Title | : | Will 90% Silver Constitutional Coins Eventually Disappear From The Market? |
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The Only Reason We Still Have 90 Constitutional Silver Coins
brPCGS article featured in this video wwwpcgscom/news/after-the-melts-whats-left-in-silver-coins
brBuy Coins From Us: portsmouthcoinshopcom/
brCoin Value App: coinauctionshelpcom/coincollectingapps/
brMint Error App: errorcoinscoinauctionshelpcom/wordpress/ Comment from : @CoinHELPu |
Congress should pass a law making it illegal to melt 90 silver US coins Comment from : @glennt222 |
Wish there was a way to know how much has been melted, and about how much is still around Comment from : @jeffkeller9009 |
Thank you, good, sirThis is really good information that I did not know Comment from : @RandolphSotomayer |
Barber coins are not as nearly common as people think They are not an attractive design and almost nobody collects them on a date and mint mark basis Prices are low because they are almost solely purchased as type coins Comment from : @allanfifield8256 |
there is no shortage Comment from : @SnifferRiffle |
Hello good day sir I have 1966 dime and 1974 quarter coins how much value sell it Comment from : @MoMo-ce4fg |
YEP, Them Good Old Teddy Binion Days Are Kinda Gone Now 😢😿 Comment from : @Kenneth-nx4uv |
There was shortages of 90 bags recently It's definitely going to be unobtainable, at some point Stock up guys Thanks Daniel Comment from : @BlueWaterSTAX |
It really shows perhaps how undervalued 90 is because all that melting means whatever is left is much more valuable Perhaps we could see much higher premiums in the future as people realize this Comment from : @mahavira108 |
I was at a coin show literally today with over 30 dealers easy, only TWO had any constitutional whatsoever, and one of them was selling for 24x I got a roll of Rosie’s from the other guy for 22x Unfortunately things like that are what drive people to go more and more online thus hurting local dealers more Comment from : @Silvercrypto-xk4zy |
I really dont understand why they even melt them The have a know content of Silver and the dont ever have to be Asseyed because they have already done that with the metal before production They are well known and liked around the world so why go throufh the hassle of melting them and recreating whatever item or use they needbrOne other question is why wont anybody buy my 40 Kennedy halves for more than #250ea They are another known quality and quantity It takes 675 pcs to make an ounce of Silver but still I cant find anyone to pay anything over $3 They are worth more so whats going on Daniel care to educte me I could use the help a lot Comment from : @glockumollie1230 |
Most of my stack is 90 percent silver Almost all of it made since 1982 Several rolls of 1982 Washington half-dollar 1993 Madison half dollar and 1986 Liberty silver dollar as well as many others I have maybe one thousand 90 percent coins almost all are proof or BU My coins also cost little more than half what a pre 1964 half or morgan/peace dollar costs Keep stacking! Comment from : @FloydThePink |
How many here remember the full page want ad's in local newspapers from people set up at hotel's to "bring in your silver coins and sterling"? They advertised "Highest Prices Paid" for your silver coins and even listed the amount they would pay you for a particular coin Awww the memories!!! Comment from : @ct87gn25 |
I STILL get a kick when i see videos talking about "junk silver" How you call something "junk" when it sells upward of $2500 for $100 face value should be the subject of a future episode of Unsolved Mysteries! Well, if that show was still on the air, LOL I guess to people who stack gold bullion and 100 ounce bars maybe to THEM it's junk, but I digress Comment from : @ct87gn25 |
EVERYONE TRY HUNTING SILVER IN COINSTAR MACHINES!!!! 👍👍👍 Comment from : @jasonburns6307 |
Buy US constitutional silver Change you can believe in Comment from : @TimothyFuller-v8x |
Don’t understand why silver is in short supply as the photographic film industry was THE major consumer of silver They are no more Comment from : @EmilyTienne |
Very nice, just found your channel Comment from : @lincolnmicrophonellc |
The Big Silver Melt is a great book Comment from : @bobsilver3983 |
Supply and demand They melt for their little melt profit, drives the value of my coins up past what I have in them and past the melt value, thus increasing my wealth security without me lifting a finger br*I can't stand letting stuff of value get thrown away, but I can't help what other people do either I got stacks of stacks of coins surrounding me Please don't let the cat in my room 😂 br seriously Comment from : @dontripfuller6587 |
