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I work in a US retail shop, and long after our northern neighbor, Canada, discontinued their penny (1 cent) piece, I still find quite a few Canadian pennies when counting our tills It didn't help that at one time, many US/Canadian coins had the same color, size, and value (not for exchange) Since change means about nothing now due to inflation, I count a Canadian coin as a US coin Comment from : @disoriented1 |
The Unite States never made pennies; we always made cents Get it? An old bar room scam was to bet someone he couldn't name the president on the $10 bill You can't win that bet because Alexander Hamilton was never president He was the first secretary of the treasury Comment from : @prischm5462 |
They still print $2 bills The last batch (from what I could find) was 2017 Comment from : @rohan1970b |
I like the different sizes with British money, it seems easier for seeing impared people Comment from : @Idonotwantayoutubehandle |
We had a 50 cent coin actually it had JFK on it ,I remember in second grade we had to draw change to make up a certain amount of cents and one was fifty cents instead of drawing two quarters or whatever I drew the 50 cent coin and my teacher laughed that ik what that was ,and last time I checked they still make 2 dollar bills there's just not alot in circulation your local bank should have them Comment from : @yusukelee9590 |
We tried going to a one dollar coin briefly back a couple decades ago Americans were not happy with it Comment from : @Maeshalanadae |
Give me the Dead Presidents green all day long Even if the pound is pumping harder due to it's connection with the European But overall give me that green!!!! 💲💲💲💲😂 And the US refreshes the dollar all the way up to the 20 all the time Actually they have a spontaneous way of doing it To keep the fake ones on their toes If they're having a big changethey will tell you to go to your Bank and the banks will exchange your old for new for lateral value And they literally will start getting the businesses to change out So you don't even really have to go to your bank they will do it for you You'll see a new bill and within a year that bill is the main deal for that currency But you can always spend the old currency as well the dollar doesn't expire Comment from : @pharaoh2537 |
You have play moneylol Comment from : @artyanez7734 |
😂 I’ve got a few $2 bills! My grandma collects them and will sometimes give them to us I’m also shocked she didn’t pull out a dollar coin or a half dollar coin! They’re my personal favorites Comment from : @Kaybri0526 |
I wonder why they didn't show dollar coins? I really like the Sacagawea dollar coin They are more common than $2 bills at least Also I love cash, I hate that it is going away but, it seems that society abhors privacy these days so it is inevitable I suppose Comment from : @verablack3137 |
Wallets/Billfolds & cash register/till drawer slots in the US are designed with uniform bill sizes in mind Can anyone tell me how carrying UK notes of all different sizes works for putting them in a wallet or a till drawer? Also, different-sized bills would make the bill readers in vending machines, change machines, self-checkout registers, etc, have to be much more complicated Does anybody have any firsthand knowledge of these issues? TIA! Comment from : @lawyergrits |
We also have silver dollars not anymore I don't think but we have 50 cent pieces and we have gold dollar coins we also had wooden nickels and Confederate money back from the Confederacy Comment from : @rogerwolfe3053 |
All the British notes and coins have different shapes and sizes , this is to aid visually impaired people Comment from : @gutinstinct4067 |
The US did have a $1 coin It had Susan B Anthony on it She was an American Women's Right Activist Comment from : @davidcohen1424 |
We have fifty cent pieces in America They weren’t showed Comment from : @PluggedInMedia01 |
They could really get into more detail about American money There are some very interesting details on the bills And with the Lincoln penny, you can take a magnifying glass and see the statue of Lincoln inside the Lincoln Memorial which is on the back of the penny Comment from : @hrussell9677 |
I prefer American bills-I like that they are all the same size and I also like the green color in them To me, most foreign money looks like Monopoly money While the designs can be pretty, it all doesn’t seem real like American green backs That is just what I’m used to, even though I travel quite a bit Comment from : @hrussell9677 |
I like the more traditional look of US notes, but they lack some of the practicality of the UK notes (for example, the differing sizes for each note being very helpful for those with visual impairments) That said, the $1 bill's design has been basically unchanged since 1935 and is really long in the tooth Unfortunately, it's design is currently barred by law from being updated so that vending machine companies don't have to update their bill acceptorsyes, really I wish they had shown the back side of the $2 note; it features a reproduction of Trumbull's painting, "The Declaration of Independence," that's quite striking and is the only design that breaks with the "dead guy on the front, monument on the back" formula (for the moment: proposed redesigns for the $5, $10, and $20 will all be showing notable historical events/people on their reverses, more in line with the UK notes) Comment from : @kevinkern2149 |
