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Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: What’s the Right Choice?

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Information Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: What’s the Right Choice?

Title :  Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: What’s the Right Choice?
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Frames Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: What’s the Right Choice?

Description Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: What’s the Right Choice?

Comments Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: What’s the Right Choice?

I got a root canal treatment 4 years ago and I recently found out it was reinfected I don't know if I should try to redo the root canal since its been 4 years Does it make a difference how long it has lasted on the success rate of retreatment?
Comment from : @0nyx1a

Save the tooth is always first option I do not trust when they offer to pull it, and we know it can be saved
Comment from : @kyrareneeLOA

Dentistry in this country is just like medical in the law you can get the best if you can afford it it's a shame so expensive
Comment from : @Roy-uu4dg

Hi I a m 15 years oldbrTomorrow I want to do root canal or extraction for my left side second molar teeth 😔 brI have no idea in this position brI really need help form u with a real trust and I think that ur reply will be gods direction ⬆️ br Amen ➕br( Already my right side second molar teeth is extracted itself) 😮
Comment from : @Just10_Ten

Terrible advice!
Comment from : @TAZ-yh3hy

Comment from : @Rue100

Yeah you definitely like returning customers
Comment from : @akorahmaniazar

Root Canal is the best choice Dental Extraction? Worst choice
Comment from : @marcelmyricktv

why are you moving like that it looks like you are at the bathroom or something
Comment from : @ratan4976

Did you know that research in S Nather Berger Washington, US TEETH INTER ENERGY RELATIONS, has shown that different teeth correspond to different parts of the body Misalignment, amalgam filling, root canal Can have adverse effects on those parts of the body Often immune to treatments, until the tooth issue is resolved Check online brbrForms a small part of Whytech, (Why Ailments Occur When They Do?) Identifies originating causes of various ailments When convention is stumped to for an answer and hence leading to resolving the issue with a healthy outcome
Comment from : @RasikRajguru

Comment from : @LungsAhnk

I'm gonna go with an extraction, I don't doubt root canals but from hearing people's experiences, they can fail either from subpar performance by the dentist or fail in the later months/years for random reasons Given my financial status I don't think I could find a high quality dentist or could afford a solution that doesn't have a 100 success rate Take care of your teeth kids, we don't do enough to instill this fear and potentially excruciating pain to children
Comment from : @nasheomirro8102

Her face is giving me anxiety
Comment from : @thesweetestjerk8905

I have had five root canals all five failed in under five years The shortest time was six months longest five years I now will not ever consider another root canal $1,500 For the root canal another $500-$200 for a crown vs $250 For an extraction Implants at $6k are not an option!
Comment from : @gaborkorthy8355

From experience, don’t waste your money … go straight to an extraction and implant
Comment from : @arlencarlson

Just had two root canals They hurt, but Im glad I did brThanks for your input brPS love your enthusiasm & smile 😉
Comment from : @nathanmarchant2175

Just a humble question ,what’s the point to keep a b dead teeth (after removing nerves via root canal )???
Comment from : @emanawan1011

Honestly either way you go there is always a potential for other issues I had a root canal that failed Not less than 5 years later back to either having to get work done again and a surgery, paying for another crown and a filling on the failed tooth! Or other option, get the tooth removedbrbrBack to square one, paying so much to keep a toothbrbrJust sounds like another way to keep you shelling out so much money, sooner than later brbrIf you get it extracted, they don't make as much as can if it was a root canal
Comment from : @DD-qd4dy

Does this post look longer than tooth root
Comment from : @jovandias3807

Does this post look longer than tooth root
Comment from : @jovandias3807

What about having a root canal by Gentle Wave vs the old fashioned root canal? any recommendations?
Comment from : @mustangsally1075

Canal crown $5k dollars 5 visits and need the tooth re-done Pull it👊
Comment from : @michaelmorris9192