just picked up $50 FV of Pre-1965 constitutional silver online an hour ago during the dipspot was 22762 rolls of Roosevelt dimes and 2 rolls of Washington quarters for 20x FV and 4 rolls of mercury dimes for 21x FVfrom Monument metalsthey just dropped their premiums down to $625 over spotso I jumped on itwhat a blessingsmiles Comment from : @bjstambaugh9213 |
The only silver I have been buying for the last 3 years is 90 silver Comment from : @bobsilver3983 |
I'm swiss and i read once that may around 50 percent of all swiss silver coins from 1850-1967/69 are lost/melted Comment from : @cardaveux |
What really concerns me now is that the gold/silver ratio is over 83 right now as of June 28 I can remember not that long ago when that ratio was 60 and I’m sure others remember further back when it was a lot lower Comment from : @bobegan2121 |
Yes, the hunt brothers had a lot to do with it, but what people usually seem to forget was that a lot of it coincided with Russia invading Afghanistan in 1980 It was not only the Hunt brothers Thank you once again Mr Daniel for a very good video That 98 of it in the smelter sounds scary though Comment from : @bobegan2121 |
One of your best videos Excellent information you highlighted here Comment from : @andyreznick |
Silver is interesting I can rub a silver coin and the acid in my skin shines itbrA friend has the same effect on copperbrSomething to do with the pHbrSilver also kills the listeria bug Comment from : @peetsnort |
Thanks, Daniel! Have a great day! Comment from : @signofthestigmata |
Thanks for lesson Comment from : @Teacher-1388 |
Daniel Does CAC always place their stickers on the right side of a slab, or can it be on the left? Thankyou Comment from : @harrybond1485 |
This might be a contributing factor But it is not the only reason Many people had drawers full of silver coins too Comment from : @voiceofraisin241 |
A lot of valuable and rare coins were lost, but the other way to look at it is we've never equaled the 1980 silver price, and that's before inflation is taken into account If people are in a speculative frenzy, I say lean into it Sell to the suckers willing to pay far more for an asset than it's worth Comment from : @CatsMeowPaw |
As I understand it, it is illegal to melt US coins for profit As such, it would make the practive of melting and selling silver coins illegal Or, has it changed? Comment from : @jimgarofalo5479 |
Thank you again Daniel Comment from : @MoonShotNY |
Thanks for another video Comment from : @josepchwill1304 |
I'm glad you bring this point up I never really gave too much thought on this I been keeping it because it is actually real money from a time it had to be according to our constitution I also love the look and feel of real silver coinage Comment from : @nickb3005 |
I was around for the silver boom in 1980 It was a crazy time when silver hit $50/ozt I always wondered how many of the 20th century common date silver coins were melted I don't have an answer but no doubt a huge percentage was melted Comment from : @jppagetoo |
Hopefully people will learn that there is future value in the history of a US coin along with the silver contentbrExcellent video 👍 Comment from : @ynot552 |
Thanks Sir good information Comment from : @ParamjitSingh-tl9ym |
Pretty amazing if you think about it I wonder what the melt rate is in today's market? Perhaps less because people want the coins? Comment from : @silverbeancounter |
A Great Aunt helped fill my Whitman number two Lincoln cents 45 years ago She also used to go threw rolls of coins looking for silver I got a look at her cedar chest WOW She gave me a roll of quarters Miss her😭 Comment from : @sidcolwell7479 |
That skid of 90 bags is so cool Thanks for sharing Daniel Awesome pictures I was born in 1980 You got a couple years on me God bless you and your viewership 👍😎 Comment from : @BlueWaterSTAX |
The US government began withdrawing silver coins after they struck the last ones they minted in early 1966 (using the 1964 date when minting those coins) as the public competed with them in withdrawing almost all 90 silver coinage by the beginning of 1969