I made a graduation lei of all 200 US bills for my granddaughter's graduation ceremony because she graduated in 2000 We also have have the gold Sacagawea Dollar coin I seem to always have a few of those from change I receive Comment from : @emmef7970 |
a lot of restaurants are cash only to avoid all the charges businesses have to pay to take credit cards Comment from : @TVAT64 |
They change up the designs periodically now, but I think for the majority of the 20th century there was little or no change to the design They did add the security strips in the 90s, but there were really no major redesigns from the 1920s to the early 2000s As far as cashless society, I probably use cash maybe once or twice a year if that and it's been that way for more than 15 years There are people who still just use cash, though Comment from : @MannyBrum |
We redesign our bills, and it feels pretty constant if you're a cashier who doesn't know I once asked a customer "what the fuck is this??" Hahabrbr(I had never seen orange money) Comment from : @SansAziza |
Must suck to be a stripper in Britain Instead of getting rained on with cash they get hailed on by heavy coins Lmao Comment from : @irollerblade13 |
I don't know why Laurence said that there isn't a fifty pence equivalent There is the Kennedy half dollar ($50) Its like the $200 bill and not universally in circulation but it exists There is also 2 special quarters for each state from each mint in Denver and Philadelphia Its marked on the coin Comment from : @cecily3766 |
The polymer is also supposed to make it last longer I heard a stat many years ago that the US 1 dollar bill tended to only last for 18 months before it degraded to the point it couldn’t be usedbrbrWe also do have a half-dollar or a 50 cent piece but it hasn’t been in circulation for a while and has gotten more rare today than it was in my youth in the 1980s It has John F Kennedy on it Comment from : @ericbarlow6772 |
The uk money so ugly Comment from : @raymondsmith7693 |
Yeah, not too long ago, the $10 bill was changed to a slightly more yellowy color Also, the portraits of the Presidents/Founding Fathers have been enlarged on newer bills Comment from : @ms_scribbles |
The US does have a $050 coin, usually just called a "fifty cent piece" They are not common, but are legal tender and still in circulation Once in a while you come across one The US does change the design, but not too often, and usually to add anti-counterfitting features For example, the billd used to all have frames around the portraits and did not have the colors you see today Comment from : @persephonebonner5733 |
I'm just glad I never had to deal with the OLD British money system of pounds, shillings and pence It's right up there with the Harry Potter money system for confusing Comment from : @davideasterling2729 |
🇺🇸I’ve handled both and equally like both… they buy me stuff! The Churchill “fivah” is mean looking Comment from : @leannewilson7184 |
I like the way our US money is Why change something that isn't broken or imitate another country's currency? Comment from : @dominique9934 |
So, why does the 1 cent coin in Britain have the word penny on it? Shouldn't it read "one pence" instead of "one penny"? Comment from : @ryanje8147 |
I wonder how much the British people are going to have to fork out to have all their coins and bills re-issued after Queen Elizabeth passes away!? Comment from : @daricetaylor737 |
Their using 5 pence coins instead of dimes makes sense They're so close to Canada, that cashiers -- who routinely take Canadian dimes in place of American ones -- could easily make the same mistake Comment from : @twenty3enigma |
There are occasional changes in US currency, but they are not frequent -- nor at any set number of years Various ideas are bandied about at the Treasury and, occasionally, a proposal is brought to Congress -- which needs to sign off on any changes Comment from : @twenty3enigma |
There used to be a $10,000 note with the face of the pretty obscure Salmon P Chase -- a former Secretary of the Treasury Any which are still technically "in circulation" are undoubtedly in private collections -- since their rarity makes their value well in excess of the $10,000 face value Comment from : @twenty3enigma |
I never use cash Comment from : @perfumedelight66 |
We had a $50 piece and called them a Kennedy Half Comment from : @sweetangiegirl1 |
I like the British currency better than USA’s It just makes more sense Color code, size etc Comment from : @perfumedelight66 |
That Dollar coin you have is a silver dollar don't use that it's worth it weight in silver that's for collecting Comment from : @jamesmclaughlin3460 |
I like ares probably because I've been looking at them four 62 years Ares are kinda plain Comment from : @jamesmclaughlin3460 |
They missed the fifty cent piece It's got JFK on it You don't often see them in circulation, but they are out there and legal tender Comment from : @msdarby515 |
Canadian Money looks a lot like British except all our bills are the same size Comment from : @iabconsulting |
All us money was green until 2006 when we got the current designs The 1$ bill wasn’t changed but all the other bills werebrbrEach bill has a large portrait of whoever is on each bill, before they had ovals around them but they removed the ovals in 2006 brbrThe 5 is purple in the middle with green on the ends, the 10 is mostly yellow with a couple red accents, the 20 is mostly green, the 50 has a lot of red on it and the 100 is mostly blue Comment from : @brandonaston2261 |
$2 bills are very much still a thing and are not rare Comment from : @themoviedealers |