I want root canal but I can't afford it
Comment from : @lynyrdvercetti5267

2 arms and 28 teeth don’t compare sweety
Comment from : @kominon

So leave a dead tooth in your body?
Comment from : @richtapping2898

Got emergency dental appointment tomorrow because my tooth is infected and I now got a bloated cheek neck and eye due to the infection and can’t eat due to the bloated I was recommended a implant
Comment from : @Victory_bright

Comment from : @benalexender3046

You will lose your license one day soon Root canal’s are the most toxic thing one can do In Florida they are starting to ban root canals and many dentists are discontinuing them brbrPpl watching this dentist stop brShe’s telling u it’s a better choice to leave a dead tooth in your moth that will eventually at 100 at some point down the line will creat abscess and lead to an infection that can go into your blood stream and cause damage to your brain , heart and much more
Comment from : @papageezerbreezer1269

My right molar is effed up and I’m probably going to get it extracted soon
Comment from : @Aar0nn23

Thank god i had my 2 molars extracted because two of my wisdom grew and didnt get impacted
Comment from : @jm52995

can a root canal perfom in wisdom tooth at an around 45 degree non impacted angle? my doctor said better extract it due to not up-front angle to do root canal and even so hard to maintain cleaniess but i want root canal whats your thought?
Comment from : @Wilson_Chin

Ive had multiple failed root canals Had to have apicoectomy to fix them They did hurt I prefer extractions now
Comment from : @luciferfaust

the root cannal process hurts
Comment from : @mustaphatouray9914

With root canal you still have your natural tooth, but a dead one How can you save the tooth when you literally kill it?
Comment from : @notpinoy

This is sales pitch
Comment from : @lindywoods6256

This video makes me feel like I'm being sold rather than informed
Comment from : @kangarooninja2594

I have bacteria under the root The endodontist could not get it all out I can not take amoxicillin and I may not be a candidate for a bone graph So in this case shouldn’t I have been recommended an extraction? How can I get this fixed now
Comment from : @Mercermm

Tried to get one tooth fixed today first place asked for 4000 i thought that was absolutely wild went to the 2nd place they wanted 7700 no sir or mam im not paying a bmw to fix one tooth and than when they give you the i know its a tough decision pretty spendy wish i could do something to help trying to relate to me mother fucker i just watched you pull up in a 140k Porsche they want you to keep funneling money into problem teeth so you keep coming back im done implant dentures are next goddam snakes
Comment from : @martyaxelsen8494

You can get a graft to have a tooth implant after the tooth is pulled Of course the original tooth is always the best but the implant will stop your teeth from moving after a pull
Comment from : @fleon619

Comment from : @andre1987eph

I've been advised by my dentist that extraction is the way to go My tooth is not decayed beyond root canal, but he told me that since I have severe dental anxiety, and because I'm so young (20), chances are even if the root canal went successfully I would still need to go back and have another on the same tooth in 15 years or so because they don't last forever Therefore extraction would be the kinder route and I can always get an implant down the road if I should want tobrbrJudging by the pain that feels like somebody is taking a hammer to the back lower jaw and the pain jumping from lower to upper every so often, I'd say it's probably the same tooth that's become infected or inflamed again I told them last time that because I was terrified of the extraction idea, we can do the extraction the next time I'm in bad pain with that toothbrbrI guess it's time to have it extracted? I was told a root canal on a back tooth would take 2 hours so Don't think I can last 2 hours
Comment from : @gyrthez246

DO NOT GET A ROOT CANAL!!! 5 days after the procedure and my pain is worse and my jaw feels broken it hurts so bad PULL THAT STUPID TOOTH ITS NOT WORTH SAVING!!!!!!
Comment from : @TrapDray

Root canal vs extraction for wisdom tooth?? Which is best
Comment from : @alwinjones3177

My dentist wrote me up for a "possible root canal" and frankly I think I'll just wait and see If I can just get a crown, good But if worst comes to worst, I'm getting it extracted Literally everything I've ever heard about root canals have been negative
Comment from : @codafett