brIn tallying up total mintage figures for the 3 denominations (dime, quarter and half dollar) from 1892-1964, the following figures (plus or minus a few million coins) are: DIME 9,881,000,000 QUARTER 4,292,000,000 HALVES 1,371,000,000 If these coins were bagged at the standard $1,000 face value that would equate to 988,100 bags of dimes, 1,073,000 bags of quarters and 685,500 bags of half dollars Additionally, the total number of Morgan dollars struck from 1878-1921 were 657,717,000 Deducting 270,000,000 of these that got melted as a result of the 1918 Pittman Act would leave 387,717,000 Additionally, between 1921-1935, 190,577,000 Peace dollars were minted Adding the remaining 387,717,000 Morgan dollars to the 190,577,000 Peace dollars totals 578,294,000 silver dollars In 1943-1944 roughly 46,000,000 of those silver dollars were melted for the war effort, leaving about 532,294,000 silver dollars that would be equivalent to 532,294 bags So, one can see from this compilation of figures, there was a huge stock of silver coins made from 1892-1964, some 16 BILLION plus To many people, that may not sound like a big number as the word TRILLION (1,000 time a billion) is so common these days But, it must be remembered, in 1892, a dollar was probably 35 times the value of today's dollar
brDespite the large number of coins melted, I believe it's still possible to put complete (or near complete) sets of Barber and later series coinage together as long as people are willing to be happy to simply put together half decent sets and not demand having top grade encapsulated material When I started out collecting in 1968, silver was already almost gone from circulation By 1970, the oldest dime and quarter one could find in circulation was only 5 years old and was not aesthetically appealing The US Treasury Department was bitterly opposed to coin design changes Just look at the 1976 Bicentennial designs as proof It literally took until the US state quarter program started in 1999 that sparked some interest in collecting, even if the coins were not made of silver for circulation Comment from : @stanleykijek6983 |
👍 Comment from : @LongLivedCoins |
This was a great video, you got a new sub from me I can sympathize with people selling it to melt due to the price, but hopefully as we move forward we can recognize it's silver value without needing to melt it It can still retain it's value as silver for trade without needing to destroy the coins brbrI'm a Canadian so I buy a lot of 80, I hear a lot of 80 in the states gets sent to melt still because it's a hassle to sell and you can usually only sell it for spot there Send it my way because it's hard to even find here haha Comment from : @bobbert24 |
Great content Constitutional Silver is an important part of stacking Comment from : @BillGuyHawaii |
I was 10 at the time when silver ran up in 1979 and I begged my parents to let me sell the silver that I had, and they didn't let me It stank because it was worth so much more for that small period and I knew when to sell If I could go back as myself now, I probably could have convinced them -- I mean I wasn't looking for money back -- I could have traded those in on half cents and such, and that would have been the destination of the money anyway had I been able to sell them The key is I should have said trade -- I want to trade these in for better/earlier items That might have done it Comment from : @silvadelshaladin |
Can't be just one reason People kept em, hoarded them, and not just in the US- plus the government stopped melting them and is now selling them on the US mint website Comment from : @maxf7351 |
Great video I think people will hold on to 90 but when it hits the fan, people will sell their 925 sterling 90 is easily computed to a day 2 day spot price And so is 925 but 90 is much more liked by the consumer Comment from : @razorready |
Thank you, it was very informative👍 Comment from : @bnferguson9827 |
I found a silver dime in my change last week It was sweet Comment from : @alexroberto6353 |
I cut up unc sets and proof sets by the box full for dealers that we sent to the hot pot BU rolls etc it really was crazy when you look back at it Comment from : @davidcaradori638 |
Silver Survives ‼️ Comment from : @bigfootsilverhideseeker2856 |
Many coins including 40 Ike’s were melted, it’s a fact Well at least the red book says so Amazing Comment from : @borisperez3129 |
Get as much 90 off the market to make it even more rare and they will have to actually pay what its really worth to get the stuff I still think buyers of the 90 remaining are getting it way too cheap Myself included Comment from : @mysterybuyer3738 |
The silver coins on circulation were never demonetized, so how could refineries melt them down without being penalized for destroying valid money? Silver coinage is still legal money today! 😳 Comment from : @terrancenorris9992 |