I prefer a card Why? Because it's very, very convenient No matter what I want to buy, using a card, I always have the correct amount Also, I don't like to get all that change and smaller bills Using a card, at the end of the month, I get my statement, electronically, and I make my card payment, in full, electronically Easy, easy!! Plus, using the card all the time you have a complete record, history of ALL of your spending and that can be used for many things ie - tax purposes/write offs Comment from : @USA2601-q9q |
We do have a half dollar coin I cashier at Walmart and we get them sometimes We will also sometimes get $2 bills as well Comment from : @lostmyshoe2294 |
American paper money is a challenge for the blind Our bills are the same size I do not know how blind people tell the difference between them Comment from : @lever0811 |
We used to have a $500, a $1,000, a $5,000, a $10,000 and a $100,000 bill Comment from : @george217 |
I still remember the old UK monetary system Now THAT was confusing Comment from : @george217 |
I prefer cash for numerous reasons First, with a card, it's way too easy to spend more money than you think when you swipe for everything Second, in an emergency, cash is still useful when power, computers, ATMs, etc are unavailable (as long as people still know how to do math) And finally, it just feels good to have a bit of cold hard cash in your pocket for whatever reason you like Comment from : @davideasterling2729 |
USA notes are all the same size so if your blind how do u tell what note it is Comment from : @philiphind7830 |
we americans do have a 50 cent coin, JFK is on the front but they stopped printing them in 2002 Comment from : @noraa1991 |
They forgot to mention golden dollars I don't know if it's still the case, but when I used to ride the train to college, the ticket vending machine will always give change in the form of golden dollars If you put a $20 bill in the machine, and hit the refund button, you would get back 20 golden dollars Comment from : @kazeryu17 |
lol make a deposit lol basically i have to poop Churchhill looks like hes making a deposit alright the British currency looks similar to the Australian one in materials with the plastic film running through it they changed the colors ever so slightly with and band running across 100 dollar bills 10 and 20s and 50s having blue and orange hues think monopoly color scheme I still keep a 2 dollar note in my wallet for good luck its an American thing but don't know if that is still a thing with the youth today to keep a 2 dollar bill folded in your wallet i have one since i was 18 Comment from : @miamianz |
i haven’t seen a store that you can’t use cash (post covid) Comment from : @mikehunt368 |
We have a 50¢ peace Your money would be better for people with vision problems Comment from : @reginaheineman564 |
Credit card companies charge a percentage to facilitate payments Usually 1-4 of the total sale So, 'cash only' businesses make that much more in profit when they cut out the extra fees going to credit card companies Comment from : @thseed7 |
It would really annoy me to have different size bills based on value Comment from : @izorion6443 |
They mention the US $2 bill but not the US Half-Dollar with President John F Kennedy on it Comment from : @Jedi_Master_Obi-Wan_Kenobi66 |
It has bean changed but very small changes Comment from : @ThoseWhoStayUofM |
You should do some Jomboy "Breakdown" videos Check out The Domino Effect of Baseball Also check out some of his fight breakdowns They are epic and his lip reading talent is legendary Comment from : @agent1543 |
There is one missing coin, the half dollar/fifty cent piece I got them at the bank and we're tooth fairy money for my kids They loved that great big coin They are not used much There is no place for them in cash register drawer Comment from : @susandevinenapoli7649 |
I would lIke our USA paper currency to be similar to Australia…Made of plastic so it can survive long periods of time underwater Comment from : @AxelFoleyDetroitLions |
I collect coins…I wish they would show some Mercury dimes, Peace Dollars, buffalo Nickels, Half Dollars, indian pennies, Wheat pennies…etc etc etcbrUSA used to have a large Penny…i have some 2pence coins from Canada and Europe…brI also have a 3 cent Nickel from the civil war Comment from : @AxelFoleyDetroitLions |
Hey Kabir, quick 4-minute clip on wild weather in America that I think you'll find interesting, a news update on the current California wildfires and huge floods back east in Kentucky Poor Kentucky That's the same state that got hit by that whopper tornado last December that hit the Amazon warehousebrbrI dunno if I can post a link, so look for the YouTube channel "PBS Newshour" and find the recent vid, "Extreme conditions in California and Kentucky force thousands from their homes" brbr warning, the piece about Kentucky is as devastating as tornado aftermath vids; there's been loss of life and property The California segment includes a brief video clip of what, exactly, tends to set off most of our fires, when it's not high winds sparking power lines from our ageing electrical grid Comment from : @ellenbryn |
I like our cash the way it is because it looks so "Government" to me and i kinda wish they made them look more illuminati'ish aswell i like the demonic almost feel it has Comment from : @VegaTakeOver |