I got treathed for the root of my 7th tooth in the back of my mouth (the very last tooth) and it took 45 minutes I got so sick after that ،,my mouth and nose went dry for 2weeks and also I got a ton of nose bleed and a lot of mucus which I still has a little after 4 weeks It's been hell I went for restoration (filling) yesterday and I got scared because after the local anesthesia , I felt I'm having trouble breathing and again dry mouth I kept drinking water Still dry And also again nasal congestion (I'm not scared of dentistry or injections or whatever Also I have high pain tolerance I don't know but I think my body, at least my nose have problem with some chemicals Because 5 years ago I had a terrible reaction to a perfume , after that I had terrible breathing for two years Sometimes I couldn't breath even if I opened my mouth widely , nothingbrSo now Can I tell my doctor to just pull out the tooth? I'm gonna get braces anyway And another doctor told me at least one tooth should be pulled outbrCan I request for the 7th? Because I have read 4 or 5 is common not 7 brHelp meeeee
Comment from : @BlueBlhs

I know this was 2 years ago I don't eat on my right side anymore because of the tooth that needed a root canal like almost 2 years ago since I went to the dentist I don't really mind it It would be my second tooth that had a root canal if I get the root canal but the first one fell out because of a popcorn kernal I also wasn't taking good care of my teeth like I am not right now I do floss once in a while I am just tired of eating on my left side of my mouth Its annoying I am 47 I have had only one tooth fall out but need to make my choice I am not getting any younger and I really need to take better care of the rest of my teeth
Comment from : @uhavemooface

Nahhh root canals are the root cause of an endless array of diseases and illnesses No thank you! And when she said screw, there are more holistic "screws" out there made of natural fibers Tooth removal is the safest option
Comment from : @namastea

IMO if you can save the tooth & you have life ahead of you do it !!!!
Comment from : @sonnybandzz1180

How is a root canal truly saving the tooth? Sure, it’s still in your mouth, usually under a crown But it’s dead So, is it really “saved”? I understand your broken arm analogy I have another one: if you have a part of your body that is necrotic (dead tissue) , how is it handled? It is removed You don’t want dead tissue in your body Example: a frostbitten toe that has necrotized is removed
Comment from : @ellekay1721

Why u r moving, acting and giving some awful expression Be normal guy
Comment from : @Peshawar2Dubai

How about an extraction with no implant?
Comment from : @yankychannels

Comment from : @Imraz__Khan

Can you get an extraction and fill the gap with your own teeth (braces)? My tooth is on the side
Comment from : @Eatyoveggiesfoo

Whitney is the hottest woman I have even seen in my life and I would have never thought I would say that about anybody
Comment from : @chrisbarker2700

Paid 1800 bucks for a root canalyear later had to have it pulledwaste of money Not getting another and not getting a implant for $3,00000 That's my travel money!!!!
Comment from : @HeatherCampbell-kc7fx

No doubt root canal is the best choice as I also did one
Comment from : @saniyakalim7883

Comment from : @jetterson7364

Thank you so much I was about to remove my tooth now I am going for root canal
Comment from : @mnimpezagira

um, its extremely fkin painful lol It depends though, not only on the dentist but:br- the severity and condition of the pulp br- how sensitive you are to numbing For me, it takes about 3-4x the normal number of numbing shots to have it be effective My mom's the same
Comment from : @davidkim2016

Downside to root canals are the root canal teeth arent as durable as your live teeth Dont be eating popcorn or hard nuts n stuff Other than that as long as you have a dentist u trust, its no different than a slightly more involved cavity Ive had multiple done cause ive neglected my teeth at times in life and theyve all held up except for 1 crown that broke after like 8 years or so My dentist redid it for a fraction of the price so it definitely pays to find someone whos solid and stands behind their work I been seeing the same dentist since around 2010 or so In terms of pain, the most pain from the procedure is the numbing at the beginning I just look away from the needle and its not bad at all If you have extreme tooth pain, you will be super relieved once they numb you up and remove the root Its amazing
Comment from : @cheehee808_