Great video Daniel ! I have 2 $100 face value bags of 90 quarters that have never been openedI wonder what might be in them ?? 🤔🤪 Comment from : @1011Shke |
Another great video Daniel! Comment from : @randyryckman5915 |
The more they meltthe stuff that is left will be in demandwe are seeing that now lower grades going up in value Comment from : @markkaidy8741 |
I find over a hundred silver coins a year metal detecting parks, houses, etc do you knowhow many silver coins are in the ground A lot Comment from : @killforpeae69 |
Going to restart buying 90 again Took some time off due premiums were and still high Comment from : @aaronkershner2685 |
Thank you for sharing this history I knew some of this, but the stats on this were surprising Learned something new! 😀 Comment from : @ModernStacker |
Hold on to that ( not junk ) silver I enjoy making sets but I enjoy stacking this type of silver Dimes, quarters, and halves I was excited seeing that thumbnail with the cart full of $1,000 bags of silver My 👀 got really big Thanks Daniel Comment from : @edwardaustin740 |
Great video 😎 Comment from : @luvnlife3121 |
Good Evening Daniel!🍷 I realize that there are much more profound things to grieve about, but as one involved in Numismatics, coin melting makes me sad!😪 Also, your info about clad gives me another reason to call it crapola!!😡 Comment from : @georgematthews2877 |
Great analysis Daniel Hope you have a great day as well 🙂👍👍 Comment from : @phillipthiebjord |
I don't blame anyone for selling silver back in the early 80s Imagine getting 100 dollars for a dollar worth of pre 82 centsLess coins makes them more scarce but we'll never know the gems we lost Comment from : @madgroundhog8020 |
I went through my lcs 40halves got 20s a week worth of unc coins at junk when silver was 12$ nice ones are now 15$rather than see them to melt Comment from : @donalddesnoo5303 |
When you see how these coins are handled by the mint it's no wonder it's hard to find the higher grades, Comment from : @richardattemborg2823 |
Very insightful Thank you! Comment from : @mrvrose9999 |
Thanks Comment from : @TimothyWhittingtonYeOldeRufus |
Here's a great way for The Mint to make money again on these coins Make those silver coins again, the die can be different so its not a original such and such date with 90 silver Than sell those older coins by the coin or in rolls, half rolls or whatever amount at silver prices or at a premium People can have books for remade coins and original Just a idea We all know the remade coins will end up in circulation as well to find Comment from : @chosen1one930 |
I'm glad we still have it, love it! Comment from : @marymastromauro8164 |
👍 Comment from : @scottholliday9308 |
Thinking about what you have said During COVID the government said we had a shortage of change There is enough change in our country, in people’s home,cars , that we could flood the nation with change I started carrying change and when a store would say that they didn’t have change I would give them change for paper notes Just think about that hoard of pennies just found (a million) at one house The question one should ask is what motivated the government to lie about it There was and is no shortage of change how many months would they be behind trying to melt the billions of clad coins in America 🤔 Comment from : @alvinuselton912 |
If I'm looking at the same article as you are on PCGS, It's a reprint of a New York Times article published in July of 1985 I'll put the URL in another comment, since YouTube automatically holds back comments with URL's Comment from : @mikebarushok5361 |
Thanks great info Comment from : @bucnbas |
Thank you, Daniel, for the informative video Comment from : @mdavid2100 |
I vividly remember the Hunt Brothers debacle with silver I was learning jewelry casting and was waiting for the price of silver to go down and it just kept going up and up thanks to the Hunt Brothers speculation Comment from : @wandlbaker |
I remember 1980 and the buyers buying silver in droves Buyers taking them away in buckets It’s sad what was lost but to get $30 on the dollar in 1980 was big That equates to way over $100 now Big bucks I remember my dad holding onto some 1964 Kennedy original rolls Still have them Comment from : @kd6836 |
Good video Thanks I am a big fan of constitutional Comment from : @BCBeyer61 |
Great information 👍😊 Comment from : @davidcarlisle3384 |
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