I no longer carry cash Everything I pay for is through my debit card or through my paypal account on my phone(since samsung pay wont attach to my card but will with paypal!)brThe only time I have money is for vanity reasons, old bills mostlybrbrI work in a restaurant and when it comes to cash handling I would absolutely prefer everyone to have cards or phone payments You can reduce the human error when it comes to money going out wrong However I do know there are concerns with "digital money" and they are valid To me, it's just faster and as I said eliminates counting issuesbrThe 50 dollar bill is pinkish and the 100 dollar bill is blue, toobrWe do have 2 dollar bills, and the only people Ive seen who don't think they are legal currency are younger folks, 15-20 in age They do print those every few years I know for sure they printed some in 2017 but I also do believe they were printed in 2019 Those are pretty much vanity too, in the restaurant setting I will only see a few dozen or so per yearbrbrWe do have the 50c coin, but the production stopped in 2002 As you already know there are the dollar coins as well, you have the silver dollar which really isn't currency per se but the more widely used ones are copper with a manganese brass coatingbrThese will be struck for the next 10 or so years memorializing innovators from each state (I believe, with 4 per year) That started a few years agobrbrAs a final note, I really do hope that the western economies work together to balance their currencies together so they can be traded in every country That way a 1 dollar bill will be the same was 1 euro and 1 pound, and even 1 dollar(canada) They are already kept very close together but it's gotta happen Should be able to be easily done no matter what without interfering in the sovereignty of each nation, I would think But perhaps not Comment from : @bedinor |
Australia invented the polymer notes Comment from : @geofftottenperthcoys9944 |
I'm surprised they didn't mention US dollar coins, of which there have been several unsuccessful attempts to replace paper dollar bills over the years Currently there are Sacagawea dollar coins, and a line of presidential dollar coins The old Susan B Anthony dollar coins from the early 80s were too easily confused with a quarter Comment from : @gotham61 |
US paper money are called "bills" not "notes"brWe have $1 bills, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100brCoins: 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, $1 coin Comment from : @bigbake132 |
The fact that US bills are all the same size creates a major hurdle for the blind A US bill is exactly six inches long, so it can be used to measure things in a pinch Comment from : @gotham61 |
Yours Comment from : @lizzie5367 |
That’s why they’re called greenbacks Comment from : @smyelin1328 |
Point of pride: we don't have Queen Liz on our moneybrOne prominent American was Thomas Jefferson who wrote the "Declaration of Independence" but also contributed to the French Bill of RightsbrI respect Britain but countries like Canada, Australia are still allegiant to the Queen Mother and I find it ridiculous Comment from : @kimberlys8422 |
Hey now you know we have a recent new dollar coin in the US too right? The Sacagawea dollar coin you can get them in almost all of the vending machines for change nowbrbr$2 bills are not obsolete most strip clubs have them Comment from : @lauratukey3584 |
You have to pay credit card companies some fees if u use their services, that’s why some businesses use only cash Comment from : @icycold9406 |
I prefer my bills all in the same size Comment from : @icycold9406 |
I have to say, British money looks like play money… Comment from : @icycold9406 |
Currency does get updated every few years and it's always with new anti-counterfiet features Comment from : @michaelbateman8469 |
I have a few of the old £1 coins that were thick and heavy silver Have you seen our $1 Eisenhower Dollar? I think I have 25 of them Comment from : @INDYANDY4C |
As an American I prefer your dollar bills better, the difference in color and size As far as coins go I prefer our coins Comment from : @LisaD-1969 |
Yes, all of our paper money in the US is the same size, and yes, we do update the decor and stylings of our bills Back in the earlier days we would have headings on our bills, stating a silver or gold certificate, meaning that bill could be traded in for its worth in either gold or silver So if I had a $20 bill and it said “Gold Certificate” at the top of the face, I could walk in and get $20 worth of gold in a trade Those no longer are in circulation, as now instead of the national bank, we now have the federal reserve I might be wrong over that reasoning, but I believe that was the reason for the discontinued certificatesbrbrAlso, Alexander Hamilton ($10) and Benjamin Franklin ($100) are the only people on our paper currency who did not hold the office as president Franklin was a statesman and the first ambassador to England after the revolution, and Hamilton founded the first American National Bank Both were signers of the Declaration of Independence if I’m not mistaken Comment from : @serpentisma |
Pour one out for the American Half Dollar coin or the Gold Dollar Coin Both very real and still used by people Although rarely I personally prefer the uniform size of the American Dollars, but would like to see it more diversified as far as color and aesthetics They started shading most denominations different colors but the new $100 went buck wild and I'm here for it I wouldn't mind seeing the rest get a similar makeover RIP greenbacks Comment from : @bowlympicshero |
Now you can understand why American bills are called “greenbacks” Comment from : @douggaijin |
Cash is kingbrbrI very rarely use a card Like maybe 3-4 times a month I use cash almost exclusively Comment from : @ZootSuitJZ |
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