Extraction of impant?
Comment from : @chrisbow1776

why would you stay with dead tissue in ur mouth?
Comment from : @florinwizz

I went to an entodontist for my root canal in Feb 2024, Tooth #18 I got the root canal done, and my normal dentist couldn't get my Crown appointment until Dec 2024 Mid April my root canal tooth got infected, and was on anti-biotics for 10 days Forward to early May, I ate a tortilla chip, and that tooth cracked right down the middle, it broke in 3 places I ended up getting it pulled It cost me about 1500$ for everything I should of just got it pulled, but I wanted to "try" to save my tooth it failed miserably Never again will I get a root canal
Comment from : @jefferykazimer

I had a root canal when I was 10 and it kept failing amd i had to get it redone 6 times After had myforst child, it became very infected and had to be extracted brNow i have another tooth that needs a root canal amd im terrfied about it
Comment from : @st-dt4zv

If the tooth does not need to be removed yet, but it can still be treated, it needs to be treated Why is this video even necessary? it is necessary to remove the tooth if nothing can be done with the tooth at all and, moreover, you still need to have money for the implant
Comment from : @zhennik263

Has anyone on here had a root canal on tooth 25 how did it go?
Comment from : @bethknapp2736

Can root canal are able to join if little bit damage is there
Comment from : @kabitabhattrai9236

My army dentist screwed the first root canal 8 years later I had to get it redone by an endodntist he said it’s a 60 chance of success, we’ll see
Comment from : @MA-qz1sd

I just went mexico to one of the best places to do a root canal for 1/4 of the cost
Comment from : @josegodines99

Your natural dead tooth? What is natural about that?
Comment from : @PapaKrak

Pull my shit out I ain’t got time
Comment from : @maxxcupid

im getting 3 root canals 2 on the left and 1 on the right, im so scared and tried to find a place to give me laughing gass but ill have to wait 4 months and i have to get it done fast one of them already chipped
Comment from : @angelisarivera5921

Go to specialist
Comment from : @blackbabychocobo7179

Maam could you please suggest me that I am facing swollen gums after 2 months of my RCT and that too my tooth is left open after multiple cleanings brSo maam please if you could help me out I will be highly grateful for your help
Comment from : @dezz8797

I have tried root canals and they have all failed So now I am just going with an implant
Comment from : @philschiavone101

Hope i had watched this video after tooth extraction 😢😢😢😢😢 Age24 yrs pray for healing soon
Comment from : @mahamfaisal840

I went to my dentist who sent me to enodontist to do root canal He couldn't get me numb enough and my choices were to come back and try again, get knocked out and 3rdly have it pulled I had it pulled it was considered a failed root canal
Comment from : @barbaragurl1769

I would suggest an extraction I had a root canal done by a general dentist and it was not done correctly so if you are going to get a root canal, go to an endodontist Overall, I would just say extract the tooth if it's in the back
Comment from : @WomanOfWisdom91

one works 100 of the time, and never again will you deal with it (extraction) brThe other hsa a 20-50 failure rate eventually and costs a ton of money, and takes multiple visists resulting in like 4-8 hours time
Comment from : @DaveTheeMan-wj2nk

Why the natural tooth is better than implant? brThe taste of good changes?brLasts longer?
Comment from : @tammyzhang

Video is clearly sponsored by the pro-root canal forces who make $1,500 - $2,000 whetger tooth survives or not fespite often having a 50 or greater cjamce of the tooth being unsalvageable I spent $1,800 for root canal on a tooth q a vertical crack that showed itself on the X-ray The endosontist was a thieving lying whore Root canal is a xlunucal form of racketeering between family dentist n endodontist playing catch fir big bucs with the unknowing patient!
Comment from : @charleschiselcarfagnochise6483

You are extremely annoying Sit still! Stop shouting! Put better information in your crappy video!
Comment from : @UncleLee87

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