruz7053 |
I loved the examples shown in this video The monkey explanation helped me understand the concept very well Comment from : @katelynballard1683 |
This video provides how people interact with each other and how they act in the work environment Comment from : @brandonnations7758 |
This video sums up how we act as humans amongst one another It gives a breakdown of how people act in a work environment with different responsibilities in different positions Comment from : @jar3ddaniels |
This was a great video and really explained organizational culture well and broke it down very easily Understadning this stuff is very important and can really get you ahead in the business world Comment from : @harleighwootton2209 |
i really enjoyed how this subject was put together in this video Comment from : @caitlinrae2934 |
The video explained very well the foundations of organizational culture but I believe the video went beyond just the workplace environment While all these concepts could be used in a high-performing business, they are also good for other environments such as a locker room While all coaches do have different ideologies when it comes to managing a team, I believe that having a team that is happy and supportive will go a long way and could bring more success than a team that is toxic but more talented Comment from : @franciscoleon9575 |
This video was very informative and explained how important Organizational Culture is to a business and why it is so important The examples provided were very helpful Comment from : @landonchaney6134 |
I found the video to be incredibly engaging and informative, and I gained a wealth of knowledge from it The monkey example was particularly impactful and left a lasting impression on me It vividly illustrated how organizational culture can have a profound impact on various aspects of a firm's operations Specifically, it highlighted the powerful influence of peers in shaping an individual's beliefs and behaviors, which is a lesson that I will remember for a lifetime It underscored the significance of understanding and managing organizational culture in order to foster a positive and effective work environment Comment from : @dylanblomquist5177 |
I love the real world examples that this video gives In a business setting it is very important to understand different types of organizational culture Comment from : @michaelplatt4353 |
This video better helped me understand the importance of implementing different cultural values or creating organizational norms to help the people apart of the organization Without implementing effective cultural values, employers would struggle to keep their businesses running due to inconsistencies Comment from : @sanchellagardner |
This video does a great job at explaining organizational culture and how powerful it can be to an organization The examples presented on how to build a good organizational culture are very valuable Comment from : @kelanmckay2019 |
I enjoyed watching this video of organizational culture The example provided made me understand a lot more better what is organizational culture Comment from : @vvanesaviveros |
This video is really interesting for me From this video, I can understand how to come from company and organization culture Comment from : @渡辺雄大-v9b |
Organization Culture is vile in any business The culture of a company and even a department can really make or break an organization A positive organizational culture makes for a more efficient team as well as helps retain employees Comment from : @samanthasandoval4717 |
Having Organizational culture can be very important so that a business can be united together as a family in a way When you have a negative culture you will have a high turnover rate rather when having a positive organizational culture Comment from : @bettycarroll8139 |
This was one of my favorite videos of the entire semester I enjoyed that organizational was broken down and explained in a simple way This is a crucial thing to understand in order to understand its importance I enjoyed how real world examples were given Comment from : @jeleysemorquecho649 |
I really enjoyed this video The culture at your organization sets expectations for how people behave and work together, and how well they function as a team In this way, culture can break down the boundaries between siloed teams, guide decision-making, and improve workflow overall Comment from : @XanderCreed2222 |
It is interesting to see how behavior and other details correlate through culture and work performance Throughout the video it provides a clear understanding of how the importance of organizational culture can create a positive and productive work environment and overall improve performance Comment from : @eduardoa7787 |
This video shows how important organizational culture is when it comes to management Firms that put culture first usually have better success Comment from : @TyLomas |
Organizational culture is something that we hear about a lot but we never really look into what it contained I think this video helps give an understanding of the importance of Organizational culture in the business world Comment from : @normanlee3401 |
The culture at your organization sets the expectations for how people behave and work together, and how well they function as a team The company shares how they want things to run and its the employees responsibility to follow that Comment from : @cynthiarichardson133 |
This video highlights how important and company's culture is It is important to create a firm foundation a culture that the owner believes in The business will run smooth if the culture is strong Comment from : @danielgragg6759 |
Great video - providing examples of how peers can influence or change individual's belief's and behaviors! Comment from : @leahgriggs132 |
Organizational culture plays a large part as to how successful a company can be Culture, in my opinion after watching this video, is more important to establish in a business than figuring out how to make the money If you have the right culture, the money will come much easier than if there was no foundation Comment from : @addieortman1196 |
👍 Comment from : @deepasoni3791 |
This video have insight to the fact that each employee has their own culture but all employees form together and create a company organizational culture Understanding this can benefit a company because you can help you employees and empower them to have a positive culture Comment from : @robyrobinson8757 |
Organizational Culture is so important to having a solid team within your company This video made strong and solid points that helped me see it un a different way Comment from : @karmaelwell |
one of my the best and more informative videos that i watched in this class Organizational culture is really imporant in any organization Comment from : @Eric-Demetriou |
Organizational culture is important especially in the business world because it also plays a ‘big’ role in a company Video well made Comment from : @LauraYav-uc2re |
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